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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Challenge #40

    To celebrate all the super hero/comic book movies that are coming out this summer, this weeks challenge is all about Bad A$$ Ladies, specifically comic book/super heroes/sidekicks/villains.

    fan fic

    The Little Red-Haired Girl

    The fireman carried the child to the ambulance so she could be checked out by the paramedics, the older man following close behind. The girl was covered in soot head to toe. So much so that one couldn’t tell the color of her clothing. One shoe was missing and her big green eyes blinked in the brightness of the sun in the sky above Stalingrad, her skinny arms around his neck holding on for dear life.

    When the paramedic tried to put her down, she cried and held on tighter, tears making tracks in the dirt on her face. Ivan didn’t blame her. She’d just seen her parents killed in a fire that had burned their home to the ground. The girl herself had been the only survivor due to his actions. Dr. Ivan Petrovitch, a behavioral psychologist, just happened to be driving by when he saw the house ablaze. Unfortunately, he hadn’t been able to save the parents.

    The child, no more than seven, shivered as the paramedics placed an oxygen mask over her mouth and nose, and wrapped her in a warm blanket. The female paramedic placed her on the stretcher, strapped her down, cleaned the dirt from her left hand and inserted an IV.

    “Will she be alright?” Ivan was concerned when the girl began coughing. The male paramedic examined him as well, and he bore the man’s attention with quiet dignity and grace instead of the annoyance he felt for those he considered his inferiors.

    “She’ll be in hospital for a few days, but will be fine.”

    Ivan climbed up into the ambulance for the ride to the hospital. “She has no other family. Where will she go?”

    “The orphanage, and hopefully from there she will be adopted.”

    On the drive to the hospital, Ivan talked quietly with the child, Natalia Romanova. She would be a perfect addition to his newest project with the government.

    Over the next few days, Ivan kept in contact with the hospital to get updates on Natalia’s condition. He even visited once, but she hadn’t spoken, just stared despondently out the window. The day she was released, he had been in a conference with the doctors with whom he would work on the project. They already had close to twenty subjects, but there was just something about Natalia that told him she would be his greatest triumph.

    When the weekend came, Ivan took the long drive out to the orphanage, spoke with the doctors and administrators, filled out the necessary forms and then was taken to the play yard. There, among the other children laughing and playing, little Natalia sat alone under a tree. Some of the children tried to get her to join them in a game, but she just shook her head and went back to watching the clouds.

    “There she is.” Ivan nodded.

    The administrator took off his glasses, cleaned and replaced them. “Which one again? We have so many new children just arrived this week.”

    “There. Under the tree.” He tried to smile kindly, and it must have worked because the man smiled back. “The little red-haired girl.”

    Now that he’d pointed out her most prominent feature, the man nodded. He spoke briefly with one of the women watching over the children. She went to the girl and led her to them. “Hello, Natalia. I am Dr. Utkin and this is Dr. Petrovitch.”

    Natalia looked up at Ivan with those big green, innocent eyes. He crouched down in front of the girl. “Hello, Natalia. I’m your new father and you’re going to come live with me.”

    The only response from Natalia was to take his hand. He got to his feet and they walked to his car together. One of the matrons had already packed the girl’s meager belongings, most of which had been donated to the orphanage, and included a stuffed bear. She clutched it to her chest as she settled into the back seat. Ivan would let her keep it for now, but later, it would be taken from her as there was no place for the display of sentimentality and weakness in the Black Widow project. Such things would be replaced with more important matters, if his life’s work was to come to fruition.

    Over his shoulder he said, “We’ll be there soon, Natalia, and you’ll meet the other children with whom you will be living. Would you like that?”

    After a long moment, Natalia spoke for the first time. “Yes, Father."

    *Part 1*

    The Little Red-Haired Girl
    Chapter 2

    While Natalia awaited her turn for the obstacle course, she performed her warm-up routine. Normally, she would get at the front of the line to set the bar high for the others. She was the best and was frequently on the receiving end of insults and name calling. Dr. Petrovitch showed a marked preference for her over the others, giving her special treatment, and the other girls hated it. Of all the girls who lived with her, she was the only one who had a room to herself. She’d argued against it, but he was adamant that she needed to be alone in order to get adequate sleep.

    She’d spent the last five years living in this cold, institutional building and remembered little of her parents. Occasionally, she would have dreams of awakening in the middle of the night to find her bedroom filled with smoke. Sleeping in with the other girls had made the nights she woke up screaming and gasping for air a little more bearable. Now that she was alone at night, she’d learned to muffle the sounds with her pillow before the matron heard and she was punished for getting out of bed for a drink or to splash water on her face.

    The line moved again and as she took her place she pictured the course in her mind so that when it was time, she would be ready.

    The shrill sound of the starting whistle blasted in her right ear, but that didn’t impact her concentration at all. Vaulting into a flat out run, she jumped the hurdles one after another without touching them then climbed up the fence, over the top and down the other side.

    At the mud pit, she grabbed the long rope and swung, lifting her feet and letting go at the apex of the swing to land in a crouch. Breaking into a run, she rounded the huge tree and headed back. When she reached the balance beam, she didn’t slow down.

    Jumping off the end, she rushed to the monkey bars. The near end was lower than the far end, each of the first five bars lower than the previous one then they angled up again until she was six feet off the ground. On the last bar, she swung herself to get momentum, letting go at just the right point to allow her to land on the bottom rung of the rope ladder.

    She swarmed up to the top and down the back. Running to the opposite end, she lifted her knees high as she ran the tire obstacle.

    Next up was a water hazard that was meant to resemble a small stream that she would have to leap over, which she did with ease.

    A blank wall was just ahead. Picking up speed, she used her feet to push herself high enough to reach the top, flip over and jump down the other side. Another wall behind that one had a square cut out of it that resembled a window. Pushing off with both feet, she dove through, rolled to her feet, picking up speed until she crossed the finish line well ahead of her opponent. A nurse was there with cups of cool water and a towel to wipe her face and neck with.

    The hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as the feeling of being watched made her want to run and hide. Walking in a circle to let her heart rate come down slowly, she saw Dr. Petrovitch standing in the shadow of the dormitory. Without even a nod of acknowledgment, he turned and went back inside.

    Natalia didn’t know why he watched her so closely, but she didn’t like it. There was nothing she could do about it and so did not give it another thought.

    The other girls glared at her as the trainer herded them inside to shower and have lunch. Today marked the first day of a new type of training. The instructors wouldn’t say what it entailed except that it was important that they do well or they would be out of the program.

    That thought frightened Natalia. Time could be filled with studying or practicing her physical skills. But knowing that she’d failed the only father she knew was the most frightening of all.


    Ivan watched Natalia on the screen as she completed the obstacle course in record time. None of the other girls had run, jumped, climbed, crawled and swung through the physical tests with the same skill and accuracy. She had also taken to the martial arts and hand-to-hand training with enthusiasm often injuring her trainers.

    Younger than the others by a year, he could foresee a day when she too would succumb to the changes that were inevitable. The signs were already there-she’d grown a full two inches taller in the last two months. And according to her blood work, it was only a matter of time before she began to have a cycle. He’d seen it with the other girls. During those days, they would complain of pain in their lower abdomens, headaches, anger, irritability, fatigue, lack of energy, the loss of concentration. For her to be able to perform the intended functions of the Black Widows in the future, something had to be done now.

    *Part 2*

    Natalia was his most promising subject, his shining triumph in a career that had been undistinguished until he’d caught the attention of the head of the KGB, Nikolai Solovynov. The minister had seen Ivan’s potential to create the ultimate weapon against their enemies. One from which very few men would be immune. The only drawback to using females was their monthly physical imperatives that began with the onset of puberty.

    In a separate area of the Red Room research facility, that team had come up with a way to halt the imperatives without stunting the growth of the individual. It had been tried with others and had failed. In several cases, they girls had bled to death or it had created mental difficulties that excluded them from the program.

    Ivan turned to his assistant, a young and very bright geneticist by the name of Artyom Kuznetsov taking notes on a clipboard. “Begin administering the serum tonight. Half cc to start. Take blood every three days, increasing the dosage as the need arises.”

    The Beginning







      part two....





        Challenge #41

        This week's idea is from The Lady Blue.

        Let's show the doctors some love!! Focus your art and fan fic on the doctors and medical staff. For Stargate that would include Fraiser, Lam, Beckett, Keller, Nurse Cho, etc.

        But you can also focus on any doctor or medical staff from any TV show or movie. This is not limited to just Stargate.

        entries due to me Monday August 11th by noon your time.


          How about a Doctor of Astrophysics?

          Sig by ME.


            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            How about a Doctor of Astrophysics?


            What about a master of pretty colouring? That is beautiful, RiG!
            Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
            Aristides de Sousa Mendes


              Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
              What about a master of pretty colouring? That is beautiful, RiG!
              what she said ^ I like it RiG


                Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                What about a master of pretty colouring? That is beautiful, RiG!
                Thank you!

                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                what she said ^ I like it RiG

                UGH! Working on another entry but Gimp keeps freezing up on me! TWICE NOW!!! Totally forgot to save my work as I went the first time...though I hadn't gotten very far. And, this time, I did save it a few times but not after the last addition I made to the sig. So, like I said...UGH!
                Sig by ME.


                  Alright, finished it. And I went with a doctor of Quantum Physics...among other things...

                  It didn't come out quite how I envisioned it but that's okay.
                  Sig by ME.


                    This is more like it...

                    ...just love this show.
                    Sig by ME.


                      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                      Alright, finished it. And I went with a doctor of Quantum Physics...among other things...


                      It didn't come out quite how I envisioned it but that's okay.
                      It has a sepia, vintage look. I like it!

                      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                      This is more like it...


                      ...just love this show.
                      And that is just awesome..
                      Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                      Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                        Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                        It has a sepia, vintage look. I like it!

                        And that is just awesome..
                        Thank you.
                        Sig by ME.


                          Copter has some family coming in for a visit and so the challenge has been extended. Entries are due noon your time Mon Aug 18th.


                            Coolies. More time to make more art.
                            Sig by ME.


                              Hi everyone, anyone here see the photo shoot of Jensen for Harpers Bazaar China for Sept.?

                              I saw pics on IMBD and pinterest, and Twitter. There are four. My iPad melted, then I passed out... .

                              Nobody worry, I'm fine...and if anyone's worried about what might happen to J after SPN, fear not...he can always resurrect his career as a model.

                              How do I get my hands on that magazine, hope I don't need to go to China to do that. Omg I think I'm gonna faint again. Gotta go!


                                I saw them on FB...

                                SO FREAKING HOT!!!

                                ...and, yeah, I want the magazine too.
                                Sig by ME.

