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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Little Creek View Post
    Thanks so much, Jen! I always enjoy your caps! You were especially generous with caps of the shower scene.
    Well... Glad you like them


      Challenge #29

      Make a visual representation of any Stargate episode {SG1, SGA or SGU or any of the movies}
      But you cannot use any SG related caps or words in your art.

      I will give everyone a day or two to guess what each one is and then I will post the answers.










      I thought I'd go back & do a challenge or two that I'd missed.

      The first is Secondary Character

      And then there is Favourite Alien
      Last edited by mrscopterdoc; 28 April 2014, 01:02 PM.


        Challenge #30

        First I want to thank everyone who took the time to answer my survey, I really appreciate it!

        The overwhelming response was everyone wants to learn more technical, specific aspects, even more specifically blending/filters/composition. But, lots said they dislike tutorials because they get lost, or it doesn't make sense. I am not sure how to do a challenge about something that people want to learn more about without using a tutorial, so I am going to try this.....

        This weeks challenge is about blending. You must take 3 different pictures, and blend them together. The challenge is to make them look like one picture.

        If you are able, make 2 separate pieces of art. You can use the same 3 pictures on both pieces of art, just blend them differently, OR use 6 total [or more] different pictures. Making 2 pieces of art just gets you blending more, more practice makes perfect!

        Forgive me for using old sigs of mine, but here are examples of what I mean:

        This one does only have 2 pictures blended, but they are just examples.

        There are several different ways to blend pictures: eraser, gradients, layer masks, cropping and blurring just to name a few. There is no wrong or right way to do blending. If it gets the job done and you are happy with it, then that is all that matters.

        If you use Gimp, and you need help, try looking here. They are very basic step by step guides in erasing, layers and mask layers among other things. I did them a long time ago, but several people have told me that they have helped. If you are still totally stuck, let me know and I will see what I can do to help.

        I am no expert in blending or Gimping, far from it, but I have learned some tips over the years about blending......try to pick a subject you like. Say you thunk Sheppard. Pick pictures of him to work with and it will be more fun then say pictures of flowers. Unless you like flowers. Try to pick pictures that are somewhat that same. Try 3 pictures of Sheppard from the same episode or same season. A picture of Sheppard and then Joe Flanigan on the beach might not be as easy to blend. Pick pictures that don't have other people in the background that you will have to cut out unless that is the only picture you can possibly use. Spending time looking for a picture that you don't have to crop people and things out of to use is worth the time spent looking rather than trying to get rid of stuff. Even better are promotional pictures with a solid color background and nothing else in the way. Promo pics are what I used for my Dean sig above in the example. In the Sheppard sig, I used pics of just him from the same episode, and just used the cap background to blend them seamlessly together.

        If you have any questions about this challenge, or a specific blending technique, you can PM me or just post it. That way I can answer it and maybe someone else has the same question and it will answer for them too.

        Entries are due to me by noon your time, Monday May 5th.


          I'd just like to point out that the shot of the stargate in my piece is not from a screencap. It's just a picture of the SGA gateroom. I think it's a wp actually. Not sure if it falls under the category of someone else's artwork since it's just a picture of the gateroom, nothing done to it, no personalizations or anything. That said, I forgot that we weren't supposed to use SG caps in our art and I feel like an idjit for using the picture I used even though it's not a screencap.

          Blending is definitely something I could learn more about.
          Sig by ME.


            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            I'd just like to point out that the shot of the stargate in my piece is not from a screencap. It's just a picture of the SGA gateroom. I think it's a wp actually. Not sure if it falls under the category of someone else's artwork since it's just a picture of the gateroom, nothing done to it, no personalizations or anything. That said, I forgot that we weren't supposed to use SG caps in our art and I feel like an idjit for using the picture I used even though it's not a screencap.

            Blending is definitely something I could learn more about.
            quit worrying! you are fine! You didn't break any challenge rules

            so get to blending!!


              Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
              quit worrying! you are fine! You didn't break any challenge rules
              Okay, okay, okay! Sheesh!

              so get to blending!!
              I'll do it tomorrow. It's after 10pm and I'm tired. I have a painfull canker sore and this morning I woke up with a sore throat. And now I'm stuffy. I'm falling apart!!!
              Sig by ME.


                Just found this that I made last year...

                ...not sure it counts for the challenge...there are 3 pics though. Actually, now I think of it, there are actually 4 pics...two pics are overlapped with the top pic (close-up of Dean's face) very opaque so that the bottom pic (skull) is visible. Oh well.

                It is an example of blending anyway.
                Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 28 April 2014, 06:26 PM.
                Sig by ME.



                  Do textures et. al. count for the three pictures?

                  I don't know why I'm having trouble with this.
                  Sig by ME.


                    Another one that I think fits the bill...

                    ...mind you I'm looking through some older sigs that I made.
                    Sig by ME.


                      An oldie but a goodie...


                      I remember we all went Gimp/PS crazy after this episode aired.
                      Sig by ME.


                        For quantity...

                        Sig by ME.


                          I promise I'll make some new ones before the week is out.
                          Sig by ME.


                            I love them all, RiG! I really should try to make something for this challenge. I haven't done any Gimping for ages.

                            Also, the transcript for 9x19 is up on Superwiki! Yay! Off to read it then coming back to look at Jen's caps.


                              Finished the transcript and looked at the caps.

                              Yikes! Things are heating up! The Mark is making Dean all out-of-control! Sam is very worried! I love this show!


                                Great entries everyone. I think I got most of everyone's title entries But I am a bit confused with the second ones from Bailey and tais eiriien and the one from RIG ( I think I'm over reading it) @raduzhok! I thought of that same episode but I had no time to finish it. And Falcon Horus and I had the basic same idea.

                                Blencathra and RIG: beautiful, beautiful entries.

                                I for one like tutorials but I end up always with something quite different. It's like following a recipe: you end up adding your personal touch to the food and that's the way it should be.

                                Nothing wrong with that

                                So it's a three pic challenge. Uhm. Let me think...
                                Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                                Aristides de Sousa Mendes

