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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Love both siggies copter!


    Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post

    I liked the first one and I like this one as well. It is very hard not to use fanart, especially when it's so close to the original (some of them, I can't tell).
    Thank you.

    So, I posted both versions of the sig in the AFA thread for the challenge and nobody said a word about either of ththem. Left me feeling quite ignored and...un-welcomed. I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much into it. I know I haven't been there in quite a while. I'm very absent minded and therefore forget about that thread because I'm so involved in this thread and copter's challenges and I also forget the AFA challenges. Not to mention that I have something called a life...and work which keeps me busy and away from the thread during it's peek busy hours.
    Sig by ME.


      more playing around.....this time it's Sam....and just for challenge entry



        Ooh, GORGEOUS!!!

        I was playing around...not for the challenge...and not my best work...

        Sig by ME.


          heeheehee "watch for the plot" on a shirtless hunk....suuuuuuuure love it!


            Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
            heeheehee "watch for the plot" on a shirtless hunk....suuuuuuuure love it!
            Yep, thanks. Hey, I made a Dean one last year. Came out so totally different.
            Sig by ME.


              Beautiful art everybody!

              I've been busy the past few days - I brought season one of Supernatural! After nearly a year of reading the episode transcripts and looking at screencaps and clips on Youtube, I finally did it!


                Originally posted by Little Creek View Post
                Beautiful art everybody!

                I've been busy the past few days - I brought season one of Supernatural! After nearly a year of reading the episode transcripts and looking at screencaps and clips on Youtube, I finally did it!

                Yay! I have seasons 1-5 .
                Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                  Just starting out on my S7 rewatch
                  I am gonna watch the animated series next
                  A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                  The truth isn't the truth


                    Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                    still playing around.....this was just for fun, not for the challenge

                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    Love both siggies copter!
                    I agree. It's fun just to play around with pics...
                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    Thank you.

                    So, I posted both versions of the sig in the AFA thread for the challenge and nobody said a word about either of ththem. Left me feeling quite ignored and...un-welcomed. I dunno, maybe I'm reading too much into it. I know I haven't been there in quite a while. I'm very absent minded and therefore forget about that thread because I'm so involved in this thread and copter's challenges and I also forget the AFA challenges. Not to mention that I have something called a life...and work which keeps me busy and away from the thread during it's peek busy hours.
                    AFA has been notoriously slow. Have you counted the challenge entries...yes, not that many. I think for various reasons people aren't posting there so it's not you, it's general.

                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    Ooh, GORGEOUS!!!

                    I was playing around...not for the challenge...and not my best work...

                    Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                    heeheehee "watch for the plot" on a shirtless hunk....suuuuuuuure love it!
                    yes, plot driven interest indeed...*scofs*

                    Copter, I really love the Sammy one ... be thankful for you muse.
                    Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                    Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                      Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                      Copter, I really love the Sammy one ... be thankful for you muse.
                      Thanks. You should go check out dragongirl's sig in the Ronon thread, I think you might like that one too. I made it for her last night.

                      My muse still seems nice.....might play around in Gimp some more today.....stay tuned....


                        Love the sigs,mrscoptordoc. The one of Sam just melted my iPad...but that's ok, I'll get another one.

                        Naturally love it cheating to have such a beautiful subject in the first place? Especially like the "poison"one. There's a vid on YouTube made to go with "your lips are poison, your, lips are wine" thatvwould inspire me if I had a clue how to do this .

                        I have all eight seasons on DVD plus I'm buying season nine on amazon. I watch them on Netflix and also on TNT. Some of the less complicated ones I watch with mom in the afternoon just pass the time. She's 100 but still sharp. I tried to explain the four horsemen and she remembered a figurine someone had of the four horsemen...she wants to know how they get into so much trouble...I told her they were born into it.

                        I've been reading a lot of fanfic. Some of it is pretty good especially if there's a decent story woven in. So muchnof it is slash but if it's not just for the sake of it, it's ok. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. One was like a novel that ahd them growing into their late fifties and sixties...since neither of them seem to think they're going to make it out of thirty I was good with it.

                        Is there a trick to navigating deviant art...I can never find where I was...itsirritating.
                        Oh well time to go shovel more icy snow before the next round hits the northeast.


                          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                          Thanks. You should go check out dragongirl's sig in the Ronon thread, I think you might like that one too. I made it for her last night.

                          My muse still seems nice.....might play around in Gimp some more today.....stay tuned....
                          I did. It's absolutely gorgeous. I gasped when I saw it.

                          I did this one for the challenge ( 3 fonts) I was inspired by your tut and the colours on the original picture I snurched from Tumblr. Why I decided to quote "Casablanca" I have no clue.

                          Originally posted by carry on,dean View Post
                          Love the sigs,mrscoptordoc. The one of Sam just melted my iPad...but that's ok, I'll get another one.

                          Naturally love it cheating to have such a beautiful subject in the first place? Especially like the "poison"one. There's a vid on YouTube made to go with "your lips are poison, your, lips are wine" thatvwould inspire me if I had a clue how to do this .

                          I have all eight seasons on DVD plus I'm buying season nine on amazon. I watch them on Netflix and also on TNT. Some of the less complicated ones I watch with mom in the afternoon just pass the time. She's 100 but still sharp. I tried to explain the four horsemen and she remembered a figurine someone had of the four horsemen...she wants to know how they get into so much trouble...I told her they were born into it.

                          I've been reading a lot of fanfic. Some of it is pretty good especially if there's a decent story woven in. So muchnof it is slash but if it's not just for the sake of it, it's ok. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. One was like a novel that ahd them growing into their late fifties and sixties...since neither of them seem to think they're going to make it out of thirty I was good with it.

                          Is there a trick to navigating deviant art...I can never find where I was...itsirritating.
                          Oh well time to go shovel more icy snow before the next round hits the northeast.
                          Cool mom you got. About DA: I just click around and get distracted by pretties. I also get a lot of brushes and textures from there. I have a gazillion favourites and use the stash to upload files I mind loosing definition in Photo bucket. And that's it.
                          Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                          Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                            Just noticed...copter is Castle! ....and knows it the "best case ever". Me? I'm Kate Beckett. And the real Derrick Storm?

                            Originally posted by Little Creek View Post
                            Beautiful art everybody!

                            I've been busy the past few days - I brought season one of Supernatural! After nearly a year of reading the episode transcripts and looking at screencaps and clips on Youtube, I finally did it!
                            YAY! I have all 8 seasons on DVD. Will get season 9 when it comes out.

                            Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                            I agree. It's fun just to play around with pics...
                            That it is!

                            AFA has been notoriously slow. Have you counted the challenge entries...yes, not that many.
                            Now, that is shocking! I mean, usually there are pages upon pages for me to play catch up on when I finally get the time to be on my computer.

                            I think for various reasons people aren't posting there so it's not you, it's general.
                            Possibly. Maybe.

                            yes, plot driven interest indeed...*scofs*

                            Copter, I really love the Sammy one ... be thankful for you muse.
                            Yes, he/she is certainly doing his/her job. ...unlike mine.

                            Originally posted by carry on,dean View Post
                            Love the sigs,mrscoptordoc. The one of Sam just melted my iPad...but that's ok, I'll get another one.

                            I have all eight seasons on DVD plus I'm buying season nine on amazon. I watch them on Netflix and also on TNT. Some of the less complicated ones I watch with mom in the afternoon just to pass the time. She's 100 but still sharp.
                            WOW! Good for her!!! I watch SPN with my mom too. She loves the show and is a Dean!girl also.

                            I tried to explain the four horsemen and she remembered a figurine someone had of the four horsemen...she wants to know how they get into so much trouble...I told her they were born into it.
                            That they were. That. They. Were.

                            I've been reading a lot of fanfic. Some of it is pretty good especially if there's a decent story woven in. So muchnof it is slash but if it's not just for the sake of it, it's ok. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. One was like a novel that ahd them growing into their late fifties and sixties...since neither of them seem to think they're going to make it out of thirty I was good with it.
                            I haven't read a lick of SPN fanfic in ages. Got tired of every story being Destial and/or Sabriel. Not my thing. When I do go back to it, and I will, I will use the filter option to narrow down the types of fics to pic from. Right now, since I've gotten into Glee I am reading Glee fic every night before going to sleep. At 1am.

                            Is there a trick to navigating deviant art...I can never find where I was...itsirritating.
                            Oh well time to go shovel more icy snow before the next round hits the northeast.
                            If there is I don't know it. I pretty much do what JW does.
                            Sig by ME.


                              A lie is just a truth that hasn't gone through conversion therapy yet
                              The truth isn't the truth


                                So I have been busy today I made *8* sigs. Some are meh and some are okay but I had fun and learned some stuff even if they aren't worth keeping and that's all that matters. If you want to see, here they are:


                                Meh. My least favorite.

                                not bad. not sure about the black and white pic.

                                love the boldness of the background on this.

                                I've never tried one like this and it's okay but I don't like the border.

                                not wild about the colors.

                                this is my fave! I love it.

                                too much pink

                                not sure if I like this, the contrast is too much.


