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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Whytewytch View Post
    I am on S8, ep 19. I am both excited to be nearly caught up and sad that the ride of "new eps, anytime" is almost over.
    I know the feeling.

    OMG!!! Just saw the new episode, "Dog Dean Afternoon" and it was awesome! I laughed (hard) so many times! Jensen was soooooo funny in it!
    I had to change the channel during one particular scene, being a cat lover/owner and all. You'll know what scene I'm talking about when you see it, if you see it.
    Sig by ME.


      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

      OMG!!! Just saw the new episode, "Dog Dean Afternoon" and it was awesome! I laughed (hard) so many times! Jensen was soooooo funny in it!
      I had to change the channel during one particular scene, being a cat lover/owner and all. You'll know what scene I'm talking about when you see it, if you see it.
      I know! I really loved it when
      after drinking and doing the spell he started playing 'fetch' with Sam's wadded up piece of paper

      The 'monster' was not what I expected....interesting.


        Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
        awwww Grace that was cute! I liked it!
        Thanks!! I was feeling the cute. Which is weird, cuz I really want to write something angsty.
        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
        Loved it!
        Glad you liked it.

        I'm on the west coast, so I'll be watching soon! Looking forward to it, the preview looked funny.


          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
          I know! I really loved it when [spoiler] after drinking and doing the spell he started playing 'fetch' with Sam's wadded up piece of paper :lol[/SPOILERS]:
          It took me a few moments too long to figure out what Dean was doing. I was as confused as Sam. Also, loved Dean's fight with the pigeon. And his face the first time he heard the dog talk... "Change the station."

          The 'monster' was not what I expected....interesting.
          Agreed. And I love Steve Valentine! So cool to see him on SPN.

          Originally posted by Grace View Post
          Glad you liked it.
          I'm glad you wrote it!

          I'm on the west coast, so I'll be watching soon! Looking forward to it, the preview looked funny.
          Oh, believe me, it is hilarious!!!
          Sig by ME.


            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            It took me a few moments too long to figure out what Dean was doing. I was as confused as Sam. Also, loved Dean's fight with the pigeon. And his face the first time he heard the dog talk... "Change the station."

            Agreed. And I love Steve Valentine! So cool to see him on SPN.
            I'm glad you wrote it!
            Oh, believe me, it is hilarious!!!
            HOLY BUCKETS! I laughed so hard, my dad had to check to make sure I was alright.
            Good episode.


              I haven't watched it (the new episode), yet, just the previews on FB.

              Grace your short story is very moving. I find myself wishing the writers had the courage to give them a normal life. Eventually. Let somebody else save the world.

              Copter, I don't know how it is possible but your caps are getting better and better. The expressions you chose are wonderful.
              Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
              Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                Copter, I don't know how it is possible but your caps are getting better and better. The expressions you chose are wonderful.
                awww thanks *blushes* I just cap whatever catches my eye or strikes my fancy. I could do a lot more, but I try to keep it at no more than 6, and I have no idea why.....maybe because otherwise I'll get overwhelmed


                  Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                  awww thanks *blushes* I just cap whatever catches my eye or strikes my fancy. I could do a lot more, but I try to keep it at no more than 6, and I have no idea why.....maybe because otherwise I'll get overwhelmed
                  We have Jen as the "super caper" But I really have to snurch yours ( in an organized way, that is). Your atention is captured by the right things, I'd say,
                  Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                  Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                    Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                    I haven't watched it (the new episode), yet, just the previews on FB.

                    Grace your short story is very moving. I find myself wishing the writers had the courage to give them a normal life. Eventually. Let somebody else save the world.
                    Thanks! It was really fun to write, actually. Normally I have to pull my stories out by the hair, but this one basically spat itself out on the page.
                    I do hope they get some normality too. We'll see how the writers close it, if and when.

                    Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                    We have Jen as the "super caper" But I really have to snurch yours ( in an organized way, that is). Your atention is captured by the right things, I'd say,
                    True that.


                      watched "Something Wicked" just now....Jensen was most photogenic, even more than usual.....









                              Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                              watched "Something Wicked" just now....Jensen was most photogenic, even more than usual.....

                              HOLY CRAP!!!

                              Love the rest of the caps too!
                              Sig by ME.


                                Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                                HOLY CRAP!!!

                                Love the rest of the caps too!

