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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Just saw this on Facebook...

    ...Jensen. In. A. Cage.
    Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 27 September 2013, 03:30 PM.
    Sig by ME.


      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
      Just saw this on Facebook...

      ...Jensen. In. A. Cage.
      Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and cages excite me.


        Ain't that the truth!
        Sig by ME.


          well hawt damn! RIG, you need post your porn under spoiler tags.... after all, this is a family site
          I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            Yeah, that's sad.
            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            Just saw this on Facebook...


            ...Jensen. In. A. Cage.
            *cough* Ireallylikethatpciture. *thud*

            Originally posted by Freckles View Post
            Sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and cages excite me.
            LOL! I heard that song for the first time this summer...and was horrified. lol.


              Originally posted by Lilith View Post
              well hawt damn! RIG, you need post your porn under spoiler tags.... after all, this is a family site
              Sorry. I forgot.

              Originally posted by Grace View Post
              Yeah, that's sad.
              Yeah. But, you know, I thought something was going on with her. Between her first appearance on the show and her second appearance on the show I noticed she'd put on a little weight. Her face seemed ...fuller, puffier (she still looks great mind you). Now I'm thinking it's the meds she's taking. I really like her and I wish her all the best.

              *cough* Ireallylikethatpciture. *thud*
              So do I.

              LOL! I heard that song for the first time this summer...and was horrified. lol.
              I've never heard that song. But I like that lyric.

              On a side note: I got my Flu shot today. I will not get the Flu this year. Didn't get it last year either, the first time I'd gotten the shot in years. And I haven't had the Flu in years. I thank Dean I didn't get it when we had that horrible outbreak a few years ago.
              Sig by ME.


                i got sick this week... all better now, 'cept my right ear... my inner ear is swollen and i'm but deaf on that side right now....
                I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                  Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                  i got sick this week... all better now, 'cept my right ear... my inner ear is swollen and i'm but deaf on that side right now....
                  Oh God! I would hate to have that! I hated it when my left ear got plugged up, twice. I could still hear out of that ear but not very well...I don't take ear/hearing problems very well. I stupidly stuck my finger in my ear to relieve an an itch and when I pulled my finger out *pop* my ear was plugged. I, um, had wax in my ears (that I didn't know about at the time) and I think what happened was the act of removing my finger created a kind of suction that moved the wax into the wrong place. I had to go to my doctor to get my ears flushed. That did the trick and then some. I was hearing better than I was before this whole thing happened. And it has happened twice. I'm very careful now when taking care of an itchy ear. Very careful.
                  Sig by ME.


                    i clean my ears regularly, and i bought some ear drops... there's no wax build-up as far as i can tell, and the ear drops seem to be helping, but it's really too soon to tell.... i do know that when i measured the cannal of my inner ear with a swab, the cavity was alot narrower on the right ear than on the left.... right now my ear's crackling, so that's good.....
                    I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                      Just saw this on Facebook...


                      ...Jensen. In. A. Cage.
                      Okay. Brain stopped working. Thanks, RiG.
                      Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                      Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                        Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                        Sorry. I forgot.

                        Yeah. But, you know, I thought something was going on with her. Between her first appearance on the show and her second appearance on the show I noticed she'd put on a little weight. Her face seemed ...fuller, puffier (she still looks great mind you). Now I'm thinking it's the meds she's taking. I really like her and I wish her all the best.
                        I did notice that. I'm glad she stayed on the show, I'm sure that was hard.
                        On a side note: I got my Flu shot today. I will not get the Flu this year. Didn't get it last year either, the first time I'd gotten the shot in years. And I haven't had the Flu in years. I thank Dean I didn't get it when we had that horrible outbreak a few years ago.
                        I got the flu shot the year of H1N1, but didn't get it again until last year when I was required to because of my hospital internship. I've never had influenza, and I really hope it leaves me alone this year. I've had enough health issues this year.

                        Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                        i got sick this week... all better now, 'cept my right ear... my inner ear is swollen and i'm but deaf on that side right now....
                        Ouch! Hope its all better soon! I hate not being able to hear out of one ear. Drives me nuts.

                        Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                        Okay. Brain stopped working. Thanks, RiG.


                          Hey guys!! Just wanted to pop in and remind everyone of the challenge...due tomorrow night midnight your time. The focus is FALL and/or body parts.

                          Remember, you can always check the clubhouse if you need to check on the challenge, the link is in my sig!

                          I also wanted to let everyone know.....the challenge is supposed to be fun. Yes, hopefully it can challenge you, but sometimes real life gets in the way. If you run out of time to make *new* art, it is perfectly wonderful to submit previous art you have made if it fits the challenge! We would love to see it!

                          And one last thing....I am always looking for new ideas, so if you have a great idea for an art and/or fic challenge, let me know!!


                            *waves at Copter*

                            And is anyone looking for a new car?


                              i don't quite trust that price.... i mean classic car like that for only 5k?
                              I'm a Slasher. I slash. It's what I do.


                                Originally posted by Lilith View Post
                                i don't quite trust that price.... i mean classic car like that for only 5k?
                                Yeah, wasn't to sure about the price. My car guy (brother) says the engine looks like it needs some work, so I'm guessing its not the smoothest ride. Nice to have a car guy around.

