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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    I like the one where he's smiling better.

    Dean against the wall.. *mind roves to chains*

    Coming January 2017


      Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
      I like the one where he's smiling better.

      Dean against the wall.. *mind roves to chains*
      I think I like the smiling one better too.


        Coming January 2017


          See this one here? Yep... he's mine.

          I know this one is not from SPN, but I love this pic.


            As long as I can have the one from earlier.

            Coming January 2017


              Originally posted by m&mnm317 View Post
              As long as I can have the one from earlier.
              *sigh* Fine.


                Coming January 2017


                  The 'attraction' debate: Science suggests we are attracted to people who are most genetically dissimilar to us, to give the gene pool a wider variety. This is pretty much at a subconscious level, and may only pertain to people we meet in person since there might be a pheremone connection, too. So, while you might be attracted so someone with similar physical characteristics, you might very well be quite genetically dissimilar. Behind that comes the psycho-social conditioning of the qualities we find attractive, which includes physical and personality traits. (This also factors into the Dean/Jensen debate, since Dean is the bad boy and Jensen is the conservative nice guy and someone might find one personality trait more attractive over the other).

                  For example, if we look at the boys as our gene pool ( could only be so lucky...) and if we only speak from anecdotal experience I have always liked tall guys (I'm a bit of a shorty, and come from short German/Sicilian stock, so this takes the 'dissimilar gene pool into account). This puts both boys on my radar as they're both tall. Jensen is of English/Welsh heritage and Jared is Polish. Since Polish is more closely related to German than English this hedges Jensen a little ahead of Jared. (And oddly enough, I have always been attracted to men of British descent). If you take physical characteristics into account, Jared is more similar to my coloring than Jensen (even though I'm a flaming redhead, I was spared the freckles and instead got the Italian beauty marks). Now, if you want to pull SPN itself into this hypothesis, Winchester/Campbell makes them English/Scotch, but factor in that Dean is the bad boy and Sam is the nice guy...well, I've always gone for the bad boy (which could be considered the psychosocial condition, since the bad boy is always romanticized; from Paul Newman through Judd Nelson and on...).

                  Of course, this could also just be a load of crap and I shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard before my coffee kicks in the morning.
                  Respect the delicate ecology of your delusions.
                  --Angels in America


                    Originally posted by birthsister View Post
                    The 'attraction' debate: Science suggests we are attracted to people who are most genetically dissimilar to us, to give the gene pool a wider variety. This is pretty much at a subconscious level, and may only pertain to people we meet in person since there might be a pheremone connection, too. So, while you might be attracted so someone with similar physical characteristics, you might very well be quite genetically dissimilar. Behind that comes the psycho-social conditioning of the qualities we find attractive, which includes physical and personality traits. (This also factors into the Dean/Jensen debate, since Dean is the bad boy and Jensen is the conservative nice guy and someone might find one personality trait more attractive over the other).

                    For example, if we look at the boys as our gene pool ( could only be so lucky...) and if we only speak from anecdotal experience I have always liked tall guys (I'm a bit of a shorty, and come from short German/Sicilian stock, so this takes the 'dissimilar gene pool into account). This puts both boys on my radar as they're both tall. Jensen is of English/Welsh heritage and Jared is Polish. Since Polish is more closely related to German than English this hedges Jensen a little ahead of Jared. (And oddly enough, I have always been attracted to men of British descent). If you take physical characteristics into account, Jared is more similar to my coloring than Jensen (even though I'm a flaming redhead, I was spared the freckles and instead got the Italian beauty marks). Now, if you want to pull SPN itself into this hypothesis, Winchester/Campbell makes them English/Scotch, but factor in that Dean is the bad boy and Sam is the nice guy...well, I've always gone for the bad boy (which could be considered the psychosocial condition, since the bad boy is always romanticized; from Paul Newman through Judd Nelson and on...).

                    Of course, this could also just be a load of crap and I shouldn't be allowed near a keyboard before my coffee kicks in the morning.
                    Good to know!

                    Dean's dirty - anyone wanna give him a bath?? I'll check for injuries afterwards

                    Coming January 2017


                      Coming January 2017


                        Coming January 2017


                          Coming January 2017


                            Coming January 2017


                              Coming January 2017



                                Coming January 2017

