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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Sorry sis, don't mean to kill you! (either of you) Now I get the boot ref, sis, thanks.

    Worrior, I'll get right on them dimples for you!

    Dean Winchester Clothing Catalogue It's an LJ post all about Dean's clothes, with pics! I can stare at it all day. Sigh.

    So, in my search of this thread for that post I came across this post of mine with a bunch of icons I made...

    Sig by ME.


      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
      Dean Winchester Clothing Catalogue It's an LJ post all about Dean's clothes, with pics! I can stare at it all day. Sigh.
      holy crap on a cracker!! The Tshirt section!!!! *drools, then passes out*


        Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
        holy crap on a cracker!! The Tshirt section!!!! *drools, then passes out*
        I knew you'd notice that. I'm curious, do you like the injured shoulder pic? Or do you prefer his (bare) shoulders unblemished?

        The Many Faces of Dean. There's dimples in here Worrior.
        Sig by ME.


          Well, thank you for that link, I think I just wasted a whole hour staring at his jeans...although, I have to say one thing is a might irritating about how many clothes he does actually own: for two guys who live on the road their outerwear alone makes me jealous. I can see having to replace things that get bullet holes and blood on them, but they have to admit there are a lot of items have recurring roles, esp. those aforementioned jackets. *shrug*...more pics?
          Respect the delicate ecology of your delusions.
          --Angels in America


            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
            I knew you'd notice that. I'm curious, do you like the injured shoulder pic? Or do you prefer his (bare) shoulders unblemished?
            any shoulder works for me. bare, injured, covered in Tshirt, jacket, etc. It's all good. That goes for arms as well because ya know, arms are attached to shoulder


              Good to know coptor.

              Nabbed these from one or two of starg8fans posts...

              I mean...GUH!



              Is it strange that for all the times I've looked at this picture I've just now noticed that he's wearing gloves?
              Sig by ME.


                Hey guys

                Just wanted to let you know that atm I have the slowest Internet connection possible (took me 10 minutes to post this *insert epic eye roll*), so I won't be able to provide caps this week, it'll have to wait till the next weekend. Sorry! Can't watch the new ep either *cries*


                  I love love love the shots of him rebuilding the Impala...all that testosterone...and shoulders, and angst, and...dirty Dean. And angst. ...sigh...

                  I'm blaming you for everything I'm not getting done today...
                  Respect the delicate ecology of your delusions.
                  --Angels in America


                    Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                    Good to know coptor.

                    Nabbed these from one or two of starg8fans posts...
                    Great pictures! By the way - I met st8rs last week! I was with my class in Munich and I met her there :-) She's fine but in a lot of stress at the moment. Some big changes going on in her life.
                    The cake is a lie!


                      Bare Ackles chest anyone?

                      Originally posted by Jenova Synthesis View Post
                      Hey guys

                      Just wanted to let you know that atm I have the slowest Internet connection possible (took me 10 minutes to post this *insert epic eye roll*), so I won't be able to provide caps this week, it'll have to wait till the next weekend. Sorry! Can't watch the new ep either *cries*
                      Aw no!

                      Originally posted by birthsister View Post
                      I love love love the shots of him rebuilding the Impala...all that testosterone...and shoulders, and angst, and...dirty Dean. And angst. ...sigh...

                      I'm blaming you for everything I'm not getting done today...

                      Oh, and yeah, a-lot of articles on clothing make truimphant returns to the show...specially the PURPLE FLANNEL. Btw, was watching "Devil's Trap" the other day and I noticed it peeking out of Dean's bag when grabs it up after the phone call from Meg in the beginning. Dean wore it while rebuilding Baby in the S7 premier "Meet The New Boss" It shows up again in S7's "Shut Up Dr. Phil" on Dean when hes sleeping on the motel bed. That's continuity for you!

                      Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                      Great pictures! By the way - I met st8rs last week! I was with my class in Munich and I met her there :-) She's fine but in a lot of stress at the moment. Some big changes going on in her life.
                      Oh, that's cool! And I hope she is okay in the long run.
                      Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 03 February 2012, 12:02 PM.
                      Sig by ME.


                        RiG I made that sig

                        and I am loving all the Tshirt porn, because that means arm porn and shoulder porn


                          Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                          RiG I made that sig
                          Jep. Thought it was about time I used it.

                          and I am loving all the Tshirt porn, because that means arm porn and shoulder porn
                          Tshirt!porn is gooooooood. And the more "arm porn and shoulder porn" the better.

                          Sig by ME.


                            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                            Jep. Thought it was about time I used it.

                            Tshirt!porn is gooooooood. And the more "arm porn and shoulder porn" the better.
                            again, this is why I luffs you so much


                              quote from Jensen about "Time after Time"

                              "They had a hard time getting me to get out of the outfit there," Jensen admits. "With the coat and the thing and the hair and the gun. I walked on set and multiple crew guys -- we're talking guys that are head-to-toe Gore-Tex when we're filming -- just came up to me and started touching my jacket. They're like 'Why did we stop dressing like this?'"


                                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                                again, this is why I luffs you so much

                                BTOY, shoulders and arms for you...

                                ...and butt for me.

                                Originally posted by mrscopterdoc View Post
                                quote from Jensen about "Time after Time"
                                Where did you get this from? I Love it!

                                Sig by ME.

