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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    ^ Ooh, yummy!

    Sig by ME.


      Lovely pics guys

      Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


        Oooh, wow! I've missed so much in the last day or two... loving the microphone banging - and of course I didn't fast forward to get to it. The 'I want candy' vid is stunning - stuff candy, Jensen is way sweeter!!!

        A few from me to make up for none recently;

        Gorgeous pic I found on Twitter - can just about see Jensen's head in Danneel's lap! God I would love to be Danneel...

        He looks so cute here - recording his voice for the game 'The 3rd Birthday'. Bless...

        Hehe, think he'd rather not see his little brother kissing!! lol

        Hope everyone is well.


          Originally posted by Lovin' Daniel View Post
          Lovely pics guys

          Jensen. In. Suit. *melts*

          Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
          Oooh, wow! I've missed so much in the last day or two... loving the microphone banging - and of course I didn't fast forward to get to it.
          I didn't either.

          The 'I want candy' vid is stunning - stuff candy, Jensen is way sweeter!!!
          He certainly is!

          A few from me to make up for none recently;

          Gorgeous pic I found on Twitter - can just about see Jensen's head in Danneel's lap! God I would love to be Danneel...
          I've said it a billion times but it bares repeating... She is the luckiest woman alive!

          He looks so cute here - recording his voice for the game 'The 3rd Birthday'. Bless...
          I would love to hug him while he's wearing that fleecy. Sooooo snugable!

          Hehe, think he'd rather not see his little brother kissing!! lol
          Kissing Ruby that is. He was all for Sam kissing Sara at the end of Provenance. Love the gif, cute scene!

          Hope everyone is well.
          I'm...okay. Hot and sore (my neck/L shoulder), but okay.

          Jensen being silly with his microhpone...

          Aaaannnddd some tongue action...
          Sig by ME.


            Gives me an idea for a Dean and Rodney tongue porn vid or banner.


              Originally posted by Ravenheart View Post
              Gives me an idea for a Dean and Rodney tongue porn vid or banner.
              Heh, I've already made a Dean Tongue!porn sig. It's in my rotation.

              But, here it is anyways...

              I've got several more sig ideas on my list so I may be doing that today...

              Thoughtful Jensen...
              Sig by ME.


                Hehe I sometimes wonder if Jensen ever pops by any of these forums and the fan groups to see what we say to each other... it must be so strange to think hoards of females all over the world go crazy when you lick your lips, smile or pull a funny face! But our Jensen is exceptional!!!

                I love the tongue porn banner, and 'thoughtful Jensen'! Beautiful!

                How about 'concentrating' Jensen? Yum!!

                Drinking Dean... HOT!!!

                Sam forgot the pie... how very dare he!? I LOVE this scene!


                  Just in case you don't look in the spoiler-thread: there are some great pictures from Jensen filming 7.03:


                  I couldn't spot any spoilers, except one guest star, but he is someone I haven't seen before, so no clue what his role is.
                  The cake is a lie!


                    YAY - Cinders IS going to the ball!!! That is I'm going to Asylum 8... Just at exactly the right time I'm getting some money that's owed to me that more than covers the expenses! I didn't rob a bank, honest. lol I've ordered an Emerald ticket, and I guess I'll upgrade so I can get a photo op if I hear Jensen is confirmed!! Oh GOD, I just wish I knew he was going!!!!

                    Oh GOD, to see him in person!!!! :-o


                      Great news! I am very happy for you \o/ The cons are great time, even when the J's aren't there.

                      You don't need an upgrade for the photo op. I will be at AE3 but I decided against buying any upgrades because last time they didn't weren't worth it (except for the preferred seating, and that isn't included in the upgrades this time).

                      Just buy the photo ops separately =)

                      Edit: Just re-thinking, you never know if the next time the upgrade will be worth the money. I just was kinda disappointed this time.
                      The cake is a lie!


                        Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                        Great news! I am very happy for you \o/ The cons are great time, even when the J's aren't there.

                        You don't need an upgrade for the photo op. I will be at AE3 but I decided against buying any upgrades because last time they didn't weren't worth it (except for the preferred seating, and that isn't included in the upgrades this time).

                        Just buy the photo ops separately =)

                        Edit: Just re-thinking, you never know if the next time the upgrade will be worth the money. I just was kinda disappointed this time.
                        Hi thanks, I'm really happy too! I'll take your advice then and see how things go re the photo ops. I must admit I will be really really gutted if Jensen doesn't go. I keep checking the site over and over hoping... I'm hearing all sorts of things, that he goes to the European Cons every other year, which would mean he would be at this one, that the tickets are cheaper coz neither are expected to be there... I'm so confused! lol


                          Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
                          Hehe I sometimes wonder if Jensen ever pops by any of these forums and the fan groups to see what we say to each other... it must be so strange to think hoards of females all over the world go crazy when you lick your lips, smile or pull a funny face! But our Jensen is exceptional!!!
                          I wonder that too sometimes. And I think he would think it was strange that we gals go nutz every time he does something even remotely cute/ador(k)able. And you're darn tootin' he's exceptional!

                          I love the tongue porn banner, and 'thoughtful Jensen'! Beautiful!

                          How about 'concentrating' Jensen? Yum!!
                          OH, HOLY...


                          Sam forgot the pie... how very dare he!? I LOVE this scene!
                          Bad Sammy!

                          Originally posted by iolanda View Post
                          Just in case you don't look in the spoiler-thread: there are some great pictures from Jensen filming 7.03:


                          I couldn't spot any spoilers, except one guest star, but he is someone I haven't seen before, so no clue what his role is.
                          OMG! Thank you soooooooooo much! He's lookin' hot as ever!

                          Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
                          YAY - Cinders IS going to the ball!!! That is I'm going to Asylum 8... Just at exactly the right time I'm getting some money that's owed to me that more than covers the expenses! I didn't rob a bank, honest. lol I've ordered an Emerald ticket, and I guess I'll upgrade so I can get a photo op if I hear Jensen is confirmed!! Oh GOD, I just wish I knew he was going!!!!
                          Oh, awesome! Good for you!

                          Oh GOD, to see him in person!!!! :-o
                          I know. That would a meeting to remember.

                          Jensen looking at a fan, presumably...

                          No Jensen, look at ME!
                          Sig by ME.


                            I'm still alive! Been doing stuff for moving to Orlando... look at what I found!


                              Hey everyone Beautiful pics since the last time I was here...although I doubt there would ever be a bad picture of Jensen

                              YAY! That's great news Mrs. W I'm glad you get to go and I hope Jensen will be there for you too

                              Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


                                Thanks LD, it's very exciting... but if Jensen's not there it just won't be the same. He's gonna be in Rome in April though and the UK is very close by so it's possible depending on his diary!??

                                OMG... to even be in the same room!!!!

