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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU RodneyisGodney... I've spent ages on YouTube trying to find interviews with Jensen, but I've never seen that one! Aww, see, even as a young kid girls couldn't keep away from him.

    I adore this video, it's just... wow!!! Make sure you're sitting down though...


      Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
      It's his eyes and his lips that never fail to make me Though everything else about him is wonderful too. I always notice his teeth as well, love the way they tilt inwards a bit, perfect!
      His eyes are the thing that I am drawn to the most, they're beautiful He does have a beautiful smile though

      Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
      I love that pic

      Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
      Okay, who else besides me want to take Danneel's place? Oh, and...LEGS!!!!!
      **puts hand up** ME!! I don't think I've ever seen his legs before lol Nice

      Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


        Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
        THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU RodneyisGodney...

        I've spent ages on YouTube trying to find interviews with Jensen, but I've never seen that one!
        I have it favorited but I wasn't logged on to YT and I couldn't remember my password for the life of me so...I typed "Jensen Ackles PreSchool" into the search box and the vid came up.

        Aww, see, even as a young kid girls couldn't keep away from him.
        <---click for bigger!
        And we can certainly see why.

        There are more Young Jensen pics Here. Including High School Yearbook photos...

        I adore this video, it's just... wow!!! Make sure you're sitting down though...
        Damn. Those women are lucky... Getting paid to kiss Jensen.

        Originally posted by Lovin' Daniel View Post
        His eyes are the thing that I am drawn to the most, they're beautiful He does have a beautiful smile though
        I agree to both!

        **puts hand up** ME!! I don't think I've ever seen his legs before lol Nice
        Well then, you've never seen the pics of him playing soccer (football in the UK) with the SPN crew...shirtless. With lots of great shots of his legs. Talk about YUMMY!

        Last edited by RodneyIsGodney; 25 June 2011, 01:08 PM.
        Sig by ME.


          Oh wow, thank you for those childhood photos - I've seen some before but not all of them! He went from cute to cuter to insanely hot!! Love how he won 'most attractive' in school, very deserving prize I must say. He's always had those stunning eyes, right from being a baby, really big and expressive from before he could even walk!

          Yes, here I go again Jensen. The adoration gets a bit wearing, poor guy!


            Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post

            Well then, you've never seen the pics of him playing soccer (football in the UK) with the SPN crew...shirtless. With lots of great shots of his legs. Talk about YUMMY!

            Gorgeous Thanks for the link RiG

            Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post

            Yes, here I go again Jensen. The adoration gets a bit wearing, poor guy!
            Lovely I'm sure a man that beautiful must have gotten used to the admiration by now

            Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


              Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
              Oh wow, thank you for those childhood photos - I've seen some before but not all of them! He went from cute to cuter to insanely hot!! Love how he won 'most attractive' in school, very deserving prize I must say.
              Couldn't agree more.

              He's always had those stunning eyes, right from being a baby, really big and expressive from before he could even walk!
              That's how they make 'em in Texas girl!

              Yes, here I go again Jensen. The adoration gets a bit wearing, poor guy!

              Originally posted by Lovin' Daniel View Post
              Gorgeous Thanks for the link RiG

              Lovely I'm sure a man that beautiful must have gotten used to the admiration by now

              Well, hello cutie!

              Sig by ME.


                Ooh, sweet dreams last night, Jensen dreams!! Can't even remember what about exactly, but didn't want to wake up yet, feel all weird now like I know him. Dreams are weird huh?

                Definitely got to watch several Supernatural episodes before bed more often if that's the result!



                  Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
                  Ooh, sweet dreams last night, Jensen dreams!! Can't even remember what about exactly, but didn't want to wake up yet, feel all weird now like I know him. Dreams are weird huh?
                  I know what it's like They are weird but if they bring you closer to the man you adore then it's a good weird

                  Gorgeous pic

                  Definitely got to watch several Supernatural episodes before bed more often if that's the result!
                  If that's how you did it then I'll have to give it a try tonight lol

                  Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


                    Ooh yes you have to try it.

                    I'm racing through Season 6 by the way and LOVING it!! Wasn't sure the first couple of episodes, but it's just getting better all the time!! Just watched the one where Dean is trying to get the sword out of that stone... so hilarious!!!

                    I have to admit, I'm not a Lisa fan... I just don't think she's got enough oomph for Dean. I think she dulls him down. I like her not being around. Nobody would be good enough for Dean in my eyes, but I can think of others I'd prefer him to be with!


                    Nope, no woman is good enough!!!


                      Ugh... why do all the cool guys have to like the lamest game in the world?!


                        Originally posted by SkeksisGirl View Post
                        Ugh... why do all the cool guys have to like the lamest game in the world?!
                        What's the matter?


                          Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
                          Ooh, sweet dreams last night, Jensen dreams!! Can't even remember what about exactly, but didn't want to wake up yet, feel all weird now like I know him. Dreams are weird huh?
                          Lucky girl! Good on you!

                          My gawd! *faints*

                          Definitely got to watch several Supernatural episodes before bed more often if that's the result!
                          Ooh, I'll have to try that! Reading SPN fanfic before bed never helped. Maybe I have to see Dean/Jensen in order to dream about him. Hmm...

                          Originally posted by Lovin' Daniel View Post
                          Isn't it?!

                          I know what it's like They are weird but if they bring you closer to the man you adore then it's a good weird
                          A very good weird.

                          Ooh, I'll be his caddy!

                          Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post

                          I'm racing through Season 6 by the way and LOVING it!! Wasn't sure the first couple of episodes, but it's just getting better all the time!! Just watched the one where Dean is trying to get the sword out of that stone... so hilarious!!!
                          That one is a favorite of mine. His "facial acting" is hysterical!

                          I have to admit, I'm not a Lisa fan... I just don't think she's got enough oomph for Dean. I think she dulls him down. I like her not being around. Nobody would be good enough for Dean in my eyes, but I can think of others I'd prefer him to be with!
                          Yeah...I'm on the fence where Lisa is concerned. I liked the domesticated side of Dean (minus the truck), making breakfast, teaching Ben how to fix a car, that sort of thing was interesting to me. Oh, and I loved
                          seeing him checking the windows and doors before going to bed, making sure the salt lines are all in place. He looked good in them track pants too btw!

                          But I'm sure glad Dean's back to his usual self now.


                          Nope, no woman is good enough!!!
                          Except me!

                          Originally posted by SkeksisGirl View Post
                          Ugh... why do all the cool guys have to like the lamest game in the world?!
                          Hey, you wouldn't be saying that if you saw the movie Tin Cup. I used to think golf was dull until I saw that movie. I do prefer mini-golf though, it's fun!

                          Jensen makes golf sexy!

                          Not to mention funny!

                          Sig by ME.


                            Ah, golf! Yeah it is pretty lame, but I agree with RIG that Jensen makes it look sexy!

                            I REALLY didn't like domestic Dean... I guess it's too much of a 180, and I love Dean the way he's always been. Plus, the few scenes they showed with him at home with Lisa and Ben, he didn't look happy or animated, and I've NEVER seen any chemistry between him and Lisa. Him being with her just always seemed so random!? Then again Jo annoyed the hell outta me so I wouldn't have wanted him with her either... I always saw Cassie as the love of his life, praps coz she was the first one we saw him with and she was obviously very important to him!

                            Morning Jensen!


                              OMG I love those pics RiG and you're right Jensen makes Golf look sexy, then again he makes anything look sexy doesn't he? Okay one las golf shot

                              Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


                                Originally posted by MrsWinchester View Post
                                I almost missed this pic, and it's gorgeous!!
                                Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar

