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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Originally posted by Deanic View Post
    But it'd SO be worth the lack of food and high phone bills...

    Have you been complaining to your friends about my bad habits again?

    Well, I have every reason to.

    Who are you kidding - you love me.

    Yeah, I guess I do. What can I say, I have a weak spot for bad boys.

    If that's what floats your boat you've come to the right spot, sweetheart.

    Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


      ^^ Hehe, love it!!

      Don't pick her though Dean, I love you more! Just see my sig...


        Originally posted by SkeksisGirl View Post
        You know the Convention video on disc 8 of season 5? I'm all over that? I'm the pudgy (read fat) girl that Stan kisses on the cheek.
        hmmm i'll have to watch the con, vid again then *grins* but seriously you got to meet both PW and AP... totally jealous...

        ohhh and um.. yes.. keep up the lovely posting



            Originally posted by Deanic View Post
            ^^ Hehe, love it!!

            Don't pick her though Dean, I love you more! Just see my sig...
            Well, this isn't Dean, it's Pal, my clone. I'm not ambitious enough to go after Dean. Besides, he would never be home, always on the road...

            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
              Well, this isn't Dean, it's Pal, my clone. I'm not ambitious enough to go after Dean. Besides, he would never be home, always on the road...

              Oh right!! Well faced with Dean, I think any courage would go out of the window, I'd just have to wear a low-cut top and hope he comes after me! I'd go on the road with him, shot-gun with my cake-hole shut! LOL


                Thanks to Jackoneillislove for my Avatar


                  Hope this link works; Jensen talking about us fans!



                    Originally posted by CKO View Post
                    hmmm i'll have to watch the con, vid again then *grins* but seriously you got to meet both PW and AP... totally jealous...

                    ohhh and um.. yes.. keep up the lovely posting
                    Yeah, Highlander was my first conventions. I've met everyone. Adrian's scared of me for some reason. Peter was never happy unless I was blushing and Jim was always ready to hang out with everyone. I went on two of the Highlander Cruises and at night you could fine everyone just mingling at the bar, no lines or "no touching" being told. We just hung and had a blast.

                    I haven't seen Jim in almost 11 years... gods I miss those guys. I squeed when Jim showed up on that one episode of SPN.

                    You know guys... this is my thread not something with older men and swords!

                    Sorry Alec, we're just bonding...

                    But this is my thread!

                    Okay... okay... sorry. We still love you. C'mon... watch an episode with us. Trust me, you'll like it, hot chicks, lots of action, one of them is french!

                    Pass the popcorn.

                    Will do!


                      Originally posted by Deanic View Post
                      Oh right!! Well faced with Dean, I think any courage would go out of the window, I'd just have to wear a low-cut top and hope he comes after me! I'd go on the road with him, shot-gun with my cake-hole shut! LOL
                      Way to go, girl! Sounds like a shortcut to Dean's heart.

                      Wow, what's Jensen doing going all bad@ss Dean at a con?

                      Originally posted by Deanic View Post
                      Hope this link works; Jensen talking about us fans!

                      WE'VE GOT THE POWAH!

                      Originally posted by SkeksisGirl View Post
                      Yeah, Highlander was my first conventions. I've met everyone. Adrian's scared of me for some reason. Peter was never happy unless I was blushing and Jim was always ready to hang out with everyone. I went on two of the Highlander Cruises and at night you could fine everyone just mingling at the bar, no lines or "no touching" being told. We just hung and had a blast.

                      I haven't seen Jim in almost 11 years... gods I miss those guys. I squeed when Jim showed up on that one episode of SPN.

                      You know guys... this is my thread not something with older men and swords!

                      Sorry Alec, we're just bonding...

                      But this is my thread!

                      Okay... okay... sorry. We still love you. C'mon... watch an episode with us. Trust me, you'll like it, hot chicks, lots of action, one of them is french!

                      Pass the popcorn.

                      Will do!
                      LOL, that was awesome! And he's right, of course. I'll have to post some 10 Inch Hero since my kids just decided to watch that DVD.

                      Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                        Busy life. I am way behind on my eppie viewing but when I finally get the time, weee: I'm on a SPN/ Jensen binge! Yep, you can envy me
                        Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                        Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                          Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                          Way to go, girl! Sounds like a shortcut to Dean's heart.

                          Wow, what's Jensen doing going all bad@ss Dean at a con?

                          WE'VE GOT THE POWAH!

                          LOL, that was awesome! And he's right, of course. I'll have to post some 10 Inch Hero since my kids just decided to watch that DVD.




                          I LOVE me some Jensen in eye make up!!! WOW! But do your kids mind you pausing it every five minutes to gaze at certain Jensen/Priestly moments?


                            Originally posted by JadedWraith View Post
                            Busy life. I am way behind on my eppie viewing but when I finally get the time, weee: I'm on a SPN/ Jensen binge! Yep, you can envy me
                            Okay, I'm officially

                            Originally posted by Deanic View Post
                            I LOVE me some Jensen in eye make up!!! WOW! But do your kids mind you pausing it every five minutes to gaze at certain Jensen/Priestly moments?
                            Which is exactly the reason why I watch this movie on my own, not with them...

                            Check out my SGA and Fringe fanfics on


                              I'm late to the party.

                              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                              Except you, of course?
                              And me!

                              Oh, those lips need a good kissin' right now. They're so full and...right there! *resists urge to kiss computer screen*

                              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post
                              Well, I'll just settle for my Dean clone. Even though he eats me out of house and home and tends to run up astronomical phone bills...

                              But, he's calling you. Isn't he? So you shouldn't mind.

                              Originally posted by starg8fans View Post

                              Have you been complaining to your friends about my bad habits again?

                              Well, I have every reason to.


                              Who are you kidding - you love me.

                              Yeah, I guess I do. What can I say, I have a weak spot for bad boys.


                              If that's what floats your boat you've come to the right spot, sweetheart.
                              LOL! You're so good at this!

                              Originally posted by Deanic View Post
                              ^^ Hehe, love it!!

                              Don't pick her though Dean, I love you more!
                              No. I do! Choose me Dean!

                              Just see my sig...
                              I have, and it's very...pretty. And I'm kickin' myself for not thinking of it first!

                              Originally posted by Deanic View Post
                              I LOVE me some Jensen in eye make up!!! WOW!
                              Yeah, guy liner looks really great on him I agree.

                              But do your kids mind you pausing it every five minutes to gaze at certain Jensen/Priestly moments?
                              Better question, do you let your kids see Danneel's/Tish's love scenes? Or, are they actually old enough for those scenes? If so, ignore me.

                              So. Damn. Cute.

                              Sig by ME.


                                Just made this.
                                Sig by ME.

