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Jensen Ackles Thunk Thread

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    Ugh, the one night I'm home ready to watch Supernatural, the audio isn't properly synced up. I hope it's just a mistake with the channel. I guess I'll be joining you guys in the searching tomorrow.
    Awesome sig by Laura
    "We're eating stardust" ~Mr. R

    The randomess that is me
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      Saw Jensen's directorial debute last night and he did an AWESOME job! Absolutely loved Weekend at Bobby's! Just watched it again online.
      Sig by ME.


        damn knew i missed something... wonder if its up on hulu yet


          Originally posted by CKO View Post
          damn knew i missed something... wonder if its up on hulu yet
          Doubt it. I found it via...well, can't say it but I definitely found it.

          Last night was sooooo long for me, 9pm took it's sweet time arriving. Well, it wouldn't have if my brother's computer mouse was working. Imagine my frustration last night hours before the episode was to air when I couldn't get online to be here and chat about how much I was looking forward to the the episode. Nor could I rave about it afterwards. Man I was so bummed.

          Also, I didn't watch the show on my bro's big screen HDTV. No, I watched it on the somewhat-bigger-than-our-screen tv. Ours is a 27 inch and I think the one we watched it on was a 35 inch screen. Not sure, it was still pretty cool though. The big screen HDTV lives in my bro's (and his wife's) bedroom and I didn't feel comfortable watching it in there.
          Sig by ME.


            Originally posted by CKO View Post
            damn knew i missed something... wonder if its up on hulu yet
            Hulu just links back to CW, so it wouldn't be there til it's up on CW.

            And RiG, I'm sorry you missed it on the Big HDTV. 35" isn't bad though. I ended up watching it on my 14" laptop.


              Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
              Hulu just links back to CW, so it wouldn't be there til it's up on CW.
              Yeah...noticed that in my search for the episode. And I have only one thing to say about that...
              - spoilered for Weekend at Bobby's -

              And RiG, I'm sorry you missed it on the Big HDTV. 35" isn't bad though. I ended up watching it on my 14" laptop.
              Thanks... I'm sorry you had to watch it on a 14" laptop screen. I have know idea the size of my computer screen... how do you measure a computer screen anyway, diagonally?
              Sig by ME.


                Originally posted by RodneyIsGodney View Post
                Thanks... I'm sorry you had to watch it on a 14" laptop screen. I have know idea the size of my computer screen... how do you measure a computer screen anyway, diagonally?
                Yup, diagonally, just like a TV. which makes it sound bigger than it really is. But I can sit about 9" away from it, so it's not that bad.


                  Ya know what I need to do? I need to make friends with someone who has a giant HDTV and watch an ep that has a few close ups of Jensen. That would make me very happy


                    I have a giant HD tv, but The CW isn't in HD for me. :/

                    I have the blu's though.
                    Stargate Chicago Con 2010 Attendee


                      My tv is around 12 years old, meaning it's almost square...meaning our pretty boys frequently get cut off the side *gasp* since the ratio is all off!...oh, and when the title card comes up, on my tv it says "pernatur". The rest is chopped off!


                        Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
                        My tv is around 12 years old, meaning it's almost square...meaning our pretty boys frequently get cut off the side *gasp* since the ratio is all off!...oh, and when the title card comes up, on my tv it says "pernatur". The rest is chopped off!
                        I know what you mean, the tV set in my bedroom is even older! As the image ratio is off (4:3 or vice versa) we really miss out on it, especially in action sequences. RL
                        Next year I'll have to buy a new one, since it's analog and we'll have digital TV all over the country. And the adapter will cost more than a new one, so... time for spending.
                        Beautiful signature and avatar by Yamiinsane. You're a mind reader!
                        Aristides de Sousa Mendes


                          Originally posted by warrior_chic View Post
                          Yup, diagonally, just like a TV.

                          *goes to get measuring tape*

                          Okay... looks like my computer screen is a 16 incher. I'm getting a flat screen at some point.

                          which makes it sound bigger than it really is. But I can sit about 9" away from it, so it's not that bad.
                          Well, that's good.

                          Originally posted by Gamma626 View Post
                          I have a giant HD tv, but The CW isn't in HD for me. :/

                          I have the blu's though.
                          Awww! Feel better soon!

                          Originally posted by Crichiel View Post
                          My tv is around 12 years old, meaning it's almost square...meaning our pretty boys frequently get cut off the side *gasp* since the ratio is all off!...oh, and when the title card comes up, on my tv it says "pernatur". The rest is chopped off!
                          Sounds like you definitely need a new tv. Our 27 in tv(analog boob tube) is 7 or 8 years old but it's still ticking. Even if words and such are cut off somewhat.

                          Alrighty...I need some thunking now...

                          Sig by ME.


                            mmmmm *drools*


                              Sig by ME.


                                Well that was something nice to wake up to

