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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Originally posted by LadyLord75 View Post
    Hmmm, is *angsty* a word?
    Yup and next week looks to be the Angstocalypse of angsty Dean-ness.


      Originally posted by parisindy View Post
      *paris wanders in eyes closed* i haven't watched it yet? was it good hehehe?

      dean whump?
      There was some very yummy Dean whump, but let me put it in spoiler tags:

      At one point Andy sends Dean a vision and it hurts like hell, and Bobby gets all "Dean, Dean!" and he goes about two or three rounds with the third and final one taking him to his knees, leaning against his car. It's perfect.

      And then of course the end is the ultimate emotional whump. I seriously cried.

      This episode rocked.


        Originally posted by IWantToBelieve View Post
        There was some very yummy Dean whump, but let me put it in spoiler tags:

        At one point Andy sends Dean a vision and it hurts like hell, and Bobby gets all "Dean, Dean!" and he goes about two or three rounds with the third and final one taking him to his knees, leaning against his car. It's perfect.

        And then of course the end is the ultimate emotional whump. I seriously cried.

        This episode rocked.
        thanks IWTB!

        i just saw it and this is what i think.....


        Is it next week yet?

        Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
        Yup and next week looks to be the Angstocalypse of angsty Dean-ness.
        OMG i hope so!


        i don't think i'm going to make it till next week

        i'm kind of sad about


        Ash and ava too holy frell talk about a body count!

        i think i am going to implode!

        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
        Card designed by Falcon Horus


          my friends idead for season 3

          I really have a feeling Dean is going be dying at the end of the season..either to go join the family or to trade his life for thiers. Bring BDW and Sammy back, while he goes to hell.

          Season 3...Sammy and BDW fighting to get Dean back or all three fighting to get out of hell together. oh man...not gonna last!!! GAHHH!!!

          what do you guys think?

          "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
          ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
          Card designed by Falcon Horus


            What an episode.
            I squeaked pretty loudly at the end when Sam got stabbed. I knew something would happen to Sam, but I didn't expect that. Poor Dean.

            And poor Ash and Andy! I would also put Ava, but since she was killing the others, I didn't feel as bad for her.


              I thought it was a slow build, which I didn't mind since it bought the awesome ending in "Heart" (which I thought started off slow, too).

              Ahhh.. the angst.. Dean has been making me cry (or at least tear up) a LOT this season, but especially the latter half.. I have no doubt there will be more tears next week. Sigh, my heart is gonna break into little pieces again, isn't it?

              This episode was definitely more skewed toward Sam, and contained lots of exposition, which I didn't mind one bit.. mostly because there's a 2nd part and I have a lot of faith in Kripke's writing. It looks like it'll be more Dean-focused next week, *possible* spoiler for next episode:
              which is in line with the huge Dean arc that is supposed to be launched in the finale.

              I am gonna miss Ash and Andy and Ava.. lol, their names all starts with "A". It's a conspiracy! But seriously, Ava was the only female guest star I *loved* in these 2 years. I like the twist of having her turning out to be evil.. she was so adorable and innocent in "Hunted".

              Can't wait for the SEASON finale, part 2. The promo seems to point to a very intense and exciting episode.


                i just hope dean doesnt die or anything i would hate to see that happen


                  Originally posted by PuddleJumper42 View Post
                  What an episode.
                  I squeaked pretty loudly at the end when Sam got stabbed. I knew something would happen to Sam, but I didn't expect that. Poor Dean.

                  And poor Ash and Andy! I would also put Ava, but since she was killing the others, I didn't feel as bad for her.
                  awwwww bless dean i bet it was a good episode


                    Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                    my friends idead for season 3

                    I really have a feeling Dean is going be dying at the end of the season..either to go join the family or to trade his life for thiers. Bring BDW and Sammy back, while he goes to hell.
                    That's in line with some of my guesses, too. However...

                    I'm not sure the demon will allow the trade. After all, he sees Sam as "his" what with the blood ritual and needing a "special" leader for his army and all. If Dean does offer, the demon is going to laugh at him and say he's not a good enough trade. Or words to that effect.

                    I'm also curious if we're going to see the other side- the one the demon is fighting against. Is it meant to be the more angelic side of things or is it just another class of demon? I can see it/them teaming up with Dean for a while, but with the intention of killing Sam, too, because he's "tainted with the blood of the yellow-eyed one" and thus is too dangerous to be allowed to live. Dean, of course, would have a few choice words to say about that.

                    Next season: Heaven & Hell are united against the Winchester Boys.

                    Probably a bit extreme, but I'd LMAO.

                    Originally posted by nyxlily View Post
                    This episode was definitely more skewed toward Sam, and contained lots of exposition, which I didn't mind one bit.. mostly because there's a 2nd part and I have a lot of faith in Kripke's writing.
                    Well, this ep just confirmed some of what we've been saying here:
                    It IS all about Sam.


                    I think that the hints about generations is an extremely important one and the fact that Mom recognized the demon has to come back into play. I'm thinking maybe Mom herself was a a pawn/soldier in a previous battle, probably for the good guys (or less bad).

                    I'm also wondering, based on what Ava said, will Sam be willing to give in a bit to gain more power to use against the demon? And is the demon really the reason that Sam has his visions or did he just corrupt a gift/bonus from the good guys?


                      Originally posted by LadyLord75 View Post
                      Hmmm, is *angsty* a word?
                      If it isn't, it should be, for the amount of use it gets!

                      *fingers drum on desk* Is it next week yet???


                        Oh, Andy. We shall miss you. Oh, Ava. What a beyotch. Oh yes, we will have the angsty Dean to end all angsty Deans next week and I can't wait. Just when are we going to find out how Mary already knew the demon. Obviously it's not something she shared with her husband.

                        Good show.
                        Last edited by Skydiver; 12 May 2007, 08:52 AM.


                          ah OMG! i knew i didn't have enough tape left.. it cut off after the second commercial, but i got home during the third, so i missed like 8 minutes, but its was probably the most important 8 minutes..

                          so, who wants to tell me what the demon talked to sam about?

                          i don't really have much to add that you all haven't said already.

                          I too was kinda sad Ava went all evil, she was so adorable before. and OMG, can they seriously put Dean through anything else? that poor boy, he's been thru so much this season.. Sam just really had the Maddie thing, but Dean's had alot of sadness to deal with.. *huggles Dean*

                          can't wait till next week! word is Kripke said it won't be a cliffie!

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                            Go to - you can watch the episode for free there.

                            Spoiler: The demon talked to Sam about:

                            them all being there to fight it out to see which one was the strongest. He told Sam that he was the demon's favorite, but he probably told them all that. He also showed Sam the night his mother died, and we learned that the demon fed baby Sam some of his blood, and that Sam's mother recognized the demon.

                            I have a question: I'm a latecomer to the show - only started watching the last half of this season, so I have a lot of catching up to do.
                            Who was the grey-haired man riding with Dean?
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                              Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
                              I have a question: I'm a latecomer to the show - only started watching the last half of this season, so I have a lot of catching up to do.
                              Who was the grey-haired man riding with Dean?
                              That's Bobby. He was a friend of their Dad's, and has helped the brothers out on several occasions.

                              As for the episode, I thought it was great. I'm sure next week will be even better, and that has me really excited. I can't wait to see how they end this season.
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                Hey Moulin, you should probably spoiler-cut your post because not everybody who reads this thread has seen the episode yet.

