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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    And Dean was also casting Sam several "WTF??" looks in the last ep. I wonder if that's leading anywhere...

    *cues ominous rock theme*


      Glad I'm not the only one who has noticed the change. I'm not sure how i feel about it. I think I prefer the old Sam and Dean, but depending on where this is all heading, it could be very cool. I guess you can't have a series where the characters don't evolve. Anyway, TPTB of this show have done a great job so far and I guess at this point, I'll trust them to continue to do so!
      "Driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cake-hole!" - Dean Winchester, Supernatural


        hello, I am new to your thread, but have been a supernatural fan from the begining, I think sam is scared and that is why we are seeing such a change in him, since dean told him what there father said he has been acting very different, and dean is being very patient with him, I can't wait to see what is going to happen with the show, i really hope it gets another season, it deserves it more than some of the others on the cw


          Noooo!! I have taken great pains to arrange my schedule so that nothing would interfere with Supernatural. I made sure my classes ran late so I wouldn't have to work the 3-11 shift at work and that would leave the 8:00 slot free for me to enjoy Supernatural. But for some strange reason unbeknownst to me, one of my co-workers had decided that she doesn't want to work on Thursdays and so now, I have to work from 7-11 every Thursday meaning that I will now have to record Supernatural every Thursday and watch it in all its belated glory.
          (sigh) Now that I've vented, I feel better
          Andromeda Fate
          Something you need to ask yourself everyday, with every decision - WWMD "What Would McKay Do?"
          "In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you" - Teal'c
          "Go suck a lemon!" - Carter
          "Like everyone else, I lived in a house bricked up with seconds and minutes, weekends and New Year's Days, and I never went outside until I died, because there was no other door. Now I know that I could have walked through the walls." - Peter S. Beagle
          "I hope your apple pie is frickin' worth it!" - Supernatural


            Sorry to hear that, Andromeda_fate. So far I've been extremely lucky with work schedule at my hotel. Most of the sales meetings are during the mornings, and I rarely have to sub for any of the employees except for Sunday, Monday, and Tuesdays.

            Not liking changes in Sam? You'd better steel yourselves, ladies. There may be more to come. Sam the boy and idealist is gone, especially after what happens to him a week from Thursday. I rather appreciate that Kripke has allowed the characters to grow. If they don't grow, it becomes One Tree Hill. Or even, I'm sorry to say, Stargate. They took some real chances this season and alienated some fans but I think they've paid off creatively and in terms of Supernatural garnering a little more respect. I just wonder how far they're willing to push the envelope for "Born Under a Bad Sign."

            Is it all a dream? The original title was "Welcome to My Nightmare." Sam and Dean have been chilling out and laying low at Bobby's place. Sam goes missing for a week and Dean finally gets a frantic call from Sam saying that he's killed someone. Dean finds him covered in blood and a security camera showing Sam killing a hunter.

            According to the narrative at super's live journal and spoiler pictures, Sam's possessed by the same demon that possessed Meg. Is it all true? It's shocking, and I don't like it in a way, but in a way I love it and I hope it stands. Sam isn't responsible if he killed while possessed, but what a thing to have to live with. Do the writers have the cajones to go there and shock the teenyboppers and their tender sensibilities? I have to admit I hope so. It looks like Bobby is helping with the exorcism in the pictures.

            VERY spoilery pictures. "Born Under a Bad Sign"
            Born Under a Bad Sign

            What do you think?


              Originally posted by Moulin View Post

              VERY spoilery pictures. "Born Under a Bad Sign"
              Born Under a Bad Sign

              What do you think?
              What do I think? I think that is freaking awesome. I totally hope this is something that actually happens, and isn't just some dream sequence or something like that.

              I love the twists and turns this show is starting to take. I give TPTB a lot of credit for taking this show down a dark road.
              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                Woo Hoo!! It looks like Sammy...
                is being exorcised! That'll make for an interesting episode. I'd love to see how Dean reacts to having a demon in his little brother. I wonder if he'll try to get some information out of the demon first like he has before? But more than likely he'll just want that demon out.
                Andromeda Fate
                Something you need to ask yourself everyday, with every decision - WWMD "What Would McKay Do?"
                "In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you" - Teal'c
                "Go suck a lemon!" - Carter
                "Like everyone else, I lived in a house bricked up with seconds and minutes, weekends and New Year's Days, and I never went outside until I died, because there was no other door. Now I know that I could have walked through the walls." - Peter S. Beagle
                "I hope your apple pie is frickin' worth it!" - Supernatural


                  Lo and behold, for it hath happened. It's a miracle. Croatoan is now available for download at iTunes. It only took 7 weeks. Nightshifter's there, too.


                    wow... great spoilers .. can't wait for next episode.
                    this show is getting better and better with every episode.
                    VISIT AND JOIN


                      New episode tomorrow!! Who's excited??!!
                      Andromeda Fate
                      Something you need to ask yourself everyday, with every decision - WWMD "What Would McKay Do?"
                      "In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you" - Teal'c
                      "Go suck a lemon!" - Carter
                      "Like everyone else, I lived in a house bricked up with seconds and minutes, weekends and New Year's Days, and I never went outside until I died, because there was no other door. Now I know that I could have walked through the walls." - Peter S. Beagle
                      "I hope your apple pie is frickin' worth it!" - Supernatural


                        Originally posted by andromeda_fate View Post
                        New episode tomorrow!! Who's excited??!!
                        me .. me ...
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                          Originally posted by andromeda_fate View Post
                          New episode tomorrow!! Who's excited??!!
                          *yawn* Not I.

                          Kidding, of course. Can't wait!


                            yay i get double the goodness tomorrow.. get my new laptop (w/ windows vista) and a new ep of SN!! the spoilers sound awesome for the rest of the season and i can't wait to see how everything plays out. i agree its nice to see our boys growing and changing.. in some shows it takes way too long for good character growth, and i think kripke is doing a great job of it...

                            My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                              wow .. this episode blew me away .. totally ... what a start and ending ...
                              moments between sam and dean, now THAT'S character development ...

                              this show is really becoming better and better by each ep ...

                              won't post too much, don't want to spoil for those who didn't watch, but .. trust me .. it's mind blowing (at least to me).
                              VISIT AND JOIN


                                I dunno about mind-blowing, but I did like it. That bit towards the end seemed very Final Destinationy, which isn't necessarily a bad thing in my book. The implications are interesting, too. I'm not tremendously surprised, though, because as soon as someone says "war" that means there are two major forces at work. We've already had a taste of the evil side of things, so now... Hmmm. Very hmmm.

