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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
    Interesting ep tonight. Liked it all except for the last line. Cheesy, but expected. *sigh*

    It was good to see some follow-up to last season re: the shapeshifter murder. Linda Blair was pretty kickass in this ep. Shame she probably won't be used again, I like her character a lot better than I've liked SOME of the ones introduced *cough*Jo*cough*. I think I met her once at a horror con.

    It was also good to see Dean and Sam get caught and have their "crimes" addressed, at least obliquely. The bad guy was a bit obvious, though. I wasn't sure until he caressed Linda's chin and by the time they kissed I knew he was evil. Still, fairly good resolution and like I said, LB helped to make it all good.

    Funny thing, I'm not even sure I've seen Exorcist from beginning to end...

    I'd like to see Linda Blair's character used again too, never hurts to have an insider in the cops. Was good to see Iron Eagle too, even though he was the bad guy.

    I really like the boys arrogance, guess they've seen so much, mundane laws don't really phase them. Love how they both called their lawyer, Matlock.

    If you do watch the Exorcist from beginning to end, be prepared to laugh. I bought it a while ago when the anverisary edition came out on dvd, nothing like I remember watching it as a kid. Maybe I've just be so desensitized to horor and violence but I didn't find the movie scary at all and some parts I did laugh.


      That was a freaky ep. The bits with the spirit I found genuinely creepy. I don't think I'll be gettin much sleep now. Serves me right for watching it in the dark by myself.

      But I did enjoy the editing at the beginning of the ep and how they stitched together the different timelines.

      But yeah, agreeing with Shadow that the last line was a bit much. Should have stopped it just before that, Dean saying he she looked familiar was tribute enough.


        "Are you hungry? i can go for some pea soup" that was funny ! i didn't think they would say that.
        "For crying out loud!!"
        "now get your ass back to work and fix those damn engines!!"


          That was much better than last week. I enjoyed that a lot. Jared Padalecki is smoldering hotter than hot all of a sudden. The boy has become a man. Ball of twine.

          Better get your prostate checked. HA! Oh Dean, you don't play well with other alpha males. Next week is the big week.

          Dean finds out that his father traded his soul into hell to save his life. That's going to be enough emotion to rock the house


            Pretty good ep. Don't hate me but I wasn't too impressed with Linda Blaire's acting skills.
            I was very glad that they finally adressed the fact that Dean was declared dead. I also really liked the line at the end. I thought it was hilarious although maybe the pea soup bit was a bit much.
            Funny thing was I was laughing at the last line and then had to explain it to my room mates and they had seen exorcist and I hadn't! (and they knew it was Linda Blaire because I had told them so from the beginning.)
            I also liked how we got a little more insight into how they operate whenever they get separated and how Sammy basically took over the investigation because Dean couldn't.
            Anyways, next weeks ep looks great! (of course )
            Andromeda Fate
            Something you need to ask yourself everyday, with every decision - WWMD "What Would McKay Do?"
            "In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you" - Teal'c
            "Go suck a lemon!" - Carter
            "Like everyone else, I lived in a house bricked up with seconds and minutes, weekends and New Year's Days, and I never went outside until I died, because there was no other door. Now I know that I could have walked through the walls." - Peter S. Beagle
            "I hope your apple pie is frickin' worth it!" - Supernatural


              I thought last night's episode was really great. I love how the Winchester brothers are so on the same page regarding things. Linda Blair did an admirable job IMO, and I too hope to see her again on the show.

              Next week's ep though, I am so looking forward to. It should be amazing.
              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                yay, its thursday. only 20.5 hours to go.. just watched the director's cut for todays ep, and it looks interesting.. haha

                My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                  I sooo can't wait for tonight's episode. It should be one hell of a good one.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    HELP!! I forgot to set my recorder and missed this Thursdays ep!

                    Can anyone get me the highlights?


                      visit super-wiki for a transcript of the eppie

                      and in a few days will have a summary up

                      My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                        You missed the best episode of the season, debskec. That's a shame. If those ratings don't come up and people don't quit watching the other shows in the time slot instead while recording SN, Supernatural is not going to survive. Episode 8 had the lowest ratings of the series. It's in miserable shape ratings wise and it's getting worse. The only thing saving it is that the other 9 p.m. programs are doing even more miserably. However, OTH actually beat SN the last two weeks. It didn't this week. In HH ratings and total viewers, SN was in seventh place out of 12 first run shows on CW behind America's Next Top Model, Smackdown, Smallville, Gilmore Girls, 7th Heaven, and Everybody Hates Chris. Only One Tree Hill, Veronica Mars, Girlfriends, All of Us, and The Game lagged behind. SN will continue to get a little extra slack as it's acknowledged it's in the worst time slot of the week, but if it goes below 3 million there are no guarantees of it getting renewed. If you know any Nielsen viewers at all with divided favorites Thursdays at 9, please ask them to watch SN live and record the other show. Some industry insiders swear SN is safe, others worry. I'm very concerned that everyone seems to record SN and no one seems to watch it live. It's always the second choice.

                        I don't know if mere description can do it justice if you didn't see it live. The last scene between Dean and Sam was pure nuance and pure perfection. Try for the clips at That's the best you can do. You picked a heck of an episode to forget to record. IMO it was the best episode of the entire series to date.

                        That being said, the next new episode airs December 7th. Then the hiatus until January. The secret is revealed on December 7th. I know what it is and it's a whopper, ladies. You don't want to miss it. Don't watch Grey's Anatomy instead. Don't watch the OC. Don't watch CSI or Scrubs. Croatoan is a powerful episode. If you miss it you're going to miss out on one hell of an emotional ride.
                        Last edited by Moulin; 19 November 2006, 10:25 PM.


                          I want to know the spoilers!! (ok, so I'm a spoiler junky) Me and my room mate always make my other room mate record CSI while we watch Supernatural.
                          Also, if you missed an episode you can watch it on Youtube. Just type in Supernatural and the episode name. You usually have to watch it in five segments and on a little screen but if you missed it it's worth it.
                          Andromeda Fate
                          Something you need to ask yourself everyday, with every decision - WWMD "What Would McKay Do?"
                          "In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you" - Teal'c
                          "Go suck a lemon!" - Carter
                          "Like everyone else, I lived in a house bricked up with seconds and minutes, weekends and New Year's Days, and I never went outside until I died, because there was no other door. Now I know that I could have walked through the walls." - Peter S. Beagle
                          "I hope your apple pie is frickin' worth it!" - Supernatural


                            actually, i was quite disappointed with this past week's ep. The director's cut preview had the good scenes. I was looking forward to the ep too b/c it was about black dogs/hell hounds (which is what my SN fic is about, if i'd ever get the time to get back to writing it) but the fact that they didn't show the dogs really got me down. The plot was good and all, but imho, they did a poor job with it, and for me, i'm tieing it with No Exit for the worst eps of the season.

                            as for ppl who record SN and watch other shows instead. for my friends atleast, its b/c they like SN more, if that makes any sense. They prefer to tape SN so they can watch it over and over any time they want. Me, I've given up years of religiously watching CSI to watch SN, which last year wasn't so bad, b/c imho CSI was slacking, but this year has gotten its game back, so now I'm torn, but I'm still watching SN live here at school, and have my vcr set at home to tape it as well. But since i do have them taped, once re-runs start, i'll probably be watching CSI.. plus, you can't really go by Nielson rating b/c its something like less than 1/10 of tv viewers has the neilson box, and if you are one who has it, your most likely not a person who watches The CW.

                            My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                              I can appreciate wanting to tape Supernatural and savor it. I really can. The problem is that the Nielsen people don't care. Neither does the network. It's cold hard numbers to them. The decision to renew goes by the Nielsen ratings. The CW as a whole is in serious trouble. They're talking "makegoods" to the advertisers since the network has to estimate a certain number for the ratings to the advertisers for each individual series. If the series underperforms, the network has to pay the advertisers. So far every series except America's Next Top Model has underperformed. That can make a network want to clean house of all but it's very top shows. Supernatural isn't one of their top shows. It was for the first three weeks, then it fell. The premiere of the OC really hurt it. Now it's middle of the pack because everyone records it. Therein lies the problem. The premiere of Reba last night beat Supernatural's numbers this week. That's not a good sign. There are 2 insiders floating around the boards. One swears it's safe because the network can't throw anything else in its terrible time slot. The other says no, it's not because the network's in trouble as a whole. A Green Arrow series is looking tempting to them. So, I'm concerned. FYI, Supernatural episodes are being deleted from youtube because of legal issues since youtube was bought out by google. You can still see promos and music videos the fans made, but the episodes are gone. Just a heads up. This started about a 2 weeks ago. People at were mad. They counted on watching The Usual Suspects the next day and found out it had been deleted. All the bookmarks I had of the five parts of Supernatural episodes--they've all been deleted by the site. You can still see the fantastic SOON promo that Kripke put together for the next 2 episodes on youtube. Croatoan is the secret revelation and Hunted is the first fallout of the secret revelation. I'm really afraid Supernatural will dip below 3 million on December 7 and when it comes back from break. There was talk about putting SN on Sundays at 8 next season, but 7th Heaven got a real boon from Reba last night. It could be the top performer of the week right after Top Model. There's talk of possibly keeping it around with a reduced cast. Supernatural's future is about 50/50 right now. I don't mean to badger. I'm just concerned is all. Every time I like a show, its ratings are awful. Battlestar's ratings are in the toilet now, too. It's in bad trouble.

                              The secret? Here goes. I warned you.

                              At the end of Croatan and the incident when Sam is unaffected by the virus, Dean finally tells Sam what John whispered. John whispered, "Keep Sammy safe at all costs, Dean.....or you'll have to kill him.

                              The demon is the reason why. Sam freaks out because he's afraid and runs off from Dean. Gordon starts to hunt Sam because someone at the roadhouse spilled the beans about Sam's special status. Sam is saved by a nice girl named Ava, who's one of the chosen children herself who has been having visions about Sam being killed. Ava is engaged to be married. Anyway, Dean and Ava end up saving Sam from Gordon. Ava, who said she's been experiencing more visions of the demon with the yellow eyes, promises to be at her apartment with her fiance when Sam calls to check on her. Sam calls and calls, but no answer. He and Dean go to the apartment to find Ava's fiance brutally murdered. Ava, who was brave and kind enough to seek out Sam, a stranger, to help him and who helped Dean save Sam, has murdered her fiance because the demon told her to do it in a vision.

                              She could no longer resist. The special children are destined to be warriors against the demon in a battle against good and evil. Corporeal bodies or not, they can still battle him. The demon's only hope is to corrupt them. Isolating them is a wonderful start. What is the trigger for their ultimate inability to resist? Well.....John didn't know. Dean doesn't know. Is it killing another human? Killing a loved one? Visions so crippling you can't resist? Once they start to kill, they'll kill their loved ones--like Dean. Ava proves it. Why were they chosen? Are they avatars? Offspring of the demon? Victims of a curse? Mary Winchester's family history?

                    'll have to stay tuned until Dean and Sam figure out why. Sam's terrified he'll hurt Dean now. Kripke only explains what the secret is. Why is a revelation for another day. Makes an excellent reason for the demon to have really kept Dean alive. He wants Sam to do the deed. The gist is, John probably gave his life for nothing. The demon likely would have saved Dean at the last moment anyway. Intense, huh?


                                If that is the secret, WOW!!!!! That's about all I can even say.
                                MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                                "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                                Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead

