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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    I feel a little sorry for the actress, but... that still doesn't make me like her character.


      Actually, I liked the episode. I wouldn't want Jo in future eps as much as she was in this one, but a little of her is ok.

      Next week's episode looks like it should be very interesting.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        i don't know why everyone is upset about these new recurring characters. i find it a breath of fresh air. in the first season dean and sam seemed two dimensional to me, but now they have new conflicts with roadhouse people that can flesh them out more.

        i was kind of dissapointed that they didn't kill off "the demon" at end of first season, just like they did on buffy and then go onto something else. i'll keep watching but i don't want the show to turn into every other show we've already seen. writers shouldn't be afraid to take risks with show like this.


          Originally posted by darman View Post
          i don't know why everyone is upset about these new recurring characters. i find it a breath of fresh air. in the first season dean and sam seemed two dimensional to me, but now they have new conflicts with roadhouse people that can flesh them out more.

          i was kind of dissapointed that they didn't kill off "the demon" at end of first season, just like they did on buffy and then go onto something else. i'll keep watching but i don't want the show to turn into every other show we've already seen. writers shouldn't be afraid to take risks with show like this.
          I think the writers are doing a great job so far with this show. And in truth, IMO, I'm glad "the demon" is still around. I like the fact that he is the main bad they will eventually have to deal with. After the events of earlier this season, the Winchesters have an even bigger score to settle with it.
          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


            I don't have a problem with the roadhouse or with adding new characters. In fact, I love Ellen. I think she's strong and kick ass. Ash is pretty funny, too, but my goodness Jo is such a Mary Sue. Alona Tal never had a chance with her character written to be oh so tough girl cutesy pie and spunkalicioius.

            Ellen is tough. Jo is "spunky." Spunky is annoying. The writers are just trying too frigging hard with Jo. Oh look, she twirls knives just like Dean. What a tough little girl. Oh look, she's great at poker just like Dean. Look, they "met cute" and she punched him in the nose. I'll bet he's enchanted with tough girly girl. Oh, she has all the highest scores with the gun on the video game. Oh look, she and Dean are bantering while he's on the phone with her mother. Well, how cute. You suppose those crazy kids are gonna fall in love? She annoys him, so he must really like her. It's just so....formulaic. I just can't understand why the director is having her play the part so young. She came across as so mature and elegant as Meg Manning on Veronica Mars, and Meg was supposed to be in high school. I just don't get it. Somebody thought a perky little teenaged blond would be just what the male demographic wanted, but I always pictured Dean falling for someone like Layla who had some class, or Andrea the mother from Dead in the Water. Actually falling for them, as opposed to having a one night stand. I think the interview quoted above is pretty indicative of the fact that Kripke's aware that they may have misfired with Jo. Announcing her as "the love interest" ahead of time was a big mistake. She's just too young.


              I don't have a problem with the roadhouse or with adding new characters. In fact, I love Ellen. I think she's strong and kick ass. Ash is pretty funny, too, but my goodness Jo is such a Mary Sue. Alona Tal never had a chance with her character written to be oh so tough girl cutesy pie and spunkalicioius.

              Ellen is tough. Jo is "spunky." Spunky is annoying. The writers are just trying too frigging hard with Jo. Oh look, she twirls knives just like Dean. What a tough little girl. Oh look, she's great at poker just like Dean. Look, they "met cute" and she punched him in the nose. I'll bet he's enchanted with tough girly girl. Oh, she has all the highest scores with the gun on the video game. Oh look, she and Dean are bantering while he's on the phone with her mother. Well, how cute. You suppose those crazy kids are gonna fall in love? She annoys him, so he must really like her. It's just so....formulaic. I just can't understand why the director is having her play the part so young. She came across as so mature and elegant as Meg Manning on Veronica Mars, and Meg was supposed to be in high school. I just don't get it. Somebody thought a perky little teenaged blond would be just what the male demographic wanted, but I always pictured Dean falling for someone like Layla who had some class, or Andrea the mother from Dead in the Water. Actually falling for them, as opposed to having a one night stand. I think the interview quoted above is pretty indicative of the fact that Kripke's aware that they may have misfired with Jo. Announcing her as "the love interest" ahead of time was a big mistake. She's just too young. I keep thinking to myself that Dean would be more interested in a genuinely strong woman like Ellen than in Jo. Dean's had too much responsibility his whole life. He doesn't need another baby to diaper.


                Add me to the list of those who don't have a problem with the Roadhouse (I actually think it's a great idea) and the new characters (woo, Ash!). But I'm not keen about Jo. Disliking ONE new character doesn't equal hating them ALL, but as Moulin said, she's too spunky. She's like some uberfan, or at least someone who has all the book learning but none of the field experience... and she throws herself into the field in all the wrong ways. Characters like that can be very dangerous- to themselves and to those around them. And she has this very spoiled and "privileged" air about her.

                Ash and Ellen are great, though, and I hope we'll be seeing some of the other Hunters, but Jo? Send her back to daycare, please, and let the grownups get back to work.


                  i totally agree w/ you 100% Shadow

                  My Graphix LJ || scifi_abc


                    Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
                    She's like some uberfan, or at least someone who has all the book learning but none of the field experience... and she throws herself into the field in all the wrong ways. Characters like that can be very dangerous- to themselves and to those around them. And she has this very spoiled and "privileged" air about her.
                    Isn't that exactly like what she is? She's been around hunters all of her life but has never actually hunted anything herself so she does have all of the book learning but no experience otherwise. I do think she has the potential to get the boys into trouble but I hope they don't turn her into the damsel in distress. I think it would be an interesting dynamic to bring her into the fold and start hunting with Dean and Sam, not so much as a sexual conquest for Dean but as an equal, someone they respect and would trust.

                    I guess I just don't see the problem with Jo that everyone is having. There is a little tension between Dean and Jo but not much considering Dean in the first season went after everything with a pulse, he hasn't been after her all that much.


                      It isn't the shippyness I have a problem with, it's just the character herself. And since I'm not required to love her, I don't. I've already explained why. No need to get repetitive.

                      Someone refresh me, what was the preview for this week's ep? I keep confusing it with the previews from Torchwood (which would make one helluva crossover, as has been said before).


                        I like her.
                        Why should Dean go for some serious chick? In his line of work he can choose between -
                        a) dumb that has no idea
                        b) less dumb that knows whats going on

                        anything else would just be too complicated... writers need to focus on stories, not his love life... so i do NOT have any problem with Jo and how her character was done...

                        we really dont need brothers in some soap opera thing ... true?
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                          Yay, only one more day to get through until a new Supernatural. I am so loving this season so far.
                          MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                          "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                          Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                            Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post

                            Someone refresh me, what was the preview for this week's ep? I keep confusing it with the previews from Torchwood (which would make one helluva crossover, as has been said before).
                            This weeks ep is about Dean getting accused of murder and brought into the FBI and the whole investigation etc. etc. Guest starring is Linda Blair.
                            Andromeda Fate
                            Something you need to ask yourself everyday, with every decision - WWMD "What Would McKay Do?"
                            "In my culture, I would be well within my rights to dismember you" - Teal'c
                            "Go suck a lemon!" - Carter
                            "Like everyone else, I lived in a house bricked up with seconds and minutes, weekends and New Year's Days, and I never went outside until I died, because there was no other door. Now I know that I could have walked through the walls." - Peter S. Beagle
                            "I hope your apple pie is frickin' worth it!" - Supernatural


                              Originally posted by andromeda_fate View Post
                              This weeks ep is about Dean getting accused of murder and brought into the FBI and the whole investigation etc. etc. Guest starring is Linda Blair.
                              Sounds like it should be another great one too. I can't wait for tonight.
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                Interesting ep tonight. Liked it all except for the last line. Cheesy, but expected. *sigh*

                                It was good to see some follow-up to last season re: the shapeshifter murder. Linda Blair was pretty kickass in this ep. Shame she probably won't be used again, I like her character a lot better than I've liked SOME of the ones introduced *cough*Jo*cough*. I think I met her once at a horror con.

                                It was also good to see Dean and Sam get caught and have their "crimes" addressed, at least obliquely. The bad guy was a bit obvious, though. I wasn't sure until he caressed Linda's chin and by the time they kissed I knew he was evil. Still, fairly good resolution and like I said, LB helped to make it all good.

                                Funny thing, I'm not even sure I've seen Exorcist from beginning to end...

