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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Originally posted by Nameless View Post
    General Hammond is on Supernatural
    That was really sweet to see. This whole episode was great IMO, and is probably the best one yet this season. We finally learned
    the Yellow-Eyed Demon's name, and got to hear more about the other side of this war.
    I really like how this season is shaping up.
    MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
    "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
    Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


      okay brilliant! loved it... loved learning more about whats going on

      that dean lied and is obviously scared... and worried about sam....



      okay LOVEEEEEEEEEEE the bobby!
      i think he's really taken on a father role now

      are the boys living with him when they aren't on the road? almost looks that way

      love dean's talk with the deamon
      he is obviously scared even though he says he isn't

      so cool to learn YED's name... wow thats a famous religious name...fallen angel i believe but i would have to check in to that

      i know who the main demon was...figured that out right away so no shocker there
      but i am not sure it was suppose to me

      gore moment of the week... so loving these ... this weeks was buddy 'what's his name' getting his head turned around, so cool!

      some hints about deans life while sam was at school damn i would love to know more about that

      and more possibly evil sam'

      *happy sigh* man so many hint and leads it could keep me thinking for a while

      the plot was there but seemed secondary to the mythos and i am totally fine with that

      trust in the kripke the kripke is good!

      so loving the bobby!
      Last edited by parisindy; 25 October 2007, 10:14 PM.

      "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
      ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
      Card designed by Falcon Horus


        That was a great episode, last night, found out so much!

        I liked....

        that the Yellow-Eyed Demon turned out to be Azazel. That in two different references is mentioned as the Angel of Death or leader of the Fallen Angels. Great use of mythology. I also think that the Demon Girl that keeps helping Sam is Lucifer. The reason is because of what that demon said to Dean about how no one knows where he is and at the end of the episode how she says to him, 'think of me as your fallen angel.' Would be a awesome turn events to see Lucifer help Sam start leading the demon army, something along those lines, or getting rid of him so he can lead it. Either way good plot twist. I also want to see how the made the Colt Gun work again.
        Last edited by Cap116; 26 October 2007, 06:05 AM. Reason: More More More

        : Green is Good.
        sigpic I NEED MORE POWER!!!


          Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
          That was really sweet to see. This whole episode was great IMO, and is probably the best one yet this season. We finally learned
          the Yellow-Eyed Demon's name, and got to hear more about the other side of this war.
          I really like how this season is shaping up.
          I totally agree. Last night's ep was very good.

          (spoilers for #3.04)

          Was really cool to see General Hammond there And he didn't appear to be one of the bad guys, lol

          Also was interesting to learn of the YED's name. I wasn't thrilled with everything that demon was telling Dean during their talk but I guess we weren't supposed to be (after all they ARE evil, even if they don't think they are ).

          That Richie guy was silly in a quaint sort of way... living not that far from NYC I'm familiar with people like him, heehee. I had a feeling something was going to happen to him.

          I agree with parisindy, it was easy to see Dean was scared and worried about Sam, even if he didn't come out and admit it.

          I'm loving Bobby, too... it's nice to see him as a sort of surrogate father.

          I'm still not all that sure about Ruby. It seems like she wants to help, but I wonder what her other plans are. Guess we will have to stay tuned to see. Interesting theory, Cap116 about her being Lucifer. It does sorta jive with that "fallen angel" comment.

          Had to chuckle a bit early on when Dean stopped to ogle the girl in the car and Sam dragged him away... hee hee.

          I liked the promo for next week's ep, too.. that one looks like it's going to be interesting.

          Still loving this season


            First off....I'm really loving Supernatural this season(not that I don't love the other seasons, but this is the first time I've watched the shows as they air and it's exciting). There's so much going on and everyone is doing a great job.

            I just adore Bobby.

            I'm liking Ruby more and more and am getting more intrigued by her.

            About "Sin City":
            Dean's conversation with the bartender/demon was great. He's rethinking his kill first, ask questions later method.
            Dean wondering about Sam and asking Bobby his opinion re Sam and seeing the obvious worry in Dean's eyes was a good way to end the episode.

            I'm so curious to see what Ruby's plans/true intentions are.

            It seems like Sam is headed for the dark side.

            Woohoo for the Colt being back in action, thanks to Ruby.

            Can't wait for the next installment.



              Ratings for last night's episode were 3.27 million viewers with a 1.3 18-49 demo. That's an increase of 240,000 viewers from last week's "Bad Day at Black Rock." It would appear that all the tornadoes and storms last week really did wreak havoc with the rating. I know several people who weren't able to watch because their power went out last week.


                The show's ratings seem to have improved this year, which is good because the quality of the show has definately improved this year if you ask me, so it's more than deserving of the boost.

                As for Sin City
                I'm guessing that Sam is now host to Lucifer, when he came back he had a little of Lucifer's essence inside him, and as time passes he'll get darker and darker.

                Not too sure about bringing the colt back into action, it's a great weapon and everything, but it could end up getting over used. That said, the writers haven't let us down yet... okay "Route 666" ... but otherwise they've done great so far.

                Bobby's going to die isn't he? I've loved his character since he first came along towards the end of S1 and he's just gotten better and better over S2 and what he's been in during S3 so far, and being a fan of all of Joss Whedon's shows, I'm suspicious of any none-essential character getting lots of attention. Hope he doesn't, he's playing the father figure... albeit a different type of father to them than John... maybe more a cooky uncle, but he's a great character and adds something to the show.

                Ruby, thinking she's not all that good, she's trying to push Sam to make the wrong decisions in order to make the process of Lucifer (assuming I'm right here) taking over. Decent character though, interesting.

                So, old yellow eyes was a big bad even in hell? With a name like Azazel, it's unlikely that there's anyone other than Lucifer himself higher up in the heirarchy there, and because he's gone, it's all gone wrong for the demons.

                Aslo, what's with the bumped up levels of gore this season? Jeez...
                Equality is not a concept. It's not something we should be striving for. It's a necessity. Equality is like gravity. We need it to stand on this earth as men and women. And the misogyny that is in every culture is not a true part of the human condition. It is life out of balance, and that imbalance is sucking something out of the soul of every man and woman who is confronted with it.
                - Joss Whedon - Equality Now


                  Gooooooore. Yes, I'm pleasantly surprised at the quality as well. There seems to be a sense of purpose and urgency. Some folks are still screaming the "I want season one back" chant and bemoaning Dean and Sam's "separation," but they can yell all they want if the ratings stay up. There's a point to Sam and Dean's strain right now. Sam has to go behind Dean's back if he wants to try and save him, and he knows that Dean hates Ruby (with good reason). Some fans aren't patient enough to wait for the payoff down the round. By cutting back on the emo here and there, it becomes much more satisfying when it happens.

                  As for Bobby
                  TPTB have no plans to kill him off. He'll become very ill in episode nine or ten, the one with Jason Voorhees, but he's not dying. TPTB love Jim Beaver too much, and they love the evolving father figure role he's taking


                    As for Bobby:

                    I'm glad TPTB love him and Jim Beaver because I would hate for him to die. He rocks.

                    I've noticed the gore factor being more extreme this season too. I like it! Maybe they think increased gore will attract more viewers. Or maybe they TPTB feel it's appropriate for this season and its themes.


                      The build up of tension continues to be beautifully paced and studded with great stand alone moments both hilarious and shocking. The culmination of these revelations will be astounding. This show just keeps doing it all right, riveting stuff and the best show out there for me at the moment!

                      No surprise the ratings continue to rise. Supernatural has turned out to be one of those shows that is being noticed a little more after working quietly away at being fantastic for a time. It's sort of like what 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' did and we got seven great seasons of that!!


                        Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                        The build up of tension continues to be beautifully paced and studded with great stand alone moments both hilarious and shocking. The culmination of these revelations will be astounding. This show just keeps doing it all right, riveting stuff and the best show out there for me at the moment!

                        No surprise the ratings continue to rise. Supernatural has turned out to be one of those shows that is being noticed a little more after working quietly away at being fantastic for a time. It's sort of like what 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' did and we got seven great seasons of that!!
                        Man, I can only hope this show will last that long. This season is really shaping up nicely, and personally, I think last night's episode was the best so far this year. I think things are going to just keep getting better and better.
                        MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                        "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                        Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                          I really hope so, too. I'm really liking this season so far and next week's episode looks pretty cool. Can't wait to see it


                            I liked the last episode alot and I think this season's turning up pretty nice, especially the part about how
                            Sam was supposed to step up in the event of Yeallow Eyes death and take control of his armies

                            Cant wait to see next weeks episode it looks promising as well.


                              Personally, I feel we still have a lot left to see concerning Sam and his "destiny". IMO, too many little clues and hints have been dropped. I have no idea which way things will go, but I'm confident it will be mind-blowing.
                              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                                Yeah, I have the feeling that they're setting this up for something big. I think it's going to be a wild ride

