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Supernatural : General Discussion/Appreciation (Spoiler Tags req for S15)

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    Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
    Nope - do I want to?
    dude the words 'dead sexy' comes to mind hehe but i don't want to hijack this thread with my fangirl ways hehe

    "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
    ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
    Card designed by Falcon Horus


      I try not to think about the time until Season 3 starts. I'm just really happy that it is coming back in September and once again I can get lost in the fantastic realms this show takes you to.

      Coupled with Sam and Dean's wonderful mix of strength and vunerablity and their interaction makes for riveting viewing. You really never know what will happen next and when it does it's something that is just astounding.....oh roll on September!!!!

      I can't wait to see how Dean will....

      deal with the terrible situation he is in after his deal for Sam's life. This should bring on an aspect of urgency and desperation as his time runs out. Ooooh more angst!!!!

      Guess I can't wait really, at least I have fellow sufferers to share my withdrawl symptoms with and seek and share comfort!!!

      Reminder to self.. if they come back filming here this summer and advertise for extras in the local paper again, you will apply!...*bangs head on desk in memory of not doing so last year*


        Originally posted by Krisz View Post
        I try not to think about the time until Season 3 starts. I'm just really happy that it is coming back in September and once again I can get lost in the fantastic realms this show takes you to.

        Coupled with Sam and Dean's wonderful mix of strength and vunerablity and their interaction makes for riveting viewing. You really never know what will happen next and when it does it's something that is just astounding.....oh roll on September!!!!

        I can't wait to see how Dean will....

        deal with the terrible situation he is in after his deal for Sam's life. This should bring on an aspect of urgency and desperation as his time runs out. Ooooh more angst!!!!

        Guess I can't wait really, at least I have fellow sufferers to share my withdrawl symptoms with and seek and share comfort!!!

        Reminder to self.. if they come back filming here this summer and advertise for extras in the local paper again, you will apply!...*bangs head on desk in memory of not doing so last year*

        I can't wait for....
        sam as the cartaker.., i want to see him take care of dean! Save the dean!

        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
        Card designed by Falcon Horus


          Originally posted by parisindy View Post
          me either i may not make it hehe

          yes a magazine and two books and season 2 dvds all before season 3 starts

          thank goodness for fanfic! or i'd never make it
          Good point about fanfic - I've only recently started reading Supernatural fics. Anyone have any recommendations for sites with good SN fic?

          IIRC season 2 on dvd is supposed to be released on Sept. 11th. I guess that's still before season 3 starts... looking at a mid-late Sept. for the season premiere?

          Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
          Ah, September, it seems so far away. However, I feel that the wait for Season 3 will be well worth it.
          Same here

          Originally posted by ShadowMaat View Post
          I'm awaiting delivery of comic book #1. As for the books... I'll probably read them, even if they are rubbish. I've read the Torchwood novels and that's with thinking the show itself is pretty rubbish, so Supernatural novels can't be THAT bad. At least I'll be going into them knowing that, much like other TV tie-ins, they won't be very good. They're just professional fanfics.
          I might check out the books. I heard they're coming out with a book on season 1 that's a bit like the Stargate illustrated season companion books. Also in Sept. I believe.


            Originally posted by Killdeer View Post
            A friend of mine sent me a couple of links to some Supernatural YouTube videos - the Official Supernatural Drinking Game, part 1 & part 2. Have you all seen them? I thought they were pretty funny. I'm sure there's more than one version out there. This is the only one I've seen.


            Those were great, thanks for the links!!


              Originally posted by parisindy View Post
              I can't wait for....
              sam as the cartaker.., i want to see him take care of dean! Save the dean!
              Yeah, he's going to have to. Otherwise, things don't look too good.
              MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
              "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
              Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                Yeah, he's going to have to. Otherwise, things don't look too good.

                but they do!...look good...oh hehe you mean the show!
                yeah i think it will all come down to whether there is a season 4 or not
                or maybe not... GAHHHH! I need spoilers

                okay i think we talked about this before but it got me thinking...

                so i have a question
                spoilers for season 2 finale...
                what if dean hadn't told sam about the deal with the demon (or what if sam hadn't figured it out)

                I had half hoped that Sam wouldn't find out about The Deal right away because I wanted to see what he'd have done once the YED was dead, without strings attached. Would he really have gone back to school? What would Dean have done if he did? Would he ever tell Sam? Same mentioned in "shadows~season 1" that after he killed the YED he would leave again to go back to a normal life.

                if sammy had lived and had dean still made the deal and sam didn't know do you think he would have left?
                Last edited by parisindy; 06 June 2007, 08:00 PM.

                "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                Card designed by Falcon Horus


                  Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                  so i have a question
                  spoilers for season 2 finale...

                  if sammy had lived and had dean still made the deal and sam didn't know do you think he would have left?
                  I don't think so. I think Sam had gone through too many changes in Season 2, and since losing their Dad to this "war" as well, he's realized how important the work they are both doing really is. I don't think
                  Sam would have gone back to a "normal" life after the YED died, even if he didn't know about Dean's deal.
                  MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                  "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                  Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                    Originally posted by parisindy View Post
                    spoilers for season 2 finale...
                    what if dean hadn't told sam about the deal with the demon (or what if sam hadn't figured it out)

                    I had half hoped that Sam wouldn't find out about The Deal right away
                    Perhaps that was a concession to the worries that s3 might not happen. If it had ended with Sam ignorant and that had been the last ever ep we'd have all freted about this big clifhanger; this way, Sam has said that he'll find a way out of the deal, so it's a bit more like the boys are riding off into the sunset.
                    Don't get me wrong, I'm mad keen for s3 to get going, and no less so than if there was more of a cliffhanger; but if the entire show had ended after s2 the fact that it had been addressed like that would have lessened the pain of loss, for me.



                      Originally posted by Madeleine_W View Post
                      Don't get me wrong, I'm mad keen for s3 to get going, and no less so than if there was more of a cliffhanger; but if the entire show had ended after s2 the fact that it had been addressed like that would have lessened the pain of loss, for me.
                      I do agree with you there. Boy am I glad we are getting a third season though. This show is just getting better and better IMO, and I think we're all in for a real treat this next season.
                      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                        Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
                        I do agree with you there. Boy am I glad we are getting a third season though. This show is just getting better and better IMO, and I think we're all in for a real treat this next season.

                        it was all wrapped up pretty good
                        but if i didn't get more dean whump and angst there would have been hell to pay

                        and about sammy

                        I think he'd stay. He had switched over so much from "Shadows" to accepting this was what he did. I don' think he could leave Dean either. Also, we dont' know how much of him that came back is "Sam". That I think would push him more towards the not normal life.

                        Story wise, I think they had to have Sam find out. First cause, he's too smart to not figure it out. And second becasue we already dealt with the "Dean has a seceret" storyline this year. It would be way too much like this season.

                        i think sam has changed alot since he made that statement and i think our boys have bonded, so i don't think sammy could have/ would have left

                        make you wonder why that bond wasn;t there when he left the first time?
                        or do you think it was just school was his dream? And he felt dean had their father?

                        "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                        ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                        Card designed by Falcon Horus


                          Interesting point Parisindy..

                          How much of Sam did come back?

                          That's another interesting addition to the mix. There's got to be a twist there somewhere along the line. I do love this show, can keep anticipating great twists and turns and still end up surprised all the time!!!


                            Everything's in spoilers since it involves season 2 in general..
                            I think he'd stay. He had switched over so much from "Shadows" to accepting this was what he did. I don' think he could leave Dean either.
                            I have a different take on that. During the whole second season, as far as I can tell, he continued hunting for entirely selfish reasons. 1) Guilt for John. He was trying to make up for not being a "good" son - for all the arguments and his rebellion - by doing what he felt his father would have wanted. 2) He saved people in order to save himself. After the reveal, he thought saving others would give him points on the cosmic scale of things; that, if he did enough good deeds, it'd prevent him from turning evil. And 3) He wanted to kill the thing that destroyed his family and Jess. Same motivation as season 1: revenge, with the added bonus of #1 and #2.

                            So, I don't think he was "accepting" the hunter's life so much as carrying it on to accomplish his personal mission.

                            i think sam has changed alot since he made that statement and i think our boys have bonded, so i don't think sammy could have/ would have left
                            I'm not quite sure that he would have stayed once he accomplished his goals (if the YED was dead with no evil army on the loose and his "destiny" was resolved with its death). As stated above, he only stayed a hunter because of his personal issues, once those are over? I can see the bond with Dean might make him keep hunting (plus, no more oppressive John to contend with), but he could just as easily stay in touch with Dean while he goes back to school (or so he reasons). That's why I wanted to see what Sam's decision would have been if things had worked out differently in the finale.

                            make you wonder why that bond wasn;t there when he left the first time? or do you think it was just school was his dream? And he felt dean had their father?
                            School (normal life) was definitely his dream. Not sure why he and Dean never kept in touch (for TWO YEARS!). I can understand his leaving, but not the not talked in two years thing. Something, possibly, to look forward to: Flashbacks to when Sam left for Stanford and getting the official story of what really happened!

                            It's sorta-canon.. but Sam and John always took Dean being there for granted. And it didn't help that Dean's entire focus was for his family, not himself, and John and Sam was too focused on their own personal needs to pay attention to Dean's.. so yeah, I can understand how Sam could leave without considering what it would do to his brother. Or that he could leave in the first place.

                            Oh, damn, spoilers again:
                            But since then, all their adventures and Dean SELLING HIS SOUL to save Sammy, I think our lil' Sam had reached an epiphany and realized Dean needs looking after, too, and he really needs to start paying attention. 'Cause, yeah, Sam has issues, but so does Dean.


                              Is it safe to assume that all these "spoilers" are from S2 and not S3? In other words I can stop ignoring them and start reading them?


                                *reads* yup season 2

                                "It gets sort of Zen after a while, Life is a Journey. Time is a River. The door is Ajar."
                                ~ Waldo Butters, in Dead Beat by Jim Butcher
                                Card designed by Falcon Horus

