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Star Trek: Picard -- speculation/discussion/spoilers

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    Apart from looking forward to seeing Patrick Stewart reprising the role of Jean-Luc Picard again, I am really looking forward to seeing what the tone of this show is. My hope is that it will be a bit darker than TNG and more serialised in its storytelling and keep character development on-going as DS9 was. I don't want characters to be reset to factory settings after the end of each episode.

    I'm also looking forward to seeing the Starfleet of the early 25th century when it comes to its ship designs and uniforms. My sincerest wish on the uniform front is that they don't reuse those future designs from All Good Things..., The Visitor and Endgame. I personally never liked them.

    K-9, CLASS and much more...


      Alex Kurtzman confirms the series will deal with the fallout and impact of the destruction of Romulus. Relevant excerpt from the linked article:

      Now, Trek captain Alex Kurtzman is pulling back the curtain on the upcoming project, revealing that a cataclysmic event depicted in J.J. Abrams' 2009 Star Trek movie impacted Picard in a big way. In that film, written by Kurtzman and former producing partner Roberto Orci, it was revealed that Nimoy's Spock failed to save the Romulan homeworld Romulus from a supernova several years after the events of Nemesis.

      Now, Kurtzman — as part of a Creative Space interview with The Hollywood Reporter (posting Wednesday) — is ready to reveal one massive clue about the premise of his CBS All Access Picard effort, due in late 2019: "Picard's life was radically altered by the dissolution of the Romulan Empire," Kurtzman tells THR.

      The Picard series will be the first onscreen Trek story set in the aftermath of that event, which would have altered the balance of power in the galaxy. The destruction of Romulus would also have extra resonance for Picard, who has a long and complicated relationship with the Romulans, the alien race that split from Vulcan society thousands of years ago and founded a separate civilization. The Romulans went on to control a portion of the galaxy, and the empire was in opposition to the Federation for all of Picard's career.
      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


        A little more on the Picard series from Kurtzman's interview with Entertainment Weekly about Discovery season 2:

        Entertainment Weekly: What’s the latest on the Picard series? Have you added anybody else to the cast?
        Kurtzman: No, the writers room has broken about eight episodes and we’re moving quickly and I couldn’t be more excited about it.

        EW: How will the tone feel different from Discovery and from Next Generation?
        Kurtzman: It’s an extremely different rhythm than Discovery. Discovery is a bullet. Picard is a very contemplative show. It will find a balance between the speed of Discovery and the nature of what Next Gen was, but I believe it will have its own rhythm. Without revealing too much about it, people have so many questions about Picard and what happened to him, and the idea we get to take time to answer those questions in the wake of the many, many things he’s had to deal with in Next Gen is really exciting. ‘More grounded’ is not the right way to put it, because season 2 of Discovery is also grounded. It will feel more… real-world? If that’s the right way to put it.
        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


          Jonathan Frakes recently let slip that in this series, Picard is no longer in Starfleet:

          “The feeling is [the Next Generation cast] would love to be part of it,” Frakes said. “But the feeling is also that it’s Patrick [Stewart]’s show. [Laughs.] Having said that, I can’t imagine a world where there’s no reference to what happened to the rest of the Next Generation cast. Patrick isn’t playing Capt. Jean-Luc Picard this time, he’s done with [that phase of his career in] Starfleet in this show. That’s about the only thing I do know about the show. Patrick and I had a steak dinner a couple of weeks ago and this man, who I’ve known for 31 years now, is so excited about this show he’s like a little kid. It’s fabulous! He’s thrilled and excited to be invited into the writer’s room and he’s a producer on the show and he’s part of the development of the story arc. It’s terrific. I mean he is a guy who is fully engaged.”
          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


            That makes sense, considering. I like the idea that he is like a retired Ambassador who is brought back into the fold during a crisis. Preferably having to deal with this more jaded Starfleet which sees the potential for a Dominion fleet or a Borg invasion around every Nebula and he has to be the one to step up and try to help rediscover the Federation's spirit and encourage a new age of exploration.
            Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


              ^ That's a cool idea, I'd be on board with that. I wonder though if this show will see him in much more of a civilian role than in terms of anything grand and galactic. I could see him being some kind of aid/refugee worker, perhaps.

              Anyway here's Patrick Stewart himself talking about the new show with Yahoo, with some excerpts transcribed by TrekMovie"

              "And what we have coming up is exciting. It’s exciting for me because it excites me as an actor. Oh, the story is great. And – I could be so careful what I say or they’ll skin me alive if I say the wrong things. But it has – it references the present day at times, and that’s all I can say, really. I’m not saying we are in the present day. We’re not. But the world that we find Jean-Luc Picard in is not quite the world that we left him in."

              "[In “All Good Things”] I grew a beard, and they made me up old. I looked older then, eighteen years ago, than – I don’t think I am saying too much – than I will in the upcoming series… Jean-Luc Picard and Patrick Stewart are the same age."

              Apparently confirming that it will be 10 episodes long: "They are writing a 10-hour movie."

              (Maybe?) clarifying conflicting past comments over whether it would be a limited series or ongoing, by saying: "We’re hoping for more than one season."

              A little bit on why he chose to return to the role of Picard: "What I was afraid of was in some way, this is going to be jokey. And I don’t want to do that. I respect the work we did on Next Generation, and also it changed my life in every way. I said “you know what? I think I am up for this.” But I asked a lot of questions and the answers were very satisfying. And I was struck by how clever these people were I was talking to, who could tell a narrative very well and seemed to be tuned into what an actor might need to hear. So, I signed on."
              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                Patrick Stewart Says Star Trek Picard Series Is Set Up To Run Three Season

                The next new Star Trek series to premiere on CBS All Access will feature the return of Sir Patrick Stewart, in a show focusing on his Star Trek: The Next Generation character Jean-Luc Picard. The show is set to go into production this spring and more details are emerging about the series from Patrick Stewart and the producers.

                Everything has aged in the new Picard show

                Yesterday Patrick Stewart was on the London red carpet for the gala premiere of his latest film The Kid Who Would Be King, where he talked a bit about his upcoming Star Trek series. Speaking to Red Carpet News, Stewart talked about how the show will approach the issue of aging:
                In returning to Star Trek later in the year, the one thing that will be different about this version of Star Trek is that we have simply moved the whole narrative 20 years from when I last wore Jean-Luc’s uniform [Star Trek: Nemesis]. So, everything has aged. When the series gets released you will see things are very different than what they were.
                One detail that has previously emerged with regards to the show’s setting is how it will deal with how Picard’s life has been “radically altered” by the dissolution of the Romulan Empire, following the events seen in the Prime Timeline portions of the 2009 Star Trek movie and the destruction of Romulus by a supernova.

                On the red carpet, Stewart also talked about his (and fellow TNG cast members’) appreciation of the fan support over the years:
                It gives me profound satisfaction to hear from people what an impact my role and the series had on their lives. I have heard truly extraordinary stories about how people were affected by it. That makes me very proud for all of us who were in it, because they were a great company – are a great company!
                Addressing the possibility of returning to do another Star Trek feature film, Stewart noted the focus for now is on the show and added some more clarity as to the plans for the series, giving a specific number of seasons planned:
                Oh lord, we are set up for possibly three years of this show, so if there is a film, it’s a long way off.
                The Picard series has been described as both an ongoing series and a limited series. Last week Stewart stated the show was planned to be highly serialized, saying it would be like a 10-hour movie, but he also noted that there are hopes for additional seasons.

                Picard series will be “grounded”

                Last week we shared some early details that emerged from Television Critics Association Winter press tour with regards to what the people heading up Star Trek’s future on CBS had to say. Some more details along with interviews have been posted since then, including new comments about the Picard show. Speaking to the press, Alex Kurtzman talked about the approach they are taking to portraying this world of Picard’s 20 years in his future (via IndieWire):
                It has to feel grounded, whatever choices we’re making in the future, because I think one of the things that people love about ‘Next Gen’ is that it is a very emotional, thoughtful, grounded piece of entertainment… The easy thing to do is come up with crazy floating skyscrapers and all the cliches of science fiction, and we’ve tried to avoid that, across the board, in the production design and the look of it and the feel of it. It’s all about the personal details that you can connect to now, even though it takes place so far in the future.
                Staying Picard amidst radical changes

                Kurtzman also discussed how Patrick Stewart has influenced their thinking on how to keep the show true to Picard in a very different future (via ET):
                “Patrick was very clear to us in the beginning: He did not want to repeat what he had already done. And by the way, it’s been 20-plus years so he couldn’t possibly be that same person anymore. So the question becomes: What has happened to him in that period of time? Have there been occurrences that force him to reckon with choices that he’s made in his life? How do you hold on to being the person everybody loved when the circumstances around you may have changed so radically? Those are the big questions that we’re asking.
                A more character-driven show, coming this year

                Speaking to TV Insider, CBS All Access original content chief Julie McNamara gave a brief summary and status update for the Picard show:
                It will be very different from Discovery, even more character-driven. Picard was radically affected by the dissolution of the [anti-Federation] Romulan Empire, and this series will explore a different chapter [of his life.] We aim to debut the show toward the end of the year.
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                  Patrick Stewart Says Star Trek Picard Series Is Set Up To Run Three Season

                  The next new Star Trek series to premiere on CBS All Access will feature the return of Sir Patrick Stewart, in a show focusing on his Star Trek: The Next Generation character Jean-Luc Picard. The show is set to go into production this spring and more details are emerging about the series from Patrick Stewart and the producers.

                  Everything has aged in the new Picard show

                  Yesterday Patrick Stewart was on the London red carpet for the gala premiere of his latest film The Kid Who Would Be King, where he talked a bit about his upcoming Star Trek series. Speaking to Red Carpet News, Stewart talked about how the show will approach the issue of aging:

                  One detail that has previously emerged with regards to the show’s setting is how it will deal with how Picard’s life has been “radically altered” by the dissolution of the Romulan Empire, following the events seen in the Prime Timeline portions of the 2009 Star Trek movie and the destruction of Romulus by a supernova.

                  On the red carpet, Stewart also talked about his (and fellow TNG cast members’) appreciation of the fan support over the years:

                  Addressing the possibility of returning to do another Star Trek feature film, Stewart noted the focus for now is on the show and added some more clarity as to the plans for the series, giving a specific number of seasons planned:

                  The Picard series has been described as both an ongoing series and a limited series. Last week Stewart stated the show was planned to be highly serialized, saying it would be like a 10-hour movie, but he also noted that there are hopes for additional seasons.

                  Picard series will be “grounded”

                  Last week we shared some early details that emerged from Television Critics Association Winter press tour with regards to what the people heading up Star Trek’s future on CBS had to say. Some more details along with interviews have been posted since then, including new comments about the Picard show. Speaking to the press, Alex Kurtzman talked about the approach they are taking to portraying this world of Picard’s 20 years in his future (via IndieWire):

                  Staying Picard amidst radical changes

                  Kurtzman also discussed how Patrick Stewart has influenced their thinking on how to keep the show true to Picard in a very different future (via ET):

                  A more character-driven show, coming this year

                  Speaking to TV Insider, CBS All Access original content chief Julie McNamara gave a brief summary and status update for the Picard show:
                  I am liking the sounds of this more and more. I do wonder though WHERE it will be set. As in, could this be the first Trek show that is not set on a ship or station? It wouldn't be a bad thing if it is. Setting it on just one world, even Earth would be very interesting.
                  Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                    Hanelle Culpepper, director of Discovery episodes “Vaulting Ambition” and the upcoming “The Red Angel,” will direct the first two episodes of Picard:

                    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                      Don't know how accurate this site is but my logic tells me casting should be happening about now, so I guess these could be fairly accurate,


                      EXCLUSIVE: STAR TREK: PICARD Series Update With Character Breakdowns Josh Goldman March 1, 2019

                      The Picard Series: What we know so far.
                      CBS has been keeping details of the currently untitled “Picard” series close to the chest. Even though it’s set to premiere at the end of the year, little is known about it so far. Currently, we know the following:

                      -The first season will be 10 episodes.

                      -It will take place approximately 20 years after the TNG finale, which puts us around 2389.

                      -The destruction of Romulus is official Prime Timeline canon now.

                      -The series itself is also in the Prime Timeline, with the Kelvin Timeline running parallel to it. (As of right now, they will not intertwine.)

                      -Patrick Stewart is returning as Jean-Luc Picard.

                      With production set to begin sometime mid-April, the casting department has about two months to find the right actors to fill out the rest of the cast… and that means casting notices and character breakdowns. The breakdowns reveal the working title of the series to be “Drawing Room” and list seven lead characters in addition to Picard. While the information we have is current, it’s always worth noting that it can change at any time.

                      Series Leads:

                      The first character in the list is the main man himself, Jean-Luc Picard, Male. And that’s all we’ve got for him. From interviews and assorted other information that’s been released, we know that Picard will have been affected by the destruction of Romulus due to his close involvement with building a bond between the Romulan Empire and the Federation.

                      Next,, we have Starton, a male of any ethnicity in his early 30s. He specializes in positronic brains and is terrified of space. He’s charming in a self-deprecating way and is excited about the research opportunities on Picard’s mission. It goes on to say that his demeanor will evolve over the series, but it does not say in what way.

                      Connie, a female who is also in her early 30’s. She’s African-American and has a quick temper, but is also quick to forgive. In addition to dealing with the loss of her husband, she is also avoiding a death sentence on her home planet. She’s a mercenary pilot who uses her ship to transport people to and from an artifact of some kind, though the ship is massively overqualified for that job.

                      Lawrence is a handsome man in his 30’s of any ethnicity. . . who has a dodgy moral compass. He’s the pilot of the ship Picard takes on his mission. Being a capable (and enthusiastic) thief, his loyalties are questionable.

                      An Upgraded EMH?

                      Dr. Smith is a male in his 30s or 40s of any ethnicity. From the description, it sounds like he’s an upgraded or wholly new version of the EMH. He’s described as a hologram who helps the crew through emergencies encompassing engineering, tactical, science investigation, and medical issues. He was programmed to learn but not become too self-aware. He’s calm, efficient, and empathic, but he sometimes has difficulties sorting out others emotional reactions to get at the facts.

                      K’Bar is the youngest of the leads. He’s a 17-year-old Romulan and the only child of what’s a mainly female Spiritual Order. A martial artist and considered a lethal weapon, he’s prone to mood swings and is committed to living in the moment with as much transparency as possible. He takes his devotion to Picard and his mission EXTREMELY seriously. . . obviously, they’re looking to find someone with Martial Arts experience, but also note that fencing is a plus as well.

                      Indira is a female in her early 20s of any Ethnicity. She’s extremely smart and physically agile . . . but maybe not so mature and a bit socially challenged because she tries too hard. Her intelligence often gets in the way of her manners. She’s cut off from home and her difficult mission puts a strain on her maturity. She’s still “finding her way in the wider world”

                      Alana is a female in her mid-40s to mid-50s and is of any ethnicity. She’s a brilliant analyst and has a great memory despite abusing drugs and alcohol. Often times she gets irritated with her own vulnerability and is certain of herself, even when she’s wrong. A former intelligence officer, she sees conspiracies everywhere. Her professional and personal losses weigh heavily on her.

                      So, What Is It About?
                      While learning about all of these characters is interesting in its own right, some of the descriptions also help piece together some of the show’s plot. It sounds like they will be playing into Picard’s interest in archaeology, and his main mission will revolve around some sort of artifact that’s been discovered. It’s also interesting to note that the only character that has any mention of Starfleet in their description is Starton. While Alana is a former intelligence officer, it doesn’t say for whom. So now, with all of this information, I have to ask myself if Picard is actually still in Starfleet.

                      I don’t know about you guys, but this sounds like its going to be a really fun show. One of my favorite TNG episodes was ‘The Chase’, which also coincidentally connects to Picard’s relationship with the Romulans, if even on a minor level. Once again, any of this information can change at a moments notice. We’ll be keeping our eye on news about the series to make sure we keep you updated as well. What do you guys think about these characters? Any theories about the plot? Let us know in the comments and make sure to keep following That Hashtag Show to stay up to date with everything trending in Geek Pop Culture.

                      Even if they are real, they could just be made up descriptions that get the type of actors they want through the doors rather than actual description of the characters.

                      My first thoughts,

                      Picard will be doing a lot of mentoring to whip this crew into shape. Which makes sense even with federation medical technology he isn't going to be running after enemies and getting into fights at the age he is and running through lose alien ruins. I see him spending a lot of time in labs and giving speeches to the crew.

                      I hope the characters aren't as dark a described here, a few shade lighter would be good. Someone hook on drugs and alcohol just doesn't seem star trek to me. Leave that stuff for all the other shows on tv.

                      I think it fantastic that it seem not to be a starfleet ship, something I have been asking for for years.

                      I really hope the positronic brains expert isn't their to just try and recreate Data in B4.

                      I hope their a story behind why the Federation decided to artificially limit the intelligence of holograms. I got a feeling it a positronic brain power android through, it make more sense given their a positronic brain expert aboard the ship, similar to data but perhaps alien in origin, link to the artifact.

                      I presume Connie will be the actual day to day captain of the ship. Connie is probably a code name for the character. I presume she will link back to a famous star trek character in some way.

                      Not at all keen that it link to the Kelvin Universe and destruction of Romulus. Especially as to how Romulus was destroy makes absolutely no sense at all.


                        Santiago Cabrera and Michelle Hurd cast in the series
                        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life



                          They better not call it star trek destiny and not deliver us the books storyline!


                            Originally posted by knowles2 View Post

                            They better not call it star trek destiny and not deliver us the books storyline!
                            Would they be able to get away with calling it that even though there is a book series out there already with that title?

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                              I’ve read a couple of the Destiny novels but to be honest I wouldn’t care if it was that. Books are in an otherwise separate universe anyway. (With the exception of New Frontier, which I still insist is canon.)
                              Please do me a huge favour and help me be with the love of my life.


                                New Frontier?! *shudder*

                                Anyway, apparently they've cast another series regular: someone called Evan Evagora, who is....apparently rather new to the whole 'acting' thing.

                                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

