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Star Trek - Into Darkness: Post-Viewing Free Discussion

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    Originally posted by Giantevilhead View Post
    It was a fun movie but it's not even close to the old Star Trek. There's really no effort at all to build a somewhat logical or consistent world.
    Thank you, glad I'm not the only one who thinks this.

    As a movie it was good, nice twists etc. if you don't think too hard over the logistics of it all.


      Originally posted by P-90_177 View Post
      Actually in one of the novels there is a reasonable (and quite compelling explanation) revealing how Khan and the other supermen were actually never major public figures. They pulled the strings in the background of world leaders and basically sparked multiple middle-eastern conflicts and the war on terror.

      Personally I see no reason to retcon the Series timeline anyway. It hardly matters whether it matches with ours or not.
      I enjoyed the movie and felt that seeing it in IMAX 3D was the way to go. Like another poster said, I think this is one the best movies I've seen in 3D. I also agree that there is no need to bring in any of the original series stuff. We know this is a new timeline.

      I don't know if its this thread or another one, but someone posted that the one issue they had was Kirk being given command so quickly. I agree...I highly doubt that someone out of West Point, Air Force Academy, or the Naval Academy would so quickly be promoted to a rank that allows him/her to command.


        Originally posted by boo1234 View Post
        I really liked the movie. I don't see what all the hate on the imdb boards is about. So they changed a few things? Big whoop.
        Just...don't read the two articles on io9 about it. They're the most whiny, vitriolic reviews I've ever seen of anything. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear someone slipped them a copy of The Final Frontier instead...


          Originally posted by Alder View Post
          Just...don't read the two articles on io9 about it. They're the most whiny, vitriolic reviews I've ever seen of anything. If I didn't know any better, I'd swear someone slipped them a copy of The Final Frontier instead...


            I really need to see this. Hopefully very soon.
            MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
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            Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


              Kronus? i thought it was Quo'nos? nitpicking here great film
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                Originally posted by Wyrminarrd View Post
                My only real gripe about this movie is that it seemed to ignore distances and travel times. Since when was it possible to go from Earth to Klingon space in a few minutes? Or travel from the edge of the neutral zone and to Chronos in under 20 minutes....

                Also, how the heck could someone teleport from Earth to another planet light years away?
                I think they had already traveled through most of the neutral zone and were 20 minutes out from reaching the Klingon world, not that it only took 20 minutes to get there.

                Originally posted by gkyun View Post
                Didn't you know? The Eugenics Wars in 1996. Khan and his cohorts escaped with the SS Botany Bay, signalling the end of the war. Maybe you weren't born then, but I lived to witness the horrors of those Augments ravaging towns and cities, killing millions!

                Lol seriously the writers were just stupid, like JJ Trek. They thought they'd follow the canon but it somehow escaped their minds 1996 had come and gone and the only notable conflict at the time was Operation Desert Strike...
                Originally posted by Matt G View Post
                OK fine but that assuming we have the genetics knowledge 'today' or even back in the 90s to come up with something like Khan!
                Well, for those of us old enough to have watched TOS in it's original airing, most sci-fi shows approached anything happening cir. 1990 as super advanced. So when the story of Khan and "The Eugenetics War" was created... I see no problem with ignoring our own history and going with the Star Trek universe's timeline.

                I loved the movie but a few things...

                Question: Why did McCoy need Spock to bring Khan back alive? Didn't he have 72 other bodies in stasis he could've gotten the blood from? Is this a giant plothole or did I miss that Spock transported the bodies off the ship somewhere?

                My few complaints:

                The actor playing Khan was very good, however, I would have liked a more charismatic actor in the Khan role. Khan had machismo and sex appeal exhuding from his pores (yes, even when played by an 80 year old actor with a fake chest )
                Oh, sorry, Mr. Montalbahn, aparently that was a rumor:

                It has been widely debated that Ricardo Montalban's chest was actually a prosthetic piece that he wore during the film. In the director's commentary in the special edition DVD, Nicholas Meyer is quoted as saying that it was, in fact, Montalban's actual chest and that he was a very muscular man who worked out. During publicity for the movie, during an appearance on The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson, Montalban explained that he was able to achieve the look seen in the film by doing push-ups. "A lot of push-ups."
                Taken from The Wrath of Kahn trivia

                Anyway, we were to believe that not only was Khan intellectually and genetically superior, in TOS, Khan had that ummmph to cause Star Fleet officers to drop their panties and leave everything to be with him on an uninhabited, undeveloped planet. I had no "panty" response to this Khan. (Oh, except when he had the mask on and the bada-- leather coat and was taking out Klingons.)

                As they were killing Kirk, inside my head was screaming "oh nooooo, they've ruined the entire franchise! They can't kill the man that beat the kobaiashi mayru (excuse the improvised spelling). But then the geek side of my brain said "embrace the string theory. It's okay. They've just exchanged destinies." But then, something completely foreign entered my eyes that I cannot accept unless Spock is under the influence of an alien influence and/or having his vulcan side competely repressed:


                It took Jim 4-5 years to get Spock to admit to friendship, then another 20 or so (and a comeback from the grave) for the Vulcan to embrace and be comfortable with his human side and the feelings of friendship that comes with it. I'm supposed to believe in 2 years (tops?) that he's bawling?

                Oh, and while I love the hawty-hawtness of Spock/Uhura, I have never seen so much unprofessionalism of supposed military types in a movie/tv show. I'm not even talking about the hash out in the pod in front of the captain. I would excuse that as Uhura not taking Kirk too seriously. But the constant hand-holding on the bridge and kissing in front of the crew... smh. I was fine with the elevator scene in last year's Star Trek and the subtle things going on in that movie. I would have even been happy seeing a full makeout scene in their quarters, but find it impossible to reconcile Mr-Can't-Break-A-Rule allowing all the mushy face in public, on duty, in front of the crew.

                So given the above, perhaps I've answered my own conundrum about the tears - this is not TOS's timeline Spock so he is very different yet, they still refer to him as bing unable to break the rules so the frolicking on the bridge conundrum remains for me.
                sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                  I've seen it twice and I loved, loved, loved it !!!!!!!!! even more !!!!!!! I heard though that it doesn't do well in the theaters ???


                    Originally posted by mr_kennedy View Post
                    Kronus? i thought it was Quo'nos? nitpicking here great film
                    The proper name of the Klingon Homeworld is Kronos but the formal name, Q'onoS, is capitalized when written.



                      I rewatched last year's first reboot movie and I have to take back what I said about Into Darkness - a lot of the things I complained about in this movie were in that movie as well. Especially Spock and Uhura right in front of the rest of the crew. I still think it's out of place though. Even Kirk never had a smooch on the bridge (that I can recall). I still loved both movies though in spite of my grumpiness.
                      sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                        Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                        I rewatched last year's first reboot movie and I have to take back what I said about Into Darkness - a lot of the things I complained about in this movie were in that movie as well. Especially Spock and Uhura right in front of the rest of the crew. I still think it's out of place though. Even Kirk never had a smooch on the bridge (that I can recall). I still loved both movies though in spite of my grumpiness.
                        yes he has had a couple of smooch's on the bridge although sometimes not intentional , and even in the original series they hinted at a relationship between Spock and Nurse Chapel, although spock was oblivious too it most of the time she liked spock and he liked her i think,it was just never really addressed, Even Vulcan's need love and they both happen to be Bridge officers (Spock & Uhura)
                        Last edited by mr_kennedy; 25 May 2013, 04:27 PM.
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                          Originally posted by mr_kennedy View Post
                          yes he has had a couple of smooch's on the bridge although sometimes not intentional , and even in the original series they hinted at a relationship between Spock and Nurse Chapel, although spock was oblivious too it most of the time she liked spock and he liked her i think,it was just never really addressed, Even Vulcan's need love and they both happen to be Bridge officers (Spock & Uhura)
                          I'm not questioning Vulcan's need for love, just how someone (Spock) that is such a rule follower would tolerate (and participate) in such open displays of affection while on duty.
                          sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                            Originally posted by RamonaThePest View Post
                            I'm not questioning Vulcan's need for love, just how someone (Spock) that is such a rule follower would tolerate (and participate) in such open displays of affection while on duty.
                            It's pretty lax in those times, you can do stuff and say stuff that you can't in the later shows, i doubt picard would even stand for wearing your starfleet badge (ie communicator in later seasons) in the wrong position, shatner's kirk would do that all the time

                            The subject in question would probably merit a confinement to quarters for awhile or have reduced holodeck time or something on the Enterprise D, but Kirk's Era it would just be slightly frowned upon
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                              I would think it would be frowned on no matter what the era. Imagine if everyone with a love interest on board was walking around mooching and making goo goo eyes instead of watching their panel displays and getting their work done. Whether staff is on a 20th century submarine or a 22nd century ship. And I LOVE relationSHIPs in my tv shows but I like my sci-fi to remain plausible and the way they depict this military relationship just doesn't sit right with me. You mentioned Nurse Chappelle, but the one time she did approach Spock, she was under alien influence and she did it in private. (Although, I agree it was obvious she had a thing for him even when she was her normal self )
                              sigpicRamonaThePest (you know, Henry Huggins' friend)


                                > Story was generally pretty good
                                > SFX as good as ever
                                > The whole reverse Spock/Kirk radiation scene
                                > Khan was excellent despite whatever hate Benedict got for not being part of the preferred ethnic group for the character
                                > Action scenes were pretty good

                                Didn't like
                                > Random Leonard Nimoy appearance out of nowhere for no reason
                                > Another time travel story was kind of unimaginative
                                > Klingons still don't intimidate anyone
                                > Klingons still thugs and not best warriors in universe
                                > Kirk revival was an anti-climax, although I suppose having him stay dead and revived in another sequel would have followed original movies a bit too much and would leave less room for new ideas.
                                > Not enough McCoy

