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The Next Generation (Season 2)

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    The Next Generation (Season 2)

    On to the sophmore season of TNG. Right off the top there are lots of changes, which is to be expected. Pretty much every show uses its first season as an experiment to see what works and what doesn't. A lot of what we see in the first episode of season 2 will be around for a long time--like Riker's beard, and others--like our new doctor--won't find a footing and will go almost as abruptly as they came.

    So what's new and notable?

    1. Worf has a new look. The gold uniform signifying his move from glorified extra to chief of security and a snazy new silver sash to go with it. It made sense that the sash had to change, gold on gold is just tacky. And the new look is much more butch. But I admit to a little nostalgia with the loss of the old sash, which were a nice call back to the original Klingons of TOS.

    2. Another look that is gone is the awful unisex minidress uniform. Yes, they were trying to have it make some sense that in the "future" the minis from the original series would actually have a some continuity with the fashions of those enlightened times, but please!

    3. Continuing our fashion review, Wesley gets his grey pajamas. *shudder*

    4. Riker has a beard. I'm not a fan of facial hair in general, but Frakes does have a bit of a baby face and the beard gives him a more mature look that lends an additional gravitas and air of authority to the character. So in this case I'm giving the beard two thumbs up.

    5. Hair, hair, hair. Troi has finally let her hair down. Definitely an improvement on the tortured chignon from season 1. Unfortunately, her uniform has not improved. Isn't she a Starfleet officer? Why doesn't she wear a Starfleet uniform? Her maroon unitard looks to me like a precursor to the Seven of Nine cat suit, but Sirtis has neither the slim figure nor the super boobs to pull it off. In both cases I return to an earlier comment. *shudder*

    6. Geordi is a whole new man. His promotion to Chief Engineer does wonders for his character right from the beginning. He has a solid purpose and even Burton's acting seems elevated by it. Very good move.

    7. Ten Forward. Since this new Enterprise is essentially a floating city in space it makes sense to give us a sense of community by adding something like a local watering hole. The character of Guinan, your friendly bartender with a listening ear and lot of good advice makes Ten Forward the new Cheers of the Trek verse. I don't care for Whoopi Goldberg as a person, but I can't deny she's got some acting chops. And the fact that she's a Trek fan redeems her slightly in my eyes.

    8. Colm Meany is back and in the transporter room where he belongs. We got a glimpse of him on the bridge somewhere in the first season (and I think he was in command red), but unbeknownest to anyone at the time this little glimpse of him in the transporter room as a silent extra will be the beginning of a long and fruitful character arch spanning two series.

    9. Last and certainly least, IMO, Dr. Polaski. What can I say? I just never cared for her. As I understand it she was meant to be the female McCoy, but see Kirk and Spock even (although he would never admit it) actually liked McCoy. Polaski is just grating and insulting with neary a friend in sight. At least McCoy had some southern charm.

    Edit:10. The lounge chairs for ops and helm are gone. They looked so awkward and the actors looked uncomfortable trying to deliver their lines will reclining. I expect the upright, rotating chairs will make the performances a lot more natural and more dynamic.

    I'll be keeping my eyes open for other new and interesting developments as I work my way through Season 2.
    Last edited by hlndncr; 29 June 2012, 07:33 PM.

    The Child is one of my favorite episodes of TNG and a great beginning to the new season. I loved this episode when it first aired and I still love it today. (I'm even writing an SG-1 fanfic that was inspired by this episode.)

    I think Sirtis does a terrific job going through the emotional roller coaster of experiencing the life changing events of motherhood in such a condensed period of time. I really felt for her character. I do wish we could have known the child/alien better.

    I loved having Data help with the delivery. That was absolutely brilliant. A perfect choice. Glad they avoided the cliche of having Riker play daddy. Having him stand off to the aside, observing from a distance was much more poignant.


      Originally posted by hlndncr View Post

      1. Worf has a new look. The gold uniform signifying his move from glorified extra to chief of security and a snazy new silver sash to go with it. It made sense that the sash had to change, gold on gold is just tacky. And the new look is much more butch. But I admit to a little nostalgia with the loss of the old sash, which were a nice call back to the original Klingons of TOS.
      I do think that season 1 was being very experimental. Worf's change from red bridge/command crew to security/engineering gold (though technically, I call it yellow) was a big improvement. In fact I think Worf looks much more polished in season 2, as he starts to get longer, more klingon-like hair instead of the terrible affront to hairstyles that was Worf in season 1. Then again, I'm a big fan of big klingon hair, so I might be biased. Reminds me of 80's hair metal bands, like Deep Purple & L.Zepp.

      2. Another look that is gone is the awful unisex minidress uniform. Yes, they were trying to have it make some sense that in the "future" the minis from the original series would actually have a some continuity with the fashions of those enlightened times, but please!
      Yes, that minidress was just dire. It works in Futurama because they're cartoons and overly campy, but it should never have been put in Star Trek! Live and learn, I guess.

      3. Continuing our fashion review, Wesley gets his grey pajamas. *shudder*
      Yes, fashion sense circa 300 years present is just dire, if not entirely absent. Admittedly I'm very biased towards the whole steampunk/sexy space leather look... the pyjamas never really did anything for me. No wonder the klingons/romulans/cardassians/etc never took the Federation seriously.

      4. Riker has a beard. I'm not a fan of facial hair in general, but Frakes does have a bit of a baby face and the beard gives him a more mature look that lends an additional gravitas and air of authority to the character. So in this case I'm giving the beard two thumbs up.
      Have to agree. It makes Riker look much more respectable. Rugged, even.

      5. Hair, hair, hair. Troi has finally let her hair down. Definitely an improvement on the tortured chignon from season 1. Unfortunately, her uniform has not improved. Isn't she a Starfleet officer? Why doesn't she wear a Starfleet uniform? Her maroon unitard looks to me like a precursor to the Seven of Nine cat suit, but Sirtis has neither the slim figure nor the super boobs to pull it off. In both cases I return to an earlier comment. *shudder*
      I never really knew what was up with her (lack of) uniform, though Troi does get slimmer as the seasons progress. In season 1, her combination of hair + makeup made her look dumpy, when in actual fact she had a nice figure that was made to look terrible by a dreadful choice in clothing. Some nice sexy space leather would have suited her better, though admittedly, not being very counsellorish.

      6. Geordi is a whole new man. His promotion to Chief Engineer does wonders for his character right from the beginning. He has a solid purpose and even Burton's acting seems elevated by it. Very good move.
      Yep, Geordi makes a great chief engineer, his character, which was essentially (IMO) token black guy in season 1, really develops and grows in season 2 or 3. His continuing friendship with Data is one of my favourite aspects of the whole show.

      I recently rewatched an episode of DS9 that was directed by Burton (might have been Sacrifice of Angels or Favour the Bold, can't really remember) but it was really good, and demonstrates that he has skills beyond acting.

      7. Ten Forward. Since this new Enterprise is essentially a floating city in space it makes sense to give us a sense of community by adding something like a local watering hole. The character of Guinan, your friendly bartender with a listening ear and lot of good advice makes Ten Forward the new Cheers of the Trek verse. I don't care for Whoopi Goldberg as a person, but I can't deny she's got some acting chops. And the fact that she's a Trek fan redeems her slightly in my eyes.
      Ten Forward is one of the best aspects of Trek, IMO, and it remains an important area throughout the whole series. It's replicated in DS9 in the form of Quark's bar, and then in Voyager's mess hall. I think it was something that was really missing from season 1 of TNG, because you never got the chance to see the characters winding down and relaxing together. It sorta reminded me of M*A*S*H, though I can't really explain why.

      8. Colm Meany is back and in the transporter room where he belongs. We got a glimpse of him on the bridge somewhere in the first season (and I think he was in command red), but unbeknownest to anyone at the time this little glimpse of him in the transporter room as a silent extra will be the beginning of a long and fruitful character arch spanning two series.
      I noticed that in one TNG episode, Picard refers to O'Brien as 'Lieutenant'. Doh! In DS9 he's supposed to be non-com, so giving him random uniform colours and random ranks in TNG didn't really set the scene very well for that cross-over.

      9. Last and certainly least, IMO, Dr. Polaski. What can I say? I just never cared for her. As I understand it she was meant to be the female McCoy, but see Kirk and Spock even (although he would never admit it) actually liked McCoy. Polaski is just grating and insulting with neary a friend in sight. At least McCoy had some southern charm.
      I quite liked Polaski! Yes she's a bit insulting at times, but I see that as being better than the doormat that was Crusher. As a character, Polaski does actually grow, and changes her opinion about Data as the season progresses. I like her more forceful, less wishy-washy personality. And also the fact that she's a far better doctor than Crusher.
      Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.


        where silence has lease has always been one of my fav season 2 eps.


          Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
          ...but Sirtis has neither the slim figure nor the super boobs to pull it off.

          Right, cos everyone knows...if you aren't a size 00 and weren't blessed with whatever "super boobs" happen to be, you should clearly only be allowed to wear something akin to a garbage bag.

          However, one thing we can agree on about her costume....she should have been wearing a real uniform from the start.

          ...and Wesley should have been shoved out of an airlock before even getting to the next season...and the pjs. ><


            Originally posted by setsuna View Post

            Right, cos everyone knows...if you aren't a size 00 and weren't blessed with whatever "super boobs" happen to be, you should clearly only be allowed to wear something akin to a garbage bag.
            Don't get me wrong, I think Marina Sirtis is a beautiful woman. (In fact, this is the 80s, before the horendous heroine addicted skeletal model look became popular.) And as a curvaceous woman myself I would never fault another woman for not being skinny enough. I just think they took away from her lovely looks with poor costuming. (And the super boobs comment was my sideways slam against the Seven of Nine "character" from Voyager.)

            However, one thing we can agree on about her costume....she should have been wearing a real uniform from the start.
            Yes, agreed!

            ...and Wesley should have been shoved out of an airlock before even getting to the next season...and the pjs. ><
            Disagree! I love Wesley. But I do hate the PJs.


              Originally posted by The Urban Spaceman View Post
              I never really knew what was up with her (lack of) uniform, though Troi does get slimmer as the seasons progress. In season 1, her combination of hair + makeup made her look dumpy, when in actual fact she had a nice figure that was made to look terrible by a dreadful choice in clothing. Some nice sexy space leather would have suited her better, though admittedly, not being very counsellorish.
              While I think Sirtis could certainly pull off leather, I think that look would also dimish the seriousness of her character. In fact, I think that's what bothers me most by her lack of standard Starfleet uniform is the disrespect it demonstrates towards her. If she's an officer she should be in uniform.

              I recently rewatched an episode of DS9 that was directed by Burton (might have been Sacrifice of Angels or Favour the Bold, can't really remember) but it was really good, and demonstrates that he has skills beyond acting.
              Burton is indeed multi-talented.

              I noticed that in one TNG episode, Picard refers to O'Brien as 'Lieutenant'. Doh! In DS9 he's supposed to be non-com, so giving him random uniform colours and random ranks in TNG didn't really set the scene very well for that cross-over.
              He is a Lt. in the first ep of S2 as well (he has two gold pips on his collar). He's really not a character at all yet. But I will say it is a testament to what an amazing, hardworking actor Colm Meaney is. He gets himself noticed by just waiving his hand over a computer panel and gradually works his way into a true role.

              I quite liked Polaski! Yes she's a bit insulting at times, but I see that as being better than the doormat that was Crusher. As a character, Polaski does actually grow, and changes her opinion about Data as the season progresses. I like her more forceful, less wishy-washy personality. And also the fact that she's a far better doctor than Crusher.
              Dr. Crusher is very flat, but I heard somewhere that the writers didn't like Gates McFadden so she never got much to work with. I have no idea if that is true, but I think if it is it's a shame they all couldn't have behaved more professionally. It only hurts the show and disappoints the fans otherwise.


                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                (And the super boobs comment was my sideways slam against the Seven of Nine "character" from Voyager.)
                I was wondering what super boobs were....i thought perhaps they fought crime? lol

                Originally posted by hlndncr View Post
                Disagree! I love Wesley. But I do hate the PJs.
                And then they fancied them up with a nice big rainbow stripe lol.....not really sure what the thought process was, there.

                **edit** hrm i may have that backwards...and by season two he'd LOST the rainbow?...can't recall now....o well, it's only Wesley
                Last edited by setsuna; 29 June 2012, 08:35 PM.


                  this all brings up a very important point:

                  200 years in the future, is humanity going to have terrible taste in clothing?
                  I'm not sure I want to drink the 1-piece-jumpsuit punch.

                  i mean, how could the immense comfort of jeans and a t-shirt go out of style?


                    Sexy space leather. It's the only way to go.
                    Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.


                      Originally posted by setsuna View Post
                      I was wondering what super boobs were....i thought perhaps they fought crime? lol
                      Nope, just defy gravity.


                        Where Silence Has No Lease was soooooo boring. All the actors seemed to be without life or energy. Even though Worf was growling, I felt like Michael Dorn was saying to himself, "Why am I the only one required to emote around here?" Patrick Stewart in particular seemed like he was on doped up on pseudophed or valium.


                        Moving on!


                          I've always enjoyed Elementary My Dear Data. First, I love Data's hobbies. He may not have emotions per se, but he seems to get so much enjoyment out to them. I also like the friendship he has with Geordi, who is trying to lead him into humanity.

                          The story itself is such a huge improvement over S1 holodeck stories. This is what The Big Goodbye should have been.

                          The idea of sentient holograms really comes to life (pardon the pun) in Voyager with the Doctor. I wonder if the Doctor ever knew about this first self aware holo-being?

                          Still find Dr. P irritating. Wish she would have been in a little more distress. Would have served her right, and made the climax all the more interesting.


                            The Outrageous Okuna was an enjoyable episode, but nothing much remarkable to it.

                            Data not understanding humor is an old chestnut they've explored before and they'll come back to again and again. One thing that Data surely doesn't realize is that he's surrounded by unfunny people. I never considered Joe Piscopo very funny (I would have liked to see the math comic; I'm sure Sam would have found him hillarious and he would have delightfully confused Jack), and while Whoopi Goldberg has her moment she certainly produced no knee slappers here. On the other hand, I think Data telling jokes is quite funny.

                            I felt for Data just wanting to join in. That's why the final scene is so satisfying. Data is surrounded by all of his friends on the bridge and they are laughing at his unintended humor. He may not understand it, but he is included in it.

                            As for the Okuna/star-crossed lovers story . . . meh. The guy who played Okuna reminded me of Aden Curso from SG-1 S6 Ep Forsaken both in looks and voice; although in the end Okuna is more of a loveable rogue instead of a dangerous criminal. I found the way the Enterprise women were portrayed to be quite insulting. That transporter chief was exteremely unprofessional on duty. She and several other crew were also shown to be either stupidly gullable or unreasonably horny.

                            In comparison, Sam handled herself so much better when confronted with the same type of flattery. She was kind, polite, een enjoyed the reparte, but kept her guard up and behaved like an intelligent and capable professional. That' why I far prefer the depiction of women in Stargate over Star Trek.


                              guinan isn't there for comic relief, she's the ship's conscience. its jimeny cricket if you will.

