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Voyager...should I give it a second chance?

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    Thank you all. You've been enormously helpful...much more responsive than I anticipated! I'll stick to watching the recommended episodes for now, and at some point when I have more time I'll probably watch the rest.
    Sig and avi by yamiinsane


      Check out "Year of Hell, Parts 1&2." This two-parter stands out as the best if you want to see the crew pushed to the edge and then over the edge. The villain is reminiscent of Captain Ahab from Moby Dick. Not in depiction, but in that he is as or possibly more obsessive with his grand goal. You'll also see the ship take more damage than in any other episode of the series.


        The first Star Trek anything I watched was Voyager, but I didn't start until the 6th season. Personally, I really liked the 6th and 7th seasons, and a few earlier episodes. Myself? I wasn't really that big of a DS9 fan, but I may have to give it a second chance myself.

        And I agree with Dixie as to her recommendations. Can't think of anymore to add at the moment.


          You should see the earlier seasons. It took the show about a year to find itself. It was the beginning of the second season where the show finally hit it's stride. If anyone tells you the Kazon were overused, they really weren't. They only appeared twice in the first season. They were the villains of the second season, then the show moved on after that.


            Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
            You should see the earlier seasons. It took the show about a year to find itself. It was the beginning of the second season where the show finally hit it's stride. If anyone tells you the Kazon were overused, they really weren't. They only appeared twice in the first season. They were the villains of the second season, then the show moved on after that.
            I always felt that Voyager hit it's stride somewhere in season 3.
            Hi There!


              I enjoyed Voyager, I thought it was pretty good. It had its share of episodes that were stinkers, but so did the other shows. It's fault was that it never reached greatness, while the other shows that came before it did. I think it's those great episodes that make the stinkers worthwhile. Without them, I can see how being OK might not be good enough.


                I think Voyager was just as great as TNG. Both shows ran for seven years, both shows had a big audience, and both shows are commonly known among casual TV viewers. Yeah, TNG had a bigger audience, Patrick Stewart, and enough of a presence to launch a film series. However, VOY's smaller audience doesn't necessarily preclude that the show was somehow inferior to TNG. If anything, I found the shows equally entertaining. When I was a kid, VOY was the new TNG. Did anyone else perceive it as such?


                  Well, it's not the best, but not bad either. Message: Give it a second chance. For Star Trek.
                  "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


                    Give it a second chance, simply because it's a fun show to watch. It's very entertaining if you don't nitpick, but then... any show can be nitpicked to death. Just sit back and enjoy the show.


                      At least the EMH episodes are fantastic.
                      "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


                        I thought Seven and the EMH were overused in later seasons. Seven is more the guilty offender, though, because she kept stealing the thunder from Torres and Kim.


                          Originally posted by Rocket_Scientist View Post
                          I have a random personal question regarding ST: VOY. I have been watching my way through all of Star Trek in order, and so far, IMO, every series has been better than the last. DS9 was spectacular, again IMO, and maybe one of my favorite TV shows overall. I recently started VOY, and am now about halfway through Season 2. So far, I have been unable to get into it at all. I did not have this problem with TOS, TNG, or DS9. I just find it boring and don't really like the characters.

                          Phew. That's a longer summary than I intended. So, my question is, does it get better, or is it just not my thing? Should I keep watching and hope my attitude towards it improves, or just skip it altogether and give ENT a chance (and maybe have the same problem)?

                          It's been a disappointment for me, because all along I've heard people say VOY is the best of all of ST and I was really looking forward to it.

                          (In other words, I'm really hoping someone will tell me that it does get better and I should stick with it. )

                          I appreciate any and all advice!
                          Stop now before you start to hate Star Trek. Just leave with the fond memories of how awesome DS9 was. There's nothing in Voyager worth seeing with the possible exception of Jeri Ryan in that ridiculous costume, but you can just use the Internet for that.

                          If you're feeling really desperate for more Trek maybe watch season 4 of Enterprise. If you decide to watch the other seasons however, well, you've been warned.

                          Did you watch the TOS movies? Some of them were pretty good, and the TNG one with the Borg was pretty decent to.


                            Why should he stop? Why would disliking Voyager cause him to dislike what he already likes? Why would it stop him from trying Trek that's not VOY? You don't make any sense. Nothing in VOY worth seeing? Why, there's the main cast, Seven of Nine (added in the fourth season), the Kazon, Vadiians, the Borg, Species 8472, two-parters such as "Year of Hell" and "Dark Frontier," and much more. Voyager was far better than all of the dark, emo crap on TV today. It was on back when TV was actually fun to watch.

                            Enterprise is worth seeing, but start from the beginning. "Broken Bow" is the perfect introduction to the series. The acting can be very bland at times, but I find the stories worth enduring the bland acting. The first two seasons depict the NX-01 Enterprise exploring deep space, something Starfleet had never been able to do until now. The third season is known as the Xindi saga, which I found to be the best and most exciting season. The fourth and final season is a mix of stand-alones, two-parters, and trilogies. It revolves around the Vulcans, Andorians, Tellerites, Romulans, Augments, Klingons, and foreshadowing the founding of the Federation.

                            All of the movies are worth seeing, well, except for Nemesis. However, if you're going to watch most of the movies, might as well see them all. Though Nemesis is the weak entry, there's still stuff in the movie you might enjoy.

