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    Overall, my favourite character of TNG, Q is so awesome that I had to make a thread about him. And I'm wondering now... what is his best episode or performance in the show? Opinions, everyone. My favourite Q moments came from the TNG game "Star Trek: Borg".

    Q: THE BORG ARE FIRING, WE'RE GONNA DIE!! *grin* And it's your fault.
    "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."

    Not so much a quote by Q, as in relation to Q:

    Worf: I am not a merry man!
    Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master.


      o'brien to sisko: "we have a problem, sir. I just saw Q on the promenade.

      Q is awesome, though i didn't like him in the pilot of TNG, or any of his dark side episodes.


        Ah, Q... He's obnoxious, arrogant, awkward, mischievous, introduced us to the Borg, etc.

        Who wouldn't love him?! I admit it did take me a little while to warm up to him. But now I am definitely a fan. There's just something about the guy... He's just so fun!

        Here are some of my favorite Q (and Q related) quotes:

        Q: "What do you want me to do?"
        Worf: "Die"

        Picard: [After Q stole a shuttle] "This goes against my better judgment. Transporter Room 3, lock onto Shuttle 1 and beam it back into its bay."
        Crewman: "Aye, sir."
        Picard: [after Riker gives him a disapproving look] "It's a perfectly good shuttlecraft!"

        Picard: "I've just been paid a visit by Q."
        Riker: "Q? Any idea what he's up to?"
        Picard: "He wants to do something nice for me."
        Riker: "I'll alert the crew."

        Q: (To Janeway) "I'll take you home. Before you know it, you'll be scampering across the meadow with your little puppies, the grass beneath your bare feet, a man coming over the hill way in the distance waves to you, you run to be in his arms and as you get closer, you see that it's... me!"

        Q: "It's easy. Just change the gravitational constant of the universe."


          I can't stand Q. The only episode where he's even tolerable is the one where he's temporarily mortal and afraid to die. I can't stand arrogant people at all, Q is beyond arrogant.


            Okay, maneth, I didn't expect this reaction. Q has a right to be arrogant. He is nearly omnipotent after all. I liked most of his episodes though I hated the whole Vash thing.
            "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


              Q: *sigh* I think I need to renew myself in some alternate reality... come on.
              *All Starfleet officers and Borg drones leave the player and go away, talking amongst each other like actors.*
              "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


                Q was the antithesis for the federation. perfect enemy. thankfully the continuum didn't turn out to be all bad - except when they doomed humanity at the end of TNG, but we can look beyond that, right?

                the federation was always cuddly, and keeping peace and these are the rules to follow in order to make nicey nice.

                whereas the Q can do whatever the hell they want.


                  I loved it when Q was so happy when his son already knew how to kick planets out of their orbits lol.
                  "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."


                    Chronologically, Q's appearances...

                    The Next Generation
                    1-1 "Encounter at Farpoint"
                    1-10 "Hide and Q"
                    2-16 "Q Who"
                    3-13 "Deja Q"
                    4-20 "Qpid"
                    6-6 "True Q"
                    DS9 1-7 "Q-Less"
                    6-15 "Tapestry"
                    7-25 "All Good Things..."

                    2-18 "Death Wish"
                    3-11 "The Q and the Grey"
                    7-19 "Q2"

                    After "All Good Things..." I really didn't expect Q again. That episode was the perfect exit. To those who were around back in '94 and '95, were you as surprised to see Q pop up in "Death Wish?" I never played Star Trek: Borg nor do I care to, so I can't comment on that game, interactive movie, or whatever it is. My favorite Q moment by far is his celebration of being Q once more at the end of "Deja Q."


                      The interactive game is such:

                      The story takes place shortly before the events of First Contact. Cadet Qaylan Furlong is the player. He wants to fight the Borg to avenge his father's death at Wolf 359. Suddenly, Q appears and gives him this oppurtunity by sending him back in time to the USS Righteous where his father is. Furlong takes control of the Chief Tactical Officer Lt. Sprint, a friend of his father's. Q takes control of the Chief Medical Officer Dr. Quint in order to guide you and provides you with a special Q-type tricorder to assist you.

                      It's awesome and filled with Q's jokes.
                      "I have never understood why it should be necessary to become irrational in order to prove that you care... or why it should be necessary to prove it at all."

