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Star Trek 2009 film references

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    Star Trek 2009 film references

    Did this film have any references to Captain Archer and the NX01?
    "You don't know half of it".
    Former C.I.A. Director George Bush
    (When asked about UFO secrecy by a member of his presidential campaign committee)

    Yeah, it mentioned Admiral Archer and his beagle.



      Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
      Yeah, it mentioned Admiral Archer and his beagle.
      Yeah...I remember that...but I don't remember anything about the NX01


        Thats good, its nice to see references between shows

        I would love to see some crossover, perhaps with the ENT Earth Vulcans helping out Janeway in 1996.
        "You don't know half of it".
        Former C.I.A. Director George Bush
        (When asked about UFO secrecy by a member of his presidential campaign committee)


          J.J. Abrams is distancing his Star Trek far, far away from the spin-off shows. It's effectively a reboot of the Original Series (plus the movies), the only Star Trek (Kirk and crew) that Abrams will acknowledge. That said, the writers have been slipping in references to the spin-off shows. For example...

          TNG: Future-Spock's title is Ambassador, an acknowledgement of TNG's "Unification" two-parter. Spock was also from 2387, I think, which is about eight years after Nemesis. The 2009 movie came out seven years after Nemesis, so it's like they acknowledged that real-time passage of time.

          DS9: Uhura ordered a drink called a Cardassian Sunrise. Though the Cardassians were created for TNG, they are usually associated with DS9.

          VOY: I don't think there was a single reference. Really, how could there be? VOY's whole premise was that a state-of-the-art ship is flung to the other side of the galaxy and must find a way home. The Maquis don't exist yet, and no one has been to the Delta Quadrant yet. So...

          ENT: Only one reference to this series. Scotty mentions a transporter experiment involving Admiral Archer's prized Beagle. The dog never materialized. Scotty got sent to outpost nowhere as punishment. This is interesting... Had Nero not screwed up history, would this have still gone down? If so, would Scotty have originally ended up on the Enterprise without Cadet Kirk and Future Spock showing up? For this to be Scott Bakula's Archer, Admiral Archer would be 146 years old. Considering it's the 23rd century, I don't necessarily object to this. Human longevity today cuts off at 120, and that's if the person is in perfect health and on an extremely healthy diet. Who's to say the future, as depicted in Star Trek, can't add a few decades through scientific discoveries? Now, one thing I am sure of... the Beagle was not Porthos. Dogs only live 13-15 years. There's no way that dog was 100 years old.

