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Long-lost Star Trek script rediscovered, to be filmed by Phase II/New Voyages

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    Long-lost Star Trek script rediscovered, to be filmed by Phase II/New Voyages

    Star Trek Phase II To Produce Lost Norman Spinrad Script
    Feb 24 2012:

    This week sci-fi author Norman Spinrad (writer of the original Star Trek series episode "Doomsday Machine") released an ebook of a "lost script" he wrote for Star Trek which was never produced. Now the independent fan production Star Trek: Phase II has decided they will pick up the ball and put the script into production 45 years after it was written.

    In 1967 immediately after work finished on the original series episode "The Doomsday Machine," Star Trek creator/producer Gene Roddenberry asked writer Norman Spinrad to follow it up with another script. This time the parameters were to include a role for "Mr. Television" Milton Berle. Spinrad turned around a script titled "He Walked Among Us" but then came into conflict with producer Gene Coon. After Coon rewrote the script Spinrad felt it didn’t work anymore and convinced Roddenberry to pull it from the production schedule. Now 45 years later Spinrad has rediscovered his long lost original draft and this week he made it available as an e-book download.

    Then yesterday Spinrad was contacted by Star Trek Phase II star/producer James Cawley and the two agreed to put the show back into production. Spinrad tells TrekMovie that Cawley also offered him the opportunity to direct the episode, which he accepted. This will be Spinrad’s first time at the helm, but he has experience working on film and television and has always wanted to direct. Spinrad tells TrekMovie the plan is to shoot "He Walked Among Us" in September. For now, Cawley and Spinrad haven’t started to talk about who they can cast to play the role originally intended for Milton Berle.

    TrekMovie will post a full interview with Spinrad soon, where he talks about his experiences writing "He Walked Among Us," along with more tales of working with Gene Roddenberry and more.
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

    Good news; especially when it comes to a fan series. I can't wait to see what they do with the script.
    Back from the grave.

