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Fan series set after Deep Space Nine

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    Fan series set after Deep Space Nine

    Essentially what would you have done if you were asked to pitch ideas for a series to start after Deep Space nine and to run concurrently with seasons 6 & 7 of Voyager.

    I would set it on a Station in the Beta quadrant; it is the base for all Starfleet's exploration efforts in the Beta quadrant and has three ships assigned to it, they are the USS Explorer (Galaxy-class), USS Norwich (Miranda-class) and the USS Cassiopeia (Sovereign-class). With the Cassiopeia on border duty at the Gorn boarder, the Explorer is on supply duty and the Norwich on exploration duty.

    Characters: Commander Hallan is the stations commander and has jurisdictional authority of the Captains of the Explorer, Norwich and Cassiopeia. Played by Michael Cuckson.

    Co-ordinator Navin Ettrelonum is the authority of Starfleet Intelligence this far from Earth. Played by Sean Carlson.

    Agent Torvald is Narvin’s Vulcan aide however there’s something not quite right about him. Played by Andy Cloleman.

    Lieutenant Commander Dondequest is the stations first officer and tactical officer. Played by Sarah Douglas.

    Lieutenant Glospin is the stations chief engineer. Played by Colin Baker.

    Lieutenant Dina McGann is the science officer and is also the archaeologist.

    Inquisitor Darkel is the stations representative of the law and is very ambitious and has been sent there because her wish to become president is well known. Played by Lynda Bellingham.

    The main story arcs would be the distrust of Narvin and Torvald, the damage to the station and the discovery of strange ruins on many worlds throughout the quadrant. The damaged station arc will be in play until an incident calls in the Starfleet Corps of Engineers to fix the station, the Torvald arc will end when he is revealed to have different allegiances. As more and more ruins get uncovered inside the quadrant it is theorized that they are relics of a race that once ruled the entire quadrant.

    The series would also deal with the repercussions of the dominion war.
    Last edited by Alterus; 24 November 2011, 11:37 PM.

    It's hard to answer, because Rick Berman was on 24th century burn out when Voyager ended. That's why the fifth series was a prequel, so they could do a new show that'd be radically different from TNG/DS9/VOY. Honestly, I think the best you could have hoped to expect would be a few TV movies to air during summer hiatus. Could you rework your series idea as one or two TV movies per year?


      I applaud you for doing the casting--always challenging to do whether you're a profesional producer or not.
      If you're interested in reading my longest fanfic story, which is an action/adventure story involving the elusive Furlings (as well as if you want to read the others), please click the link below.

      RIP Sep 2010 to beloved member and forum contributor Weedle, very skilled soldier with military special operations, a wonderful human being, and a friend to so many on gateworld. May we keep his memory close.


        HMMM...I love Douglas but she's rather old...
        I would place her as Admiral and have her replace Michael Hallan as Commander of the Station. I do this because to give a show a real sense of authority like Battlestar Galactica you need an ultimate authority. Trek has been fearful of doing this. But Stargate has embraced the higher brass.

        I can't place Coleman

        I like the repercussion of the war arc...but it needs more with a destabilized galaxy. Do you have anymore ideas.


          Originally posted by Saquist View Post
          HMMM...I love Douglas but she's rather old...
          I would place her as Admiral and have her replace Michael Hallan as Commander of the Station. I do this because to give a show a real sense of authority like Battlestar Galactica you need an ultimate authority. Trek has been fearful of doing this. But Stargate has embraced the higher brass.

          I can't place Coleman

          I like the repercussion of the war arc...but it needs more with a destabilized galaxy. Do you have anymore ideas.
          I like the idea of facing repercussions of a war, some times that can be more interresting in my opinion and the idea is that the show would run along with the final seasons of Voyager, so a few mentions of Voyager could be nice, with the Enterprise showing up every so often while on exploration missions.
          Any way enough about my ideas, what about your ideas.


            Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
            It's hard to answer, because Rick Berman was on 24th century burn out when Voyager ended. That's why the fifth series was a prequel, so they could do a new show that'd be radically different from TNG/DS9/VOY. Honestly, I think the best you could have hoped to expect would be a few TV movies to air during summer hiatus. Could you rework your series idea as one or two TV movies per year?
            What do you mean by 24th century burn out?
            Last edited by Alterus; 25 November 2011, 09:16 AM.


              Rick Berman was tired of doing 24th century shows. After 14 years (21 seasons) or 526 episodes and three movies (Nemesis wasn't made yet), Rick Berman had grown tired of the 24th century. It was growing stale. Though DS9 and VOY brought in new characters and aliens, they all shared the same universe of TNG. Enterprise was an attempt to go back 200 years (100 before Kirk, 150 from now) to an unexplored era of Star Trek in the hopes of reinvigorating the franchise. Unfortunately, that didn't pan out, and the show was cancelled after four seasons. A good run, but shorter than Berman hoped for. It's cancellation also meant there would not be another series.

              Also, if you want a DS9 spin off, well... watch Voyager as it is effectively a TNG/DS9 spin-off. The Maquis began on DS9 and then were spun off as Chakotay's crew who ended up replacing the third of Voyager's crew that were killed when the ship was hurled to the Delta Quadrant.


                I think any future Star Trek TV series need to go in a completely new direction. May be move away from Starfleet and show the civilians of the star Trek world.

                May be have a civilian hold a series of secrets and artefacts that both Starfleet and other rival powers wants to obtain. Why he knows some of those secretes the rest he is still trying to discover for himself.

                Whiles he on the run you could show him encountering the effects of the dominion war, how wide and destructive the conflict really was. Have him in the possession of a alien vessel he stole from one of these regional powers, may be the Klingons, after all they have not invested in the sciences for years and they always been a race which bought in outsiders to carry out research projects for them. So it make sense for them to have hired to someone to help them out on a research project.

                Also show him building a crew to run his ship.

                Your concept sound rather like the current Star Trek Vanguard book Series. Which I have only read one so far,


                  Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
                  I think any future Star Trek TV series need to go in a completely new direction. May be move away from Starfleet and show the civilians of the star Trek world.
                  Bingo! Don't abandon Starfleet entirely, but who says the main characters have to be Starfleet? They could be civilians working for Starfleet or have no affiliation. Starfleet could serve as both protagonists and antagonists depending on what the heroes are up to that episode.

                  May be have a civilian hold a series of secrets and artefacts that both Starfleet and other rival powers wants to obtain. Why he knows some of those secretes the rest he is still trying to discover for himself.
                  I love it!

                  Whiles he on the run you could show him encountering the effects of the dominion war, how wide and destructive the conflict really was. Have him in the possession of a alien vessel he stole from one of these regional powers, may be the Klingons, after all they have not invested in the sciences for years and they always been a race which bought in outsiders to carry out research projects for them. So it make sense for them to have hired to someone to help them out on a research project.
                  The Dominion War ended in the DS9 finale, so I assume you meant the after effects of the war. As for an alien ship, I could go for that. DS9 was set on an alien space station, why not feature an alien ship? However, anything but a Klingon ship. They're overexposed. Go for underexposed aliens or someone we've never heard of. How about a salvaged Romulan ship? Perhaps he made a deal with the Romulans? When he finds whatever it is he's looking for, he'll send his findings to Earth and to Romulus for providing him with a ship.

                  Also show him building a crew to run his ship.
                  Hmm... perhaps the first episode is the acquisition of his ship and the next two or three episodes are assembling the crew?


                    I could see a mission to peak just over the ridge of Federation space, beyond the ability of telescopes to get details about. Areas that have attracted the attention of Starfleet Command & The A.Q. Alliance via intelligence / survey probes. Captain Morgan Bateson (Kelsey Grammar) sets out with a fledgling new X.O. (Thomas Riker,) a Legacy-Class starship with a Typhon-Class mobile headquarters docked to its' aft. A motley, diverse crew of non-Humans in 2378 with a small convoy of ships (Maru-type freighter-tankers, Intrepid-Class frigates, and a couple of Olympic-Class hospital vessels,) to explore an area that even the Klingons and Borg haven't approached in a long long time. There's something about this sector that enables the Federation to pass its lines of defense, but has left a thick sphere of debris around its perimeter in all directions.


                      How would this appeal to people who didn't follow DS9?


                        Originally posted by Snowman37 View Post
                        How would this appeal to people who didn't follow DS9?
                        To be honest I am desperate for any new star trek material as long as it well written and has a good story.

                        but you could say that about any new show that is set in any period, how do you attract other fans of the series.

