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Could David Foster make a new Star Trek series a reality?

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    Odo had changed the minds of the Founders with his good experiences with and love for solids, and they no longer wanted to take over the Alpha Quadrant. War over.

    The Borg Queen could still contact one of her ships. Maybe there are others that she couldn't contact that are still active or lying derelict for someone to find...
    More fun @ Spoofgate!


      Why would the Klingons return to there old ways, when the Martok and Wolf (two friends of the Federation) and arguably the Federation is the only thing holding them together.

      The Ferengi don't need to discover "untold riches" to become a powerful player in the Alpha Quadrant. They were the least affected by the Dominion War which means everyone is going to be borrowing and buying from them. The fact that they remained neutral with the Dominion means plenty of trading opportunities with Gamma Quadrant races.
      The Ferengi were not neutral they backed the Federation/Klingon and Romulan alliance secretly behind the scenes. Probably more so now than ever, now Rom was running the place before the war even ended.

      But the Dominion itself, forced back to the GQ sure, but then? REVENGE!
      Not with Odo leading the Founders.

      An remember this the first large scale loss the dominion has ever suffered. An they could not defeat the Federation after it been essentially at peace from large scale war fare for centuries, in fact as far I know it never fought more than minor boarder scrimish until the Dominion war. The Human and Romulan was does not count as that took place before the founding of the Federation.

      The Federation after the war is heavily militarise, with hundreds of vessel built and modified to the fight dominion.

      The Dominion loss 5,000 or was 10,000 vessels when they tried to send reinforcement through the Alpha quadrant (thanks to the prophets), and probably another 2-3 thousand they sent through to Cardassia before the war started. I doubt they are in any condition to fight another war. In fact I could see them facing a full scale rebellion back home in the Gamma Quadrant , especially as Section 31 plans effectively neutralise the founders abilities to infiltrate and control races. Dominion is at weakness since it was founded.
      Last edited by knowles2; 05 October 2011, 02:37 PM.


        Originally posted by knowles2 View Post
        Not with Odo leading the Founders.

        An remember this the first large scale loss the dominion has ever suffered. An they could not defeat the Federation after it been essentially at peace from large scale war fare for centuries, in fact as far I know it never fought more than minor boarder scrimish until the Dominion war. The Human and Romulan was does not count as that took place before the founding of the Federation.

        The Federation after the war is heavily militarise, with hundreds of vessel built and modified to the fight dominion.

        The Dominion loss 5,000 or was 10,000 vessels when they tried to send reinforcement through the Alpha quadrant (thanks to the prophets), and probably another 2-3 thousand they sent through to Cardassia before the war started. I doubt they are in any condition to fight another war. In fact I could see them facing a full scale rebellion back home in the Gamma Quadrant , especially as Section 31 plans effectively neutralise the founders abilities to infiltrate and control races. Dominion is at weakness since it was founded.
        To the Dominion, getting Odo to return home was worth the entire Alpha Quadrant (I believe the Female Changeling said it) so the Founders and potentially the Vorta and Jem Hadar could see it was a victory because they got a God to return home.

        As for not defeating the Federation, the Dominion would have been able to beat every major power individually, but thanks to the wormhole being closed the fleet on the other side being destroyed the Klingon forces supporting the Federation, it really helped even things out.

        As for their losses. It was continually shown and said the Dominion were able to build ships and grow Jem Hadar at a fast rate. It's possible that none of the ships sent to the Alpha Quadrant or those lost in the wormhole were from the primary fleet of Dominion ships, so they aren't weakened by the loss. It's doubtful the condition of the Founders would be known outside a few important Vorta or Jem Hadar. If the main fleet hadn't been been touched when it came to the invasion fleet, the Dominion on the other side could be at full strength.



          Originally posted by Gormagon View Post
          But the Dominion itself, forced back to the GQ sure, but then? REVENGE!
          8472, I have seen all the episodes with them, they are paranoid and distrustful, I foresee future issues with them.
          Was first contact after Voyager? Even if not, the Borg are still out there. With thousands of cubes and tactical cubes.
          Too many humanoids in Star Trek. Actors with a little nose or ear putty. Give me ALIENS! Animorphs was good with that.
          If a new show featured the Dominion in some capacity, sure. However, the Dominion return for revenge? Please. I've had enough of the Dominion War. It's been played out. To go back to that would simply be recycling old stories we've already seen. As for Species 8472, that story-line was resolved in Voyager's fifth season episode "In the Flesh." First Contact took place during Voyager's third season before "Unity." The Borg were more or less defeated in the series finale, "Endgame." As for there being too many humanoids in Star Trek, it's called metaphor and budget. First off, it would simply be too expensive to show aliens every episode who aren't portrayed by actors in costume and makeup. Second, the aliens whom are played by actors often stand out as metaphors for what is going on here on Earth today. It's all about the human condition. Remove that, and the entire premise of Star Trek collapses into a hollow show that's all about space battles and visual effects.


            Are the Borg still around? After the events of "Endgame," I don't imagine they'd be a threat to the Federation any time soon.
            You do realize that creates a huge temporal paradox don't you?

            Very similar to the grandfather paradox.


              After reading the article, well, it seems like Star Trek may deserve a little more than prime time cbs with a million commercial breaks. Perhaps a cable network with higher budget or maybe scrap it all and just stick to the Star Trek reboot movies because the new one was awesome.

              The ferangie however have always been a great side kick antagonist....IMHO, they just don't have the umph to be a good mainlined enemy BUT I haven't made it through DS9 though, getting there. Also I have to agree
              "Second, the aliens whom are played by actors often stand out as metaphors for what is going on here on Earth today. It's all about the human condition. Remove that, and the entire premise of Star Trek collapses into a hollow show that's all about space battles and visual effects. "
              Those relationships are so very important. Also to eliminate humanoids would also give the idea that the Federation are the only humanoids....can't have that.

              Anyway, I hope who ever decides to do this, if they do, serve star trek justice. I would hate for the reboot movie to get producers all hyped up and think that they can replicate an epic story line at the drop of a hat.
              Does anyone else respond to something shocking in the manner of ELI....
              Global Warming: "YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS THE WHOLE TIME!"
              Ancient Aliens: "YOU KNEW ABOUT THIS THE WHOLE TIME!"


                Has anymore come of this? Do we know if this failed or if this is still a possibility?


                  It was never a possibility.
                  "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

