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The Trek Trivia Thread

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    ^ Another good one.

    Related, remember that shapeshifter energy being Wesley Crusher fell in love with? Although we know nothing of her parents other than the fact they were from opposite sides of the civil war.


      Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
      The two biggest references that stand out are Picard's family inside the Nexus, and Voyager hanging from a Christmas tree when Quinn was trying to hide from Q. I think every Trek series has mentioned it at least once.
      Good memory brother Saber. I was racking my brain after reading brother Weyoun's question. And for the life of me I can't remember any kind of Christmas reference on DS9. I remember Kirk telling Spock about the significance of Christmas after Spock commented about how he never could understand why we celebrated December 25 when he attended Starfleet Academy. I also remember Archer referencing Christmas while talking about Earth holiday's and tradition with a curious alien.


        O'Brien had a vivid vision of the station exploding - Whom did he see attacking DS9?


          a Romulan warbird

          I never could understand why they would be a threat to DS9. It took a Klingion fleet to challenge DS9 and a Dominion/Cardassian fleet to defeat the station
          Originally posted by aretood2
          Jelgate is right


            Originally posted by Spimman View Post
            Q & Q gave birth to Q who was the first child born to the Q Continuum, he helped end the civil war that threatened the whole galaxy\universe.
            Not sure if that is what you're looking for.
            Originally posted by -Plot::Twist- View Post
            Sarah Sisko gave birth to Benjamin Sisko, who was the Emissary of the Prophets.
            I dunno... that might be right.
            You're both right! And there's at least one more example!

            Your question again: What Trek character gave birth to a messiah? How was the child special?
            Clue: The parents were almost the same race, but that difference made all the difference.
            More fun @ Spoofgate!


              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
              You're both right! And there's at least one more example!

              Your question again: What Trek character gave birth to a messiah? How was the child special?
              Clue: The parents were almost the same race, but that difference made all the difference.
              are you talking about b'elanna and tom's child? I can't remember what made the child special, except that there was that random group of klingons that thought the child was their messiah.
              "The sea is emotion incarnate. It loves, hates, & weeps. It defies all attempts to capture it with words and rejects all shackles. No matter what you say about it, there is always that which you can't."
              -Brom in Eragon


                Originally posted by Kyarra View Post
                are you talking about b'elanna and tom's child? I can't remember what made the child special, except that there was that random group of klingons that thought the child was their messiah.
                The Klingons believed that Miral Paris was the kuvah'magh. Examples being... Miral was born during the Klingon holy month of nay'Poq... B'Elanna was an "off worlder" who has suffered great hardaships and also won glorious battles... the father of the kuvah'magh will be an honorable warrior.

                As it turned out Miral Paris did end up saving the lost group of Klingons because a human genome in her blood was used to cure the Klingon disease Nehret.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  Continuing with the VOY theme....

                  Why did B'Elanna want her un-born baby to undergo gene therapy?
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    She didn't want to have Klingion traits because the prejudiace she had as a child.

                    How pregnant was B'lanna when she reconnected with her father via the Astrometrics lab
                    Originally posted by aretood2
                    Jelgate is right


                      How pregnant was B'lanna when she reconnected with her father via the Astrometrics lab?

                      It's been awhile since I watched any late season VOY. But if I remember it right, B'Lanna was about to drop her baby when she got a chance to talk with her father via sub-space.

                      In what episode did we see a more human looking B'Lanna? (as Torrey)


                        Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                        How pregnant was B'lanna when she reconnected with her father via the Astrometrics lab?

                        It's been awhile since I watched any late season VOY. But if I remember it right, B'Lanna was about to drop her baby when she got a chance to talk with her father via sub-space.
                        The correct answer is 22 weeks
                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                          In what episode did we see a more human looking B'Lanna? (as Torrey)

                          What species made this human looking B'elanna possible?



                            Did we ever hear of a cure for the Phage, when?


                              Originally posted by Spimman View Post

                              Did we ever hear of a cure for the Phage, when?
                              KURROS: The mind of mathematician and the soul of an artist. I'm afraid he'd much rather be modelling a fractal sculpture than analysing the data of our latest astronomical scan. And now you have met us all. A small group of minds, but we have helped hundreds of clients. We turned the tide in the war between the Bara Plenum and the Motali Empire. Re-ignited the red giants of the Zai Cluster. Just recently, we found a cure for the Vidiian phage.
                              JANEWAY: The Vidiians?
                              KURROS: You would hardly recognise them now. Just last month we helped retrieve a Lyridian child's runaway pet. A subspace mesomorph, I might add. We had to invent a whole new scanning technology just to find it.
                              From Think Tank
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                Which member of the Think Tank was sensitive about his age? What kind of lifeform was he?
                                More fun @ Spoofgate!

