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What Star Trek Ep/Movie Did you Watch Today?

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    ENT 3.14 "Strategem"
    Great story. And, I think, excellently timed within the season. They're finally learning more and more about the weapon and they get something BIG done here. The capture of Degra and the creative means of interrogation, while possibly questionable legally speaking, is well presented and appropriately sci-fi.

    I also really like the amount of foreshadowing going on here. Archer mentions a vicious attack by the Insectoids, rather reminiscent of the devastating attack that the ship faces a few episodes down the road. Likewise, Hoshi finds a reference to Azati Prime on Degra's ship, another nod to an upcoming ep. And while not directly intended as a foreshadow, seeing Regulan blood worms was nicely reminiscent of the Centauran Slugs in Trek2009.

    ENT 3.15 "Harbinger"
    And for the first time this year....I'm going to criticise the VFX. The bubbling convergence of anomalies in space looked just awful. Like, would've been shamefully bad in the TOS years awful. OH dear. And so unfortunate too, given how important a moment it is in the development of the Xindi/Sphere Builders story.

    Definitely could've done without the halfassed B-plot in this episode though. Introducing a MACO romantic interest for Trip (who, apparently, is a popular singer in Israel) completely out of left field was a bit ridiculous, as was the whole T'Pol jealousy thing. Especially during the hand-to-hand combat training. Why the hell was T'Pol even there?! She was shown to be proficient in Vulcan martial arts a ways back in Marauders! Fortunately it at least allowed for the hilarious "just drop it" conversation between Malcolm and Trip

    Fortunately I think the A-plot of the Sphere Builder was just gold. I like how I was made to dislike Archer as part of the story here--how he's changed so much from being an intrepid explorer into a real jerk who thinks he has a monopoly on 'the greater good' regardless of who gets involved.

    Moreover, I love the idea of beings from a completely different type of reality that's wholly incompatible with our own. So much so that they begin to completely break down and decay when exposed to our universe; and presumably from the stuff that happened on the bridge early in the episode, the same would happen to us in their realm. Terrific stuff.

    ENT 3.16 "Doctor's Orders"
    Seriously? Haven't they played the 'aliens are immune to technobabble so they're the only ones around' card enough by this point?
    Last edited by DigiFluid; 28 June 2010, 05:34 AM.
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


      I'm watching TNG's The Arsenal of Freedom for the first time in literally years.


        Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
        ENT 3.13 "Proving Ground"
        And you've reached my co-favourite episode of the season, sharing top billing with 'Azati Prime'. It was just a great episode! Archer with Andorian antennae was hilaRious!
        More fun @ Spoofgate!



          I wouldn't normally do a review, but I really wanted to type something out for this episode. When I first watched this episode many years ago, I didn't grasp the scope of what it was trying to get across to the viewers. It's only now that I can look back on this episode and say, "Wow", that was really a Star Trek episode I watched?

          I really can't begin to describe how much I loved this episode. Not only did it have my number one favorite character, The Doctor, but it had so much more too. Everything single thing that makes a superb trek episode was here. Mystery, action, great character moments, sadness... it had emotion.

          The episode focus mainly around the Doctor here. I'm glad it did, because I doubt it would have worked so well if it wasn't. His acting was by far the best here, more than anywhere else in the show.

          The moral issues are so strong here, I'd put them on par with the Tuvix episode earlier in the series. Do we rewrite the doctors program... and simply make him forget? and undermine everything hes worked to become over the years? Or do we let what's happening to him, happen.

          After being faced with the choice of saving the life of Harry, or the other crew member Jetal... he picked Harry. This decision ultimately causes his program to begin to break down.

          The end of the episode is the most heart moving for me. Every crew member taking turns staying with the doctor... for over 2 weeks! Flashback to the start of the series, and everyone was jumping at the gun to rewrite him. So he would be more pleasant to be around. This is perhaps the single greatest character(s) defining moments for me. Everyone has changed so much. Janeway is still dealing with the concept of the Doctor being more then he is, but she as come so far. Evidenced by her staying up almost 16+ hours with him.

          Well I don't like the fact that the continuity doesn't really carry on past this episode, it doesn't negate how wonderful it was for me.

          What would I personally rank this episode? I'd give it a 11/10. I could find no flaws here... only perfection. The cast, the scenes... the emotion... everything worked so well. Everything

          This episode goes in my top 4 for the Voyager series. In my entire favorite episode list for the whole franchise? I'd rank it at #7.

          This is why I love Voyager with a passion.


            ENT 3.17 "Hatchery"
            While this bears a passing resemblance to both The Abandoned and The Ship, I really appreciate what they were doing in this episode. After seeing Archer go off the deep end and into the depths of the Pacific, I enjoyed seeing him get into a mood of guilt and regret.

            The one really shining, stand-out moment in the whole episode though is...not quite long enough, but has the benefit of not overstaying its welcome. I love that Archer cites the Eugenics Wars as an example, using the evacuation of a school in a warzone to highlight that there are rules, even during war. I loved that.

            I just find it unfortunate that in all this, they didn't bother to bring back Trip's MACO romantic interest in order to further complicate the Starfleet vs. MACO struggle for command of the ship. I find it even more unfortunate that Archer's interest in the eggs turned out to be Insectoid venom rather than a true struggle of conscience.

            Still, nice to see it acknowledged.

            ENT 3.18 "Azati Prime"
            I'm all for pilfering and utilizing alien technology in pursuit of the desperate times angle but um....what happened to the Suliban cell ship? Wouldn't it's cloaking device have been perfect for getting through the detection grid?

            There's a lot of termporal stuff in this episode that I really dig too. While 'seeing' the Battle of Procyon V was a bit disappointing, and the Enterprise-J design is awful, it's still neat. Cool to see that potential future being played out and nice to see Daniels show up again. I also really like how the Reptilian talks about wanting to hunt down every last human convoy, caravan, and colony. Good 'foreshadow'/reference-back to the events of Twilight.

            Fabulous close for the episode too. Archer captured, the Xindi Council fracturing, Enterprise having the living hell beaten out of it....fantastic! Wonderful drama!

            ENT 3.19 "Damage"
            The ending of Azati Prime was so intense and amazing that I couldn't stop like I'd intended, I had to go ahead and start up Damage immediately The introductory tease is really nice....I couldn't help but recall Malcolm's family history, and thought of how his father had been disappointed that he hadn't joined the Royal Navy.

            I think the walk around the heavily damaged Enterprise was truly amazingly done as well. In just those few short minutes, we get a better sense of how much of an ass-kicking they've taken than we've seen in most of the Trek franchise to date. Random conduits exploding, collapsed ceiling beams, no lights....good stuff. Just great.

            The number of casualties is really staggering too. That Phlox says they've lost 14 people with 3 unaccounted for (presumably the ones who got spaced during the battle in the previous episode), plus a number of deaths throughout the season so far, probably in the neighbourhood of 20-25 people killed on a ship that only holds 82. I know the exact number is given not long into season 4 but to consider it at this point is just mind-boggling.

            As for the subject matter of the Enterprise crew engaging in piracy.... Good lord, I don't even know how to feel about it. The whole 'necessary' thing is one thing, but it absolutely makes my skin crawl to see the heroes being such villains here. I suppose that's the point though.
            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              Hey friend, doesn't the last episode of ENT cancel out your theory on this series taking place in a different universe?


                I don't see how Terra Prime does anything of the sort
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  *cough* These Are the Voyages *cough*


                    just watched the voyager season 1 episode the 37s and it reminded me why i love that ep everything about it was perfect and i remember the first time i seen it, watching voyager land on that planet was cool


                      Star Trek Classic Trouble with Tribbles and the very cool DS9 episode where the Crew meet Kirk and Co. on this Tribbles event.


                        Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                        *cough* These Are the Voyages *cough*
                        When even the most ardent of Enterprise supporters prefers to ignore that one, I'm certainly not going to accept it
                        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                          Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                          When even the most ardent of Enterprise supporters prefers to ignore that one, I'm certainly not going to accept it
                          Accepting or ignoring it does not make it less true
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Maybe not in your world
                            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                              Maybe not in your world
                              We call it reality
                              Originally posted by aretood2
                              Jelgate is right


                                The beauty of fiction is you can do whatever you want with it. Just because someone wrote it, doesn't mean I have to read it. That sort of thing.

                                Besides, if even showrunners can ignore episodes because of how colossally bad they are, I most certainly can.
                                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

