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What Star Trek Ep/Movie Did you Watch Today?

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    And on that note:

    ENT 1.06 "Terra Nova" -- Trying too hard to be a TOS episode, interesting conceptually though
    ENT 1.07 "The Andorian Incident" -- Shran!!!
    ENT 1.08 "Breaking the Ice" -- lol'd at the snowman
    ENT 1.09 "Civilization" -- feels like one of the lousy VOY episodes....which isn't saying much
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


      Just finishing TNG's Justice. Interesting episode to watch, considering what I experienced earlier tonight while on duty.


        Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
        And on that note:

        ENT 1.06 "Terra Nova" -- Trying too hard to be a TOS episode, interesting conceptually though
        ENT 1.07 "The Andorian Incident" -- Shran!!!
        ENT 1.08 "Breaking the Ice" -- lol'd at the snowman
        ENT 1.09 "Civilization" -- feels like one of the lousy VOY episodes....which isn't saying much
        I see it's going pretty well then.

        For all Enterprise's faults, it absolutely nailed the Andorians smack dab on the antennae and with them we got Shran and his pink skin slurs.
        "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


          Pity he never called Travis a 'brown skin'. I could see several real world organizations having problems with that. Would have been fun to watch.
          More fun @ Spoofgate!


            ENT 1.10 "Fortunate Son"
            First time I watched this show, Travis-centric stories bored me to death. Apparently this time is no different....good lord what a terrible actor. "Space boomers" are a pretty snazzy concept for a series about pioneering space travel and fit into things pretty perfectly. But man, this Anthony Montgomery guy is so annoying. This is a character I could've done with seeing die. Plot-wise, this one was also pretty painfully predictable too. Some really nice CGI in this episode though.

            The part of this one I enjoy the most is that they actually raise the debate of whether or not Starfleet ships should be stepping on the toes of independents. I tend to be of the mind that Travis is right--Starfleet has no business telling a cargo freighter what they can and can't do. Even if the freighter XO/acting-CO is kind of a d-bag. Also: do I spot the freighter crew using Dominion disruptor rifles?

            ENT 1.12 "Silent Enemy"
            Yeah....wrong order here. I accidentally clicked on the wrong episode first In a weird twist of fate, however, Memory Alpha says that this episode takes place a week before Cold Front anyway, so I suppose it's just as well. Not that there's really any overlap whatsoever anyway....

            Neat to see the subspace buoy drop. For one thing I love how that develops the pioneering story, and it was also nice to see some follow-through after it was mentioned in Fortunate Son. And hey, a little appearance by Paula Malcolmson! The upgrading the ship on the fly thing was fun too, though returning to Earth this early in the game comes across as a bit....forced.

            I guess it's nice to see a bit of an aside here, trying to develop a character a bit. And I like Reed. It's just that after watching other shows with so much better character development, this comes across as so very flat. And I was a little puzzled/weirded out that Hoshi said she'd spoken to Reed's two "spinster aunts". Wow. Hasn't the word "spinster" been out of common use since about the early 1900s?

            Couple of things I really like about this one:
            1) Malcolm and Trip butting heads over whose authority takes precedence as far as upgrading the ship goes. For a ship where rank appears to be so....regarded quite lax, it's nice to see something like that.
            2) The unknown alien encounter is quite nice. It reminds me quite a bit of that fantastic 'frontier' feel that characterized TOS.

            ENT 1.11 "Cold Front"
            I know I ragged on the Temporal Cold War pretty hard when this show was first on, and it's still a pretty contentious topic, but this time around I find myself looking at it differently. It's actually a pretty neat idea, though I find it more than a little silly that the TCW is both introduced and resolved in basically a 3-year period on this show. Shouldn't a Temporal Cold War, you know, span all of history?

            That said though, it's still kind of neat. The holographic representation of the timelines that Daniels first shows to Archer is very flashy and impressive. I'm finding it's a topic that I kind of wish was fleshed out better than it was.

            Priestly b-plot was less than compelling, though.

            At this point I'm really starting to like the look of the Enterprise. The Akiraprise thing still nags at me pretty badly, but at least they chose to copy the design from a pretty cool looking ship.
            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              Fortunate Son: Ew.
              Cold Front: Eh.
              Silent Enemy: Brilliant [minus the birthday subplot].

              I can't wait to hear what you have to say about my favourite episode of the season. No, I won't tell you which one it is.
              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                Well, nearly halfway through the season now so I can't be that far from whichever your favourite is
                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                  Human Error (VOY)


                    I'm currently watching TNG's The Battle.
                    Last edited by Cold Fuzz; 25 June 2010, 09:30 PM.


                      ENT 1.13 "Dear Doctor"
                      A sort of...hybrid of Data's Day and The Quickening. Generally I find that it worked quite nicely. And it was nice to see the lovely Ensign Cutler again. It's such a shame that the actress passed away. I know that the goal of an actor is to portray someone other than themselves, but she comes across as a wonderfully genuine and nice person.

                      Perhaps the best part of the episode, at least for me, comes fairly near the end when Archer has his 'revelation'. As he's faced with the issue of providing technology to the planet in question, he suddenly understands the Vulcan point of view with regards to Earth.

                      I also quite liked the ethical question raised by the potentiality of a cure and whether or not it should be introduced. Perhaps the most interesting issue raised by the series to this point. It's a bit of a shame that they so hamfistedly had Archer talk about it as the future Prime Directive.

                      ENT 1.14 ""Sleeping Dogs"
                      Loved the waveform 'siren calls' near the beginning of this episode. Kind of sucks that they only let it play out for a few seconds though, it's one of those real gems of unique brilliance that I think could've gone on for longer than it did.

                      Despite the awful Klingon guest actress, I do like how this contributes to the ongoing Klingon story arc of the Enterprise era that started in the pilot and continues right into the Pocket ENT relaunch novels (that I'm more and more convinced I'll check out once I'm done the series). I like seeing them as an occasional guest race, something that people are aware of and know to keep their distance from, but don't tend to run into a lot. Especially considering just how huge the Klingons are a part of Star Trek's overall mythology, particularly in the "early" years of its history.

                      Another freaking decontamination chamber scene though Much though I like seeing Blalock and Park in as little clothing as possible, these scenes were just ridiculously gratuitous.

                      ENT 1.15 "Shadows of P'Jem"
                      To the beginning: bleh. It's one thing to portray the Vulcans as a little condescending and using their own variety of the Prime Directive on Earth. It's quite another to show Soval blaming Archer for the P'Jem incident when it was them who put the listening post at the sanctuary. Not even real-life politicians are that stupid, and it's a bit difficult to swallow here; which, in turn, makes the whole T'Pol-transfer story feel a bit forced. I find that a little bit of a shame, since it's nice to see here that the Enterprise writers were taking a page out of the DS9 books in following up on a seemingly bottle episode earlier on.

                      I also couldn't help but roll my eyes at the little 'dance' between Archer and T'Pol while they were tied up and trying to get untied. And then nearly rolled them all the way out the back of my head at the exaggerated "sexual tension" while they were untying.

                      And why the heck are Malcolm and Trip discussing whether or not to go down and find out if the thing they see on their sensors is the shuttle or not. Just a few episodes back, Hoshi was able to zoom in so close they could clearly see peoples' faces!

                      To roll over to the positive side of things though, this one does present some interesting offerings. I like the idea that there are planets out there where not everyone is happy with the Vulcans. Particularly interesting, I find, is the idea that the official government of Coridan may be propped up by the Vulcan High Command. I also quite like the idea of the Vulcans and Andorians using the world for a proxy war a la Korea, Vietnam, or Afghanistan. Adds some interesting texture to the Trekverse in this time period.

                      Also: Shran!! No matter which character he's playing, Jeffrey Combs is always an absolute joy to watch. Easily one of my favourite TV actors. Of all the possible things that could've happened if Enterprise had had a 5th season, seeing Shran join the crew would've easily been the best. I might have happily started watching just to see him

                      edit; What the more tonight.

                      ENT 1.16 "Shuttlepod One"
                      Some really nice CGI of the shuttlepod flying through the asteroid field at the beginning here. IIRC the effects for both VOY and ENT were done by the same company, which almost difficult to believe. I always found the CGI in VOY to be really awful but in ENT it tends to look pretty darn good.

                      I find that this is another one of those ENT episodes that really suffers badly from rehashing a horribly overdone and cliched plot. The whole 'odd couple trapped together' angle has really been done to death in every imaginable genre, and I can't for the life of me figure out why anyone would even bother with this sort of story. Especially since, at this point in Star Trek, this is more than halfway through the franchise's 25th (!!) season.

                      Why the heck would Archer's to-be-gifted bottle of burboun be stored on a Shuttlepod, anyway? And uh...."plug the leak with your finger"?! Good god.

                      Did get a kick out of Malcolm telling Trip that he'd slept with Trip's waitress crush a few times though, and LOL'd at "the burboun will provide the heat, the candle is for the mood" Overall, despite the overdone story, this was not a bad episode at all.
                      Last edited by DigiFluid; 10 June 2010, 10:04 PM.
                      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                        I'm looking forward to your reviews as you get further along... mostly the borg centered episode and the mirror universe


                          I will never forgive Shuttlepod One for thinking a potatoe can fix a hull fracture
                          Originally posted by aretood2
                          Jelgate is right


                            Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
                            I'm looking forward to your reviews as you get further along... mostly the borg centered episode and the mirror universe
                            I'm probably still going to skip Regeneration, as it offends my understanding of basic physics

                            Originally posted by jelgate View Post
                            I will never forgive Shuttlepod One for thinking a potatoe can fix a hull fracture
                            And plugging the holes with their fingers....*facepalms*
                            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                              I'm probably still going to skip Regeneration, as it offends my understanding of basic physics

                              And plugging the holes with their fingers....*facepalms*

                              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                              I had to get a lobotomy in order to sit through it

                              Nah remember a while back I decided to reconcile ENT by calling it a divergent universe that began with First Contact and ends (currently) with Trek 2009? I decided to put my money where my mouth is and try to enjoy it as that separate entity
                              Doesn't it go along with your "view" on this series?


                                Yes and no....

                                But. The Enterprise destroyed the Sphere somewhere above Montana. Literally fragments left. And I'm supposed to buy that not only fragments but humanoid drones not simply survived orbital re-entry, but also survived orbital re-entry at an angle so steep they ended up as far north as the Arctic Circle?

                                I very nearly failed high school physics, and I find that too insulting to my intelligence to tolerate
                                "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life

