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What Star Trek Ep/Movie Did you Watch Today?

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    Star Trek: Nemesis

    When I originally saw this at the movies, I was rather ticked that Data died. I suppose because I thought there might have been another movie and there was no way you could replace Data with B4. I grew up with TNG so it's the series I remember most fondly (course I quite enjoyed DS9 as well), and Data was one of my favs.

    Anyway it has been a number of years since I've watched this one, and I have to say my opinion of it and Data's death has changed for the positive. Now I think it was a noble death and a fitting end to the character. First Contact is still my favorite TNG movie, but Nemesis is now my second fav with Generations and Insurrection tied for third.
    IMO always implied.


      Originally posted by nx01a View Post
      Compared to some shows today, ALL of TNG is beautiful... Sub Rosa and all.
      I agree beyond a shadow of a doubt with this statement. Well, maybe with the exception of "Code of Honor" and "Justice". Squick.

      Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
      This evening I watched TNG episode "Unnatural Selection". Not the best episode ever, but better than I had remembered.
      Deary me. Always so negative.

      Indeed. I rather liked this episode and Pulaski never really got on my nerves funnily enough. The best bits of this episode were between Date and the wrinkly doctor.
      "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


        Originally posted by Missster.Freeman View Post
        Deary me. Always so negative.
        I know! It's like he never has anything nice to say.
        More fun @ Spoofgate!


          Christmas was a bit ruined for us because our son's sick. So we stayed indoors all day and watched Trek:

          VOY: The Killing Game pt. 1 & 2, Vis à Vis
          ENT: Civilization, Fortunate Son, Cold Front, Silent Enemy


            Staying in with the family and watching Trek... I wish my Xmas was going that well.
            Apart from Vis à Vis and Fortunate Son, good episodes.
            More fun @ Spoofgate!


              Star Trek Generations


                Originally posted by EvilSpaceAlien View Post
                Star Trek Generations
                There's definitely something Christmassy about that movie.


                  Must be the Xmas sequence.
                  More fun @ Spoofgate!


                    Ho ho ho.

                    Alas, I'm drawing a blank with anything Star Trek at the minute. Last ep, I think, was "Rocks and Shoals". I have the entire series of TNG to crack open. Goodness knows when I'll get the time to watch it all!

                    edit: Just going to stick on "Sons and Daughters" and "Behind the Lines".
                    Last edited by Missster.Freeman; 30 December 2009, 10:10 AM.
                    "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                      i watched STXI


                        I saw DS9 'Image in the Sand' and 'Shadows and Symbols' over the weekend.
                        Ezri, poor thing.
                        The setup of Kira initially liking the Romulan senator then getting stabbed in the back and refusing to back down in the face of more than a dozen warbirds [with her man at her side]... Beautiful.
                        These episodes could easily have been called 'Everybody loved Jadzia'.
                        Damar continues his descent into alcoholism, and Weyoun continues to be a joy to watch.

                        But, question... With the senior staff all off on their own quests [or dead], who was in charge of the station? I doubt it was Admiral Ross.
                        More fun @ Spoofgate!


                          yesterday i saw seasons four tng episodes The Nth Degree / Qpid, up to this date i love all the Qs episodes (well except for the pilot maybe, it was so and so), but these two are quite funny.....


                            ENT: Twilight

                            Great alternate timeline story.


                              TNG's The Drumhead

                              awesome ep
                              The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                                One of the few episodes mentioning Locutus, and only one of two to mention anyone having negative feelings towards Picard for 'his' actions.
                                I've started watching the final arc of DS9. After deftly avoiding "Baddacrap Baddacrud", I started with "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges". It's not really part of The Nine, but it's still a great lead in. What will the Federation do to save itself? What is Sloan willing to do? Now should we treat our mortal enemies? At the end, the only question I'm left with is why the Romulans would let Bashir go if they thought he might have been involved in an attempted assassination. Not to overly antagonize the Federation? Bah.
                                Anyhoo... Onto The Nine.
                                More fun @ Spoofgate!

