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What Star Trek Ep/Movie Did you Watch Today?

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    The only good Quark moment is a dead Quark
    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Yes. Remember the old saying, The only good Quark is a dead Quark.

    Yes, I seem to remember now.

    Now, if only an episode featured both the death of Quark and Neelix. Now that would be an episode !

    Maybe we can squeeze phlox in there somewhere too?

    Hummm... it seems I underestimated your hatred for Quark, Jelgate... I see it goes far and wide... You may have more problems then Digi and his Kaiko fascination
    Last edited by Alan Wake; 24 September 2009, 08:20 PM.


      I love Quark and jel's hate for him makes me love him all the more

      TNG 7.25-26 'All Good Things...' -- So much sad truth even in the episode title....indeed, all good things must come to an end. And how. What an episode.

      Great sci-fi story, a laugh seeing everyone as bright and eager newbies, as their most comfortable 'current' selves, and as crotchety old people It was a wonderful bookend to 'Encounter at Farpoint', with a stellar guest performance by John de Lancie; and really wonderfully appropriate to bring back Denise Crosby for the final episode as well.

      The moment of realization and Q's short diatribe on "the infinite possibilities of existence" are still awe-inspiring all this time later, and Picard taking a seat with the others at the poker table remains as tear-jerking as ever. I gather it was also the final scene they shot for the series, which makes it all the more touching

      Such a wonderful end to the series.
      "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


        Originally posted by Alan Wake View Post
        Yes, I seem to remember now.

        Now, if only an episode featured both the death of Quark and Neelix. Now that would be an episode !

        Maybe we can squeeze phlox in there somewhere too?

        Hummm... it seems I underestimated your hatred for Quark, Jelgate... I see it goes far and wide... You may have more problems then Digi and his Kaiko fascination
        Just as long as my Quark hate is lower then his VOY/ENT hate.
        Originally posted by aretood2
        Jelgate is right


          DS9: Paradise Lost & Crossfire
          People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.


            Last night I also finished off DS9 season 2:

            DS9 2.25 'Tribunal' -- A fun "O'Brien must suffer" episode which seems to have been completely based on a line from Dukat about the Cardassian justice system. It is kind of an interesting take, that all verdicts are guilty and the trial is there just to show how the verdict was made. I also find it interesting that Cardassia has zero crime and that citizens can walk the streets even in the dead of night without fear.

            DS9 2.26 'The Jem'Hadar' -- Ah and now the final realization of the Dominion hints being dropped all season long. Good stuff....Quark was annoying as hell at the beginning of the episode, but it was more than redeemed in how important he was by the end of the episode. Seeing the Odyssey destroyed is still an amazing and horrifying sight, and the Jem'Hadar soldier's visit to Ops is still chilling. My only complaint is that he hands Kira a list of ships they've destroyed....this would've been much cooler if there'd been reports of disappearing ships all season long. Anyway good stuff, now DS9 has really hit its stride
            "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


              VOY: Dreadnought.
              Enjoyable episode. Not on my list of favourites, but a good one, nonetheless.
              If the Cardassians had this level of technology... Sigh. never mind.
              I forgot about Seska's Starfleet snitch, whiny little punk. And the setup for Tom's 'defection' continues. I really forgot about the little things that ran nicely through VOY s1-3.
              Voyager being hated and feared at first... Brilliant.
              Janeway sacrificing the ship to save 2 million people... Eh. She's just all about screwing over her crew to help others, isn't she?
              Torres! Poor thing. At least we know she's gangsta. The final moments between her and the AI reminds me of Dave vs HAL in '2001'.

              Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
              DS9 2.26 'The Jem'Hadar' -- Ah and now the final realization of the Dominion hints being dropped all season long. Good stuff....Quark was annoying as hell at the beginning of the episode, but it was more than redeemed in how important he was by the end of the episode. Seeing the Odyssey destroyed is still an amazing and horrifying sight, and the Jem'Hadar soldier's visit to Ops is still chilling. My only complaint is that he hands Kira a list of ships they've destroyed....this would've been much cooler if there'd been reports of disappearing ships all season long. Anyway good stuff, now DS9 has really hit its stride
              Quark really annoyed me in the beginning, but his commentary on humanity was very apt. One of his finest moments. And Quark [or his greed] saved the Alpha Quadrant!
              Seeing the Picard-wanna be and his Enterprise-wanna be kick it is, I think, the turning point in Trek where the TNG brightness officially dimmed. And the fight sequences... Brilliant! Oh, seeing a galaxy class exit the wormhole. Pretty!
              Yeah. It would have been very cool to have ships mysteriously disappear. Ah well.
              Last edited by nx01a; 25 September 2009, 07:08 PM.
              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                I'm up to the last season of voyager, which had some of the funniest character interactions of the entire damn series. I honestly think the last season of voyager was better than 1-5 easily.


                  To quote HAL, "I don't think so, Dave."

                  You didn't mention season 6.
                  More fun @ Spoofgate!


                    Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                    To quote HAL, "I don't think so, Dave."

                    You didn't mention season 6.
                    because season six was really good, especially for comedic episodes. I just think there were alot of weak stories, especially the first 3 seasons. Honestly, I have pretty much written off the first season.

                    then again, I may have been thinking of season 6 episodes. I have been watching the discs nonstop 1 after another, so the last 2 seasons might be blending a little in my mind.


                      I can see that.

                      VOY: Cold Fire
                      In all honesty, I really love the episode simply for Kes exploring her psychokinetic abilities. That's about it. The amazing technocolour dream-hydroponics bay was nice, as was Kes Phoenixing out and killing all the plants [and almost Tuvok].
                      Her relationship with Neelix really creeps me out when I rewatch these early episodes.
                      Had this been a miniseries, this episode would have been the end of Voyager. Kes and Neelix go to Suspiria's array to help change the minds of the Ocampa and the female Caretaker, and Suspiria sends Voyager home. The end.
                      Why Janeway thought that heading off towards the AQ again would offer her a chance to find Surpiria again makes NO sense. The array and the technology to send you back's back there!
                      Why didn't Soval just read Janeway's mind and see that they didn't kill the Caretaker?
                      Why didn't Suspiria try to help them after she realized they weren't a threat and just wanted help?
                      Why didn't...
                      More fun @ Spoofgate!


                        VOY: Q2
                        DS9: Return to Grace
                        People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.


                          DS9 3.03 'The House of Quark' -- I'm sure you despised this one jel, but I had fun. I remember this episode a lot less pleasantly, but I'm also drinking so that's probably colouring my viewpoint. Quark being all economically clever and whatnot, plus a nice little Quark/Rom brotherly moment at the end. On another note, how in the hell did Rom ever manage to score a perfect 10 like Leeta?!

                          DS9 3.04 'Equilibrium' -- By now I'm half in the bag and not really fully aware of what's happening on my TV screen. I think this'll be my last episode of the night Still, an awesome episode for Dax development. Although, even though the piano music of the ep is beautiful, all I can hear in my half drunken state is All Along the Watchtower
                          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                            Don't make us hold an intervention, Digi.
                            More fun @ Spoofgate!


                              VOY: Bride of Chaotica!

                              I really love this episode. It's not only funny but it's reflexively funny, making fun of its own genre. Mulgrew's performance as Arachnia is brilliant, just as it would be in a classic over-acted Buck Rogers/Flash Gordon flick. And the writing is hilarious. Janeway reacting to her Arachnia costume specs, Tom pointing at Janeway and saying, "You're the Queen!", Janeway and Neelix getting coffee... The episode never ceases to make me smile.
                              More fun @ Spoofgate!


                                "Well, he's been attacking the aliens with his death ray."

                                "It is a shame we don't have one."

                                That line always stuck with me.

                                The one thing that got me weirded out in that episode though, was why the "aliens from the fifth dimension looked just like human mobsters or something.

                                I just watched part of it now. It was a pretty awesome episode.
                                "First Weir, then Samantha Carter, and now, you! It's a pity you humans die or get reassigned so easily, or I might have a sense of satisfaction now!"

                                *You got the touch! You got the poweeeeer!*

                                "Arise, Woolseyus Prime."


