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What Star Trek Ep/Movie Did you Watch Today?

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    I watched A Piece of the Action on tv today. I think the episode is hilarious, probably better than The Trouble with Tribbles, and probably the best (and most plausible) "alternate earth" story. Some nice action, Kirk as a gangster was great (and "Spocko"), and Kirk driving was hilarious. I think the episode works on a philosophical level as well. Great episode.
    "Yo, Adrian!" -Rocky in Rocky
    "That'll be the Day" -John Wayne in The Searchers


      Today I watched TNG episode "New Ground". It was nice seeing Worf in such uncomfortable territory regarding Alexander, and the growing pains both of them went through.
      MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
      "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
      Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


        And I have finished with the pre-refit Enterprise's adventures

        Stardate 5943.7: All Our Yesterdays

        The last (by Stardate) episode of TOS, and the end of the ship's "five year mission". A great episode, very Star Trek. Previous to this I'd watched Turnabout Intruder, a very Kirk-centric episode (with an insane ex-girlfriend--I think most of us know how that feels). Now, to end on this, was a nice yang to the previous episode's yin. This was a very Spock/McCoy episode.

        SD 6063.4: How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth (TAS)
        SD 6334.1: The Pirates of Orion (TAS)
        SD 6770.3: The Counter-Clock Incident (TAS)

        Since the "five year mission" is 'over' at this point, I'll think if these as a combination of being on their way home and Kirk being his usual roguish self; not willing to come home right away.

        SD 7403.6: Bem

        Good god this one was awful. For that reason I think I'll pretend it didn't happen. Plus, its Stardate makes no sense in relation to 'The Motion Picture'.

        For the curious, the TOS era sorted by Stardate:
        Some little things....episode numbering I've chosen to do by production order rather than by airing order as they are on the DVDs/Blu-ray. 'Where No Man Has Gone Before' simply does not fit if it's placed in airing order rather than in production order, which is why I've done this. The positioning of the TAS ep 'Megas-Tu' doesn't make a lot of sense either, but it was so bad I don't think anyone would mind pretending it never happened

        Also, when presented with episodes where no Stardate is given, I've opted to place those immediately following the previous production order episode.

        Stardate ?: The Cage (1.00)

        Stardate 1254.4: The Magicks of Megas-Tu (TAS 1.09)
        SD 1312.4: Where No Man Has Gone Before (1.01)
        SD 1329.1: Mudd's Women (1.03)
        SD 1512.2: The Corbomite Maneuver (1.02)
        SD 1513.1: The Man Trap (1.05)
        SD 1533.6: Charlie X (1.07)
        SD 1672.1: The Enemy Within (1.04)
        SD 1704.2: The Naked Time (1.06)
        SD 1709.2: Balance of Terror (1.08)

        Stardate 2124.5: The Squire of Gothos (1.18)
        SD 2534.0: Patterns of Force (2.23)
        SD 2712.4: What Are Little Girls Made Of? (1.09)
        SD 2713.5: Miri (1.11)
        SD 2715.1: Dagger of the Mind (1.10)
        SD 2817.6: The Conscience of the King (1.12)
        SD 2821.5: The Galileo Seven (1.13)
        SD 2947.3: Court Martial (1.14)

        SD 3012.4: The Menagerie, Part 1 (1.15)
        SD 3013.1: The Menagerie, Part 2 (1.16)
        SD 3018.2: Catspaw (2.01)
        SD ?: Metamorphosis (2.02)
        SD 3025.3: Shore Leave (1.17)
        SD 3045.6: Arena (1.19)
        SD 3087.6: The Alternative Factor (1.20)
        SD 3113.2: Tomorrow is Yesterday (1.21)
        SD 3134.0: The City on the Edge of Forever (1.28)
        SD 3141.9: Space Seed (1.24)
        SD 3156.2: The Return of the Archons (1.22)
        SD 3183.3: The Practical Joker (TAS 1.20)
        SD 3192.1: A Taste of Armageddon (1.23)
        SD 3196.1: The Devil in the Dark (1.26)
        SD 3198.4: Errand of Mercy (1.27)
        SD 3211.7: The Gamesters of Triskelion (2.17)
        SD 3287.2: Operation: Annihilate! (1.29)
        SD 3372.7: Amok Time (2.05)
        SD 3417.3: This Side of Paradise (1.25)
        SD 3451.9: The Changeling (2.08)
        SD 3468.1: Who Mourns for Adonais? (2.04)
        SD 3478.2: The Deadly Years (2.11)
        SD 3497.2: Friday's Child (2.03)
        SD 3614.9: Wolf in the Fold (2.07)
        SD 3619.2: Obsession (2.18)
        SD 3715.3: The Apple (2.09)
        SD ?: Mirror, Mirror (2.10)
        SD 3842.3: Journey to Babel (2.15)

        Stardate 4040.7: Bread and Circuses (2.14)
        SD 4187.3: The Slaver Weapon (TAS 1.11)
        SD 4202.9: The Doomsday Machine (2.06)
        SD 4211.4: A Private Little War (2.16)
        SD 4307.1: The Immunity Syndrome (2.19)
        SD 4372.5: Elaan of Troyius (3.02)
        SD 4385.3: Spectre of the Gun (3.01)
        SD 4513.3: I, Mudd (2.12)
        SD 4523.3: The Trouble With Tribbles (2.13)
        SD 4598.0: A Piece of the Action (2.20)
        SD 4657.5: By Any Other Name (2.21)
        SD 4729.4: The Ultimate Computer (2.24)
        SD ?: The Omega Glory (2.25)
        SD ?: Assignment: Earth (2.26)
        SD 4768.3: Return to Tomorrow (2.22)
        SD 4842.6: The Paradise Syndrome (3.03)
        SD 4978.5: Mudd's Passion (TAS 1.08)

        Stardate 5027.3: The Enterprise Incident (3.04)
        SD 5029.5: And the Children Shall Lead (3.05)
        SD 5121.5: The Empath (3.08)
        SD 5143.3: The Survivor (TAS 1.05)
        SD 5267.2: The Time Trap (TAS 1.10)
        SD 5275.6: Albatross (TAS 1.18)
        SD 5329.4: More Tribbles, More Troubles (TAS 1.01)
        SD 5371.3: One of Our Planets is Missing (TAS 1.07)
        SD 5373.4: Yesteryear (TAS 1.03)
        SD 5423.4: The Mark of Gideon (3.17)
        SD 5431.4: Spock's Brain (3.06)
        SD 5476.3: For the World is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky (3.10)
        SD ?: Day of the Dove (3.11)
        SD 5483.7: The Lorelei Signal (TAS 1.06)
        SD 5499.9: The Ambergris Element (TAS 1.12)
        SD 5501.2: The Eye of the Beholder (TAS 1.15)
        SD 5521.3: Beyond the Farthest Star (TAS 1.04)
        SD 5554.4: The Infinite Vulcan (TAS 1.02)
        SD 5577.3: The Terratin Incident (TAS 1.14)
        SD 5591.2: Once Upon a Planet (TAS 1.16)
        SD 5630.7: Is There In Truth No Beauty? 3.07
        SD 5683.1: The Jihad (TAS 1.13)
        SD 5693.2: The Tholian Web (3.09)
        SD 5710.5: Wink of an Eye (3.13)
        SD ?: That Which Survives (3.14)
        SD 5718.3: Whom Gods Destroy (3.16)
        SD 5725.3: The Lights of Zetar (3.18)
        SD 5730.2: Let That Be Your Last Battlefield (3.15)
        SD 5784.2: Plato's Stepchildren (3.12)
        SD 5818.4: The Cloud Minders (3.19)
        SD 5832.3: The Way to Eden (3.20)
        SD 5843.7: Requiem for Methuselah (3.21)
        SD 5906.4: The Savage Curtain (3.22)
        SD 5928.5: Turnabout Intruder (3.24)
        SD 5943.7: All Our Yesterdays (3.23)

        Stardate 6063.4: How Sharper Than a Serpent's Tooth (TAS 1.21)
        SD 6334.1: The Pirates of Orion (TAS 1.19)
        SD 6770.3: The Counter-Clock Incident (TAS 1.22)

        SD 7403.6: Bem (TAS 1.17)
        Stardate 7412.6: Star Trek: The Motion Picture

        Stardate 8130.4: Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan
        Stardate 8210.3: Star Trek III: The Search for Spock
        Stardate 8390.0: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home
        Stardate 8454.1: Star Trek V: The Final Frontier

        Stardate 9521.6: Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country
        Stardate 9950.0: (Star Trek Generations intro) [approximate Stardate]
        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


          That Which Survives.

          My goodness me, what an episode. Technically, I watched it just so I could get all the horrible Spock moments. Throughout the entire 40-odd minutes, he is an incredible...CRAB!!! Statements that would normally never bother him make him snap (Vulcan-style, of course) at everyone. And other times, he's just plain weird! Examples (paraphrased, not directly quoted):

          Uhura (after the Enterprise has been shaken up): What happened, Mr. Spock?
          Spock (thoughtfully): I believe my head impacted with the arm of the chair.

          Dr. M'Benga (about the strange death of the transporter operator): Your guess is as good as mine.
          Spock: My guess, Doctor, would be valueless. I suggest you refrain from (scathingly) guessing and focus on the facts.

          Scotty: Then that means that the planet didn't blow up, and Captain Kirk's still alive!
          Spock: Mr. Scott, please refrain from your boundless leaps of illogic.

          And my personal favorite:

          Uhura: Mr. Spock, what are the odds that Captain Kirk is still alive?
          Spock: We are not engaged in gambling, Lieutenant.

          This from the Mr. Spock who obediently gave Captain Kirk the odds of their survival in Errand of Mercy...

          Like I said, what an episode.
          ~the guitarists~


            Originally posted by the fifth man View Post
            Today I watched TNG episode "New Ground". It was nice seeing Worf in such uncomfortable territory regarding Alexander, and the growing pains both of them went through.
            I'll be honest, I hated the Alexander character in TNG.

            IMO, it would have been fitting for him to die in an accident, and have worf grow as a character from it. Maybe slip deeper into the hatred that he has built up inside. He lost his wife, father, and now his son... what will become of him? I think we could have got some interesting stories.

            The story lines of him being a father really don't cut it for me.

            Hopefully this doesn't make me sound to harsh.


              Not harsh, but I certainly disagree
              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                This evening I watched the Enterprise episodes "Storm Front, Parts 1 and 2"
                MS - "Boy, wow that's a great question!"
                "Anyone know what SENTIENT means???"
                Sunday is my favorite day for two reasons - Football and The Walking Dead


                  Oh my, that one's pretty hard to get through even by enterprise "standards"

                  Last night....
                  Stardate 7412.6: Star Trek: The Motion Picture
                  "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                    Just got back from my vacation and I had the chance to watch some TNG Season 5 while I was enjoying myself:

                    "Disaster" - Given what people had said about it, I expected this to be a 'meh' episode. Well, I really enjoyed it. Pretty much everyone had an interesting situation to get through. Good bottle show.

                    "The Game" - I... didn't care for this one. It's a Wesley episode. The game that they get addicted to is pretty... lame? As was Ashley Judd's 'performance'. Similar to Disaster, I expected to really like this one and... didn't.

                    "Unification I" - A good setup episode but a lot of the episode is just that. Setup. "Where is Ambassador Spock?" x20 The scene between Sarek and Picard stands out as a great one to me, while the stuff between Picard and Data on the Klingon ship was just... so... strange.

                    "Unification II" - Leave it to Michael Piller to give us a great second part. Loved it. Loved what Spock had to say and what he thought about Picard. Hated that Ferengi but Riker showed him who's boss. One of the best TNG episodes, I think. Nice that it aired about a week after Gene's death.
                    "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
                    DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


                      Aye, "Unification" is a great two-parter, Descent. A fitting tribute to Roddenberry. I liked the dedication to his memory at the beginning of both (or first?) episodes.

                      Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                      Last night....
                      Stardate 7412.6: Star Trek: The Motion Picture
                      Well, did it move you at all? Heh. I've known to be motionless a few times watching the film.

                      I generally like The Motion Picture - I just have to be in the right frame of mind (or well rested) before I watch it.
                      "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                        Stardate 8130.4 - Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan

                        Just finished watching this. Man, this is what all Star Trek films should be like. Flawless movie.
                        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                          Originally posted by Missster.Freeman View Post
                          Well, did it move you at all? Heh. I've known to be motionless a few times watching the film.

                          I generally like The Motion Picture - I just have to be in the right frame of mind (or well rested) before I watch it.
                          I hear ya. It's great if you're in the right frame of mind. Unfortunately, it was probably after 1am that I started watching it last night--having just finished watching Event Horizon. I had a little trouble staying awake in the second half
                          "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                            Stargate season 10, Dominion & Unending.

                            Earlier today I watched the episode Sacrifices from season 8. Tomorrow it will be Endgame.

                            The Final Winter. Good Aussie movie about the sport of Rugby League in the 70s in this country.

                            Chapter 27. Follows the events of Mark Chapman right up to the point he shoots John Lennon.

                            Two and a half men.


                              Originally posted by DSD R.I.P. View Post
                              Stargate season 10, Dominion & Unending.

                              Earlier today I watched the episode Sacrifices from season 8. Tomorrow it will be Endgame.

                              The Final Winter. Good Aussie movie about the sport of Rugby League in the 70s in this country.

                              Chapter 27. Follows the events of Mark Chapman right up to the point he shoots John Lennon.

                              Two and a half men.
                              Uh....this is the Star Trek board
                              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                                Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                                Uh....this is the Star Trek board
                                Oops. OK sorry. I really should check the right hand pane of the page.

                                TNG just started from series one again. Todays episode was their first encounter with the Ferengi. Didn't actually watch it, but it was on in the background lol.

