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    TNG, 7x08, Attached - poor Picard!



      DS9 - Sons of Mogh.

      Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
      - R.E.M.


        Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
        TNG, 7x08, Attached - poor Picard!
        Poor Crusher!
        A shipper episode, pure and simple, but it makes me smile.
        More fun @ Spoofgate!


          DS9 - Bar Association.

          Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
          - R.E.M.


            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
            Poor Crusher!
            A shipper episode, pure and simple, but it makes me smile.
            LOL, yeh, it was very nice IMO.

            TNG, 7x09, Force Of Nature
            TNG, 7x10, Inheritance



              Originally posted by jelgate View Post
              I actually like it. It shows a more human side to Lwaxana

              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
              I remember watching the episode and simply not being moved by it. It's been years since I've seen it... but there was the problem of no-one seemingly knowing about the lost daughter, it not being in Lwaxana's bio file or in any number of other documents... No matter how high and mighty Lawxana is, I doubt she could have erased everything to do with her lost daughter.
              It's not like she's from the Delta Quadrant or something.
              Maybe you should give it a second try. It took 3 or 4 rewatches of DS9's "Emissary" before I began to see what they were trying to say in the episode. It wasn't until I heard an interview with Avery Brooks that I took a closer look at it. He said he wasn't going to do DS9 until he read the script for the pilot. I used to only like the episode for the battle at the end and fast forwarded through the wormhole scenes. Now, I can see the emotional dynamic, and it's so subtle and clever: A man struggling with his deep loss cannot move past it, and he has to explain and defend that way of existence to an alien race and learns something about himself. I get shudders now when Wormhole Jennifer says, "You exist here," and Sisko realizes that he's never moved past that moment.

              Anyway... I got a little diverted. Try the episode again and see if you can find something in it now that you're a bit older. I thought it was a good episode. As for no one mentioning the lost daughter, I find it conceivable that a member of a high society would block that memory, and they other members of that society protecting her and just not mentioning it, maybe even helping in the concealment of such a tragedy. Especially when she lost her husband only 6 or 7 years later...


                Originally posted by Mr.MacGadget View Post
                Oh she's gonna be in DS9? Cool!
                Yeah, she appears in several DS9 episodes. Her presence there does provide some comedy but a lot of the time there's quite a bit of drama with her, a la TNG's "Cost of Living." I for one liked her DS9 appearances.


                  Originally posted by Cold Fuzz View Post
                  Yeah, she appears in several DS9 episodes. Her presence there does provide some comedy but a lot of the time there's quite a bit of drama with her, a la TNG's "Cost of Living." I for one liked her DS9 appearances.
                  Yaay! Sounds good to me!



                    DS9 - Accession.

                    Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
                    - R.E.M.


                      TNG - 7x11 - Parallels
                      TNG - 7x12 - The Pegasus



                        Star Trek: Voyager 2.09 "Tattoo"
                        A little bit of a look into Chakotay's past is nice. It's unfortunate that the kid they cast as young Chakotay is such a lousy actor. Fortunately it's offset by the acting chops of the man playing Chakotay's father. Plus a sly little reference to Captain Sulu (who must be quite old at that point )

                        Unfortunately I think a lot of the episode really falls flat. Not a whole lot interesting goes on throughout, and it feels rather like SG-1's similarly-themed (and similarly underwhelming) Spirits.

                        Apparently the Starfleet school of diplomacy covers getting naked and losing a(nother) shuttlecraft (that makes 4 so far). And yet again Janeway shows off her lack of command sense, and tells Paris to land the entire frakking ship (and risk EVERYONE) on a hostile planet just because one man is missing. Smart.

                        I did enjoy the EMH's b-plot though. Always nice to see Picardo having an opportunity to show off his acting.

                        Star Trek: Voyager 2.10 "Cold Fire"
                        I was eating through most of the first half of the episode, so I didn't get to type anything; though I would've wanted to. While I hated the beginning narration of the episode for being so very non-Trek, it quickly turned into something much better.

                        I was intrigued to read on Memory Alpha that the second Caretaker idea was something they'd written as a way of getting the ship back home, had the series faced cancellation. And apparently they were seriously considering it during Voyager's second year. I guess by this point they'd found out they were getting a third year and decided to go ahead with the story without it being a series finale...

                        Anyway I really liked the design of the new Array and how it was obviously of similar design aesthetic to the one from the series' first episode. I'm sure that behind the scenes that just meant pulling pieces off the original prop, but still

                        I also really liked the expansion on the Ocampa that this episode brought to the table. They're a race we didn't get much on in the first episode, so it's nice to see them get some expansion here--even if it is an offshoot race. Kes' expanding mental abilities are pretty neat (even if the CGI is bad), and the make-up job they did on Tuvok was just exceptional.

                        Star Trek: Voyager 2.11 "Maneuvers"
                        Again with the command issues! After Seska betrays them to the Kazon, they don't bother to change the security cores or the shield access codes. Brilliant! And then only after Chakotay is responsible for the second security breach in as many days does Janeway bother to have Tuvok review the security protocols of the ship. Oh my, how did this person ever get command of her own ship!?

                        And while I really appreciate returning to the whole Seska angle, I definitely could've done with less Kazon For crying out loud, what an awful race.

                        But yes, Seska! Nice to see her again, see her as a Cardassian, and see her successfully manipulating everyone around her. I guess it makes sense that if she was an intelligence infiltrator, she's Obsidian Order. I don't think it's ever mentioned on screen, but it's a good cross-franchise story implication. Plus the introduction of the pregnant Seska story at the very end, solid.

                        Star Trek: Voyager 2.12 "Resistance"
                        "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                          Yeah, I recently read about how the second Caretaker was there as a way out if needbe, too. The ratings weren't so hot in the second season.
                          If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


                            Originally posted by DigiFluid View Post
                            Star Trek: Voyager 2.10 "Cold Fire"
                            Star Trek: Voyager 2.11 "Maneuvers"
                            Kes phoenixing out in Cold Fire is brilliant! The 'tea molecules'... not so much. I love psychokinetic Kes episodes! And Soval as an Ocampa.

                            Maneuvers was nice to see Chakotay be an idiot and Seska play him like an instrument. Forget the Borg Queen! Seska was Voyager's biggest villain! The whole baby mama thing... That just felt wrong, though.
                            More fun @ Spoofgate!


                              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                              Kes phoenixing out in Cold Fire is brilliant! The 'tea molecules'... not so much. I love psychokinetic Kes episodes! And Soval as an Ocampa.
                              Yes! "Phoenixing out" is a great way of putting it I really enjoyed seeing that too. But yes....the tea molecules CGI...

                              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                              Maneuvers was nice to see Chakotay be an idiot and Seska play him like an instrument. Forget the Borg Queen! Seska was Voyager's biggest villain! The whole baby mama thing... That just felt wrong, though.

                              I think it went a long way to making Chakotay in particular look like less of a completely incompetent twit. Seeing Seska being able to play everyone like an instrument was good to see--and much needed, too.

                              Star Trek: Voyager 2.13 "Prototype"
                              Oh completely forgot about this one. And how much the robot creeps me right the heck out This episode is an odd exercise in 'the lesser of two evils' for me personally.

                              I really don't much like Torres, but here I find myself in agreement with Torres and the robot--I'm not sure that the Prime Directive applies to artificial beings when it so specifically refers to natural evolution. It may be splitting hairs, but I think there's validity to it. And then on the other side, I can see Janeway's point about how badly it could disrupt things in this region of space.

                              Especially once they ram 'Janeway was right all along!' down our throats Not at all pleasant.

                              Star Trek: Voyager 2.14 "Alliances"
                              Wait, Torres had to shut down the warp core in order to prevent a core breach? Didn't we find out in Cathexis that she can't do that on her own--that one needs command authorization in order to shut down the core?

                              And again with the command issues....Janeway's gut reaction is to callously dismiss Chakotay's 'live off the land' Maquis philosophy suggestion, "just because we're out of hailing range"?! Good god lady, you're on the far side of the galaxy and very likely to never see home again! This is about the survival of your crew, why wouldn't you bend the rules some? 'I haven't seen any indication that Starfleet principles have let us down' indeed, they've killed 3 of your crew and had another betray your secrets!

                              Nice to finally find out who the Trabe are though, after them being named several times up until this point. But uh....isn't allying with them exactly the Prime Directive she's so loath to break? And then the preachy holier-than-thou ending, ugh. Speeches like that put Picard's Prime Directive lectures to shame.

                              Star Trek: Voyager 2.16 "Meld"
                              Betting rations, that's more like it That's the sort of thing I enjoy seeing in a show like've got people stranded halfway across the galaxy, limited supplies, and very likely boredom. Most excellent

                              This is the start of one of my favourite--and most under-used--story arcs on the show. I loved the whole 'murderer on ship' angle, I think it's an amazing addition to a series about a starship stranded 75 years away from home. And Brad Dourif was an amazing guest for them to bring on to the series. I just really wish it had gone on for more than the three episodes they got out of it. I'd love to have had the mystery drawn out for longer and for Suder's confinement to have been a recurring storyline throughout the entire run of the show.

                              I am a bit annoyed that so much of the story was devoted to Tuvok trying to logically contextualize a random murder. It's murder, for crying out loud! Why would they waste so much time on such a paper-thin story when they could've done a murder mystery with or without a resolution? In fairness, Tim Russ' angry Tuvok was VERY well played. I just wish that each side of the story could've had its own episode.

                              Star Trek: Voyager 2.16 "Dreadnought"
                              Dammit, that is not how you spell "dreadnaught"!

                              This episode kind of makes me feel bad for Roxann Dawson. I mean in the last half-season or so, she's had episodes where she has to act opposite herself, opposite a robot with no facial expressions, and now an episode where she just has a probe to talk to for most of the episode. Sheesh.

                              I also find the the explanation of the probe's appearance in the Delta Quadrant to be so flimsy as to be completely unbelievable. We found out in Caretaker that the caretaker was bringing ships to him in order to try to procreate. Ships full of people. It doesn't make any sense that he would've pulled an unmanned weapon probe across the galaxy. Come on, that's just lazy writing.

                              I liked the B-plot of Paris' increasing disciplinary problems, however. The started with the betting, continued here, and I believe continue to be a problem in the season. It's not the most compelling story to be sure, but at least it's something. And it allowed for a nice little personal moment between him and Torres; an early precursor to their eventual relationship.

                              edit; oh and they fired 7 of their 37 remaining torpedoes in this episode
                              Last edited by DigiFluid; 12 September 2010, 07:04 PM.
                              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                                ^A string of good episodes.^
                                I especially love Prototype because I think that's when Voyager's space battles started looking good. I also love the faceless robots. Director Frakes may have hated them, but I thought they were perfect for their function [numbered automata] and as a counterpoint to Data.

                                Oh, keep counting down those torpedoes. 3... 2... 1... Er... 1... 2... 3...
                                More fun @ Spoofgate!

