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What Star Trek Ep/Movie Did you Watch Today?

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    Well, it's nice to see some common interest between the Jumpers One!
    If you've seen a Jeff O'Connor or a JeffZero or a Jeff Zero or a JeffZeroConnor elsewhere on the net, there's a considerable chance it's me.


      VOY: Worst Case Scenario
      DS9: Chrysalis
      People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.


        VOY: Pilot


          Originally posted by myhelix View Post
          VOY: Pilot
          Er... Voyager: 'Caretaker'?
          More fun @ Spoofgate!


            Originally posted by Jeff O'Connor View Post
            Well, it's nice to see some common interest between the Jumpers One!

            DS9 - Prodigal Daughter
            DS9 - The Emperor's New Cloak
            DS9 - Field of Fire
            DS9 - Chimera
            DS9 - Badda-Bing Badda-Bang
            DS9 - Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges
            DS9 - Penumbra
            DS9 - Till Death Do Us Part
            DS9 - Strange Bedfellows
            The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


              DS9: His Way


                Originally posted by myhelix View Post
                DS9: His Way
                Ugh.... I'm sorry, but I just despise the Vic Fontaine episodes.
                Last edited by Raw_Deal; 08 September 2010, 03:32 AM.

                Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
                - R.E.M.


                  VOY: Scorpion Part 1
                  DS9: Treachery, Faith and the Great River
                  People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but *actually* from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint... it happens to kinda look like the name 'Jeremy Bearimy' in cursive English.


                    DS9 - The Chainging Face of Evil
                    DS9 - When It Rains
                    DS9 - Tacking Into the Wind
                    DS9 - Extreme Measures
                    DS9 - The Dogs of War
                    The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


                      VOY - Inside Man
                      VOY - Body & Soul


                        Originally posted by Jumper_One View Post
                        DS9 - The Chainging Face of Evil
                        DS9 - When It Rains
                        DS9 - Tacking Into the Wind
                        DS9 - Extreme Measures
                        DS9 - The Dogs of War
                        You went that far and didn't watch "What You Leave Behind."

                        Originally posted by aretood2
                        Jelgate is right


                          VOY: The Swarm.

                          It was fun seeing the Doctor get a dose of his own bedside manner from Torres and holo-Doctor Zimmerman. It was sad seeing the Doctor lose his faculties. It was nice seeing Kes take charge and save the Doctor.
                          The action was quite good, too. The Swarm troopers immediately teleporting back to their ships once hurt/stunned was a great tactic, as was the cool 'swarm' of thousands of ships. Their language was great, too.

                          Best line:
                          "He's a very sick man." - The Doctor, about recently deceased patient.
                          More fun @ Spoofgate!


                            first 7 eps of ds9 season 6 last night


                              Drop your jaws and bulge your eyes, fellow Trek-sub-forum-ites, for I have begun re-watching Voyager Let's all hope I come away from it with a more positive attitude than I've had to it to date, hm? It happened with Enterprise, so maybe lightning will strike twice

                              Star Trek: Voyager 1.01-02 "Caretaker"
                              A lot to like and a lot to dislike in this first story.

                              Early on it's really nice to see a little Quark appearance. But the whole thing kind of rubs me the wrong way....despite the the religious and cultural diversity and tolerance that both TNG and DS9 had been showing for years to this point, suddenly it's a-okay for Star Trek to be going on about "warning cadets about Ferengi at the Academy"

                              And departing from DS9 it would've been nice to have even a cameo from someone in Ops giving them the go-ahead to depart. Oh well.

                              Paris and Kim make an odd juxtaposition here as well. I like how Paris is essentially an extension of MacNeil's previous Trek character, but am slightly disappointed that they couldn't work out the rights issues to just use the character name. And Kim, who becomes likeable enough later on, is really just beyond annoying here. Really, he's getting all angry and snooty with Paris over something he was completely uninvolved in?

                              On a more broad level, it's a lot of the same. A fancy new ship, a merging of Starfleet and Maquis crews, and being shot off to the far side of the galaxy are all really cool concepts. But the experience is marred by a lot of ridiculous or cringe-inducing scenes (the southern banjo hoedown springs immediately to mind). And then there's Janeway's moronic decision to maroon her crew instead of, say, giving the tricobalt bombs a fuse

                              The Delta Quadrant additions are....again, competing examples of great and ludicrous.

                              Neelix is also kind of an odd addition here. He's immediately and enormously useful in filling in the blanks on what the story with the Caretaker is, and kind of a curious new local to meet. Of course, he's also immediately annoying and that never really changes. Ethan Phillips really does an interesting (and good) job in playing this strange character.

                              The Caretaker is cool, but characterized in a way that's just absurd. The Ocampa are interesting conceptually and in their city's design, but it's pretty much wasted. I just can't figure how it is that Neelix is floored by transporters, but Kes doesn't even blink when Janeway turns off the EMH.

                              And then there's the Kazon, a ridiculous and lame new alien race who are just...ugh. They're just lame bandits, who look like leper Klingons having a bad hair day. When did these ever seem like a good idea? Or, for that matter, to keep bringing them back

                              Oh well. Overall....not awful, but nothing remarkable. If I could encapsulate the VOY premiere in one word it would simply be "boring".

                              Star Trek: Voyager 1.03 "Parallax"
                              This started out in a bit of a....hamfisted way of dealing with Maquis/Starfleet relations. Torres being just angry for no particular reason, Chakotay apparently happily being Janeway's lapdog already (until an abrupt about-face halfway through the episode), and near-zero tension between Chakotay and Tuvok....which makes no sense given the previous episode.

                              I'm also wondering how in god's name engine efficiency can be down 14% in a week?! Good god, is this the most poorly constructed vessel in Starfleet history or what?

                              I find a lot of the premises in this episode kind of funny and badly executed. The ship reflection near the beginning was clearly Voyager, I don't know how they could've missed that. I mean, it's a fault of the CGI team rather than the writers but you'd think they would've caught it in editing. And the shrinking, squat EMH

                              And why the heck was Janeway doing her own scientific analysis of the anomaly? Isn't there an entire sciences department on the ship dedicated to tasks just like that? And then them being all concerned about the 'hole' having partially what? They made the hole by just flying the ship through in the first place, just fly back out.

                              At least it wasn't as boring as the first episode. Even if the general goofiness of many parts of this episode make me want to *facepalm*

                              Star Trek: Voyager 1.04 "Time and Again"
                              There's some really really neat conceptual stuff going on in this episode. I love how there's a distant alien race that (initially) seems to have perfected a power source that was banned for being dangerous in our neck of the woods. Granted it comes across as a bit of a heavyhanded allegory for nuclear power, but it's at least interesting.

                              I also think it's pretty neat that the explosion was so intense, so shattering, that it fractured subspace all around the surface of the planet. I kind of wonder why this doesn't disrupt warp fields as Treknobabble in the past would traditionally suggest, but it's a good thought which makes for an interesting sci-fi concept. Even though the 'we caused the very event we were investigating' card was just played in the previous episode.

                              Oh but I absolutely howled at Kim and Torres demonstrating the polaric energy device's subspace-tearing capability to Chakotay and Tuvok 10 feet from the ship's warp core. Real smart cookies, these people

                              Star Trek: Voyager 1.05 "Phage"
                              A bit of cheap budgeting in the sets in this episode; it's pretty obvious that the Vidiian hidden hallway is the same as the power plant hallway in the previous episode, spraypainted orange

                              But hey this one has another of VOY's really great concepts, of which it admittedly has many. Few are well-executed, but I think that the Vidiian Phage is one of them. A race of diseased people who assault people in order to harvest organs to save themselves....positively grotesque! This is the sort of episode that really needs to get a PG-13 rating for gore and horror Definite props to the make-up people for their work in creating the Vidiians, too.

                              Star Trek: Voyager 1.06 "The Cloud"
                              And after seeing the kitchen debut in the previous episode, we now see the rest of the Mess that Neelix co-opted from Janeway. And For a ship that only has 140 or so crew at launch, that is a huge Captain's dining room! And I'll freely admit to *facepalming* at Janeway's "there's coffee in that nebula" line. Oh my is the beginning of this episode ever geared toward Janeway's decadence as captain

                              Except for that, I like how they're still giving reasonable explanations at this point for all the detours (rather than just heading straight home). I was both amused and puzzled at the quiet Tuvok/Kim conversation as they entered the nebula....I enjoyed that Tuvok was schooling him on bridge etiquette, but I was puzzled at him telling him 'comments like that make the junior officers nervous'. Isn't Kim an ensign straight out of the Academy?

                              Speaking of comments entering the nebula....oh man, did I ever laugh at Neelix's 'let's take this pristine starship and tear it apart!' comment to Kes But really that whole scene was really nicely put together. It was nice to see the two outsiders--the non-AQ people--commenting on the human condition and our desire to explore.

                              Some of the other interactions in this episode were uh, shall we say less than that. Neelix trying to feed some kind of pudding to Janeway in lieu of coffee and lecturing her on setting an example to the crew was a bit tough to swallow. And Paris breaking into Kim's quarters to take him to the holodeck, well, if someone did that to me I'd tell them to get the hell out and throw things at them till they did!

                              And incidentally, I started watching this before the latest addition to my Ignore List started up his 'voyager r00lz' thread
                              Last edited by DigiFluid; 08 September 2010, 02:18 AM.
                              "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


                                DS9 - The Sword of Kahless.

                                Bah... More Kilngons.

                                Suffer the dream of a world gone mad, I like it like that and I know it.
                                - R.E.M.

