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Big jumps made by the USS Voyager.

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    Originally posted by GateTrek View Post
    I know that's true! They have a Top cruising speed of Warp 9.975- and they couldn't even go that fast! As in Threshold, They went that fast but, it would have destroyed the ship.
    Warp coil damage this and warp field that, BAH! The ship should never have been travelling under warp 6.
    Weren't they explorers on top of everything? Didn't they have the opportunity to chart something the Federation never charted?


      Originally posted by GateTrek View Post
      Ain't that the truth!!
      Its not.


        Well i know thats not the truth. They are at their heart explorers, so i do understand that they did not ONLY want to get home, but explore an unexplored quadrant of the galaxy. Its a good thing they did not just set a course for home, as we wouldn't have had a show! Voyager had plenty of good story lines which is why voyager hands down is my fave series.
        Sig Created by Lovley Lahela!


          Originally posted by GateTrek View Post
          Well i know thats not the truth. They are at their heart explorers, so i do understand that they did not ONLY want to get home, but explore an unexplored quadrant of the galaxy. Its a good thing they did not just set a course for home, as we wouldn't have had a show! Voyager had plenty of good story lines which is why voyager hands down is my fave series.
          My point exactly...imagine the following:

          Admiral Paris: Capt. Janeway, welcome home.
          Janeway: Thanks admiral, its good to be back.
          Admiral Paris: I'll be looking forward to the data about the delta quadrant.
          Janeway: What data? We were pedal to the metal to come home. That was our priority. Why should we explore uncharted space? Its not like we wanted to be there...
          Admiral Paris: ...but who knows when we'll be able to go back there. Info about the BORG would have been useful...
          Janeway: Tough luck Admiral...we came home for fish and chips.


            I see your point, fellow worshiper of The Scully [her hair looks so GREAT in your xmas sig!], but I'll say that, if you want to investigate a phenomenon and still get home, getting to and from said phenomenon at the fasted safe warp speed would be advisable. Why on Denobula would they ever be traveling at warp 2 or a similar slow speed on a semi-regular basis? If they plot a course towards home and find something a dozen light years off course, change course, go see it as quickly as possible and get back on course.
            Remember Janeway's words in 'Caretaker':
            We're alone in an uncharted part of the galaxy. We've already made some friends here, and some enemies. We have no idea of the dangers we're going to face. But one thing is clear. Both crews are going to have to work together if we're to survive. That's why Commander Chakotay and I have agreed that this should be one crew. A Starfleet crew. And as the only Starfleet vessel assigned to the Delta Quadrant, we'll continue to follow our directive to seek out new worlds and explore space. But our primary goal is clear. Even at maximum speeds, it would take 75 years to reach the Federation. But I'm not willing to settle for that. There's another entity like the Caretaker out there somewhere who has the ability to get us there a lot faster. We'll be looking for her. And we'll be looking for wormholes, spatial rifts, or new technologies to help us. Somewhere along this journey, we'll find a way back. Mr. Paris, set a course... for home.
            Last edited by nx01a; 22 December 2008, 07:15 PM.
            More fun @ Spoofgate!


              I have a question about a jump made by Voyager.
              Does anyone know how far Q let them go in q2? (7x19). Or best/ educated guess given the events that follow? I can't remember if an exact figure was ever given. I just remember Janeway saying 'couldn't you have sent us ALL the way?'

              Regarding torpedoes/ shuttles: replicators/ salvage/ trade. Or a combination. End of story.
              (Wasn't the flyer destroyed in Unimatrix 0 episode 1? When JW Torres and Tuvok board that cube? They didn't even mention it next episode)

              Regarding the Picard/ Janeway debate earlier in this thread - Janeway has nothing on Picard, obviously. Not that she isn't a capable captain, its just that nobody does. It is Picard we're talking about here.
              However it's clear they wanted to distinguish Janeway from Picard; each captain (including Kirk and Sisko) had their own style. That's just a normal facet of screenwriting, you can't have overlapping characters, especially captains. He was always detached, aloof even, never seen in 10-forward (remember that episode where he's replaced by that alien impostor who sings songs and how surprised the crew are to see him in 10-f). Janeway however was always hands-on, went on away missions (Riker and Crusher practically had a fit if Picard tried to leave the ship), did repairs, and so on - remember all that crap she went through with Year of Hell. The situation demanded it and the writers knew that. Small crew, marooned in the middle of nowhere, she wanted to show solidarity with the crew, maintain morale. That's my view of it anyway.
              I can't imagine Picard getting his hands dirty like that, can you? He's the consummate professional, and has his demigod-like aura of command and respectability. Janeway fraternised a bit too much to develop a mystique like that.

              Also, there's the Chakotay issue. It just seemed like he always wanted to be captain; he actually was a captain until they left alpha quad; when he talks with Janeway his suggestions are normally better i.e. make more sense than JW's actual orders - take Equinox for example. He's focussed on getting the ship repaired and Voyager crew's safety while JW's focussed on her vendetta against Ransom when her ship's falling apart. I always resented JW for that - her motives were revenge-based and that's it. (Remember how she leaves that Equinox crew member in the cargo hold with one of those dimension-creature thingys and locks him in. Cruelty and torture aren't traits you'd normally associate with a captain..)
              The tension is there; I wonder if it has anything to do with what apparently happened on set e.g. his bad attitude towards JW. OR it could be a sexual tension thing I always thought who knows.

              Last thing - warp 6. That annoyed the crap outta me. OK, they're looking for any shortcuts home. But they will still be visible on warp 9 or whatever. I doubt a crew stranded in the Delta Quadrant are gonna be fascinated by some nebula while their loved ones are growing up/ old without them/ leaving them/ in mortal danger (Dominion War). No, let's cruise by and enjoy the view.
              I suppose that COULD be down to the whole speed/ fuel trade-off that you get with cars, and resources (especially Dilithium) are scarce to be fair. Still though. It was meant to take 75 years at max warp, right? At least that would let at least some of the crew members see Earth before they died. Perhaps JW just didn't care? Maybe she like the DQ so much she decided to stay there, trapping her whole crew in the process and used the Ocampa as an excuse. She did destroy the array after all. (BTW that would NOT have happened in real life End Of. Lazy screenwriting).

              Thoughts on all the above?


                Another factor they may have been considering was the strain on Voyager's engines and Voyager itself. We've heard various starfleet engineers bellyache about the strain excessive speed places on the engines and ships. They may have keep the speed down to lessen the chances of a catastrophic failure that would have left them stranded with no FTL capacity at all.


                  he tension is there; I wonder if it has anything to do with what apparently happened on set e.g. his bad attitude towards JW. OR it could be a sexual tension thing I always thought who knows.
                  I always took at as Chakotay respected her but may have been more able to adapt because of being Marque (sp). He wasn't all about star fleet rules, that being said he did find a way to fit into his role as first officer and was a good one. That being said they had a great friendship that I feel like should have ended in more (sorry but I didn't see him and Seven working). And even as a rewatch which I just finished, I still don't see it.


                    Originally posted by Integrabyte View Post
                    My point exactly...imagine the following:


                      Originally posted by blueray View Post
                      I always took at as Chakotay respected her but may have been more able to adapt because of being Marque (sp). He wasn't all about star fleet rules, that being said he did find a way to fit into his role as first officer and was a good one. That being said they had a great friendship that I feel like should have ended in more (sorry but I didn't see him and Seven working). And even as a rewatch which I just finished, I still don't see it.
                      There was a fanfiction floating around somewhere on the internet called "Tying the Threads" which was a post-series finale fanfic that got Janeway and Chakotay together. Don't know if it's still around or not though.


                        Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
                        There was a fanfiction floating around somewhere on the internet called "Tying the Threads" which was a post-series finale fanfic that got Janeway and Chakotay together. Don't know if it's still around or not though.
                        Really? That's awesome.

