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Reviewing Enterprise

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    Reviewing Enterprise

    Just started rewatching Enterprise from episode one. Thought i might make comments as i go along. Im gonna do a string of thought running commentary.

    I remember being totally against enterprise at the beginning. It wasnt until the Xindi arc that i really got into the show and caught up on what id missed. It was very different from the other treks and i thot it was a part of that OMG PREQUILZ R LEET fad of the start of the decade. In hindsight this is prolly my favorite of the treks. Its the only one i shelled out $100+ for the seasons at full price, although ive started on Voyager now which is cheaper (40$ ish on amazon?) I remember being sad when it went off the air and thinking about how this show really was about Archer and the formation of the Federation. So here we go...
    Broken Bow: Forgot what jerks the Vulcans were, also forgot how similar humans of that century were to present day humans. Its a nice touch i think. haha, Trip is such a hick at the beginning. XD Those humans sure are proud of their warp 5 ship. Its pretty funny the first contact with klingons was a farmer shooting one in the chest. Vulcans think we smell, i sorta remember tuvok thinking that about Neelix.

    The admiral is cool, nice to see Cochrane again. Nice launch scene. Ohh the helix and the first appearance of future guy. I like Phlox's critters. OPTIMISM! Ahh dinner with the captain! The big three are together in what i think becomes a trademark of the series. Captains mess. They are right, humanity did go far in only a century. War, hunger and disease are gone. I think they vulcans are just pissed cuz they want everyone to be like them.

    Stoned klings are funny XD The suliban pwned enterprise in their first attack. Im interpeting Suliban and the temporal cold wars as Taliban and a trekky euphenism for the war on terror. Archer really has a grudge against vulcans at the start. Such tension between trip and Tpol, u can just tell that theyre gonna scromp right from the beginning.

    SHUTTLEPODS! Soo tiny and helpless, especially compared to runabouts and the delta flier. But i guess thats not relly a fair comparison with 200 yrs between em. Naked blue and purple butterfly eating girls = win. First contact with the Rigellians! "Theres plenty of people right here" Suliban ambush! "Better be careful im alot bigger tha u are" lol. Sarin totally Kirked him! I liked how Archer was all HUH? to the temporal cold war exposition, lol.

    Tpol tried to sheild Archer then archer got shot saving her. Hmmm... /bonding
    Gratitious decong jel rubbign scene. God i love this part. I am totally the target demographic of this series, lawl. First appearance of the Osmotic Eel, the true star of the show. EEL THERAPY. Archer is all O.o and Tpols change of heart while she was in command.

    Scanning the gas giant for warp trails. Let me just say here that i played a console startrek game and the following the warp trails part was the lamest thing ive ever done. Havent played it since, lol. I wonder what would have happened if the klingon empire would have fractured? Woulda not been able to stand united against the romulans i bet.

    The helix: aggregate structure made up of hundreds of little ships. Thats new, never seen that b4. Transported "weve come to far to risk bringing him back inside out" ROFL they sound like mcCoy. Nice aim with the grapplers. Man those little... ball ships pack a punch. The high command will hold her responsible if they die? Hmmm, excuse? PHASE PISTOLS! Nice closeup of the helix. This is the first of Archers attempts to sacrifice himself. Thats a crapton of ships drifting away. Good ear on Hoshi. Firing phasers in the time-room is a bad idea.

    Interesting Tpols willingness to sacrifice Archer to preserve Archers mission. Trip talks her out of it, Archers all WTF at being transported. XD Sillik got aggro when Archer mentioned the TCW. First humans on Kronos, the Klingons didnt seem impressed. Hiding a message in a couriers DNA, very sneeky you klingons. "Lets hope thats the last time somebody takes a shot at us!" Lawl.

    Archer makes up with Tpol, invites her to stay and help him get over his grudges. Crews pretty happy to start their mission early. And the journey begins.

    Well thats what i though on Broken Bow, next up Fight or Flight.

    Fight or flight

    This is a hoshi heavy episode she goes from a screaming wimp to... well, less of a wimp. Let me first admit my bias towards all asian women... i love them. Lawl. As such i will revel in any hoshi episode ;-)

    2 Weeks and all theyeve found is a alien slug. Heh, who designed their mission to go on that particular course? Archers a little nutty about his floor squeaking. 1/43,000 planets have intellegent life, and theyre in a dry spot. If they hadnt explored and just colonized every world as they went out it probably would have been awhile before they met many aliens. Hosi sleeps on the wrong side of the ship.

    Malcoms pissed his torpedo systems arent ready. First visit to the Armory i think. I like the somewhat simplistic torpedos. Haha, their own missle bounced back at them. Phlox is into people watching. Olook a derilict ship! Tpol is steadily raining on their parade. Porthos likes Cheese! Youre claustorphobic and u took a job on a space ship? Heh.

    Short discussion of energy weapons with Reed. Heh he wanted to blow the hatch up to get in. Ladder=bipeds. Corpses on hooks!!! Wonder if Uhura woulda screamed at corpses on hooks. Tpol complimented his effort then said RUNAWAY! Hoshis embarassed she screamed. Are you allowed to leave a alien slug on another planet? Wow Archers really taking this out on Tpol. I like the Humans have a code of behavior... line.

    Love the green blood everywhere, lol. Ew alien blood as a aphodsiac. Hoshi wants to go home. Ohoh, here comes the bad guys. Nice looking ship. They have some uber-shielding. Takes an unreasonably long time to pull a shuttlepod back in. Their torpedoes are completely useless. "Youve been probed ensign, weve all been probed!" More aliens, friends of the hooked crew. Hoshis not having a easy time convincing them to help. The Pumps! Eep, theyre drilling into the hull.

    Yay! They finally helped. Reed gets in some parting shots. The aliens finish them off. Apparently the Axinar are androgynous and live 400 years. Hoshi drops her slug off on and alien world and goes back to work happy.
    Not a bad episode. A little strange choice for episode 2, what with the bodies on hooks and all. Its a nice wake up for the crew that aliens are generally hostile and its a nice warm up for hoshi. Shes kinda the everyman perspective in ths episode. Its a big change from here to the Hoshi who tries to kill herself to stop the Xindi later on, or argues down the head of the Earth goverment. Conclusion: enterprises weapons suck.

    Next up: strange new world.


      hhah! very good , just wait untill you get to "Silent Enemy" one of my favourites, we will have a field days with that lol!!

      "you may think you have left us defenseless, but let me tell you somthing about humans, just because we're not looking for a fight, doesn't mean we wont, we'll protect Enterpise any way we can!"

      haha that pissed the enemy off big time...i see you!!!

      anyway kinda off the tpoic and skipping ahead i know. p.s i love the Andorians big time, they are great!!!

      In brightest day, in darkest night,

      No evil shall escape my sight

      Let those who worship evil's might,

      Beware my power...Green Rep-Points light!


        Strange New World

        Dont remember much about this episode going in. Something about the first M-class planet and rock monsters.
        The crew of the enterprise discovers their first habitable planet and the entire crew stops to gawk. The secret origin of the phrase M-class planet! Shuttlepods are still cool looking! Nice hats everyone. Porthos is going where no dog has gone before. SPACE DOG!

        They arent as stringent about check in as later years. Ghost of George Webb! Picked earth out of the night stars. Are we allowed to squash alien life forms? I just wanna stun it, lol. Reed is always all business. Travis saw someone 0-0

        Stone people! Oh oh everyone thinks Tpols lying. Wind is too rough to land. Tpols hair looks crazy in the wind. Whoa Trip pulled his gun on his superior. Yikes i see why the transporter isnt popular. Dude ended up merged with shrubs. Trip seems like someone its best not to get high with, lol. Mmmm... paranoia. CT does crazy well, no wonder hes soo good as Michael. "And i have a phase pistol pointed at my head." Oh oh, is the first red shirt about to die?

        Phlox looks like hes about to bawl. Good acting. Split you in two, whoa. Archer saved Trip on Titan! Like the cgi on the rock ppl. Moar rock ppl plz. Archer made an overly elaborate story to distract Trip. ZAPPED! Down goes Trip. Nerve pinch! The gang all waked up sober. Trip makes a nice speech about challanging preconceptions. Fade to black.

        Is it funny that someone named Trip had a really bad trip? Its not lost on me that Tpol was right... again with her raining on everyones parade. I guess humans just learn by mistake. Looked up the planet on google cuz i thot i remembered it from TNG and for sure. Archer IV, named after him. Guess they found a cure for the pollen in the next couple hundred years.

        This wasnt one of my favorite episodes but there wasnt really anything all that bad about it. Its nice to see the first world they find and to get to know Trip and Tpol some more.

        Next up is the hilariously gender-bending episode "Unexpected"


          I can't say the early eps were bad... just... not that good. Wait til you get to Trip pregnant. The series really gets going with "The Andorian Incident" and "Breaking the Ice".
          More fun @ Spoofgate!


            I just got done watching ENT for the very first time, all four seasons. I have never seen an episode of Star Trek before ENT (my husband is having me watch the series up TOS) and I have to say that I don't know if any of the other series will hold a candle to ENT for me. I know that other people hate and despise ENT for it's blatant disregard for canon, but my husband has stated on many an ocassion that many of the series and the tie-ins (like books etc) do that, just flagrantly disregard established canon. Since I doubt I will be too terribly bothered by it, I tend to be pretty easy, I doubt that that particular trait will bother me.

            So what I'm asking is, is there some other reason that most Trekkies hate Enterprise so much?

            BTW I just finished the finale, and didn't find it to be as terrible as advertised by most ENT fans. It wasn't the greatest and I sobbed when they killed off Tucker, but it wasn't as bad as some crap that other series have had to deal with in regards to a finale.

            "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

            The Universe is Mad


              Originally posted by erinanderson View Post
              So what I'm asking is, is there some other reason that most Trekkies hate Enterprise so much?
              Take a look in the "Why does everyone hate Enterprise????" thread Basically, it's the fact that they made a prequel while completely disregarding much of the established canon.

              "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
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                Originally posted by ./freelancer View Post
                Take a look in the "Why does everyone hate Enterprise????" thread Basically, it's the fact that they made a prequel while completely disregarding much of the established canon.
                And since I have never seen any other Star Trek I have yet to grasp this fact fully. And since I doubt highly I will be as into any of the other series as I was into ENT (my husband thinks I might enjoy DS9) I don't know if this fact will both me as much, because from what I can tell it's the little tiny canon things that ENT disregarded, not so much the larger issues that I tend to focus on.

                But at any rate, I'll take this discussion to the appropriate thread.

                "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

                The Universe is Mad


                  Your hubby is perhaps shielding you from developing the hatred some fans have of ENT by starting you off on it. I'd tell anyone to start watching Trek in real world continuity, from TOS to the movies and TNG, etc., though. The drastic switching from 2000s and 1960s quality effects would be too jarring for me, as well as the sensibilities at play behind each time period. Still, you'll be fresh off of ENT and can ask questions like, "The cloaking device is supposed to be something new and shocking? But the Xyrillians and the Suliban and even the Romulans..." Seriously, you'll do fine. Apart from its flaws, it's still a good show IMO. If you enjoyed ENT, you'll enjoy the rest of Trek. Just don't look for any 'real' story arcs any time until you hit DS9.
                  More fun @ Spoofgate!


                    Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                    Your hubby is perhaps shielding you from developing the hatred some fans have of ENT by starting you off on it. I'd tell anyone to start watching Trek in real world continuity, from TOS to the movies and TNG, etc., though. The drastic switching from 2000s and 1960s quality effects would be too jarring for me, as well as the sensibilities at play behind each time period. Still, you'll be fresh off of ENT and can ask questions like, "The cloaking device is supposed to be something new and shocking? But the Xyrillians and the Suliban and even the Romulans..." Seriously, you'll do fine. Apart from its flaws, it's still a good show IMO. If you enjoyed ENT, you'll enjoy the rest of Trek. Just don't look for any 'real' story arcs any time until you hit DS9.
                    Duly noted. Busy acquiring TOS season 1 and am already prepared for the disparities between the shows as far as special effects, storylines and acting goes. My undergraduate degree is in television production, so I am quite capable of enjoying shows for the time periods that they were produced in and taking into account the technology that was available at the time for producing TV shows. I also have gotten enough of a Trek history lesson from the hubs that I know to look out for certain things in each series which marks it as historical or ground breaking for the time it was produced in.

                    "Oh honey you just can't seem to walk into a room quietly can you?" -Michael Shanks Chicago Con 08

                    The Universe is Mad


                      I have recently bought series 1-4 Enterprise on E bay. and I am up to the 5th episode season 3, and I am loving it. I am a real fan of Archer, I think he is a great Captain. His developement and the way he is taking on the Xindi is inspiring. The delimas he has and the tough decisions he makes, and his own self sacrifice is to my mind exemplery.

                      You can see that his crew love him and will do anything for him, and he will do anything for them. I think in time Enterprise will become the classic of all the Trek series (IMHO). I think people should have a go at seeing again, it might offer more insight at how good it is. I hope one day they can ressurect it, I think it's worth it.


                        Haha this epsidode rocks!

                        Lol at shower scene! Zero g while you are in the shower can be quite annoying. Plomeek broth! Human food dosent agree with Tpol. Mysterious glitches are plaguing the ship. Omg cloaked ship! Plz dont hurt us! I miss translation scenes in scifi, enterprise just reminded me how much i like it. 3 hours in decompression, yikes. Dont forget to come back for me. Still love the shuttlepods, looks like something scaled composites would build.

                        Haha Trip keeps calling the captain. Aliens play memory! Didnt care much for the freakout scene, but i guess thats the point lol. Strobe lights and cords and tubes. Food grows on the walls. They seem to not use water. They also seem to zap eachother when they touch. So thats where holodecks came from. Resequenced photons. Holo-boat! Telepathic granuals! No 'computer end program'. Sensual scales!

                        This is a nipple. Youre pregnant. Only uses the genetic material of the mother. Perhaps the next step would be to meet her holographic parents. Its funny watching Archer try not to LOL. Pebbles! What a wierd method of reproduction, but i guess octipuses have their gizmo on one of their legs. Small person? Haha, that lift is a death trap. Best male portrayl of a pregnant woman i have ever seen. XD

                        Growing another nipple, lol. WRIST NIPPLES! Youll be putting those nipples to use in no time O.o Post natal responsibilities. Now theres a ship i havent seen in a very long time! Ahh memories. Looks like the Zyrelians are tailgating the klingons. Second contact with the klingons didnt go all that well.

                        What gives you the right to approach a klingon warship?!? Whoa those klingons are hardcore. Puny ship, lol. Its pretty easy to accidentally declare war on the Klingons. Stovokor! Tpol lies pretty well. Haha Trip suggested theyre afraid, lol. I thought u were there to fix their engines not impregnate their females. The Klingons ROFLed at trip.

                        Trips repairs only lasted 6 days. 'If id known.... No reason to apologize" Babys a she. "I can see my house from here!" Archer got a cold shoulder from the Klingons. 6 hours in decompression with klingons :O The Zyrellians can get home in a month on impulse. Archer confronts Tpol about her... exaggeration. Trip gets in the history books as the first impregnated male!

                        Was a pretty good episode. Trip heavy and shows the other side of 'Kirking'. The deleted scene is pretty funny, wonder why they took it out? The Klingon empire seems well established and have no use for aliens on a mission of exploration. We got the origin of holodecks, male pregnancy and a 2nd encounter with klingons. Not bad.

                        Next up Terra Nova and a familiar stargate face:


                          Terra nova:

                          All i remember about this episode is a familliar SG face and a lost human colony living in caves and eating lizards. I dont like this episode, but here we go anyways!

                          The crew is really curious about the first extrasolar human colony of lost Terra Nova. As a Boomer Travis identifies with Colonists. Humans colonized the moon first, then mars then asteroids then the nearest habital star 29ly away. Theyve been lost for 70 years. No response to hails, no life signs and theres radiation. :O Nice zoom lense on the enterprise! 9 year trip each way and they dissembled their ship to buld their colony.

                          Movement in the trees! Cave people! Morlocks? Reeds been shot! Subterranian civilization. Archer wont risk human casulties. There a mystery of what irridated the planet. Archer and Phlox unarmed against bows. 'Novans'dont seem to know theyre humans and think that humans attacked them with poison rain. The leaders mom has cancer. The ship that brought theme there was called the conastoga. lol cancer is easily cured with a couple shots.

                          It was an asteroid that hit 70 yrs ago and covered the planet with poison clouds. Haha Reed hasto pee. Humans are like damp moss, lol. Animal skull flute! The colonys last message was never sent. The colonists thought it was an attack. Only the children survived. Theyve been told humans are enemies for 2 generations. Fastest cancer cure evar. The Novans water supply is contaminated. The region will be radioactive for another 10 years. The leaders mom is one of the disaster survivors. Bernadette. Theres no prime directive protecting human worlds. :O

                          School and civilization is a humans birthright. Theyre looking for caves full of Diggers on another continent for the Novans till more Human ships can come. SHALE!!! Humans help eachother. Whoops shouldnt have parked there! Oops they landed on someone. Risk ur bones. Ohoh waters rising on the trapped kid. Yay hes safe! Lol nice call back to voyager with the Amelia Airhart episode on voyager. XD As the resident fanboy Travis gets to write the report on the Terra Nova mystery. The end.

                          Dosent take much to go from star travelling to living hunter/gatherer in a cave does it? I really hate dumbspeak, dunno why lol. I wonder how many of them have descendents in Picards time, you know more humans will come and build new cities. Im sure by voyagers time its as populated as earth.

                          Im not fond of this episode, but theres noting really that terrible about it. We find out about the first colony and see a nice round house of the crew. Archer gets most of the screen time as he learns to make first contact.

                          Ah well, up next.... The Andorian Incident!!!


                            It annoyed me to no end that NO ships that came to Earth from other worlds passed Terra Nova. And the Vulcans! Oh my goodness. Even a 'slow' warp 5 Vulcan ship could get there and investigate. Stupid.

                            Next week... Andorians! Ah yes! The real meat of ENT begins!
                            More fun @ Spoofgate!


                              Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                              It annoyed me to no end that NO ships that came to Earth from other worlds passed Terra Nova. And the Vulcans! Oh my goodness. Even a 'slow' warp 5 Vulcan ship could get there and investigate. Stupid.

                              Next week... Andorians! Ah yes! The real meat of ENT begins!
                              Enterprise didnt detect lifesigns, they had to go scrounge around in caves to find them. Maybe the vulcans did check but didnt find anything or say anything. They spied on every other human venture...

