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Follow a Star Trek newb as he watches it from start

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    Originally posted by Randy_Watson View Post
    FYI, my wife just gave birth to a healthy little boy! So, I probably won't be able to add much to this for the next couple of weeks.
    Awesome. Hope you enjoyed sleeping when it was still an option
    "A society grows great when old men plant trees, the shade of which they know they will never sit in. Good people do things for other people. That's it, the end." -- Penelope Wilton in Ricky Gervais's After Life


      Congrats on the baby.

      The list made earlier in this thread, about watching Trek in order of which the series and movies aired is the best way to watch Trek imo. If you skip the 1st movie, no one will blame you. It was a giant waste of time so move right on to Wrath of Kahn movie wise.

      You'll definitely like TNG and Voyager then if you've loved TOS so far. Here's a suggestion with watching Voyager and DS9. Both shows ran at the same time for DS9 (2-7) and Voyager (1-6). So it might be good to watch DS9's first season then move over to Voyager and watch that entire series. You'll be lost right along with them wondering what's happening back in the Alpha quadrant. Then when they get home go back and watch DS9 and see what had happened while Voyager was gone saving the universe.


        Originally posted by Randy_Watson View Post
        I actually watched that one the other day (it's the last one I watched) but didn't have time to review it. Short version would be that it was fun to see the Klingons, even though it looks like they have changed a lot over time (I'm limited to knowing Klingons as guys like the one from DS9, I think Warf? or from parodies). I was disappointed that it was another all-powerful mind deceiving alien race behind everything, but it was still done pretty well.
        yeah the Klingons have changed a lot but there's actually an explanation for that (other than the 'new' look being way cooler than TOS ) oh and you mean Worf so the next ep would be The City on the Edge of Forever, a fan favorite
        The Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Thunk thread The Sam/RepliCarter Ship Thread


          Wanted to stop in and say hi. You've taken on a much grander task than I have. You've got what, over 700 episodes and 10 (soon to be 11) movies. Very impressive. I can't really contribute too much yet. I've seen most of TNG and a good chunk of DS9 (thanks my dad for those). I've only seen the intro and finale for Voyager (my ex-gf loved it and made me watch them). I'll be sure to watch your progress though. Good luck to you!

          Oh, and congrats on the baby!
          Last edited by DuncTK421; 02 March 2008, 05:31 PM.

          Thanks to jumble, Krissie678, & Pic for the awesome sigs!


            Originally posted by Randy_Watson View Post
            Thanks guys, the boy is doing well. We get to bring him home tomorrow. Hopefully as the week progresses I will be able to start watching some episodes again, but having a 20 month old girl at home at the same time will probably make that difficult, unless my wife lets me watch episodes at night. Hopefully I can get them both to share my enjoyment for scifi as they grow (a hope that amuses my wife).

            I actually watched that one the other day (it's the last one I watched) but didn't have time to review it. Short version would be that it was fun to see the Klingons, even though it looks like they have changed a lot over time (I'm limited to knowing Klingons as guys like the one from DS9, I think Warf? or from parodies). I was disappointed that it was another all-powerful mind deceiving alien race behind everything, but it was still done pretty well.

            No worries, I welcome all opinions on the show, not just glowing ones.

            Anyway, I need sleep, so off to bed with me.
            Congratulations on the little one! So we'll be following you as you go through all the joys having a baby entails as well as the joys of the whole of Star Trek as a new experience!!

            Oh to sleep, gone are the days when you were sleep deprived from watching TV into the night!!

            Aaah the memories! Both the night feeds and TOS!

            Reading your reactions to each TOS episode remind me of how mine were much the same. Looking forward to the development of the characters, the fact the approach to aliens was so different. It's fun to look back on them with your fresh eyes.

            I think you should watch 'The Motion Picture' when you finish watching TOS. I remember how sad I was when they cancelled TOS, I was well and truly hooked. There was a lot of excitement when the movie was announced 9 years later, I really thought there would never be any more Trek and to see Kirk and company return was fantastic.

            The movie is worth watching to see how they transferred everything everyone loved about Trek onto the big screen. I still think the special effects are impressive in parts having seen it recently. I hadn't seen it since it's cinematic release all those years ago!!! It may not be one of the more memorable Trek movies, being a bit slow in parts but I think it doesn't deserve being overlooked at much as it is.


              Funny, I recently calculated how long it would take me to embark on a similar marathon, watching all series of Star Trek from beginning to end. You're in for a ride, that lasts almost 23 full days total. Good luck - I'm considering tackling X-files before Star Trek, though.
              You can see the details of my calculations at


                Thanks again everyone. I think I will get back onto my trek tomorrow. I am going to finish watching SG-1 season 10 tonight in preperation for AOT (Krisz, you are so right, I keep watching about 5 minutes of an episode at night thinking I will be able to get one in, but I fall asleep and wake up a few hours later to turn it off, which is the reason I have been sticking to stuff I already know like SG-1 the past few days) The boy is doing great and we are starting to get a routine down. I do plan on watching the 1st Movie as well, I tried to watch it a few months ago, but was pretty bored, I think I will like it a lot more now

                Thanks for that link keanpedersen and all that adding up! I knew it was a lot, but that is daunting. Lucky for me, my library has everything (I have the movies myself). I'm a bit of a DVD collecter, but Trek is the one thing I haven't been able to afford (as it's a blind buy). I'm sure after going through it, my mind will change and I will have to have them.

                Thanks for the viewing tips Tripgate. I'm actually tempted to start TNG while I'm doing TOS, I know that's probably a bad idea, but it seems like the variety could be good (as well as availability at my library).

                Thanks Jumper_One, I think I knew it was Worf, but I was pretty tired when I posted I'm glad to know my next ep is loved.

                DuncTK421, why aren't you at your post? JK, thanks!

                DigiFluid, I've never really been able to enjoy sleeping, now I just get to not enjoy it for shorter intervals....if that makes any sense.


                  OK, well I finally got back on the horse and watched 3 episodes, to complete season 1.

                  First up was The Alternative Factor,
                  Admittedly, I kept falling while watching this one, so I had to watch it again in the morning. (bad episode to doze off in, as those fight scenes shot with a negative polarity are pretty frightening to wake up to). I've always like parallel/alternate universe type shows, and this was no exception. Not my favorite episode of the season by any stretch, but it was enjoyable.

                  The City on the Edge of Forever was a pretty fun Time Travel episode. While the portal device itself was pretty strange, I enjoyed their efforts of righting history even at such a high cost (though Jim falling in love so quickly was a little hokey) Spock was great in this one and reminded me of Teal'c with that black hat on to blend in. Overall, I think TT is a difficult topic to handle in scifi, but this one was pure entertainment.

                  Finally, Operation: Annihilate! I think this was a fitting season finally, it had a great amount of tension and thinking. I hate to be a broken record in referencing Stargate, but it's hard not to see early roots of the Goa'uld and Iratus bugs from this episode. I'm sure these things were done in writing before ST, but it was fun to see the history of the idea anyway. I love that Kirk was willing to destroy millions to save billions, thankfully it didn't come to that.


                    Not the most productive week for me, but I did manage to start season two.

                    I loved the first episode, Amok Time. I imagine this is a fan favorite, as it had a lot going for it. The music is great, and getting a peak into Spock's roots was great. I'm a little concerned by the frailty of metal on Vulcan though, with both the gong and one of those pugel stick things cracking with pretty minimal force. Bones was great, and I think we all knew what he was really doing. The smile on Spock's face when he found out Kirk was still alive was fantastic. I guess he really does feel some human emotion, and is just devoted to hiding it. It'd be interesting to see if the revisit these events, as I would wonder how T'Pau would react to being duped about Kirk's death. Anyway, a very fun episode that I would definitely watch again. (I also noticed that Chekov was here as well as Scotty, does the crew start to be more consistent to what we all think of as the crew at this point?)

                    One question, if the Enterprise is on a 5 year mission to explore, why are they constantly running errands for the Federation? It seems like they should be out of reach instead or something, but I suppose I am over thinking that.


                      Just wait until you reach DS9, you'll love it.


                        Originally posted by Randy_Watson View Post
                        Not the most productive week for me, but I did manage to start season two.

                        I loved the first episode, Amok Time. I imagine this is a fan favorite, as it had a lot going for it. The music is great, and getting a peak into Spock's roots was great. I'm a little concerned by the frailty of metal on Vulcan though, with both the gong and one of those pugel stick things cracking with pretty minimal force. Bones was great, and I think we all knew what he was really doing. The smile on Spock's face when he found out Kirk was still alive was fantastic. I guess he really does feel some human emotion, and is just devoted to hiding it. It'd be interesting to see if the revisit these events, as I would wonder how T'Pau would react to being duped about Kirk's death. Anyway, a very fun episode that I would definitely watch again. (I also noticed that Chekov was here as well as Scotty, does the crew start to be more consistent to what we all think of as the crew at this point?)

                        One question, if the Enterprise is on a 5 year mission to explore, why are they constantly running errands for the Federation? It seems like they should be out of reach instead or something, but I suppose I am over thinking that.
                        This is one of my favorite episodes along with 'The City on the Edge of Forever'. Spock's smile is a great moment I agree! You know, you have a good point there about the 5 year mission and continued contact with Starfleet. They were supposedly going "where no man has gone before" but they always seemed to end up at some Starbase, human colony or research station! Oh well, it's easy to ignore as it's great fun to watch their adventures.


                          Originally posted by Randy_Watson View Post
                          Hi, so I totally ripped this off from DuncTK421 in the Stargate section. But it seems like a fun idea. Anyway I am almost a complete newbie to the Star Trek universe. I've seen a few of the movies and probably a couple episodes of DS9 when it was on after Saturday Night Live. I don't really remember much of any of it, except for the blue whales in one of the movies.

                          I finally started watching the Original series this week, and I plan on making my way through the rest of the Star Trek universe (ideally leading up to the new movie, but I realize that's a bit ambitious.

                          I'm starting this a bit late, so a quick recap on what I've seen. So far, my favorite episodes have been the Corbomite Maneuver and the Balance of terror. In the Corbomite Maneuver, I was laughing so hard when Clint Howard showed up, it's scary how he looked so close to the way he looks now when he was that young.

                          The last two I watched, Shore Leave and Squire of Gothos, seemed like a step down from the previous eps. They were kind of fun, but just a little too goofy for my liking. They seem to be getting into a lot of these hallucination environments early on (with the Menagerie having a similar plot). I guess I watched the Galileo Seven today too, that wasn't bad. I loved all the Spock logical issues. The big giant spears that were being slowly tossed kind of took me out of the episode though.

                          Anyway, I hope this is an ok thread. I'd appreciate any feedback as I finally tackle this giant of Sci-Fi that I am woefully behind on.
                          I just started watching star trek also.

