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Star Trek DVDs

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    Star Trek DVDs

    Holy crap they are still freaking expensive!

    What gives?

    I've noticed in Canada the prices have come down a bit for TOS, TNG and DS9 at some stores (used to be all over $100-$160 and now are around $60 up to around $80). VOY and ENT are still at regular price. Though one time when I was on someone was venting at the prices compared to Stargate. The response actually said it was because Star Trek has more episodes! Which is weird in a way because they have NO commentaries (I think TOS has some text stuff from what I got out of the library) and lack in extra special features. And if the episode number is true, why would the first season of VOY not be cheaper since it has only 16 episodes?
    My local library has TOS. My in-laws have TNG on DVD. I have recorded DS9 onto DVD from the tv and am currently working on VOY. I taped ENT when it first aired. That's how I get my Trek Fix since I don't get the Canadian station SPACE.
    And then there's Stargate. I have season 1-9 of SG-1 and season 1-2 of Atlantis. All bought at cheaper prices than when they first came out.
    Orphan Black: Join the Clone Club Dance Party!


      I am going to netflix star trek DS9, its so much cheaper then spending $296 US at Finally a good reason to rent ST!


        The price of the DVD's seems to have dropped in the UK now. I noticed how high the price was when they first came out, as they seemed to be about £15 more expensive than Stargate for no real reason other than a few extra features and some fancy box.

        Instead of having £75/$150 (at current exchange rates) plastic moulded boxsets, they've finally went for more traditional boxes and went slimline causing the price dropped significantly to £35/$70. On HMV's website they are doing a sale on them (not sure about in store) and they can be gotten for £18/$36.

        So it seems that at least in the UK, someone decided to smarten up and do something about overcharging fans.

        For the most part, they are cheaper than Stargate now because they usually retail at £50 (for season 1) or £60 (for the rest), only going down on sales.



          So I have a question: who releases the Star Trek DVDs? Columbia or Paramount? Cause now that Paramount has gone HD-DVD, they would have to release the newer highdef DVDs in that format (which I'd like). But if Columbia (a part of sony -hissssss!) releases them, then they will be in Blu ray.

          I haven't bought a player yet, I'm just curious.


            ^AFAIK, it's Paramount Home Entertainment that takes care of the DVD releases.

            Originally posted by SaberBlade View Post
            Instead of having £75/$150 (at current exchange rates) plastic moulded boxsets, they've finally went for more traditional boxes and went slimline causing the price dropped significantly to £35/$70. On HMV's website they are doing a sale on them (not sure about in store) and they can be gotten for £18/$36.

            So it seems that at least in the UK, someone decided to smarten up and do something about overcharging fans.

            For the most part, they are cheaper than Stargate now because they usually retail at £50 (for season 1) or £60 (for the rest), only going down on sales.
            Yep, Star Trek: TNG, DS9 can be picked up for less than £20 (40USD) per season thanks to the slimeline packaging - region two only, AFAIK. Now ST: Voyager is due to go on sale in the slimline packaging in September. They'll probably start off at near the £30 mark (60USD), but the prices will come down after a while.

            They would be well worth the purchase, as to me, the design of the packaging looks much better than the plastic lunch boxes and they would take up less space on the shelf.
            "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


              Turns out the DVD's weren't original £75 when release here, it was actually £85/$170.

              I've seen the slimline Voyager boxsets being listed for £26/$52, a big drop from £85. What's even more surprising is the new TNG boxset being released at £113, a massive drop from the original £499.



                When they first came out in Australia, a single season was $200 ($160 USD, 80 GBP) for TNG, and DS9, and $150 for Voyager and TOS, and also ENT when they were first released. Those were a complete and utter rip-off, only designed to exploit the new format for as much profit as possible (I'm sure they invented a few rules of aquisition for those sets).

                They then introduced "new packaging" (slim-line I belive) iirc a year or 2 ago which was heavily reduced, and currently the prices are, $42.83 for TNG (17 GPB, 34 USD), and between $59 and $66 AUD per season for Voyager, DS9 (now) and TNG when those new packaging first came out.

                Luckily for Australian people, we have a retailer, ezydvd, who often do alot of "value added" things to their releases. Sometimes it's smallish things, like adding a calculator/mousepad to the new atlantis season set, or they do cool collections. One of their major things is "cases", they put an entire collection into a nice little case.

                They sell various complete packs of an entire series, inside the case, which has all the "new packaging" seasons sealed inside for TNG and DS9 and they cost $279 (222 usd, 113gpb), which is $20 aud cheaper than buying all the TNG seasons seperately and is free postage in Australia.

                For DS9, it's cheaper because the seasons have different costs and are more expensive than the current price for TNG. That box set is still $279, but the compartive cost of buying all the season would be $433, saving $154.

                Advice For The New Millenium: A watched torrent never downloads.


                  ^ Love your Advice on the sig

                  Sadly I'd rather get a console system and and nice LCD tv than purchase star trek dvds. I'll settle for syndication and cheap internet ripsoffs for the time being.
                  Does anyone know if there are deals on dvds at star trek conventions or not?

