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The Star Trek: XI Speculation/Rumors/Ideas/spoilers/News Thread SPOILERS

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    Originally posted by rarocks24
    Star Trek was completely tied up.

    .... There's nothing they can do.
    Depends entirely on your perspective. Star Trek as we know it may be done. The story lines are tied up and all ongoing stories are complete which would seem like the end if one wanted it that way but it can also be an opportunity. They can basically go anywhere from here and turn the series completely upside down without worrying about conflicts with existing stories, feeling obliged to include old characters, or to stick to the old formula.

    I think the series is ready for a major overhaul and given an appropriate amount of time and distance from the old, the series could get new life and new direction.

    "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


      Star Trek has lots of future but it all depends on whatever the next step taken is- they screw up whatever they do next and it'll be done for minimum twenty years, probably forever. And yes, unfortuantly money is the only reason anyhting will be done at all. It's sad that art for arts sake hardly ever happens anymore in mainstream television and film.

      I like Picard, and would like to see him back, but no cruddy excuse for pulling back together everyone from their separate ways- introduce Picard with a few new crew members as well as a few old, mix it up a bit. On the other hand that may be too much of a risk- then do a future enterprise all new cast (but having something to tie it such as Q or the Doctor, so it's not all unknown OR I would love to see Romulan Wars, perhaps with Enterprise crew or the Columbia crew- this might be riskiest of all considering Enterprise's popularity, but I think that there is a great movie hiding in there somewhere (I'll get slammed for saying this ) that will likely never reach the light of day. Enterprsie really only lacked the endearing character interaction that the other series had- some might say it was other things stories etc., but I think the crew just didn't have the interraction down until it started to pick up in season four- and would have gotten better if there was a season five (I always thought that there was solid friendship hiding in Hoshi and Mayweather that we never got to see).
      Anyway, the people at Paramount need to take a long hard look at Serenity- they'd be foolish not to, to see how a tv show should translate onto big screen. Something that anyone can get into and love without prior knowledge of the characters, stories etc. (which is the difficulty with Trek movies, they generally expect the viewer to know the characters aready- and then there's the sheer stupidity of a few.) And whatever they do, they have to do it right (They'll guage that in box-office numbers, we'll guage that in quality, it just needs to pass both to get Trek back on track.....looks like a steep mountain to climb).


        How's this for rumors and speculation (not bragging, but I know a couple of people who work for Paramount):

        Archer, Picard, & Kirk in the same movie. How is it possible? All because of Q. Some of you might think that this will never happen, but who knows?


          Originally posted by NoRsTaR
          How's this for rumors and speculation (not bragging, but I know a couple of people who work for Paramount):

          Archer, Picard, & Kirk in the same movie. How is it possible? All because of Q. Some of you might think that this will never happen, but who knows?

          No more Bill Shatner in a toupee and corset, please! Leave our memories of Kirk intact and let ol' Bill carry on with his Boston Legal and corny cereal ads.

          Now Archer and Picard, at a pinch I could just about cope with that.
          "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard


            Originally posted by Commander Ivanova
            No more Bill Shatner in a toupee and corset, please! Leave our memories of Kirk intact and let ol' Bill carry on with his Boston Legal and corny cereal ads.


              "No more Bill Shatner in a toupee and corset, please! Leave our memories of Kirk intact and let ol' Bill carry on with his Boston Legal and corny cereal ads."

              Witty, but I think those guys that think his death was handled crappily would want him to return.

              I like the tri-captain idea. Hell include some other bloke to play robert april if that stinks.
              -Zeppelin Rules!-


                Originally posted by rarocks24
                Star Trek was completely tied up.
                Basically, i'm gonna repeat what i've said in various threads throughout the months...

                Not necessarily. The Romulans may have started peace negotiations and all that, but there's nothing to stop the friendship detereorating. Perhaps decades in the future, even centuries. Plenty of opportunity in there for new people, technologies etc. or people with some ties to the "olden day" Treks. It's fairly flexible.
                Personally, i'd prefer a new series/movie to be based on the Romulans in some shape and form. IMHO they were just amazing. So much mystery that was explored so little in all of the series of Trek. There's many possibilities there also.

                As for the movie/TV show etc. I reckon a TV mini-series would be a good option. There's no long term contractual obligations, but if it is popular then a series/film can be made. It leaves a lot of options but doesn't have the same sort of pressure and expectation a big budget film released in the cinema would have.

                The center of Khlysty surrounds me


                  Originally posted by Apophis87
                  I've had this idea for a while. Have any of you read the Star Trek:New Frontier book series? Why don't they make that into a TV series? It's already got characters, a plot, all the stuff that has sucked in the past few ST series. It would be hard to mess it up. I think that would be awesome.
                  What do you all think of my idea?


                    lets have 1 with Wesley as the Captain of the enterprise ^_^


                      Originally posted by GATEGOD
                      lets have 1 with Wesley as the Captain of the enterprise ^_^

                      We could also have Quinan become Federation president, apparently her species lives for a 1,000 years or longer so it would work even if a new series or movie is set in the 26th century.
                      the Fifth Race

                      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                        Star Trek made the big mistake of showing to much of the future. This really ties the hands of any new series set at a later date.

                        If another movie was made I´d want to see the TNG cast be used, I don´t see that a new cast in a motion picture would work.

                        As for a new series I just came up with an idea that I liked and might even be possible to do without alienating the core Trekkers. The idea is that the Federation manages to create somekind of long distance travelling device capable of sending a small fleet of ships to another Galaxy. There they would explore and meet new and interesting races that are completely different from humans (not just with slightly different looking ears or foreheads).

                        It would allow the series to be about exploration and such without having to resort to prequels.


                          A new movie with Janeway hand most of her crew on a prometheus-class ship. The new voyager (the old one wich they were on in the D.Q is a museum now).

                          And if there will be a new series, then Seven of Nine as captain, or as the first officer.

                          Hallowed are the fans of Stargate!


                            I'd love to see some Hirogen/8472 Wars that "Captain" Chakotay would have to get involved in. They could have the opening of the movie set at DS9, just like "The Caretaker," just to satiate the DS9 fans. And maybe Voyager could take Worf and O'Brian along back to the Delta Quadrant.


                              I personally want ST:XI to be a DS9/VGR crossover.


                                no Voyager please, no enterprise either, TNG and of course DS9 would be a splendid spin on it, although word on the street has it that it will most likely be a complete new spin off, most likely a flop boring and used to death, even starwars is in danger of becoming overkill, the last 3 movies were utter twaddle about a story we know the ending an idea ENt tried and died in the process of doing, now with a new SW series on the horizon i'd bet my money in SGA and SG1 as coming out in the end as the best and most award winning show of recent times, forget the familiar shows like starwars soon to be, and startrek shows that don't change die off much like species who dont change at all die off.

                                stargate came from an idea from a excellent idea of a movie original and new, beat the critics and turned the heads of many, its become bigger and in the process growing up from a tiny seed of an idea, ok ST did it in the 60's but it was new and people liked it, they reinvented it for the late 80's and following on from its success made DS9 a great show and ST at its prime at the time of the movie "first contact" but became too big headed and fell victim to that in light of new shows like stargate that is growing even better.

                                maybe i should have put that on an Anit ST thread, but im hot too excited about it, sounds crap from the begining and i for one who is not to self interested to say i have a good imagination cannot imagine ST going on in a new way without ripping off any other sci fi genre.

                                that is all.
                                For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                                We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night

