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    Mine is TNG followed by Ent, but DS9 would probably rate higher, but I haven't seen enough (roughly thirty eps) to determine whether it's my favourite.


      I would probably say DS9, I mean the whole show was brilliant and had Garak...but TNG comes so close. Then again I liked ENT and VOY as bad I havent seen many TOS eps.

      Sheppard: "Y’know, we’ve been having these conversations for a couple of weeks now, and I don’t even know your name. You guys do have names, right? Let me guess...Steve?"
      Wraith: "I am your death. That is all you need to know."
      Sheppard: "I prefer Steve."


        My favorite is TNG followed closely by DS9. I though TOS was cheesy and I haven't seen any of Voyager or Enterprise (which I heard sucked).
        I'm from Iowa, United States


          I like Voy, Ent, and DS9. All 3 imo were very good

          "But the core of science fiction, is essance has become crucial to our salvation, if we are to be saved at all..."

          Dont let our show die.


            DS9 followed by TNG although i haven't that many episodes compared to DS9 and VOY. (My reason being i would go out of my way to watch DS9 and TNG i'd only watch VOY if it were one of the half dozen episodes i want to see or loved)

            The center of Khlysty surrounds me


              DS9 is by far my favorite, followed by TNG, VGR, TOS, and ENT.

              Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                My favourite would've been TNG, until I watched seasons 6 and 7 of DS9. The full-on Dominion war blew me away, especially the six episode arc at the beginning of season 6. I still rate TOS up near the top 'cause it's the original. Sure, it's a bit cheesy now, but that adds to it's charm and there are great stories in there as well.

                Voyager was patchy for me, sometimes BLEH, sometimes WOW! I wouldn't say Enterprise sucked, it was a bit disappointing if anything. It came good in season 4, but it was already too late to save the show.

                Even though I've watched them all from beginning to end, I'm the kind of person that would watch ANY of the Treks over and over and over...
                "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                  Yup, I could watch most of Trek over and over (minus a few episodes here and there) except for season thee of TOS- most of those episodes were so boring the first time and the Kirking was way too much overdone in that season. And there are quite a few patches of eps in Voyager that were stale from the first viewing- but there are plenty of others with high repeat value. And about half of season one of TNG is a bit of a trial.


                    *waves at everyone*
                    for me, its hard to pic a fav!!

                    But...I would have to go with TNG..followed VERY closely by Voyager Then DS9. Then Enterprise. As for TOS...I never watched the show...only the movies. But I do LOVE the original Characters


                      Originally posted by k8tbug1
                      *waves at everyone*
                      for me, its hard to pic a fav!!

                      But...I would have to go with TNG..followed VERY closely by Voyager Then DS9. Then Enterprise. As for TOS...I never watched the show...only the movies. But I do LOVE the original Characters
                      *waves back*
                      You should at least watch the classic eps- The Trouble With Tribbles, The City on the Edge of Forever, and Amok Time never grow old.


                        I love the eps with tribbles in them! Thr trouble with tribbles is one of the few TOS eps I've seen and DS9's 'Trials and Tribbilations(sp?)' was great as well, one of my fave DS9 eps.

                        Sheppard: "Y’know, we’ve been having these conversations for a couple of weeks now, and I don’t even know your name. You guys do have names, right? Let me guess...Steve?"
                        Wraith: "I am your death. That is all you need to know."
                        Sheppard: "I prefer Steve."


                          Originally posted by Frinky
                          I love the eps with tribbles in them! Thr trouble with tribbles is one of the few TOS eps I've seen and DS9's 'Trials and Tribbilations(sp?)' was great as well, one of my fave DS9 eps.
                          The great thing about The Trouble With Tribbles is that it has aged so well- it's still as funny, and entertaining today as it would have been fourty years ago, it's an episode that just doesn't feel dated.

                          I loved that moment in Ent where Phlox had a tribble and fed it to the creature in the plant. The look on Hoshi's face.....Poor Tribble.


                            Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                            *waves back*
                            You should at least watch the classic eps- The Trouble With Tribbles, The City on the Edge of Forever, and Amok Time never grow old.
                            A friend of mine has all of TOS on tape...I may give them a try. I just really do love all the characters...especially Bones Thanks for the episode recs. I do know that The Trouble With Tribbles is a classic!!


                              Originally posted by k8tbug1
                              A friend of mine has all of TOS on tape...I may give them a try. I just really do love all the characters...especially Bones Thanks for the episode recs. I do know that The Trouble With Tribbles is a classic!!
                              If you like those and if you liked the Enterprise eps "In a Mirror Darkly", you should check out "The Tholian Web" and "Mirror, Mirror"- two very good episodes with a lot of relation there and it's quite neat to see the tie-ins even if you weren't the biggest fan of Enterprise.


                                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                                If you like those and if you liked the Enterprise eps "In a Mirror Darkly", you should check out "The Tholian Web" and "Mirror, Mirror"- two very good episodes with a lot of relation there and it's quite neat to see the tie-ins even if you weren't the biggest fan of Enterprise.
                                Yep I will. The eps "In a Mirror Darkly" from Enterprise were interesting. Not my favorite from Enterprise, but interesting. Maybe I will like the storyline from TOS better. You are right though, it will be interesting to see the tie-in

