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How Has Trek Impacted Your Life?

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    I was 8 years old. It was Christmas eve 1990. My mother said theres a film on at 8pm called star trek (the motion picture). It sounded interesting, as i was in to my Star Wars, i was up for any sci fi. I watched it in my room, and i was BLOWN away. I knew what i wanted to do for the rest of my life... which is to direct, edit and act (I edit now, just trying to find funds for my own short film). Star Trek as set my career path in stone.

    I look back at ST:TMP and think it is a dull film, but i can watch it over and over again with interest because of the impact it had on me. Thats possibly one of the main reasons why the original cast is my fav of the lot. I can't believe the time, date and place when i first saw that pic... wow.

    It's also the reason why i hate trek today. DS9, Voy and ENT to a degree, just don't do the franchise justce. TNG did a great job in continuing on from the TOS and making there own mark, but the rest i don't think can hack it, except for ENT, which was getting better.

    Rimmer: 'I cant let you out'
    Lister: 'Why not?'
    Rimmer: 'Because the king of the potato people wont let me. I begged him. I got down on my knees and wept. He wants to keep you here, keep you here for 10 years'
    Cat: 'Can we see him?'
    Rimmer: 'See who?'
    Cat: 'The king.'
    Rimmer: 'Do you have a magic carpet?'
    Lister: 'Yeah...a little 3 seater'
    Rimmer: 'So let me get this straight, you want to fly on a magic carpet to see the king of the potato people, and plead with him for your freedom. And your telling me your completely sane?'


      I look at things different...i can think outside the box lol..


        Startrek has given me a new look at the universe,and i know want to study space and planets!
        Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


          Star Trek made me take a nap.

          Your Friend Acid


            Growing up with ST, it allowed me the ability to imagine and sparked my creativity side. And to think logically...thanks to Mr. Spock
            Don't make me zat you

            It took us 15 years and 3 super computers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth.

            Dial=> for days remaining until the Vancouver con!



              [pretending I didn't see that]

              Originally posted by RodneyMckay
              Star Trek made me take a nap.

              Your Friend Acid
              Don't make me zat you

              It took us 15 years and 3 super computers to MacGyver a system for the gate on Earth.

              Dial=> for days remaining until the Vancouver con!


                It was 1973 and I was working at a small TV station that mostly ran syndicated stuff. The program director was insane for Star Trek, but the station could not afford the syndication costs. This stuck in my mind until I met Jerry,a good friend who was an insane Trekkie. As I was going through a divorce the Trek family became my family (as did Jerry's family) and I still go back to it from time to time for a sense of comfort and familiarity. It was always the people that grabbed me and that sense that they were bound together in a way that could not be broken.....


                  It introduced me to scifi, and eventually to Stargate.


                    It was probably my intro to SciFi too, although I've never even thought of myself as a "sci fi" person.. although I think I'm slowly starting to realize it...

                    Star Trek is one of my fondest memories growing up. I was born in the mid-80's, and one of my favorite memories growing up was when I couldn't sleep or would get to stay up and would wander into the living room and watch Star Trek (TNG) with my Dad.
                    I still have thought patterns and beliefs and dreams for society that reflect back to Star Trek and what it has taught us. It has just been in my life for just about as long as I can remember, and I think it's so strange for people not to have watched it. Admittedly I certainly have not seen every episode and am far from the #1 fan or expert, but when people think it's weird or don't know anything about it, I just can't quite understand how they can go through life, not wanting to at least be aware of or discover the show.

                    Atlantis Base offers greetings from the Pegasus Galaxy
                    "Just when you think you're not in Kansas anymore, it turns out you are."



                      My mom was a big Star Trek fan. And I remember the re-runs of it playing in the kitchen at dinner time as my mom cooked.

                      I remember watching the first episode of TNG with amazement and excitement. And i've watched every ep. i could of all the shows since. In a way, i've grown up with Trek. It's hard to imagine it gone. I mean, it'd been on the air with a new show for the majority of my life.

                      I complained about Enterprise. But it was the complaining that someone does about a family member. You may disagree with they're actions, but you still love them.

                      Wow, Star Trek is no longer on the air with a new show. Where will my imagination go now?

