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    I know there are probably a lot of people out there who like Worf but after I've watched TNG series reruns two or three times I can't help but wonder why was he the security chief when no one listened to him and for good reason? His suggestions always seem to amount to: Shoot it, kill them, or bring weapons., never anything more in depth.

    He seemed to gain som IQ points between TNG and DS9 but generally speaking, of all the Klingons he just never struck me as being particularly bright. Am I alone?

    "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy

    thats cause klingon's aren't the brains of the universe.
    they are a warrior race. not an intellectual race.

    as far as worf's suggestions on the bridge, all of those things you listed he suggests are all pertinent to his position as chief of security. Plus, he's a klingon.
    and remember, he's pretty far down on the chain of command, so unless picard is asking for multiple options, hes most likely going to go with riker's or data's ideas.


      Maybe he was thinking "Well, to keep my crew safe, perhaps i should take the safe option and recommend that the captain considers destroying these foes so no one on the ship is harmed" but he might be impatient and instead just bursts out in spontaneous chants of "KILL!!!"
      But yeah, i'd say cos they were a warrior race and cos GR wanted to say that "yesterday's enemies can be today's friends" so had to have a Klingon as a regular. He got much better on DS9 though.

      The center of Khlysty surrounds me


        It's cause he is a Klingon and Klingons want to die with honour. They are a warrior race, he can't help it if he is a Klingon. Also he was the Security Chief, so he was giving suggestions in that field.
        Originally posted by Rainbow Sun Francks
        Live within the moment. There is only now, ENJOY.

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          Originally posted by Morbo
          thats cause klingon's aren't the brains of the universe.
          they are a warrior race. not an intellectual race.

          as far as worf's suggestions on the bridge, all of those things you listed he suggests are all pertinent to his position as chief of security. Plus, he's a klingon.
          and remember, he's pretty far down on the chain of command, so unless picard is asking for multiple options, hes most likely going to go with riker's or data's ideas.
          I understand it's a part of his job but it got to be a bit silly after the first three times.

          See the problem I have is that while there are other battle minded Klingons, the others never really came off as a neutered bulldog with a big bark, no bite and a tendency to run into walls. They seemed to be a bit more strategically minded in their kill kill kill way of thinking. Worf 's only response to every situation in TNG was generally the same, and you'd think he'd have learned a more measured response after he's ignored the first dozen times never mind the fact that he's in Starfleet on a ship whose purpose is to explore and understand... but not so much.

          "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


            I would say Worf was the shoot, kill, growl, token Klingon at the beginning. But it was the death of Tasha Yar that allowed Worf to come into the foreground. You could see his story develop as his hair grew longer He went from being forced to accept discommendation for the good of the Empire, to eventually restoring his honour and saving the Empire. And that was just one story focusing on Worf. You just have to look at his biography to see how much depth Worf has.

            Check out this link - It shows how big an influence Worf is to Star Trek

            For me, Worf is one of the greatest characters in Star Trek. He's one of my favourite of the regular characters alongside Picard and O'Brien.
            "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


              For me, Worf is one of the greatest characters in Star Trek. He's one of my favourite of the regular characters alongside Picard and O'Brien.
              I think he came into his own in DS9. He was just so much more of a complete person. I think right after Tasha died he wasn't at his best. Later on however, there were some great moments in his interactions with Data and Geordi. But when it came to doing his job I always felt like he didn't bring enough of his personal experiences to the task as the others did and could only spout off what he knew a security chief was supposed to do as opposed to really thinking about it relative to his past experiences and it didn't help that he didn't have much of a sense of humor.

              On the surface I always liked him but when I watch each episode a couple of times it strikes me that even for a Klingon, not so smart which does make one wonder how he wound up on the flagship. I suppose it's nice to have someone to do the arm twisting.

              "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


                Originally posted by MarshAngel
                I understand it's a part of his job but it got to be a bit silly after the first three times.

                See the problem I have is that while there are other battle minded Klingons, the others never really came off as a neutered bulldog with a big bark, no bite and a tendency to run into walls. They seemed to be a bit more strategically minded in their kill kill kill way of thinking. Worf 's only response to every situation in TNG was generally the same, and you'd think he'd have learned a more measured response after he's ignored the first dozen times never mind the fact that he's in Starfleet on a ship whose purpose is to explore and understand... but not so much.

                it's is JOB to give suggestions based on his information.
                whether they are accepted or not is up to the captain.
                just because all your suggestions aren't accepted doesn't mean you quit your job.

                i hope you never join the military.


                  Worf's job as security chief and tactical officer is to play the role of Devil's Advocate. It's the same thing Tuvok does on Voyager to reccomend the most cautious approach. His primary concern is the safety of the ship. There's a great episode in DS9 where the Klingon Empire attemps to extradite him for blowing up a civilian ship. It's called Rules of Engagement. In it you see Worf explain how he reconciles his impules and traditions as a Klingon warrior with being a Starfleet officer.

                  Worf is by no means dumb and is not a typical Klingon. By comparison to other Klingons he is actually quiet, reserved, rather joyless and without humour. Living away from his people led him to become staunchly conservative and traditional to preserve his identity and roots. He has often proved he has a heart of gold and makes his mistakes but he is not stupid. His role adopts according on DS9 as he is no longer security chief but in a command role.


                    yeah remember that episode of DS9 where the empire makes him and starfleet believe that when worf was captaining the defiant on a mission he blew up a ship carrying civilians?
                    remember how the klingon advocate was trying to get worf pumped up and going, etc etc.
                    he's a warrior and lives for battle, and his judgement is thus.


                      Originally posted by Morbo
                      they are a warrior race. as far as worf's suggestions on the bridge, all of those things you listed he suggests are all pertinent to his position as chief of security. Plus, he's a klingon.
                      and remember, he's pretty far down on the chain of command, so unless picard is asking for multiple options, hes most likely going to go with riker's or data's ideas.
                      Exactly!, well said Morbo.....

                      I always kind of felt Picard would give Worf a little leeway because Worf was the very first Klingon in Starfleet and it isn't like they knew exactly what it would be like serving with a Klingon.

                      You are right MarshAngel, Worf's usualy first reaction was shoot first ask question later. He did come into to his own those later seasons on TNG and on DS9. He adapted to Starfleet and Starfleet adapted him some what.
                      the Fifth Race

                      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                        Originally posted by Morbo
                        i hope you never join the military.
                        I'm not sure how it would benefit you but you can rest assured the fraction of a second in which I even considered it passed several years ago.

                        Secondly. just because all your suggestions aren't accepted doesn't mean you quit your job.
                        Quitting would take it even further than I even suggested, expected or even thought. I would prefer a change of tactics aka a measured well thought out response. I'm sure that would be within the capabilities of any officer.

                        I've actually never given much thought to Worf's ranking. I naturally assumed that if the Captain asks you your opinion or if you're in a position to give it, that that makes you someone of importance. But I'm not in the millitary so maybe I just don't get it.

                        "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


                          worf is the chief od security, and the tactical officer.
                          its his job, ALWAYS, to say "shields up or blow it up...sir."
                          his first thought is the protection of the ship.


                            Originally posted by MarshAngel
                            I would prefer a change of tactics aka a measured well thought out response. I'm sure that would be within the capabilities of any officer.
                            Worf has a job, and that job is only to fire phasers etc., Shields up and remind the captain of the best way to make sure the ship and it's crew are OK. In fact, he's one of the officers that aren't really there to explore.

                            Hallowed are the fans of Stargate!


                              No, wouldn't say so. Just the strong silent testosterone-driven type who's not really in touch with his feminine side.
                              "Ce qui ressemble a l'amour est toujours de l'amour." - Tristan Bernard

