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Star Trek Manga Writer Hopes To Evoke Original Series

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    Star Trek Manga Writer Hopes To Evoke Original Series

    Joshua Ortega, who wrote the Top Cow comic series Necromancer, has turned his attention to recreating the original Star Trek in manga style.

    "Outside of the original 'Twilight Zone,' I don't think there's a show that's had more impact on me than the original Trek series," Ortega explained of his reasons for wanting to be involved with the project. "It was so groundbreaking, in so many ways." Kirk, Spock, and McCoy were his favourite characters -- "Their dynamic, their personality differences, the way each one's strengths compliment or comedically clash against the other's...just great stuff" -- so the central trio will be the focus of his story.

    The graphic novel will be called Anything But Alone, and Ortega said he did his best "to evoke the feel of a classic Trek or SF story from the '60s. Wild technology, interesting characters, and of course, a good moral and philosophical dilemma."

    He added that any sci-fi fan should be able to read the comic, not just longtime Trekkers: "I think anyone who enjoys space or SF stories will be able to pick it up and enjoy it. At the same time, between the research I did for the story and my fondness for the Original Series, I think hardcore fans are really gonna dig the story." Tokyopop, which is publishing the comic, has not yet released the name of the illustrator.
    gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
    so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
    love Torri

    The comic book series was never enough to get me interested in the past, but since it may be done possibly through Tokyopop, it just might be good enough to develop a strong enough fan base.
    All posts are IMO, I am not a rocket scientist.

    Bender: "Lets go get drunk!"
    Pay it forward


      Star Trek...manga?


      Let's see what they can do.

