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Combs Thinks More Alien Exploration Could Have Saved 'Enterprise'

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    Combs Thinks More Alien Exploration Could Have Saved 'Enterprise'

    One man who has been very popular with both the producers and viewers of Star Trek over the years is Jeffrey Combs who has played numerous roles on DS9, Voyager and most recently Enterprise. In a recent interview with Ian Spelling for issue 123 of the official UK Star Trek Magazine the actor talked about his thoughts about Enterprises final season and speculated on the future of Trek in general.

    For the four seasons of Enterprise, which sadly ended its run back in May of this year, Combs portrayed an Andorian named Shran. Andorians were only ever seen in the original Star Trek series and never really got referenced too much in modern Trek, so Combs was more than happy to rise to the challenge of adding a touch of depth to the Andorian race.

    In regards to the cancellation of Enterprise Combs like many of those associated with Star Trek over the years was saddened by the news, but the actor does not thing it is the end of Star Trek.

    “Star Trek has been around for nearly 40 years,” the actor notes. “Enterprise didn’t get the run it deserved, but I don’t think that’s the end of Star Trek. There will be more movies. There will be more series. Maybe people have had enough of it for right now, but there’s something about Star Trek that will always be special, that people will always love, and when the time is right, when the hunger for it returns, it will be back.”
    gumboYaYa: you are all beautiful, your words and openness are what make that shine. don't forget how much talent love and beauty you all have.
    so for now, peace love love love more love and happy, and thank you, thank you, thank you
    love Torri

    I think he just may be right. It seemed everytime I tuned in they were in conflict with someone. It's very odd that the very first mission of exploration didn't discover much at all and I almost never saw them on a new world. Was there no budget for going outside?

    "You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who makes people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea." - Jack Handy


      The whole Xindi war angle was the only thing I enjoyed about Enterprise. The Xindi and Expansion aliens were very cool.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race
        The whole Xindi war angle was the only thing I enjoyed about Enterprise. The Xindi and Expansion aliens were very cool.
        It took the show to the next level. Before that they just mucked about in hyperspace a bit.

        I wish they'd gone into the Tholians more... such wikkid ships they had...

        Archer: Lieutenant Mayweather tells me we'll be arriving at Kronos in about eighty hours. Any chance he'll be conscious by then?

        Phlox: There's a chance he'll be conscious within the next ten minutes... just not a very good one.


          I would have been thrilled if the show had episode were Humans make first contact with major federation species (maybe they did after I stoped watching). Trills, Betasoids, Bollians and those races.

          But on the whole the show just lacked chemistry, to quote something I read a while ago it seemed like a lumbering dinosaur.


            well andorians and tellarites are important federation members and they made first contact with them during enterprise


              The episodes I liked the most were the ones that involved the rarely seen species playing big parts in the episodes. The nausicans, the andorians, the tellarites ect. They made everything feel new and refreshing, unlike when they featured the klingons and romulans. They just felt really out of place.


                I don't know about Combs, but Armin Shimmerman says:

                1. Everything besides DS9 sucked.
                2. Star Trek was an expensive dinosaur
                3. DS9 Ruled.

                What I could surmise was that almost nothing could have saved Enterprise, since BSG and the new wave of television. Network expensive Star Trek couldn't survive on cable ratings.

                Maybe if it was a big political thriller, they could get West Wing audience numbers...


                  One word: Overkill.
                  They did too much too soon.
                  All posts are IMO, I am not a rocket scientist.

                  Bender: "Lets go get drunk!"
                  Pay it forward


                    i dunno i think ST will be back in the lime light again, maybe not tommorow of the day after but in the future for such a big franchise to flop over and die is crazy, ST hight was around 1996 and 1997 with two series and the best ST fil out if TPTB put their heads together and hired new blood to wok on it im sure in the future it can be back in a new way and be bigger and better than before, watch this space!!!
                    For all the pollution woes on Earth, will the Human race end up taking those problems into space in the future?

                    We can all call our ships Sports Utility Ships to curtail the carbon emissions and hypersleep at night


                      IMHO, they need to lay off for a while. part of making a show last is knowing when to leave the audience wanting more. TPTB jumped the gun a bit when they put one show right after the other with no time for fans to truly enjoy. It was more like a drug. HERE IS YOUR FIX!
                      There was not enough time spent on the actual show, the stories, and the characters. Too much eye candy, too much fluff, to distract from what the later shows began to seriously lack in spades - continuity, and a complete and total lack of good storytelling in most cases. Gee, what episode can we rip off today?
                      All posts are IMO, I am not a rocket scientist.

                      Bender: "Lets go get drunk!"
                      Pay it forward


                        yes the 26 episode season would of put enormous strains on time and budget resources. it was way too many episodes per season, really how many original ideas can you come up with? not 26 per season thats for sure. it should of at most been 22, but even then there would of still been repeatitoin. i say 20 would of been a nice fit, cut out the 6 worst episodes of the season and you would of held onto viewers longer, as they wouldnt of come across the rubbish that was in the first 2 seasons.


                          Anyone think its ironic the guy in the Stargate ep with Felger was named Combs too?
                          Joseph Mallozzi -"In the meantime, I'm into season 5 of OZ (where the show takes an unfortunate hairpin turn into "the not so wonderful world of fantasy")"

                          ^^^ Kinda sounds like seasons 9 and 10 of SG-1 to me. Thor, ya got Aspirin?

                          AGateFan has officially Gone Fishin (with Jack, Sam, Daniel, Teal'c) and is hoping Atlantis does not take that same hairpin turn.

