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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Ooooh! This is fun!

    The first Trek episode I ever saw: TNG - Encounter at Farpoint

    The first TOS episode I saw: Let That Be Your Last Battlefield
    The first TNG episode I saw: Encounter at Farpoint
    The first DS9 episode I saw:The Emissary
    The first VOY episode I saw: Caretaker
    The first ENT episode I saw: Broken Bow

    The first Trek movie I saw: [God help me] The Final Frontier
    Last edited by nx01a; 27 May 2009, 04:52 PM.
    More fun @ Spoofgate!


      Originally posted by nx01a View Post
      Ooooh! This is fun!

      The fist Trek movie I saw: [God help me] The Final Frontier
      Bahaha. Here's mine:

      First TOS episode: Who Mourns for Adonais?
      First TNG episode: Skin of Evil
      First DS9 episode: Little Green Men
      First VOY episode: Caretaker
      First ENT episode: Broken Bow
      First Trek movie: Generations or Final Frontier (can't remember which one I watched first )
      "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
      DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


        I've been watching season 5 again, and I must say enjoying it more then the last time I saw it. But there is one episode that I just watched "Children Of Time" which I find totally heartbreaking. It is very thought provoking, sad and poses a big question. I think what made it hard for me was the loss of all those children that never had a chance to live their lives. Every time I think about it, I get teary eyed. Does nybody else feel this way about this episode?


          Originally posted by Starrtom View Post
          I've been watching season 5 again, and I must say enjoying it more then the last time I saw it. But there is one episode that I just watched "Children Of Time" which I find totally heartbreaking. It is very thought provoking, sad and poses a big question. I think what made it hard for me was the loss of all those children that never had a chance to live their lives. Every time I think about it, I get teary eyed. Does nybody else feel this way about this episode?
          No. You're not.

          Children of Time is a classic. One of DS9's best in my book. I thought it was a powerful episode with plenty of hard choices and compelling performances.
          "Space is disease and danger wrapped in darkness and silence."
          DS9 Superior|Farscape|Legend of the Seeker|Stargate Universe|STAR WARS


            The highlight of the episode was the Kira/Odo shipping for me.
            Intriguing moral dilemma... but Odo is obviously the smartest one there. 8000 people vs the entire Alpha Quadrant enslaved by the Dominion? No contest. Thanks for saving Kira AND the Alpha and Qamma Quadrants, Odo.
            More fun @ Spoofgate!


              Originally posted by Descent View Post
              No. You're not.

              Children of Time is a classic. One of DS9's best in my book. I thought it was a powerful episode with plenty of hard choices and compelling performances.
              "hard choices" is almost an understatement. I certainly don't know what I would have done. I think it would have driven me a bit batty.


                The first Trek episode I ever saw: TOS: Omega Glory
                The first TNG episode I saw: Encounter at Farpoint
                The first DS9 episode I saw:The Emissary
                The first VOY episode I saw: Caretaker
                The first ENT episode I saw: Broken Bow

                The first Trek movie I saw: Yep it was Star Trek the Motion Picture.... saw it twice.
                I too caught all of the first eps except for TOS. Saw most of those in reruns.


                  Originally posted by Starrtom View Post
                  I've been watching season 5 again, and I must say enjoying it more then the last time I saw it. But there is one episode that I just watched "Children Of Time" which I find totally heartbreaking. It is very thought provoking, sad and poses a big question. I think what made it hard for me was the loss of all those children that never had a chance to live their lives. Every time I think about it, I get teary eyed. Does nybody else feel this way about this episode?
                  Absolutely Tom. IMHO it's one of the most fascinating and original science fiction stories, and it's absorbing and compelling pretty much from beginning to end. High praise is in order for the wonderful script by Rene Echevarria (as well as to Gary Holland and Ethan Calk for story credit).

                  The concept is quite clever to begin with. It's also another interesting example of the time paradox that leads one to question where and when events begin and what true causality is based upon. (Is Yedrin, for example, changing "destiny" by informing Sisko what will happen before it does?)

                  But this is only what begins to make this episode the success that it is. Children of Time takes a turn that makes it a real classic - a truly compelling story that seeks to raise some very tough questions. One of Star Trek's (let alone DS9's) best episodes!. Great call Starrtom.
                  the Fifth Race

                  Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                    Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                    The highlight of the episode was the Kira/Odo shipping for me.
                    Intriguing moral dilemma... but Odo is obviously the smartest one there. 8000 people vs the entire Alpha Quadrant enslaved by the Dominion? No contest. Thanks for saving Kira AND the Alpha and Qamma Quadrants, Odo.
                    Ultimately that's the decision to be made. But in the most difficult of situation.


                      Just finished watching season 4, Way of the warrior. Both part one and two.

                      All I have to say... Damn.

                      Those two episodes were a great way to start off the season. Some things that made it great -

                      Worf - Welcome to the series

                      Klingons breaking the peace treaty - It's looking worse and worse like a war.

                      Changlings really are everywhere... who can they really trust now?

                      A part of me almost wished the Cardassians would get a little pay-back by the klingons. Does that make me a mean person ?

                      I had kind of an Anakin killing the sand-people feeling. They're evil, but should it happen?


                        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                        Absolutely Tom. IMHO it's one of the most fascinating and original science fiction stories, and it's absorbing and compelling pretty much from beginning to end. High praise is in order for the wonderful script by Rene Echevarria (as well as to Gary Holland and Ethan Calk for story credit).

                        The concept is quite clever to begin with. It's also another interesting example of the time paradox that leads one to question where and when events begin and what true causality is based upon. (Is Yedrin, for example, changing "destiny" by informing Sisko what will happen before it does?)

                        But this is only what begins to make this episode the success that it is. Children of Time takes a turn that makes it a real classic - a truly compelling story that seeks to raise some very tough questions. One of Star Trek's (let alone DS9's) best episodes!. Great call Starrtom.
                        The question is though why did he inform Sisko if he knew the plan would fail? He obviously wanted it to fail to preserve the timeline, so why would he risk telling him?

                        It's one of those episodes that just gets to you, most memorable, and it certainly doesn't have a happy ending.


                          Hmmm, I think I'll try this too - first episode I saw of each series:

                          TOS: Mmmm...don't knowit was random repeats on at dinner time, so I'm not sure they were even in order!
                          TNG: Skin of Evil. Scared me silly.
                          DS9: Second Skin, I think.
                          VOY: Caretaker
                          ENT: Broken Bow

                          First movie was The Wrath of Kahn, on TV.

                          It's funny, you can see at which point people got hooked on the concept, by which series they watched from the pilot on!


                            I re-watched Children of Time last night, and I must say that IMHO - it is still one of best Trek/scifi stories ever written. The performances by everyone especially Kira, Sisko, Odo and both Dax's were very touching and memorable.
                            Originally posted by Starrtom View Post
                            The question is though why did he inform Sisko if he knew the plan would fail? He obviously wanted it to fail to preserve the timeline, so why would he risk telling him?
                            Yedrin's deception turns out to have a very personal concern beyond his obvious need to preserve his society: He has repressed guilt - Jadzia Dax's guilt for getting the Defiant into the situation in the first place, without being certain of the risks. A very interesting notion. Yedrin explains to Sisko how for months Jadzia couldn't even look at him without thinking how Jake would never see his father again. Gary Frank's performances is one of the scene's highlights, and Terry Farrell's reaction shots are quite emotionally revealing.

                            Then there's Kira's dilemma. She visits her own grave, wondering if perhaps it is her destiny to give her life to save this colony. She asks herself how she can justify saving her own life at the expense of 8,000 people. Have the prophets laid out this path for her to take? Would avoiding the time anomaly be avoiding her destiny? These are some very appropriate and well-realized questions - and completely consistent with the major's character. This aspect of the episode is quite fascinating.
                            the Fifth Race

                            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                              Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                              DS9 Season IV Episode Discussion
                              Episode #79 Little Green Men
                              I had a good feeling about this episode from the moment Rom informed Quark that he'd snooped around while the latter was in "waste disposal"; thirty years of Trek, and this is the first time we learn that people still poop! (Ok, maybe only Ferengi.) The one-liners in here were zingers even before they got to Earth. In a rare follow-up to a previous time-tampering episode, Nog notices that Gabriel Bell is a dead ringer for Sisko - Quark scoffs, "All humans look alike." Rom's technobabble in the shuttle and Quark's blank stare were a riot, as were Quark's pithy comments about the stupidity of cigarette smoking and atomic bombsy. For a minute I thought we were going to learn that Ferengi run R.J. Reynolds and General Electric.

                              The attention to detail in this episode was as good as Trek's ever gotten; if there were anachronisms or stupid continuity errors, I missed them because I was laughing too hard.

                              And the directing was absolutely priceless, a combination of bad '40s thriller and bad '70s science fiction rip-off of bad '40s thriller. The writers managed to work in all the stereotypes - sweet but smart nurse engaged to nerdy but forward-thinking professor, crusty Republican general, paranoid xenophobic captain, goons with guns. The switches to human point of view for the initial attempts to communicate via mimicry and the subsequent conclusion that Quark must be the female of the family unit - "And she's a shrew" - were very effective. Rom sobbing for his Moogie was absolutely hysterical, and I got a good howl out of the general comparing Quark to his brother-in-law the bad used car salesman.

                              Your crazy brother USS Defiant - Little Green Men is one of the best lighthearted and funny Trek episodes ever made. You need to get your sense of humor checked my friend. LOL I give it a solid 8.2.
                              the Fifth Race

                              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                                I re-watched Children of Time last night, and I must say that IMHO - it is still one of best Trek/scifi stories ever written. The performances by everyone especially Kira, Sisko, Odo and both Dax's were very touching and memorable.
                                I couldn't agree more brother Fifth. Children of Time was one of those episodes I initially dismissed it as just another alternate timeline episode. But after rewatching it quite a few times I came realize the brilliance in the storyline and especially the performances from the players.

                                The most fascinating thing about this episode is that it's 100 percent character-driven. This is not an episode where a technicality saves the day, or a last-minute solution makes the choices easier. This is a show where a decision must be made, and everyone has to live with the consequences. I can't stress how much this worked in the episode's favor. A lesser effort might've taken the easy way out, but "Children of Time" does not cheat, and not cheating makes the drama that much stronger.

