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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
    I adored DS9 mainly because it wasn't "stand alone episodes". I adored the politics of the Bajorans and found the whole "Founders" storylines fascinating. I also loved the Klingon storylines (Dax and Worf were my favorite couple!) and the Cardassians were excellent bad guys (I loved Gul Dukat... the best villian in all of Star Trek).
    Long live the Emissary!
    Agreed with everything you said!
    Have you ever remembered what life was like before you were born? That's how it will be like after you're dead.


      Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
      I adored DS9 mainly because it wasn't "stand alone episodes". I adored the politics of the Bajorans and found the whole "Founders" storylines fascinating. I also loved the Klingon storylines (Dax and Worf were my favorite couple!) and the Cardassians were excellent bad guys (I loved Gul Dukat... the best villian in all of Star Trek).
      Long live the Emissary!
      Great post Rac80!. Welcome to the DS9 thread.

      I always found it amazing at how great a job the writers did in building up the whole Bajoran back story. They used such intricate detail about most aspects of Bajoran society that you almost felt like they were long lost family and friends. - DS9 had the ability to let you into these aliens societies (aka. Klingon, Cardassian, Dominion, Bajoran, Breen, Ferengi and few others) and made them feel uniquely familiar. This is one of many things that made DS9 a cut above all other scifi series.

      I also agree with you about Gul DuKat being one of, if not the best, villain in any scifi series!. I have seen many online lists or magazine lists of favorite villains, and Gul DuKat always ranks at or near the top.


        Originally posted by Starbase View Post
        I always found it amazing at how great a job the writers did in building up the whole Bajoran back story. They used such intricate detail about most aspects of Bajoran society that you almost felt like they were long lost family and friends. - DS9 had the ability to let you into these aliens societies (aka. Klingon, Cardassian, Dominion, Bajoran, Breen, Ferengi and few others) and made them feel uniquely familiar. This is one of many things that made DS9 a cut above all other scifi series.
        I agree- the Bajoran back story was just so well developed, and it never became tiresome, which in a storyline running seven seasons, is a remarkable achievement in itself. I also like how (having seen TNG first) it gave some more insight into Ro Laren's backstory by showing where she came from, I'm quite a fan of her character on TNG.


          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42 View Post
          I agree- the Bajoran back story was just so well developed, and it never became tiresome, which in a storyline running seven seasons, is a remarkable achievement in itself. I also like how (having seen TNG first) it gave some more insight into Ro Laren's backstory by showing where she came from, I'm quite a fan of her character on TNG.
          DS9 was great at giving the history of a particular race while working it into the storyline. We learned so much about the Ferengi, Cardassians, the Dominion, Klingons and especially the Bajorans. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that DS9 was based on a space station where there were many more known and unknown races and species that were around compared to being on a Starship.

          Count me as another huge Ro Laren fan. I loved her character from the beginning. I think some of it had to do with the fact that she stood up for herself and wasn't afraid to clash with whomever. Which really are not good traits for a Starfleet officer, but hey, you gotta love those feisty Bajoran women. I know it was just mentioned awhile back on this thread that Ro Laren was originally pegged to play Kira's role on DS9. But TPTB wisely concluded that they wanted to diversify the main crew better with out adding another Starfleet re-tread. As much as I wouldn't have minded seeing Ro Laren as part of the DS9 crew, it worked out for the best. - Kira turned out to be one of the best Trek characters from any series.

          Congratulations on the Canucks victory last night Lady Trek ^5 I watched the game via the internet, great game!. It looks like I might be going to the Skarks game tonight. I have 2 tickets available if I want them. I am trying to talk my girlfriend into going, she isn't exactly a sports fan. Otherwise I could always invite one of best friends to go like Brother's Starbase or USS Defiant.

          Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
          I adored DS9 mainly because it wasn't "stand alone episodes". I adored the politics of the Bajorans and found the whole "Founders" storylines fascinating. I also loved the Klingon storylines (Dax and Worf were my favorite couple!) and the Cardassians were excellent bad guys (I loved Gul Dukat... the best villian in all of Star Trek).
          Long live the Emissary!
          Welcome to the DS9 thread Rac80, great post and well said. Brother Starbase stated it perfectly - "Gul DuKat is definetly one of the greatest (if not the greatest) villains from any scifi series." Personally I rank him at the top with Scorpius from Farscape. Those 2 guys were not just powerful villains, they were also evil geniuses that were scary and fun to watch.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            DS9 was great at giving the history of a particular race while working it into the storyline. We learned so much about the Ferengi, Cardassians, the Dominion, Klingons and especially the Bajorans. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that DS9 was based on a space station where there were many more known and unknown races and species that were around compared to being on a Starship.
            Quite true. Seen in this way, I think the DS9 crew did more exploration of new species than the Enterprise and the best poetic part about this is that they didn't have to try!

            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            Count me as another huge Ro Laren fan. I loved her character from the beginning. I think some of it had to do with the fact that she stood up for herself and wasn't afraid to clash with whomever. Which really are not good traits for a Starfleet officer, but hey, you gotta love those feisty Bajoran women.
            Amen! I love Ro for the very reasons you stated and on top of that, she's very beautiful, but then again, so are most of the Bajoran women, especially Kira. I guess I have a thing for Bajoran women too. Anyway, getting back to Ro, it was just the thing that TNG show desperately needed: internal conflict. I think she should have been a regular from the beginning when Roddenberry set out to create TNG.

            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            I know it was just mentioned awhile back on this thread that Ro Laren was originally pegged to play Kira's role on DS9. But TPTB wisely concluded that they wanted to diversify the main crew better with out adding another Starfleet re-tread.
            True, but it would have been very interesting had Ro transferred to DS9 and perhaps have a little bonding with Kira. Ah, what might have been.

            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            As much as I wouldn't have minded seeing Ro Laren as part of the DS9 crew, it worked out for the best. - Kira turned out to be one of the best Trek characters from any series.
            No argument here!

            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            "Gul DuKat is definetly one of the greatest (if not the greatest) villains from any scifi series." Personally I rank him at the top with Scorpius from Farscape. Those 2 guys were not just powerful villains, they were also evil geniuses that were scary and fun to watch.
            Yes!!! Gul Dukat and Scorpius are one of the most complex villains of sci-fi tv today. But I would also like to include Alfred Bester of Babylon 5. All three of them were creepy in their own right and believed what they were doing was the right thing, at least in their minds. Plus, despite being villains, they were unexpectedly heroic at times as well. Talk about complex!
            Have you ever remembered what life was like before you were born? That's how it will be like after you're dead.


              Originally posted by Whitestar View Post
              Quite true. Seen in this way, I think the DS9 crew did more exploration of new species than the Enterprise and the best poetic part about this is that they didn't have to try!
              Intially I was worried about the idea of a Trek series being set on a space station as opposed to a Starship. But after watching Emissary and seeing the beautiful set design and all the various alien races roaming around coupled with the fact that a lot of the main characters were not Starfleet was fresh and exciting.
              Originally posted by Whitestar
              Amen! I love Ro for the very reasons you stated and on top of that, she's very beautiful, but then again, so are most of the Bajoran women, especially Kira. I guess I have a thing for Bajoran women too. Anyway, getting back to Ro, it was just the thing that TNG show desperately needed: internal conflict. I think she should have been a regular from the beginning when Roddenberry set out to create TNG.
              Did I leave out that she was a hottie

              I loved how Ro clashed with Picard and Riker. Don't get me wrong I love the Picard and Riker characters, but seeing someone, anyone, from Starfleet conflict with either of them was fantastic.
              Originally posted by Whitestar
              True, but it would have been very interesting had Ro transferred to DS9 and perhaps have a little bonding with Kira. Ah, what might have been.
              LOL, what a dirty little mind you have Whitestar, I love it.

              It would have been sweet if they had worked it out where Ro, along with Kira, were part of the regular DS9 cast.
              Originally posted by Whitestar
              Yes!!! Gul Dukat and Scorpius are one of the most complex villains of sci-fi tv today. But I would also like to include Alfred Bester of Babylon 5. All three of them were creepy in their own right and believed what they were doing was the right thing, at least in their minds. Plus, despite being villains, they were unexpectedly heroic at times as well. Talk about complex!
              Great call Whitestar, Alfred Bester shares quite a few similarities with fellow scifi villains Scorpius and Gul DuKat. All 3 were masters at getting what they wanted while having the ability to basically do anything to get it. They were all good at using people as a means to get what they wanted as well.
              the Fifth Race

              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                "Blushing" Wow thanks for the warm welcome!
                I also loved the development of the Bajoran backstory. The character of Ki Winn (sp?) was also one of my favorite villianesses. She was sooooooo hypocritical in all her actions! I just wanted to see Kira slap her silly! Or hit her with a good right hook.
                I admit I have been waiting very impatiently for a DS9 movie with Sisko's return and what did cassie have a boy or girl???? I know we probably will never see any of that.


                  Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                  "Blushing" Wow thanks for the warm welcome!
                  I also loved the development of the Bajoran backstory. The character of Ki Winn (sp?) was also one of my favorite villianesses. She was sooooooo hypocritical in all her actions! I just wanted to see Kira slap her silly! Or hit her with a good right hook.
                  Ahh, the indominatable Kai Winn. When I watched DS9 during its original run on television, I could not stand the Kai Winn character. She was annoying, arrogant, kind of a bigot and no one could stand her, epsecially Kira. But I must admit that after re-watching DS9 in its entirity more than a few times, she grew on me. Louise Fletcher who portrays the Kai Winn is an excellent actress who sold the role perfectly.
                  Originally posted by Rac80
                  I admit I have been waiting very impatiently for a DS9 movie with Sisko's return and what did cassie have a boy or girl???? I know we probably will never see any of that.
                  I wish we could have got a DS9 movie. I know they gave DS9 a very good ending, but it would have been sweet to see at least one movie done where Sisko comes back from the celestial temple and rejoins the crew of the USS Defiant to explore the Gamma Quadrant, or something similar. I know there are a handful of canon and non-canon DS9 novels that are set right after the end of the Dominion War. Some involve Sisko and Kassidy.
                  Originally posted by Whitestar
                  Yes!!! Gul Dukat and Scorpius are one of the most complex villains of sci-fi tv today. But I would also like to include Alfred Bester of Babylon 5. All three of them were creepy in their own right and believed what they were doing was the right thing, at least in their minds. Plus, despite being villains, they were unexpectedly heroic at times as well. Talk about complex!
                  Scorpius, Alfred Bester and Gul DuKat are 3 of my favorite scifi villains. All 3 were complex and your worst nightmare to deal with.
                  The USS Defiant Rocks!


                    Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                    I know for a fact that brothers USS Defiant and Fifth Race are not the biggest Nagus and Moogie fans. I was good to read the USS Defiant likes this episode more than he remembered. Personally I love Quark and most of the Ferengi's from DS9, I do find the Nagus annoying but I still like the character.

                    This is probably the most comedic episode from the first season. We see the Ferengi's personalities and .We again get an inside look at how the Ferengi operate, they will literally kill their own brother (which almost happens with Quark) to get what they want.

                    There were a lot of funny bits including that one scene that was really similiar to the Godfather where Quark rubbed it Odo's face when he was made the Grand Nagus. This was a very funny episode, the ending was a bit cheesy but still a great episode.
                    I, too, adored the Ferengi episodes. They brought humor and (dare i say it) humanity to DS9. They reminded me of a few pure and simple greedy people I know of (donald trump comes to mind......) and were always good for a laugh.
                    Quark was not the obsessively greedy so and so he was portrayed as. In the war seasons he showed care and concern (for nog especially), when he and Odo were shipwrecked his compassion was evident, and the alternative reality quark being a great humanitarian was beleivable.
                    The relationship between Nog and Jake was wonderful to watch and the fact that neither Quark nor Sisko was too pleased with the direction that Nog and jake took in their lives was a good view of a parent's (or uncle's) concern for their child. Sisko was (of course) much more accepting of Jake's choices than Quark was of Nog's, but I think Quark was more worried about the dangers Nog faced as a member of Starfleet than he admitted to. It was not simple prejudice on Quark's part.
                    My absolute favorite episode was "little green men" . it was the funniest I think. I loved the connection to the Roswell greys.


                      Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                      Ahh, the indominatable Kai Winn. When I watched DS9 during its original run on television, I could not stand the Kai Winn character. She was annoying, arrogant, kind of a bigot and no one could stand her, epsecially Kira. But I must admit that after re-watching DS9 in its entirity more than a few times, she grew on me. Louise Fletcher who portrays the Kai Winn is an excellent actress who sold the role perfectly.

                      Louise Fletcher (an oscar winner for the role of Nurse Ratchett in "one flew over the cuckoo's nest") was wonderful as Kai Winn... such a good portrayal of a spiritual leader who was really a politician and who only cared for her own personal power and glory. The ending episodes where she was "taken in" by DuKat were so good! Winn's envy of Sisko as the Emissary was in every word she spoke in all of their scenes together. You could FEEL her anger and frustration! Kai Winn was a multi-layered character, typical of what DS9 had always offered. The setting of DS9 (a space station) allowed for more character development than you usually find on episodic tv. Louise Fletcher was one of the best recurring actresses on DS9 and DS9 was lucky to have her.


                        Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                        I, too, adored the Ferengi episodes. They brought humor and (dare i say it) humanity to DS9. They reminded me of a few pure and simple greedy people I know of (donald trump comes to mind......) and were always good for a laugh.
                        LOLOL, Donald Trump would have made a great Ferengi!, good call Lady Rac80
                        Originally posted by Rac80
                        Quark was not the obsessively greedy so and so he was portrayed as. In the war seasons he showed care and concern (for nog especially), when he and Odo were shipwrecked his compassion was evident, and the alternative reality quark being a great humanitarian was beleivable.
                        Quark was such a brilliantly written character with an even more brilliant portrayal by Armin Shimerman. The relationship between Odo and Quark was wonderful to watch grow over the years.
                        Originally posted by Rac80
                        The relationship between Nog and Jake was wonderful to watch and the fact that neither Quark nor Sisko was too pleased with the direction that Nog and jake took in their lives was a good view of a parent's (or uncle's) concern for their child. Sisko was (of course) much more accepting of Jake's choices than Quark was of Nog's, but I think Quark was more worried about the dangers Nog faced as a member of Starfleet than he admitted to. It was not simple prejudice on Quark's part.
                        Jake and Nog, like the Kai Winn, were characters I didn't care for originally. But after re-watching DS9 I grew to really appreciate both there contributions to the series. I especially liked all the Jake/Nog dedicated episodes we got in the later seasons - episodes like The Valiant, Nor the Battle to the Strong, In the Cards, Far Beyond the Stars and The Seige of AR-558 just to name a few.
                        Originally posted by Rac80
                        My absolute favorite episode was "little green men" . it was the funniest I think. I loved the connection to the Roswell greys.
                        I wholeheartedly agree, that was one fun and entertaining episode!.
                        The USS Defiant Rocks!


                          Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                          LOLOL, Donald Trump would have made a great Ferengi!, good call Rac80
                          He would have been the grand nagus


                            Originally posted by Rac80 View Post
                            He would have been the grand nagus
                            LOL, even better....Grand Nagus Trump, that has a great ring to it.
                            The USS Defiant Rocks!


                              Originally posted by USS Defiant View Post
                              LOL, even better....Grand Nagus Trump, that has a great ring to it.
                              and that comb-over, is it hding his ears (or from his ears???)


                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                                Count me as another huge Ro Laren fan. I loved her character from the beginning. I think some of it had to do with the fact that she stood up for herself and wasn't afraid to clash with whomever. Which really are not good traits for a Starfleet officer, but hey, you gotta love those feisty Bajoran women. I know it was just mentioned awhile back on this thread that Ro Laren was originally pegged to play Kira's role on DS9. But TPTB wisely concluded that they wanted to diversify the main crew better with out adding another Starfleet re-tread. As much as I wouldn't have minded seeing Ro Laren as part of the DS9 crew, it worked out for the best. - Kira turned out to be one of the best Trek characters from any series.
                                It would have been nice to see Ro guest on DS9- to see how she and Kira related, there could have been some really neat stories there.

                                Definitely the highlight of her character was her straightforwardness, and her clashes with Riker and Picard were always entertaining, and nice to see in a show where we don't get much of that. I remember the episode where none of them could remember who they were and Ro and Riker slept together; if I recall correctly (must have seen this ep a couple years ago) there was this hilarious scene in a turbolift near the end after they realized what happened and there was this look on their faces that was just priceless.

                                Anyway, I'm definitely looking forward to the (hopeful) return of Michelle Forbes in the BSG movie this fall. I really liked her as Admiral Cain as well.

                                Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
                                Congratulations on the Canucks victory last night Lady Trek ^5 I watched the game via the internet, great game!. It looks like I might be going to the Skarks game tonight. I have 2 tickets available if I want them. I am trying to talk my girlfriend into going, she isn't exactly a sports fan. Otherwise I could always invite one of best friends to go like Brother's Starbase or USS Defiant.
                                Ooh we were lucky last night.....the Canucks didn't play badly, but kinda slept a bit the first two periods. But of course were fantastic in period three and overtime.

                                As for tickets, if you want them? Is there really any doubt as to that? Anyway, have fun and good luck to the Sharks.

