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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by the Fifth Race
    Hmmmm, great question brother MF!. Well lets see....The very first episode where the Dominion were ever mentioned or known about was the great season II finale episode The Jem'Hadar where Sisko wants to take Jake on a father son retreat into the Gamma Quadrant but gets talked into to taking Nog and Quark along as well. They meet Eris who tricks them and then ends telling them that the Dominion will not tolerate anymore incursions into the Gamma Quadrant through the wormhole. A lot of intrigue, a lot of good back and forth between Quark and Sisko, just a great episode.

    This episode was written by Ira Steven Behr. I would guess it was his brain child.
    /\/\/\ Great post /\/\/\ and a great episode, everything I have tried to dig up about the roots of the Dominion go back to this episode (The Jem'Hadar) where any talk of the Dominion first took place.

    Originally posted by the Fifth Race
    LOL...I bet it would still be called the _______ superior thread.
    I totally agree, if they would have used basically the same cast, the show would have been great no matter where it was based (DS9 or Alien Planet)


      Season VI DS9 episode discussion
      Episode #5

      Favor the Bold
      The Federation continues to lose the war with the Dominion/Cardassian Alliance — and morale is sinking fast. Realizing that the Federation needs a major victory, Sisko launches a plan to retake Deep Space Nine, using a task force comprised of ships throughout the Starfleet. Meanwhile, Odo continues to struggle with reconciling his thoughts for the Female Shapeshifter and remaining loyal to his friends, especially Kira. Despite his mixed feelings, he cannot resist linking — joining physically — with the fellow Changeling.
      Rom is sentenced to execution for interfering in Dominion efforts to destroy the minefield barricading Jem'Hadar reinforcements on the other side of the wormhole. When Quark promises his brother he will find a way to free him, Rom tells him it is more important that he destroy the beam being used to take down the minefield. Kira asks Ziyal to convince her father, Gul Dukat, to release Rom, but Dukat turns his daughter down. Meanwhile, Quark learns that the minefield will be destroyed within a week, allowing thousands of Dominion troops to come through the wormhole and flood the Alpha Quadrant.

      Quark and Kira realize they must warn Starfleet, so Jake smuggles out an encrypted message to his father. Sisko receives it and realizes he must begin his mission immediately, although needed reinforcements are days away from arrival.

      Tracking the movements of the Federation fleet, Dukat and Weyoun realize something big is being planned. However, Dukat is more concerned about reconciling with Ziyal. He sends Damar, his second-in-command, to convince her to speak with him, but Damar, who dislikes Ziyal, is rough with the girl. Kira witnesses this and angrily attacks Damar, nearly killing him. Meanwhile, Sisko returns to the Defiant to personally lead the task force for his pivotal mission.

      Dukat realizes the Federation troops are headed for the space station but is confident they won't have a chance once the minefield comes down. A bruised Damar asks Dukat for permission to arrest Kira, but Dukat only cares about what transpired between Damar and Ziyal. Odo has a disturbing conversation with the Female Shapeshifter, but when he later tries to talk to Kira, she refuses to accept his apology. Meanwhile, Sisko and his troops — headed for a wall of over one thousand Dominion ships — face what appears to be a suicide mission.


      Favor the Bold is truly a great episode (in my top 3 of season VI) it is basically the part 5 of the continuing storyline arc for the season. We learn more about the symbiotic relationship that Shape shifters share (as does Odo). Good ole Morn helps the new resistance by getting out the message the mine field is coming down which forces Sisko's plan of attacking and retaking DS9 to go ahead without half the ships he was hoping for, basically turning it into a suicide mission. The continuing storyline on DS9 with Kira, Odo, Rom, Quark and Jake is coming to a head with the desperation of stopping the taking down of the mine field and trying to get Rom out of jail before he is executed.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race
        Season VI DS9 episode discussion
        Episode #5Favor the Bold
        A movie quality episode. In trying to think of something to say, my mind went to the battle of Midway. This was a point in time where the smallest change, mistake or lack of luck and the entire effort goes down. Admiral Halsey took his smaller force and committed his limited forces to a completely uncertain outcome and prevailed at Midway. In the DS9 world if Sisko had not been bold, if the saboteurs had not put their lives on the line, if Dukat had not been distracted... well you get the idea. Terrific drama and a must have episode in the upcoming Fan Collection (not really.. just wishing): The Dominion War....


          Originally posted by kmiller1610
          A movie quality episode. In trying to think of something to say, my mind went to the battle of Midway. This was a point in time where the smallest change, mistake or lack of luck and the entire effort goes down. Admiral Halsey took his smaller force and committed his limited forces to a completely uncertain outcome and prevailed at Midway. In the DS9 world if Sisko had not been bold, if the saboteurs had not put their lives on the line, if Dukat had not been distracted... well you get the idea. Terrific drama and a must have episode in the upcoming Fan Collection (not really.. just wishing): The Dominion War....
          That is a great analogy kmiller!. When Sisko had made up his mind and told Adm. Ross he must take the Defiant and the small fleet, it went from being a take DS9 back mission to a suicide mission where the only objective was to destroy the DS9 array that was going to be used to take down the mine field. Sisko was willing and able with Adm. Ross' blessing to do "whatever it takes to destroy the array". Great stuff!.
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by kmiller1610
            A movie quality episode. In trying to think of something to say, my mind went to the battle of Midway. This was a point in time where the smallest change, mistake or lack of luck and the entire effort goes down. Admiral Halsey took his smaller force and committed his limited forces to a completely uncertain outcome and prevailed at Midway. In the DS9 world if Sisko had not been bold, if the saboteurs had not put their lives on the line, if Dukat had not been distracted... well you get the idea. Terrific drama and a must have episode in the upcoming Fan Collection (not really.. just wishing): The Dominion War....
            I totally agree kmiller, a lot of the episodes in season VI would have made awesome movies. Like the battle of Midway there were sacrifices made no matter what the consequences. Like brother Fifth said...once Sisko and Adm. Ross realized that the Klingon task force and the extra Federation ships they wanted to fulfill the mission weren't coming they were content that they had to destroy the array no matter whether it was a suicide mission or not.

            Kira sure did get fired up when Odo broke his promise, not because he broke a promise to her but because it resulted in them failing to destroy the array, not to mention it put Rom's head on the chopping block.


              Hey brother Fifth, you mentioned to me you were going to post some DS9 actor character background information you dug up recently. If you got it together please post it up, I am very interested.


                Originally posted by Starbase
                Hey brother Fifth, you mentioned to me you were going to post some DS9 actor character background information you dug up recently. If you got it together please post it up, I am very interested.
                This is the info for the regular cast members, I will put up some info about the guest stars and reoccurring characters in the next couple days.
                Here you go brother Base......
                Featuring the most diverse cast in Star Trek history, DS9 was the first series to include main characters that were not members of Starfleet. Kira Nerys is an officer in the Bajoran militia, Odo is a Changeling who worked for the Cardassians during the Occupation of Bajor, while Jake Sisko and Quark are both civilians. Ro Laren (Michelle Forbes) was reportedly the first choice of the producers for a First Officer, but as Ms. Forbes did not wish to commit to a television show, Kira Nerys was created instead. Among Starfleet characters, Miles O'Brien is the first enlisted (non-commissioned) main character, reprising a supporting role he played on several episodes of The Next Generation.

                Over the course of its seven-year run, DS9’s core cast underwent two major changes. The first change, at the start of the fourth season, was the addition of Michael Dorn as Worf, who had recently spent seven years aboard the Enterprise on The Next Generation. The original reason for this addition was to boost ratings, but the Klingon soon became an integral part of the show and fit in well. Worf eventually married Jadzia Dax.

                The second change was the removal of Terry Farrell (Jadzia Dax) and subsequent addition of Nicole de Boer (Ezri Dax). This was more of an abrupt change, and it came about because Farrell did not wish to renew her contract at the end of the sixth season, stating that she felt she would receive more screen time elsewhere due to the increasingly large cast of DS9. However, the writers did not want to lose Dax, so the Dax "symbiont" was saved when Gul Dukat killed Jadzia, and de Boer was brought on as its new host.

                Alexander Siddig (Julian Bashir) appeared in the opening credits by a shortened form of his his birth name, "Siddig el Fadil", for the first three seasons. He appeared as Alexander Siddig after he married co-star Nana Visitor (Kira Nerys), which placed their names together in the alphabetical cast credits, although his stated reason for the name change was that he discovered that nobody watching the show knew how to pronounce 'el Fadil'. Siddig continued to be credited as "Siddig el Fadil" when he directed episodes
                Benjamin Sisko Commander, Avery Brooks
                Worf Lt. Commander, Michael Dorn
                Jadzia Dax Lieutenant, Terry Farrell
                Ezri Dax Ensign, Nicole deBoer
                Julian Bashir Lt., Alexander Siddig
                Jake Sisko Civilian, Cirroc Lofton
                Miles O'Brien Senior Chief Petty Officer, Colm Meaney
                Quark Civilian, Armin Shimerman
                Kira Nerys Major, Nana Visitor
                Odo Chief Constable, Rene Auberjonois
                Last edited by the Fifth Race; 22 July 2006, 03:39 AM.
                the Fifth Race

                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                  I had no idea that Nana Visitor and Alexander Siddig were married.

                  Have to agree with the diverse cast thing- a major reason why I like DS9 so much.


                    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                    I had no idea that Nana Visitor and Alexander Siddig were married.
                    Yeah that's pretty cool, but unfortunately it didn't last. I got this from her official website....
                    In 1992, Nana gave birth to her son, Buster. Later that year she auditioned for the role of Major Kira Nerys. The role piqued her interest because it wasn't "a mother, or a wife, or a prostitute, or a killer. [Kira] is fully realized." The lure of playing a three-dimensional character overruled her agent's cautions about working on a syndicated series. Network television is (or was at the time) far more helpful to an actor's career. Nevertheless, Nana auditioned, was called back for a second audition, and got the part. Her devotion to the character was such that she remained "in character" during her entire auditions. As she later recalled, the producers "thought I was perfect for the role but would a nightmare to work with." Little did they know what a prize they had. Kira became one of the most popular characters on the show with her combination of determination, gutsiness and vulnerability.

                    Nana's seven years playing Major Kira Nerys (now Colonel) brought her into the public spotlight more than any other role. It also brought several personal changes. Nana and Nick divorced in 1994 and in late 1995 she and co-star Alexander Siddig (Dr. Julian Bashir) began dating. Their son, Django El Tahir El Siddig, was born in September 1996, and they wed in June 1997.

                    Sid and Nana divorced in April 2001 as their careers took them in different directions (and different continents). Nana became engaged to Matthew Rimmer, CHICAGO's company manager, in early 2002, and they wed in April 2003.

                    And Now. . .

                    Following DS9's seven year run, Nana returned to the stage as Roxie in the Broadway production of CHICAGO and guest starred as Madam X on Dark Angel. Following a few guest spots on both drama and comedy series, Nana landed the role of Jean Ritter in ABC Family's original series, Wildfire.
                    Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                    Have to agree with the diverse cast thing- a major reason why I like DS9 so much.
                    Not only was the regular cast diverse and talented (like TNG) but the supporting, guest stars and recurring characters were second to none on
                    DS9. I will dig up that list and post it tomorrow.
                    the Fifth Race

                    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                      Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                      I had no idea that Nana Visitor and Alexander Siddig were married.

                      Have to agree with the diverse cast thing- a major reason why I like DS9 so much.
                      yeah thats also one reason i liked the show too
                      Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                        Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                        Yeah that's pretty cool, but unfortunately it didn't last. I got this from her official website....
                        In 1992, Nana gave birth to her son, Buster. Later that year she auditioned for the role of Major Kira Nerys. The role piqued her interest because it wasn't "a mother, or a wife, or a prostitute, or a killer. [Kira] is fully realized." The lure of playing a three-dimensional character overruled her agent's cautions about working on a syndicated series. Network television is (or was at the time) far more helpful to an actor's career. Nevertheless, Nana auditioned, was called back for a second audition, and got the part. Her devotion to the character was such that she remained "in character" during her entire auditions. As she later recalled, the producers "thought I was perfect for the role but would a nightmare to work with." Little did they know what a prize they had. Kira became one of the most popular characters on the show with her combination of determination, gutsiness and vulnerability.

                        Nana's seven years playing Major Kira Nerys (now Colonel) brought her into the public spotlight more than any other role. It also brought several personal changes. Nana and Nick divorced in 1994 and in late 1995 she and co-star Alexander Siddig (Dr. Julian Bashir) began dating. Their son, Django El Tahir El Siddig, was born in September 1996, and they wed in June 1997.

                        Sid and Nana divorced in April 2001 as their careers took them in different directions (and different continents). Nana became engaged to Matthew Rimmer, CHICAGO's company manager, in early 2002, and they wed in April 2003.

                        And Now. . .

                        Following DS9's seven year run, Nana returned to the stage as Roxie in the Broadway production of CHICAGO and guest starred as Madam X on Dark Angel. Following a few guest spots on both drama and comedy series, Nana landed the role of Jean Ritter in ABC Family's original series, Wildfire.

                        Not only was the regular cast diverse and talented (like TNG) but the supporting, guest stars and recurring characters were second to none on
                        DS9. I will dig up that list and post it tomorrow.

                        /\/\ great post brother Fifth, like Trek_Girl I did not know that Kira and Julian were married in real life (now divorced).

                        Keep posting up this kind of character stuff, I love it.


                          Here is a very sexy and nice picture of Nana, along with some other bio stuff on her.....


                          Nana Tucker was born July 26, 1957, to Broadway choreographer Robert Tucker (Gypsy) and ballet instructor Nenette Charisse. Famed dancer Cyd Charisse married Nenette's brother. Nana has two brothers, Ian and Paris, and one sister, Zan. Raised in New York's theater district, surrounded by dancers, Nana began dance lessons at her mother's studio at age 7.

                          Following high school where she was a "bookish child" and where she had her first experiences on stage, Nana was accepted into Princeton. Before she could leave for college, however, Nana auditioned and was hired to be in the chorus of a show. Following that gig she continued to find work in the theater and kept deferring college. As she says, "I think everyone was pretty relieved that I didn't become the black sheep of the family and not go into show business."

                          As Nana's showbiz career became a reality, she chose a stage name. "Tucker" was never a name Nana was particularly attached to: her father was adopted. "Visitor" is an old family name from her mother's side. "I guess someone decided we were just visitors here and took the name," she explains.
                          Nana's first major stage role came in late 1980 when she played Stella Goodman in The Gentle People. Next she took on the title role in Gypsy, co-starring with Angela Lansbury. Following that production she landed a double role in My One & Only, starring 60's icon Twiggy. Nana was Twiggy's understudy (if the star isn't able to perform, the understudy takes over) and played the part of Prawn in the chorus. The soundtrack of this production is Nana's only appearance on an original cast album. She sings in the chorus, no solos, but it's a chance to hear Major Kira chiming in on Gershwin songs!

                          With her singing voice warmed up, Nana landed a part in the Los Angeles revival of 42nd Street. Playing Peggy Sawyer, Nana wowed the audience with her tap dancing. In 1985, shortly after appearing in the revival, Nana moved to Los Angeles. Exact dates are unknown, but somewhere during all this Nana married dancer/actor Nick Miscusi whom she met at her mother's dance studio.
                          Nana had some experience with television acting back in New York. In 1982 she played Georgina Whitman on the soap opera One Life to Live. Upon arriving in L.A., she began appearing in guest roles on MacGyver, Remington Steele, The Colbys, and a host of other shows. In late 1985, Nana appeared in a made-for-TV-movie based on Will Eisner's comic book character "The Spirit." The show itself was called "sappy," but critics praised Nana. In her role as the police commissioner's daughter, Nana delivered with comic precision. One reviewer praises her comic timing as she "hobbles into a crowded room while bound at the ankles and screams, 'Run for your lives!' A bomb is supposed to go off. Then she learns the bomb has been defused and whispers, 'Nevermind.'"

                          Nana's comedic flair won her a role in the stage production of Ladies' Room, woman's answer to locker room humor. Nana played a former Playboy bunny who gave up that career to become a secretary. This play, co-starring Lisa Kudrow, spawned the feature film Romy & Michelle's High School Reunion. Other stage roles followed, but Nana's destiny was, ultimately, in television. A classic Nana appearance, if you can catch it, is in the Night Court episode "Educating Rhoda." She plays a "pretty mental patient who slips out of court and into a hotel room with Dan, who's unaware she intends to reenact the shower scene from Psycho." In the same episode she brilliantly spoofs the Gloria Swanson role from Sunset Boulevard.

                          Nana continued her successful career as a guest star for the rest of the 1980s, appearing in a wide variety of series: thirtysomething, Jake & the Fatman, L.A. Law, Baby Talk, Empty Nest, and several appearances on Matlock. She also reteamed with Gypsy co-star Angela Lansbury for an episode of Murder, She Wrote. In 1990, Nana snagged the role of Bryn Newhouse in the TV version of Working Girl, based on the hit movie starring Harrison Ford, Melanie Griffith and Sigourney Weaver. Nana's co-star was a then unknown Sandra Bullock. The series never caught on with the audience, however, and was pulled after a handful of episodes
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Wow, Kira as musical singing performer, and a comedic actress, who would have thunk?. I could see her as a broadway dancer type with the athletic build she has but some of that info you posted is eye opening to say the least.

                            I do remember her on LA Law, Matlock and couple other mentioned shows she guest starred on. Great post brother Fifth thanks.


                              Originally posted by Starbase
                              who would have thunk?
                              Heh, I almost *thunked* on the floor when I looked at that pic brother Fifth posted. She was (and still is) a very sexy lady. Have to say, the only other thing I've seen her appear in was Dark Angel. Her hair was short again, I didn't really like it short when she was Kira, but it was bleached blonde this time. Nice.
                              Last edited by Missster.Freeman; 24 July 2006, 05:33 PM.
                              "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                                Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
                                Heh, I almost *thunked* on the floor when I looked at that pic brother Fifth posted. She was (and still is) a very sexy lady. Have to say, the only other thing I've seen her appear in was Dark Angel. Her hair was short again, I didn't really like it short when she was Kira, but it was bleached blonde this time. Nice.
                                I said wowsa when I first saw that photo as well brother MF. I guess she got her sing and dancing chops from her Broadway performer Father. She isn't the classic beauty type but there is something very very sexy about her!.
                                the Fifth Race

                                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom

