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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Originally posted by jelgate View Post
    Brother fifth asked me to repost these review again for those of you brave and/or smart for the BOBW's ringer quiz.
    The 1rst "Trek Ringer Quiz" is on for tomorrow morning. All the questions are about the TNG episode Best of Both Worlds: Part I & II, I will have it posted up for 3 days in case some of you want to view it. The quiz consists of 16 questions (some with multiple parts). This one is rather tough (ie. the "ringer" label) but I hope most of the regular quiz takers give this it a try.
    the Fifth Race

    Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


      Will they be in chronlogical order?
      Originally posted by aretood2
      Jelgate is right


        Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
        The 1rst "Trek Ringer Quiz" is on for tomorrow morning. All the questions are about the TNG episode Best of Both Worlds: Part I & II, I will have it posted up for 3 days in case some of you want to view it. The quiz consists of 16 questions (some with multiple parts). This one is rather tough (ie. the "ringer" label) but I hope most of the regular quiz takers give this it a try.
        I'll give it a go. Can't miss your wonderful brain bashing quizzes, for me anyway!

        Again I've realised I haven't been here for a while. I seem to have so little time as I readjust to working full time. It seems to be taking ages and I'm so tired when I get home I chill out in front of the tv for a couple of hours.

        As I spend all day looking at a computer screen I can't bring myself to spend more looking at my laptop screen without a good break. By the time I get round to it I've only visited the Gatecon thread and I'm practically falling asleep on my laptop. My weekends have been taken up with doing all the stuff I used to do during the week when I was the 'lady of leisure', leaving less time for GW and sadly this thread. I love coming here and pondering on stuff with you all and it's been frustrating not to be able to with one thing or another.

        I've got B5 lined up as the next series I want to buy and rewatch. 1.When I have the money. 2. When I have my lack of time problem sorted out! 3. When I finish re watching DS9 and Farscape. So it won't be for a while but I will get there.

        Continuum was OK for the most part. However, given I love time travel stories and for me the last two seasons of SG-1 weren't as satisfying to watch as the first 8, I have to admit to feeling AoT was still the better movie story wise. Continuum was disappointing for.....

        1. No where near enough Jack! However what there was, was well played and approached from an interesting angle.

        2. It was all Cameron Mitchell and more Cameron Mitchell!! As much as I like Ben Browder and he does the best he can as Mitchell I just found the character not really going anywhere development wise for two seasons. Then a whole movie with him as the main focus once again to what I felt was to the detriment of the other members of SG-1 was just too much for me to be honest! At least in AoT it was more balanced. His turn as his salty old sea dog Grandfather just didn't work and only irritated me more because there were two weak Mitchell characters now!

        OK for……


        3. Vala and Ba'al with Daniel's moments saved the movie for me, including the "s**t" moment, he outdid any moment of Jack's in the past ten years there! Now that's saying something from someone who is a real Jack fan! Claudia Black as Quetesh was fantastic, Cliff was as wonderfully smarmy and evil as ever. Daniel trying to encourage his alternate timeline self over the phone to persevere with his work despite the humiliation of being ridiculed for his theories is a great scene, especially when the other Daniel puts the phone down on him thinking he was just another person trying to humiliate him further by just pretending to believe him.


          Originally posted by jelgate View Post
          Will they be in chronlogical order?
          Absolutely brother jelgate (as are all my episode specific questions). I even put a tag above so you will know when the BoBWs: Part II questions start.
          Originally posted by Krisz View Post
          I'll give it a go. Can't miss your wonderful brain bashing quizzes, for me anyway!

          Again I've realised I haven't been here for a while. I seem to have so little time as I readjust to working full time. It seems to be taking ages and I'm so tired when I get home I chill out in front of the tv for a couple of hours.
          Hi ya lady Kris, it's so great to see you on the superior thread again. I know you have been busy with the new full time job (how is it going by the way?), but I am sure glad you you stopped by and will participate in my first dedicated episode specific Trek "Ringer Quiz".

          I still haven't seen Continuium yet So I will hold my judgement. I did read your review (I have already read the spoilers for it) and it sounds like what a lot of other people are saying about it.

          I just finished re-watching B5 about a month ago (well I skipped season 5). Like DS9 it is still a great show that is much better than any current scifi on television (with a slight exception for Dr. Who and Atlantis).
          the Fifth Race

          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


            Originally posted by the Fifth Race View Post
            The 1rst "Trek Ringer Quiz" is on for tomorrow morning. All the questions are about the TNG episode Best of Both Worlds: Part I & II, I will have it posted up for 3 days in case some of you want to view it. The quiz consists of 16 questions (some with multiple parts). This one is rather tough (ie. the "ringer" label) but I hope most of the regular quiz takers give this it a try.
            All right I'm here for da quiz, so where is it!. Just kidding brother Fifth, I know you are still at work for another couple hours.

            I rewatched BoBWs: Parts 1 and 2 last night and even took some notes. The more times I see BoBWs I realize just how much they crammed into 2 hours. Everyone was outstanding in that episode especially Riker (probably his best episode). Picard was on top of his game, Shelby turned out to be a nice surprise while both Data and Dr. Crusher were off the hook good as well.


              Welcome to my 1rst Star Trek "Ringer Quiz". - They will be all about one particular episode that was highlighted in an earlier quiz. In the spot-light is the TNG episode Best of Both Worlds: Part I & II.

              Rules: NO Internet searches ... Be honest and have fun ... NO commenting on someones elses answers until after I post results ... Some answers have multiple choice and some answers are fill-in's ... Leave your answers in a reply with a spoiler tag (hidden) ... I will post up results Wednesday afternoon to give some of our brethren an extra day to take the quiz. Good Luck

              NOTE: Like always -- If I think you are on the right track with your answer or you have it partially correct, It will be acceptable (so give a guess even if you are not quite sure). I will also accept paraphrasing, so you don't have to be completely correct on quotes as well.

              (Best of Both Worlds: Part I)
              1) What is the name of the Planetary Outpost that the Ent. crew was investigating after receiving a distress signal? (the name of the colony or outpost is acceptable, kudos for knowing both) ____ What did they find? ____

              2) Who other than Riker & Shelby sat at the table to play poker in Cmdr. Rikers cabin? (there were 4 others in attendance) ____, ____, ____, ____, Shelby called Riker's bluff on the last hand, what winning hand did Shelby have to beat Riker? ____

              3) What % of damage can a Borg cube sustain and still remain operable? (a close answer is acceptable) ____ How is this accomplished? ____

              4) What initially warded off the Borg tractor beam that was holding Enterprise? ____ After the Borg Cube adapted to Enterprises tactics what worked the second time in warding of the tractor beam? ____

              5) How many Ent. crew members were killed and how many were missing after the first attack from the Borg cube? (approx. # accepted) ____, ____

              6) Cmdr. Shelby lead the first away mission aboard the Borg Cube while Picard was being held hostage, what 3 crew members accompanied her on the away mission? ____, ____, ____

              7) Who's rather brilliant idea was it to try and take out the Borg "Power Wave Guide Conduit" to try and "dissuade" the Borg Cube? ____ What metaphor was used to describe this idea? (paraphrasing is ok) ____

              (Best of Both Worlds: Part II)
              8) Who did Adm. Hansen say had offered and was sending Starships to help protect Wolf 359? ____ Who did he say he was "even opening up communications with"? ____

              9) When Picard was aboard the Borg cube right after he was captured, there was a scene that showed his complexion go from human tone to ugly Borg grayish/green. What feature does the camera focus in on as he Picard becomes Locutus? ____

              10) Who comes to visit Riker in Picards "ready room" right after he takes command of the Enterprise? ____ And what advice does this person offer? ____

              11) What 2 crew members helped to assist Data and Dr. Crusher when Data directly linked with Locutus and the Borg? ____, ____

              12) What command did Riker suggest to Data to give the Borg once he was linked up with the collective through Locutus? ____

              13) What order did Riker giver Wesley when it seemed imminent that the Borg were going to destroy or board Enterprise? ____

              14) What did Riker tell Shelby after she informed him that the Borg Cube's self destruct had been activated? ____

              15) When Riker asked Picard "how much do you remember", What was Picards response? (a 1 word answer will NOT be acceptable on this one) ____
              the Fifth Race

              Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                • New Providence
                • a crater where the town square use to be
                • La Forge, Data, Wesley, and Troi
                • a pair
                • approx 75%
                • when a Borg system fails, another takes over
                • firing at the tractor beam source
                • Data used android speed to be randomly change phaser settings
                • 12
                • 20
                • Worf
                • Data
                • Dr. Crusher
                • Dr. Crusher
                • The mosquito's point of view
                • Klingons
                • Romulans
                9)His eye specfically a tear going down his face
                • Guniam
                • To let go of Picard
                • Chief O'Brien
                • Troi
                12) I am completely stumped
                13) Ram the Borg ship
                14) Return to the Enterprise
                15)Everything including a rather unorthdox strategy by my former 1st officer
                I think I studied too hard. I knew almost every answer.
                Originally posted by aretood2
                Jelgate is right


                  1) Juray 4 or New Providence
                  2) Troi - Data - Wesley - Geordi - ?
                  3) 78% - Back up generators
                  4) Modulate shields - Randon setting changes
                  5) 11 killed - 8 missing
                  6) Data - Crusher - ?
                  7) Crusher - Something about stinging and a "Mosquito's point of view"
                  8) Klingons - Romulans
                  9) A tear in his right eye (great scene)
                  10) Guinan - Let Picard go and talk to the crew
                  11) O'Brien - Troi
                  12) Im paraphrasing "Something straight forward, like disarm"
                  13) Warp speed right into the Borg Cube (I love the look on Wesleys face after Riker gives him the order)
                  14) "Let it happen"
                  15) Everything and then something about Rikers strategy being unorthodox.

                  What an awesome quiz brother Fifth. I sure hope you continue these episode specific quizzes in the future.


                    I think I just lost shields...

                    1a: New Providence?
                    1b: The town had been scooped out of the ground, leaving nothing but a crater.
                    2a: Worf
                    2b: Troi
                    2c: Dr. Crusher
                    2d: La Forge
                    2e: 2 pair?
                    3a: about 75%
                    3b: The cube has very redundant systems
                    4a: A phaser with randomly modulated frequencies fired at the tractor beam emitter.
                    4b: New shield modulation?
                    5a: 5?
                    5b: 10?
                    6a: Dr. Crusher
                    6b: Data
                    6c: Worf
                    7a: Data
                    7b: Throwing a wrench into the machinery?
                    8a: Klingons
                    8b: Romulans
                    9: A tear from Picard
                    10a: Guinan?
                    10b: Picard is gone, you must get used to being the Captain?
                    11a: La Forge?
                    11b: O'Brien?
                    12: Stand down?
                    13: Prepare to ram the cube?
                    14: Uhhhhh... C?
                    15: not much?

                    My Fanfic


                      No. If I had time to watch the episodes first, then maybe. But I don't, so I'm not even gonna try this quiz.

                      "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                      The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                      Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3


                        Come on! I'm rewatching part 2 tonight before I take the quiz tomorrow! You... Can... Dooooooooo Iiiiiiiiiiiit!
                        More fun @ Spoofgate!


                          1. New Providence, the whole colony was wiped out
                          2. Wesley, Geordi, Deanna, Data, Two Pair
                          3. 78%, the cube can run on minimal systems.
                          4. Shield modulation, firing at it random phaser shots at different frequencies
                          5. 11 dead, 7-8 injured
                          6.Worf, Data, and Dr. Crusher
                          7. Dr. Crusher, look at it from the mosquito's point of view, sting them in a tender spot so they stop and scratch themselves.
                          8. Klingons, Romulans
                          9. A tear (one of the most touching scenes in all of Star Trek)
                          10. Guinan, she says to let go of Picard
                          11. Deanna and Chief O'Brien
                          12. Deactivate their weapons?
                          13. Set a collision course with the Borg Cube
                          14. Standby
                          15. "Everything, including a brilliantly unorthodox strategy from a former first officer of mine"

                          I think I did much better on this quiz than any other one before, probably because I saw the episode last night
                          Folding@Home|Babylon 5 Canon Guide

                          Delenn: This is Ambassador Delenn of the Minbari. Babylon 5 is under our protection. Withdraw,...or be destroyed.
                          Earth Captain: Negative. We have authority here. Do not force us to engage your ship.
                          Delenn: Why not? Only one human captain has ever survived battle with a Minbari fleet. He is behind me. You are in front of me. If you value your lives, be somewhere else.
                          --Babylon 5 - "Severed Dreams"


                            Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                            Come on! I'm rewatching part 2 tonight before I take the quiz tomorrow! You... Can... Dooooooooo Iiiiiiiiiiiit!
                            No seriously, I'm working on a project (web based student management system) for a client of mine, and it's literary taking up all of my time. There's no way I can watch both episodes

                            "We're grown-ups now and it's our turn to decide what that means." - xkcd
                            The Church of Mappothism | My YouTube Videos (mostly Farscape music videos)

                            Starburst 1.1 1.2 1.3 | 2.1 2.2 2.3 | 3.1 3.2 3.3 | 4.1 4.2 4.3



                              1) _________; A giant crater. The colony had been ripped away.
                              2) Worf, Geordie, Beverly, Deanna; 2 pair
                              3) 78%; by firing a high energy terahertz frequency blast from the main deflector
                              4) Remodulating the shields rapidly; They remodulated their phasers to higher frequencies
                              5) 5, 10
                              6) Data, Worf, Dr. Crusher
                              7) Dr. Crusher's (or at least she noticed them first); A mosquito biting a man
                              8) Klingons; Romulans
                              9) His eye
                              10) Ginane (whoa, how do you spell that?); Not to think or act like Picard, cause the Borg know everything he knows, and they will be ready for those actions
                              11) Chief O'Brien, Deanna
                              12) Power down their weapons
                              13) "Prepare for RAMMING SPEED!" (ok, that was technically Worf in FC, but I liked it hehe). Riker told Wesley to set course for the cube, warp nine. And he got halfway through engage before Data stopped him.
                              14) To return to the ship
                              15) I remember... ... ... ... everything

                              Well, I had to guess on many of those. Good quiz though.


                                Everyone is doing great on the quiz so far, you make me proud!.

                                I just wanted to pass along that I am leaving this one up until Wednesday which is when I will post results and the answer sheet.
                                the Fifth Race

                                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom

