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Deep Space 9 Superior

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    Sigh...please excuse me.

    I tried to read through all the previous pages...see everybody's comments and reply to some before I join into the current conversation but Gateworld keeps on throwing me out.

    So...I'm going to be rude and just join in now.

    So...what's the current topic??


      Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
      And I should add, Neelix would say the same, or at that particular moment, "Ack Ack *gasp* Ack.."

      I LOATHE "The Phage"....."ack, ack" to that episode.


        Originally posted by Trek_Girl42

        I LOATHE "The Phage"....."ack, ack" to that episode.
        Ah but you see, that's why I liked "The Phage."

        Originally posted by NG.1
        Sigh...please excuse me.

        I tried to read through all the previous pages...see everybody's comments and reply to some before I join into the current conversation but Gateworld keeps on throwing me out.

        So...I'm going to be rude and just join in now.

        So...what's the current topic??
        The current topic is anything and everything about DS9. But we are reviewing episodes from season 4. As Fifth Race said, you can add your own choice of episodes to the review or comment on the episodes you like/dislike.
        "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


          This is going to sound like a really, really stupid question in this thread , but what's the Dominion War? (I just want to know who it's between, no major spoilers, which is why I'm not searching up an article on


            The Dominion are a major galactic political power from the Gamma Quadrant, from which there is a shortcut via the Bajoran Wormhole. Their main principle is control, and they enforce that control with the Jem'Hadar.

            The war itself was between the Dominion and nearly all of the main political powers in the Alpha Quadrant. The Dominion had a few allies from our side of the galaxy, but I won't go into detail.
            "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


              Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
              The Dominion are a major galactic political power from the Gamma Quadrant, from which there is a shortcut via the Bajoran Wormhole. Their main principle is control, and they enforce that control with the Jem'Hadar.

              The war itself was between the Dominion and nearly all of the main political powers in the Alpha Quadrant. The Dominion had a few allies from our side of the galaxy, but I won't go into detail.
              Sounds interesting. What's a "Jem'Hadar"?


                Okay, to put it simply, the Jem'Hadar are the Dominion's foot soldiers.
                "Captain, you almost make me believe in luck."


                  Originally posted by Missster.Freeman
                  Okay, to put it simply, the Jem'Hadar are the Dominion's foot soldiers.
                  Ah, I just made a Teal'c-ism..... "What is an Oprah?"


                    Many thanks to geekywraith for the wonderful sig


                      Please keep in mind that I haven't watched these episodes for a few years (I know, shame on me! But I got caught up with the Stargate obsession..) so I might not remember all the plot details..

                      The Way of the Warrior (parts I & II
                      I remember a discussion I partook a while back at the trekbbs board that raised the question of if Worf's involvement was necessary to DS9 at all. Some made a very good point that TPTB jumped the gun in introducing Worf as a regular; DS9 was just hitting its stride (like someone else pointed out here) and the ratings were picking up. They were finding their own identity and, instead, they brought someone over from TNG. Some felt that DS9 didn't need Worf. I'm not saying that I dislike Worf (and lets face it, some of those very same political plots I love involved the Klingons a lot) but I'm with the camp that would have liked to see where DS9 would have gone without him. I must say that I didn't enjoy the Klingon-centric episodes (besides the ones relevant to the overall plot -mainly, the Dominion). I am not a fan of the Jadzia/Worf relationship either. I am just one of those who find romantic relationships less than interesting, if not outright annoying. The only one I could abide is the Kira/Odo one, which my previous post explains why.

                      The Visitor
                      I can NOT say enough about this episode! This is one of the very very few tv episode (of any genre) that made me tear. Every time. One of the best stand-alone ever done.. This should be the template for what an emotionally driven episode should be about: love, lost, hope, and what one would give up.. Of course, by love I don't mean just romantic love I wish they had done something like this for Daniel and Jack's friendship. Maybe it's not too late as RDA's coming back for a few eps, but it's doubtful since they HAD 8 years to do it but didn't. One of the few marks SG misses; they never really go the distance. When I was watching Arthur's Mantle I recognized Tony Todd because of this ep (I wasn't really paying attention during Babylon..)

                      Hippocratic Oath
                      I LOVED the opening for this.. O'Brien trying to explain why he wanted his wife to be more like Bashir. It had me rolling.. then it all got serious. One of the reasons I listed for liking Bashir was for his moral sense. This episode really demonstrated it; he was a doctor and he was going to help these people when he saw they really wanted to break their addiction. It didn't matter that they were the enemies, they were people who needed help. O'Brien DID have a good point though. They were captured and faced a very real possibility of death at their hands. They should actually try to escape instead of sticking around helping a people who wanted them dead. I found myself sympathizing with both point of views. No happy endings, even! So few shows ever end an episode without a happy resolution. Another reason why I love DS9.

                      Starship Down
                      I'm glad to see a more personal side to Kira and her showing more emotions, but I have to say I find Quark's situation a lot more interesting, and more fun. Also glad to see Bashir moving on from his puppy dog love of Jadzia (though I understand he never really actually got over her.. I hate ship! hate hate hate) and their frank discussion of the crush and his moving on and we can finally settle for a nice friendship (until Ezri anyway grr). Nice play between O'Brien and Worf, and Worf taking in O'Brien's hints on managing the engineers. Though as a high ranking officer who had been with the fleet for so many years, he'd have developed some leadership skills that involved in reading the people he commands and how to use their personalities to their full potentials...

                      Little Green Men
                      Ahhh.. another comedy. This one was really well done, especially compared to the other Ferengi comedies. Some of the best lines were making fun of the human race.. one of my favorite being: "They irradiated their own planet?" Oh, and a nice bit of continuity with Sisko looking like Gabriel Bell.

                      The Sword of Kahless
                      I have to say this is one of the Klingon episodes that I was talking about. Did not find it interesting at all. I guess Klingon episodes, like the Jaffa episodes, just turns me off. And another thing.. transporting the sword into space.. that was a priceless artifact! Space is HUGE! No one will ever find it again! Couldn't they have planted it on another planet and leave vague clues to its whereabouts so ONE DAY their people might find it again? Like they've found it this time? They just lost the most important symbol of their heritage there.

                      A very good conspiracy filled episode! While watching this I really thought it was The Changelings gaining a foothold on Earth. Of course we learn later that that wasn't the case, but it was a very real threat nonetheless.. and while facing it, Sisko learned fear can motivate people to do a lot of things; including himself. I like the scene where he was confronting his own father, he was getting so paranoid, like a lot of other people. I don't remember anyone else beside Sisko and Odo.. was there a B-plot involving the other casts?

                      I only mention this episode because we were introduced to Ziyal! I liked her despite yet another ship made because of her. And we got to see a more 'human' side to Dukat. He made such a great villain for me because I was *beginning* to like him, because of this episode and a few others that follow that showed his character more in the grey area than black. I like my Nemesis who may be evil but have different shades to their character. Then he turned insane and went back to absolute evil. He was still fun as a villain, but I think I will always like the Dukat who was a father figure for Ziyal more.

                      Our Man Bashir
                      A fun romp in the holosuite! I loved seeing Garek tacking along with Bashir as they tried to save the world.. and all in good fun with a side of danger. Loved loved loved when Bashir shot Garek and said his aim was off, as we all later learned that that wasn't possible.. though perhaps the writers at the time hadn't thought of that direction for Bashir yet. I adored Kira's accent. Garek was so lost even though the story they were in was an espionage. They had to play by Bashir's rules in 20th century Earth. And we learned a bit more about Garek toward the end.. though who knows, maybe he was lying then, too.

                      I hope the post wasn't too long...
                      Last edited by nyxlily; 12 April 2006, 12:17 AM.


                        Originally posted by NG.1
                        That is what drew me to DS9 - the darkness.
                        DS9 did get dark especially after season IV, I loved it as well, it was so different than the norm compared to all other Trek. I have read more than a few interviews with Braga about how he wanted to "make DS9 darker" and "different" than previous forays into ST storylines. DS9 and Voyager for that matter were vastly different and still remain so (TV series or movie wise) comparatively speaking.

                        Originally posted by NG.1
                        Mine is as follows:

                        1. DS9
                        2. TNG
                        3. TOS
                        4. Voyager
                        5. Enterprise
                        DS9 and TNG were a cut above, I like your list of favorites NG.1!

                        Originally posted by NG.1
                        Sigh.....please excuse me. So, what's the current topic?
                        Anything Star Trek you want to discuss my friend!, sure we love our DS9 on this thread but we are all die-hard Trek fans and we regulary discuss anything Trek from any TV series to any Trek movies!.
                        Last edited by the Fifth Race; 12 April 2006, 03:38 AM.
                        the Fifth Race

                        Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                          This is going to sound like a really, really stupid question in this thread , but what's the Dominion War? (I just want to know who it's between, no major spoilers, which is why I'm not searching up an article on
                          No stupid questions here sister Trek_Girl!, brother MF briefly described it oh so well.

                          The Dominion war angle that DS9 took on from basically seasons 5, 6 and 7 were IMHO the very best Trek ever, including movies or TV shows!.

                          If you do not have access to renting copies of DVD box sets of DS9 I would gladly loan you mine for as long as you need to watch them. I have some out on loan to fellow Trek fans I have met on GW and this wonderful thread. I will ship them to you with a return address form so all you have to do is re-tape the box up and send it back via UPS when done. I will gladly do this for you are any of my fellow Trek brethren here

                          How much of DS9 have you seen Trek_Girl?.

                          Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                          I LOATHE "the Phage"......"ack, ack" to that episode
                          The whole phage angle was rather disturbing but very well written, the Vidiians were one creppy as hell race!.
                          Last edited by the Fifth Race; 12 April 2006, 03:33 AM.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            The Way of the Warrior (parts I & II
                            I remember a discussion I partook a while back at the trekbbs board that raised the question of if Worf's involvement was necessary to DS9 at all. Some made a very good point that TPTB jumped the gun in introducing Worf as a regular; DS9 was just hitting its stride (like someone else pointed out here) and the ratings were picking up. They were finding their own identity and, instead, they brought someone over from TNG. Some felt that DS9 didn't need Worf. I'm not saying that I dislike Worf (and lets face it, some of those very same political plots I love involved the Klingon's a lot) but I'm with the camp that would have liked to see where DS9 would have gone without him. I must say that I didn't enjoy the Klingon-centric episodes (besides the ones relevant to the overall plot -mainly, the Dominion). I am not a fan of the Jadzia/Worf relationship either. I am just one of those who find romantic relationships less than interesting, if not outright annoying. The only one I could abide is the Kira/Odo one, which my previous post explains why.
                            I believe they brought over Worf to boost ratings and to add familiarity to DS9 and I was a little miffed they did so (thought Data would have been better). But after the direction DS9 took with the whole Klingon joining the Federation alliance not to mention the whole Gowron/Martok/Worf angle, It became obvious why Worf was the man. I grew to like Worf's character on DS9, he had a lot more episodes dedicated to him and a lot more dialogue than he did on TNG. Jadzia was a fantastic character and I did also enjoy Ezri as well.

                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            The Visitor
                            I can NOT say enough about this episode! This is one of the very very few TV episode (of any genre) that made me tear. Every time. One of the best stand-alone ever done.. This should be the template for what an emotionally driven episode should be about: love, lost, hope, and what one would give up.. Of course, by love I don't mean just romantic love I wish they had done something like this for Daniel and Jack's friendship. Maybe it's not too late as RDA's coming back for a few eps, but it's doubtful since they HAD 8 years to do it but didn't. One of the few marks SG misses; they never really go the distance. When I was watching Arthur's Mantle I recognized Tony Todd because of this ep (I wasn't really paying attention during Babylon..)
                            I wholeheartedly agree as I stated earlier on this thread. Just a brilliant and touching episode!.
                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            Hippocratic Oath
                            I LOVED the opening for this.. O'Brien trying to explain why he wanted his wife to be more like Bashir. It had me rolling.. then it all got serious. One of the reasons I listed for liking Bashir was for his moral sense. This episode really demonstrated it; he was a doctor and he was going to help these people when he saw they really wanted to break their addiction. It didn't matter that they were the enemies, they were people who needed help. O'Brien DID have a good point though. They were captured and faced a very real possibility of death at their hands. They should actually try to escape instead of sticking around helping a people who wanted them dead. I found myself sympathizing with both point of views. No happy endings, even! So few shows ever end an episode without a happy resolution. Another reason why I love DS9.
                            What is it with Federation Dr's.?, they will treat anyone no matter who they are who is at risk In this episode the friendship between Bashir and O'Brien really showed how deep it was. They not only played of each other so darn well, but they also learned from each other and adopted each others character traits, which is what best friends do in real life. Great stuff!.
                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            Starship Down
                            I'm glad to see a more personal side to Kira and her showing more emotions, but I have to say I find Quark's situation a lot more interesting, and more fun. Also glad to see Bashir moving on from his puppy dog love of Jadzia (though I understand he never really actually got over her.. I hate ship! hate hate hate) and their frank discussion of the crush and his moving on and we can finally settle for a nice friendship (until Ezri anyway grr). Nice play between O'Brien and Worf, and Worf taking in O'Brien's hints on managing the engineers. Though as a high ranking officer who had been with the fleet for so many years, he'd have developed some leadership skills that involved in reading the people he commands and how to use their personalities to their full potentials...
                            Some of the funniest and best moments from DS9 involve Kira and Quark interacting, good call nyxlily!. This was a revealing episode min a few ways.
                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            Little Green Men
                            Ahhh.. another comedy. This one was really well done, especially compared to the other Ferengi comedies. Some of the best lines were making fun of the human race.. one of my favorite being: "They irradiated their own planet?" Oh, and a nice bit of continuity with Sisko looking like Gabriel Bell.
                            This one of those forgotten stand alones that used time travel well. I definitely laughed my butt off all through this great episode.
                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            The Sword of Kahless
                            I have to say this is one of the Klingon episodes that I was talking about. Did not find it interesting at all. I guess Klingon episodes, like the Jaffa episodes, just turns me off. And another thing.. transporting the sword into space.. that was a priceless artifact! Space is HUGE! No one will ever find it again! Couldn't they have planted it on another planet and leave vague clues to its whereabouts so ONE DAY their people might find it again? Like they've found it this time? They just lost the most important symbol of their heritage there.
                            One of the reasons I enjoyed this episode was the Klingon history lesson we got from it. Otherwise it rather forgettable, I will give you that.
                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            A very good conspiracy filled episode! While watching this I really thought it was The Changelings gaining a foothold on Earth. Of course we learn later that that wasn't the case, but it was a very real threat nonetheless.. and while facing it, Sisko learned fear can motivate people to do a lot of things; including himself. I like the scene where he was confronting his own father, he was getting so paranoid, like a lot of other people. I don't remember anyone else beside Sisko and Odo.. was there a B-plot involving the other casts?
                            You could see where Sisko got his stubbornness from while dealing with his father. This was also the episode where you realized just how big a threat the Dominion was and potentially could be!.
                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            I only mention this episode because we were introduced to Ziyal! I liked her despite yet another ship made because of her. And we got to see a more 'human' side to Dukat. He made such a great villain for me because I was *beginning* to like him, because of this episode and a few others that follow that showed his character more in the grey area than black. I like my Nemesis who may be evil but have different shades to their character. Then he turned insane and went back to absolute evil. He was still fun as a villain, but I think I will always like the Dukat who was a father figure for Ziyal more.
                            Ziyal was a great character if for nothing else she brought out a different and softer side to Garek.
                            Originally posted by nyxlily
                            Our Man Bashir
                            A fun romp in the holosuite! I loved seeing Garek tacking along with Bashir as they tried to save the world.. and all in good fun with a side of danger. Loved loved loved when Bashir shot Garek and said his aim was off, as we all later learned that that wasn't possible.. though perhaps the writers at the time hadn't thought of that direction for Bashir yet. I adored Kira's accent. Garek was so lost even though the story they were in was an espionage. They had to play by Bashir's rules in 20th century Earth. And we learned a bit more about Garek toward the end.. though who knows, maybe he was lying then, too.
                            "A fun romp" describes it perfectly nyxlily!

                            Great post nyxlily!.
                            the Fifth Race

                            Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                              Originally posted by the Fifth Race
                              No stupid questions here sister Trek_Girl!, brother MF briefly described it oh so well.

                              The Dominion war angle that DS9 took on from basically seasons 5, 6 and 7 were IMHO the very best Trek ever, including movies or TV shows!.

                              If you do not have access to renting copies of DVD box sets of DS9 I would gladly loan you mine for as long as you need to watch them. I have some out on loan to fellow Trek fans I have met on GW and this wonderful thread. I will ship them to you with a return address form so all you have to do is re-tape the box up and send it back via UPS when done. I will gladly do this for you are any of my fellow Trek brethren here

                              How much of DS9 have you seen Trek_Girl?.
                              I've got access to them, and can rent them very cheap. Just can't find the time to get around to it. I've seen fourteen episodes, about half of those from season one (I suspect most of the ones I've seen are of the weaker kind), and I've got one more in my Time Travel Collective to watch.


                                Originally posted by Trek_Girl42
                                I've got access to them, and can rent them very cheap. Just can't find the time to get around to it. I've seen fourteen episodes, about half of those from season one (I suspect most of the ones I've seen are of the weaker kind), and I've got one more in my Time Travel Collective to watch.
                                The whole Dominion war angle didn't really start till season 5 and was in full gear throughout seasons 6 and 7. Those seasons were when DS9 really shined!. I mean I loved all the seasons but as far as action and a great continuing storyline you cannot beat the later seasons.

                                If your time is limited and dedicating your TV watching time to 7 full seasons is a little much, start watching from season 5 on. I think that will give you the best chance to see just how great DS9 was and is.
                                the Fifth Race

                                Mod@ www.MMAforumcom

