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    DS9 Season III Episode Discussion
    Episode #58 Life Support

    Though most will simply remember this as the episode in which the writers kill off Vedek Bareil, there's more to look at. What could have been a maudlin melodrama is instead a sincere story about one man's sacrifice and Bashir's moral dilemma to keep him artificially alive. The reasons, however, behind Bareil's deletion from the recurring character list is a ponderous issue.

    When Bareil and Kai Winn make an unannounced shuttle trip to DS9 to finalize a peace treaty with the Cardassians, an accident seriously injures Bareil, who dies on the operating table. Fortunately (i.e., medical technobabble), some residual radiation manages to preserve him long enough for Bashir to perform a miracle and bring him back.

    It is not, however, that simple. Bareil has suffered permanent damage due to the radiation, and Bashir wants to put him in indefinite stasis in hope of a cure that could be years down the road. Bareil feels compelled to be sure the negotiations go through as planned, and Winn says she can not finish the talks without him. Bareil demands another option from Bashir, who reluctantly offers an experimental drug as a dangerous alternative. The drug has been known to cause chemical poisoning of the brain and other vital organs, but it may be able to keep Bareil healthy enough--and alive long enough--to finish the negotiations. Bareil presses on, enduring an increasing amount of pain with each succeeding scene, as the drug slowly destroys his body.

    It's the classic example of the man willing to die for his cause. The noble Bareil is completely aware that going through with the treatments will likely kill him but accepts it as the price to pay for peace with the Cardassians.

    But "Life Support" also works on the level involving Bashir's dilemma. He has to perform these experimental medical procedures at Bareil's request. The drug takes its toll on Bareil, and his major organs begin to break down, forcing Bashir to replace them with artificial implants. This leads him to appeal a plea to Winn, hoping she will take over the talks and allow Bareil to rest with a chance of surviving.

    It's the best vehicle in season III for Bashir as a doctor; we get to see him in action playing for a single motive--his patient's welfare. The episode sports his first outing doing real operating room surgery. Plenty of effective interaction with Winn and Kira, the interested parties in Bareil's condition, gives the episode good substance.

    I give it a 7.0 rating
    The USS Defiant Rocks!


      Happy Birthday to the lovely and talented Kris.

      I hope your wonderful husband takes you out for some fun tonight.
      the Fifth Race

      Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


        Happy Birthday, Krisz!


          Happy Birthday Kris. A little B-Day song for you .....


            Happy birthday Krisz.

            And Matt Damon, Mark Walberg, same actor. Donnie Walberg is a much better actor.


              Happy Birthday Krisz!


                Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!

                Weyoun, loved the birthday song! Really got me groovin' man!

                Brought back memories of my youth!! LOL! I was ten when that came out!


                  Originally posted by Krisz View Post
                  Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes!

                  Weyoun, loved the birthday song! Really got me groovin' man!

                  Brought back memories of my youth!! LOL! I was ten when that came out!
                  Today is your Brithday nanananana, Happy Birthday to ya, nananana .... I love that Beetle's song!, it got me rocking out this morning as well.

                  Happy Birthday to lovely Kris. Go out and have some fun.
                  Originally posted by Lieutenant Colonel Davis View Post
                  Matt Damon, Mark Walberg, same actor. Donnie Walberg is a much better actor.
                  LOL, how true. And I agree brother Davis, Donnie is the better actor of the Wahlberg brothers.


                    Krisz, enjoy the day!

                    Speaking of enjoyment, I enjoyed Life Support! Where do life and personality end? After how many organ-machine transplants does a man with machine components become a machine with organic components?

                    I always suspectd that Winn had a hand in Bareil's death, but...

                    Poor Kira. The final scene was so touching, I'm glad she let him go.

                    I honestly do not remember the Nog/Jake subplot. Nor do I think I want to. From what I've read about it, it completely doesn't fit with the tone of the episode, as the producers admitted. I appreciate when TPTB admit they've made mistakes.

                    Last edited by nx01a; 16 June 2008, 10:36 AM.
                    More fun @ Spoofgate!


                      Originally posted by nx01a View Post
                      Krisz, enjoy the day!

                      Speaking of enjoyment, I enjoyed Life Support! Where do life and personality end? After how many organ-machine transplants does a man with machine components become a machine with organic components?

                      I always suspectd that Winn had a hand in his death, but...

                      Poor Kira.

                      I thought 'Life Support' was an excellent episode too. One of those that work on many levels. I especially loved the way the contrasting characters of Kai Winn and Bareil as Bajoran religious people are sharply brought into focus here. On one side you have the false self serving earnestness of Kai Winn using the 'for the good of Bajor' line as a means of making herself look good at the cost of another. On the other we have Bareil who really believes in 'for the good of Bajor' in the purest selfless way. He gives up his life.

                      The ethical dilemma of what constitutes 'life' is really explored here. It had overtones of 'Dr Frankenstein' in it, Bashir was creating another man in a way as we didn't know how much of Bareil was left towards the end. It was horrifying to see Bareil degenerate and feel the 'pain' of Bashir as he went against everything that felt was right to do this.

                      Kai Winn's selfishness came out in the form of a subtle indifference to Bareil's fate and this way she is being set up more and more as the one we love to hate. A wonderfully written and played character!


                        Originally posted by Starbase View Post
                        I wholeheartedly agree Lady Rac. I may not have agreed with Heston's political views but come on, that's a poor excuse. The guy has made some truly great movies, including epics, westerns, war, and even a handful of great scifi flicks including the Planet of the Apes, The Omega Man and Soylent Green to name a few. Those were all very good and very creepy movies.
                        Well said Kris, remakes are never as good as the original and are usually crap all together. They remade both Heston movies, - the Planet of the Apes and The Omega Man (both fell way short of the originals) and now I hear they are remaking his other great scifi movie Soylent Green.
                        I think this may be the reason that superhero movies are enjoying such a renaissance...think about it..all the elements are in place...good, interesting characters, good and abundant story lines, great villans...

                        Spiderman proved that with a good story and good character development, this medium can succeed..the original Superman was good in a popcorn movie way..but looking back, there is not a lot of substance there...they tried again with Superman Returns..but until much later in the comic book series, Superman was just not that interesting...

                        Batman on the otherhand had human weaknesses and failings from the beginning..and got darker as the comics progressed...

                        Spiderman introduced with concept where superhero powers were a hindrance despite the advantages...and Sam Raimi was birlliant in including that very important aspect in the films.


                          Originally posted by flyerdog View Post
                          I think this may be the reason that superhero movies are enjoying such a renaissance...think about it..all the elements are in place...good, interesting characters, good and abundant story lines, great villans...
                          I agree. I throughly enjoyed Iron Man and I am looking forward to going to see The Hulk next week. Iron Man was much better than I was expecting, I knew Robert Downey Jr. was going to be great but the movie itself surprised me with a less cartoonish and a more tech savvy version of a Marvel movie. IMO it's the best Marvel flick since X-Men II. I understand The Hulk went the same route with a more "adult" storyline, and you can't go wrong with Ed Norton as well.
                          Originally posted by flyerdog
                          Spiderman proved that with a good story and good character development, this medium can succeed..the original Superman was good in a popcorn movie way..but looking back, there is not a lot of substance there...they tried again with Superman Returns..but until much later in the comic book series, Superman was just not that interesting...

                          Spiderman introduced with concept where superhero powers were a hindrance despite the advantages...and Sam Raimi was birlliant in including that very important aspect in the films.
                          Again I completely agree. Raimi is brilliant, Evil Dead, Evil Dead II and Army of Darkness are 3 of my all-time favorite horror/dark humor movies of all-time.

                          The way Raimi portrayed Spiderman was the way I envisioned Spiderman to be from reading the comics. He didn't pull any punches by trying to fluff him up, so to speak. Spiderman will forever be da man/spidaman*.

                          I was hoping we were going to get Wolverine: The Movie this year, but like Star Trek XI, not until 2009.
                          the Fifth Race

                          Mod@ www.MMAforumcom


                            I would give Life Support a lot higher than 6.0, but I'm a sucker for ethics episode. I loved the conflict you can see Bashir goes through. His Hippocratic (It still exists in the 24th century) oath tells him one thing while his patient. tells him to do another. What code of medical ethics is higher? Doing no harm or not following your patients wishes.
                            Last edited by jelgate; 16 June 2008, 01:14 PM.
                            Originally posted by aretood2
                            Jelgate is right


                              I'm back! It's been a long school year but I'm getting through it. Going to take classes in the summer but it's not going to be near what is normal, and more relaxed. So Hi!


                                I am a "classic" movies fan. Favorite all time movie is "Some like it hot!" followed closely by Casablanca. I remember the original Superman in the movie theaters (I was in high school at the time) the ad was "you will believe a man can fly" and like the Star Wars movies, it was awe-inspiring. In later years I saw Christopher Reeve as a wife-beater in a tv movie... that man was a great actor! ( Philosophical discussion point: isn't that the signature of a great actor... can shine no matter the script? )
                                I like Matt Damon (loved good will hunting & the bourne movies.) not too fond of either walberg brother... but hey they are southies so must give them "props" (or your throat will get sliced... boston southies are nasty guys ) I just admit to missing bogey & bacall, cary grant, fred & ginger, Hepburn & tracy, bette davis, etc.... oh that was hollywoods golden age. So much of what passes for an "oscar nominated" movie these days is garbage that wouldn't even have been considered a "B" movie in the 40's!

